What is the Psi Chi Mentorship Program About?!! The sole purpose of this Mentoring program is to provide Mentees with a reliable source for their everyday questions. Mentors: If choosing to be a Mentor you should be an eager and dependable contact for the Mentee. We want each Mentee to feel comfortable contacting their Mentor. Although we will provide all the information necessary to correspond technologically speaking, we strongly encourage that the Mentor/Mentee pair meet up in person at least once per semester. Mentees: Anyone who wants a reliable contact to go to for psychology related questions. Make new friends and be able to get to know the psychology department at FSU and what we have to offer. Psi Chi Mentoring Application Spring 2015 Contact Information Name Year in School Are you a Transfer Student? Interested in becoming a Mentor? (See above for description) If Mentor, how many Mentees would you like to work with? Interested in becoming a Mentee? (See above for description) *FSU E-Mail Address Cell Phone Number Have you Participated in the Mentorship Program before? If yes, as a Mentor or Mentee? Availability Will you be able to make it to Wednesday 6:30pm Meetings? Yes ___ No ____ Will you be able to make it to Thursday 6:30pm Meetings? Yes ___ No ___ If these times do not work for you will you be able to meet with your Mentor/Mentee outside of these hours and/or over communication devices (ex. Facebook, Phone, Text)? Yes ___ No ___ **Keep in mind, meeting arrangements are recommended to be located on campus, if you meet outside of scheduled events. Psychology Interests: To best help us pair you with an appropriate mentor/mentee please answer honestly and thoroughly. Tell us the areas/branches of Psychology you are interested in (Clinical, Social, Industrial Organizational, Cognitive etc.) Also please list any double majors or minors you plan on receiving: Minor(s): Double Major: Interests: Please list any DIS labs you have worked in and/or currently working in. Also include any other organizations and clubs you are involved in here on campus (ex: Greek Life): Please discuss your plans for after graduation (Graduate School, Psy.D., Ph.D., Masters, Year off, etc.) Agreement and Signature By submitting this application, I agree to uphold my Mentor/Mentee relationship with my paired partner. I agree to be available to answer/ask any questions and overall be a dependable source of information and advice. I agree to receive e-mails about events and RSVP on time. Name (printed) Signature Date **This application is due by January 31, 2015. Please turn in by sliding under the Psi Chi Officer door. (Room A107 PDB) If any questions, comments or concerns arise during your Mentoring process, please do not hesitate to contact me! I hope that this program is beneficial to both Mentors and Mentees. The executive board of Psi Chi and myself greatly appreciate your participation. Sincerely, Nicole Reid Mentorship Program Coordinator reid@psy.fsu.edu Communication will mainly be through e-mail and you will get an e-mail from me 3-5 days before an event and you will be asked to RSVP by the deadline. I will also post announcements on our Facebook Page and our Events pages to RSVP too. How to Enter the Psi Chi Mentorship Facebook Page: First you MUST add your FSU email to Facebook Go to Settings in Facebook Edit your Email Accounts Add your FSU email to your e-mails *You do not have to make it the primary it just needs to be listed * Search for “FSU Psi Chi Mentors & Mentees” Ask to join the group!