Week 9 - daniel e gregory

But pain insists upon being
attended to. God whispers to us
in our pleasures, speaks in our
conscience, but shouts in our
pains: it is His megaphone to
rouse a deaf world.
C.S. Lewis
Adversity introduces a man to
He answered and said, Whether he
be a sinner or no, I know not: one
thing I know, that, whereas I was
blind, now I see.
John 9:25 (KJV)
He replied, "Whether he is a sinner or
not, I don't know. One thing I do
know. I was blind but now I see!”
John 9:25 (NIV)
•What is a “normal” reaction on planet earth
towards suffering (what do most think)?
•Have you ever suffered discrimination of some
kind about something you could do nothing about
(color of skin, athletic skills, your parents, etc)?
•Where was the “man born blind” camped out
next to?
•Why were his parents afraid to answer the
•Where is the humor in the story?
Real Prayers. Real Answers.
John 9
I say that trials and tests locate
a person. In other words they
determine where you are
spiritually. They reveal the true
condition of your heart. How you
react under pressure is how the
real you reacts. John Bevere
Life is 10% what happens to
you, and 90% how you respond
to it.
“ . . . Satan has taken advantage of
the weakness of humanity. And he
will still work in the same way.
Whenever one is encompassed with
clouds, perplexed by
circumstances, or afflicted by
poverty or distress, Satan is at hand
to tempt and annoy. He attacks our
weak points of character. He seeks
to shake our confidence in God,
“. . . We are tempted to distrust God,
to question His love. Often the
tempter comes to us as he came to
Christ, arraying before us our
weakness and infirmities. He hopes
to discourage the soul, and to break
our hold on God. Then he is sure of
his prey.”
– pg121, Desire of Ages, pub. 1890
John 9
1. Compare and contrast the video with the
Bible account (similarities / differences)?
2. The portrayal of Caiphus might seem a
little harsh (or “cartoonish”) but how
might it reflect some truth? How was it
perhaps inaccurate?
3. Imagine seeing for the first time.
Describe the sensation. Why would
Jesus send him away from Himself to
Strong’s Concordance Search
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Strong’s Concordance Search
Type the word you’re searching for
Strong’s Concordance Search
The results will display
all results from the
Select the BOOK you
are working from--in
this case the Gospel of
Strong’s Concordance Search
All results from the Gospel of John will be displayed
Find your verse
and “click” on the
number next to
the word you are
searching for
Strong’s Concordance Search
What will be displayed will be the Young’s Concordance information
(the word in Greek)
Below will be insights into the
meaning of that particular
If you click on the book of John now, you will get all instances of this word in
the Gospel of John
Strong’s Concordance Search
Interesting observations . .
Do you notice anything?
Amazing Grace by Victor Wooten
Who was responsible for the man’s blindness?
a) Nobody in particular
b) The man’s sinful life
c) His parent’s life
Where was the blind-man “hanging out” at?
a) Where the beggars lived
b) Near the marketplace
c) Near the church/synagogue
What is the result of his profession of belief in Christ?
a) He is healed
b) He is kicked out of church
c) His parents disown him
The two big advantages I had at
birth were to have been born
wise and to have been born in
Stevie Wonder
Blessings alone do not open our
eyes. Indeed, blessings by
themselves tend to close our
eyes. We do not come to know
Him in the blessing, but in the
Chip Brogden
Amazing Grace by Whitley Phipps
Doctrinal Reflections