Unit 2 * Demand and Unit 3

Unit 2 - Demand
 What is Demand?
 Demand Curve / Demand Schedule
 Law of Demand
 Change in Demand
 Change in Quantity Demanded
 The amount of a good or service that consumers are
able and willing to buy at various possible prices
during a specified period of time.
 Since we have unlimited wants and limited resources we
need to make economic choices to determine what
demand will be.
Demand for one person/family/business/government may not
be the same for all.
 Quantity Demanded – the amount of a good or
service that a consumer is willing and able to purchase
at a specific price.
What happens in a Market?
 Market – the process of freely exchanging goods and
services between buyers and sellers.
 Our demand of goods will help to determine what
products are bought and sold in the market.
 Voluntary Exchange – a transaction in which a buyer
and a seller exercise their economic freedom by
working out their own terms of exchange.
 The problem of what to charge and how much to pay
work themselves out threw this system. Both sides agree
on a price that they are willing to pay and receive for a
Law of Demand
 Economic rule stating that quantity demanded and
price move in opposite directions.
 Quantity Demanded – the amount of a good or service
that a consumer is willing and able to purchase at a
specific price.
 As price goes up…quantity demanded goes down!!
We tend to buy less of a product when it is not on sale, or the
price goes up
 Examples?
 As price goes down…quantity demanded goes up!!
We always purchase more of a product when it is on sale or the
price drops. (I get two when a product is marked down to buy
one get one free)
 Examples?
Effects of Changes in price on
 Real income effect – economic rule stating that
individuals cannot keep buying the same quantity of a
product if its price rises while their income stays the
 What will the individual need to do to account for the
 Substitution effect – economic rule stating that if two
items satisfy the same need and the price of one rises,
people will buy more of the other.
Utility – The ability of a good or
service to satisfy consumer wants
 Marginal utility – additional amount of satisfaction
 Diminishing Marginal utility – rule stating that the
additional satisfaction a consumer gets from
purchasing one more unit of a product will lessen with
each additional unit purchased.
“Close you eyes and imagine you are walking through the
dessert with no water…”
Graphing Demand
 Demand Schedule – table showing quantities
demanded at different possible prices.
Price per DVD
Quantity Demanded
Graphing Demand
 Demand Curve – downward sloping line that shows in
graph form the quantities demanded at each
possible price.
 Draw out the demand curve for the previous demand
Talk about the movement of the curve as price changes!!
What determines demand?
 Changes in Population in need to buy and sell goods or
services will also change.
 Changes in Income cause changes in the amount of
money people are willing to spend, which directly
relates to how much of a product they will purchase.
 Changes in Taste and Preferences have a huge
influence on demand!
 If a product is not “in style” it will likely not be sold
widely or at a very high price, but an extremely new or
popular item would be.
What Determined Demand?
 Substitutions
 Products that can be used in place of one another.
Butter or Margarine
 Complementary goods
 Products that need to be, or often are, used with another
DVD and DVD player
Camera and memory cards
 Study the graphs on pg. 180-181 to see what happens to
demand when these changes occur!!
Elasticity of Demand
 Elasticity – economic concept that deals with
consumers responsiveness to an increase or decrease
in the price of a product.
 Generally speaking… when the price of a product goes up
consumers purchase less of that product, and when the
price goes down we purchase more.
 This is the case for many products, but can you think of
any products that don’t have elasticity?
When a price change occurs, it has little or no impact on the
amount of that product that you would be willing or need to
Inelastic V. Elastic Demand
 Inelastic demand – price change has little impact on
the quantity demanded by consumers.
 Usually these are goods that have few or no substitutes
or are necessities.
 Elastic demand – when a rise or fall in the price of a
product’s price greatly impacts the amount of that
product that people are willing to buy.
 Usually these are luxury items that have many
Inelastic V. Elastic Demand
Items with Inelastic
Items with Elastic Demand
 Flour
 Snacks
 Sugar
 Entertainment
 Milk
 Clothing
 Eggs
 What else?
 Medicine
 Can a product be elastic for
 Gas
 Utilities
 What else?
one person and inelastic for
 What do you think?
What factors determine
 Existence of substitutes that can be used in place of that
item if a change in price occurs.
 Percentage of a person’s budget that is devoted to
purchasing that item.
 Large budget items tend to have more elasticity because
they have a greater impact on your budget.
 The time that consumers are given to adjust to the
change in price.
 The more time we have to adjust to price changes… the
greater the elasticity of demand.
We can adjust our behavior to change with prices over time
Unit 3 - Supply
 The amount of a good or service that producers are
willing and able to sell at various prices during a
specified period of time.
 Quantity Supplied – the amount of a good or service
that a producer is willing and able to supply at a
specific price.
Law of Supply
 Economic rule stating that price and quantity supplied
move in the same direction.
 As price goes up…quantity demanded goes up.
 As price goes down…quantity demanded goes down.
 This goes to the root of the profit incentive
The higher the price of a good is, the more incentive
producers have to make and sell that product.
Higher prices; offer more revenue, and cover additional costs
of producing more.
Graphing Supply
 Supple Schedule – Table showing quantities supplied
at different possible prices.
Price Per DVD
Quantity Supplied
Graphing Supply
 Supply Curve – upward sloping line that shows in
graph form the supplied at each possible price.
 Draw a supply curve from the information on the supply
Talk about the movement of the supply schedule in relation to
changes that may affect supply.
 Pg. 190 - 191
Determinants of Supply
 Price of Inputs needed to make a product plays a huge role in
the price of the product, thus the amount of the product that
will be produced for sale.
 Number of firms in an industry plays a large and obvious role
in how much of a product is supplied at any given price.
 Firms are constantly entering and leaving industries.
 When taxes increase firms supply less of a product because the
increase causes the price of production to increase, and vice
 Technology can easily change the price of production and the
efficiency of production, thus increasing supply.
Law of Diminishing Marginal
Economic Rule that states as
more units of a factor of
production are added to
other factors of production,
after some point total output
continues to increase… but at
a diminishing rate.
-Why do you think
diminishing marginal returns
- Why is it important for
businesses to understand this
Number of Workers at
Additional output
Equilibrium Price
 Equilibrium Price – price at which the amount producers are
willing to supply is equal to the amount that consumers are
willing to buy.
 Supply = Demand
 No Shortage – situation where quantity demanded is greater
than quantity supplied at the current price.
Not enough to go around
Prices are raised to lessen demand and increase supply
 No Surplus – situation where quantity supplied is greater than
quantity demanded at the current price.
Too many to sell
Prices drop to increase demand and decrease supply
Review Demand
 Compare and contrast demand and quantity
Explain the law of demand
Difference between a demand schedule and curve
Understand movement on the demand curve
What factors determine demand?
Explain elastic V. inelastic demand
Review Supply
 Compare and contrast supply and quantity supplied
 Explain the law of supply
 Describe the relationship between supply and demand
 Understand the movement on a supply curve
 What factors determine supply?
 What is equilibrium price and why do we want to
achieve it?
 What can we do to achieve equilibirum?