Developmental Toxicology II Sid Hunter 6 November 2007 Hunter.Sid@EPA.GOV Techniques and Models in Teratology Issue? Developmental Toxicity of Ethylene Glycol MOUSE (mg/kg) 0 100 200 400 Fetal Body Weight 0.97 ± 0.01 0.88 ± 0.02 0.78 ± 0.02 0.71 ± 0.02 -9.2% -19.6% -26.8% % Malformed/litter 0.25 ± 0.25 10.0 ± 1.9 37.8 ± 6.3 56.5 ± 6.8 Exencepha ly Cleft Lip/Palate Facial Cleft 0 0 0 3 1 0 4 4 0 6 13 4 RABBIT ( mg/kg) 0 100 500 1000 5000 Maternal Letha lity 0 0 0 0 42.1% Fetal body weights 49.8 ± 1.5 48.8 ± 2.4 46.5 ± 1.8 48.4 ± 1.5 51.2 ± 2.0 % malformed/litter 6.8 ± 3.1 5.5 ± 2.1 5.4 ± 2.0 6.7 ± 1.9 1.1 ± 1.1 G a Q r ruea i cpn ke h Ti eci d m s e ed d ™ e tc o oa smn e dpe ra et h s i ss o pr i c t u r e . HO-CH 2-CH2-0H Ethylene Glycol Alcohol Dehydrogenase RATE LIMITING STEP I HO-CH -CH 2 || O Glycoaldehyde Aldehyde deHase HO-CH 2-C-OH || O Glycolic acid Lactate deHase or Glycolate Oxidase (RATE LIMITING II) Formate CO2 + H-C-OH || O (60%) Rabbit Rat (15%) HC-C-OH || || O O Glycoxylate OTHER PRODUCTS Rabbit Oxalate Rat HO-C-C-OH || || O O Whole Embryo Culture System Trophoblast Parietal Yolk Sac 3-5 Somite Embryo Amnionic Cavity Allantois Reichert's Membrane Visceral Yolk Sac Visceral Yolk Sac Extraembryonic Cavity Ectoplacental Cone Ectoplacental Cone Fig. B Fig. A 30 rpm 30 ml Flask Fig. C Fig. D Schematic representation of the technique of embryo culture. The conceptus is removed from the uterus (Fig.A), dissected free of maternal tissues, trophoblasts, parietal yolk sac and Reichert's membrane (Fig.B), placed into a culture flask of medium (Fig.C), and rotated in an incubator at 30 rpm at 38C (Fig.D). Day 8 Mouse Embryo Embryos after 24 hours in Culture Developmental Effects of Ethylene Glycol Metabolites in Mouse Whole Embryo Culture B GA J GOA J 100 Percentage Malformations (Any Effect) OA H F J J B H Formate B B 90 H 80 70 H B 60 50 B J 40 B F 30 JH 20 J 10 B 0 100 H F 1000 µM Xenobiotic 10000 20000 Physiological changes induced by Ethylene glycol administration pH Osmolality Bicarbonate Administration of sodium bicarbonate decreased the incidence of ethylene glycolinduced skeletal effects Ethylene Glycol Example: •Administration of ethylene glycol produced species dependent induction of malformations •Ethylene Glycol did not alter rat embryonic development when conceptuses were directly exposed in vitro •Ethylene glycol metabolites do induce malformations in rat/mouse embryos grown in vitro •Metabolites have different potencies •Administration of Ethylene glycol produces physiological changes in the mother •Amelioration of maternal physiological changes decreases (BUT DOES NOT ELIMINATE) the teratogenic effects of Ethylene glycol administration HYPOTHESIS Physiological changes induced by ethylene glycol administration are an important contributor to developmental effects AND G a Q r ruea i cpn ke h Ti eci d m s e ed d ™ e tc o oa smn e dpe ra et h s i ss o pr i c t u r e . HO-CH 2-CH2-0H Ethylene Glycol Alcohol Dehydrogenase RATE LIMITING STEP I HO-CH 2-CH || O Glycoaldehyde Aldehyde deHase HO-CH 2-C-OH || O Glycolic acid Lactate deHase or Glycolate Oxidase (RATE LIMITING II) Formate CO2 + H-C-OH || O (60%) Rabbit Rat (15%) HC-C-OH || || O O Glycoxylate OTHER PRODUCTS Likely Proximate Teratogen? Rabbit Oxalate Rat HO-C-C-OH || || O O Does administration of glycolic acid produce malformation and how do they compare to those produced by ethylene glycol Ethylene Glycol Developmental Toxicity The developmental effects produced by ethylene glycol administration are may be due to glycolic acid and maternal acidosis Administration of glycolic acid recapitulates most but not all of the effects of ethylene glycol. (Follow-up study to evaluate relationship between AUC and defects / resorptions) Toxicity enhanced by or produced by maternal acidosis? PBPK Model for Ethylene Glycol and Glycolic Acid Effects of a 6-hour exposure to the HAA-metabolites 100 2 80 60 1 40 20 J J J 0 0 Control Glyoxylic Acid Glycolic Acid Oxalic Acid Embryonic Dysmorphology Score % Abnormal Development J Administration of drug (D) results in distribution of the drug and its metabolites (M) G a Q r ruea i cpn kh e Tie ci d m s ee dd™ e tc o oa smn e dp e ra et hs i ss o pr i c t u r e . D MOTHERp MOTHERc PLACENTA AMNIOTIC FLUID CAVITY FETUS D D D D D M M M M M M The placenta is NOT a barrier to D or M distribution You can not use disposition information from male or non-pregnant females to determine the distribution during pregnancy!!!!! PHYSIOLOGICAL CHANGES IN PREGNANCY System Parameter Body water Body fat Gastrointestinal Total Total Motilit y Gastric Acid secretion Mucou s secretion Respir atory mi nut e vo lume Alveo lar ventilation Tidal vo lume Residua l vo lume Pulm onary blood fl ow Cardiac output Rate Stroke Peripher al b lood fl ow Peripher al resist ance Plasma flow Glomerular fi ltration rate Total vo lume Plasma volume Red cell m ass Hemoglobin Phospho li pids Cho lesterol Free fatty acids Protein conc Album in conc Globul in conc Creatinine conc Urea conc Oxygen consu mption Body temperature Hepatic metaboli sm Placental and fetal Respir atory Cardiova scular Renal Blood Metaboli sm Change (% of Nonpregnan t adult value ~7-8 lit ers ~3-4 kg (30-50) (40) (20) (30-40) (0-20) (10) (85) (70) (35-40) (50) (18) (30) (55) (40) (15) 0.5°C Present How do chemicals cross the Placenta?? Carrier-mediated transport facilitated diffusion: not energy dependent high substrate specificity follows [ ] gradient D-glucose active transport: receptor-mediated endocytosis: simple diffusion energy dependent high substrate specificity can function against [ ] gradient amino acids; creatine; calcium Immunogloblins (IgG) Iron-transferrin Not energy dependent Follows [ ] gradient lipophilic > hydrophilic size, structure, pKa depends on placental structure sheep = multilayer = no lactate transfer human = 3 layers = lactate transfer Control of Rates of Xenobiotic Transfer across the Placenta Xenobiotics - primarily Passive Diffusion Rate Limiting LIPOPHILIC Cmpd Embryo HYDROPHILIC Cmpd Rate Limiting Embryo Some xenobiotics limit embryonic exposure by decreasing uterine blood flow Control of Rates of Xenobiotic Transfer across the Placenta Xenobiotics - primarily Passive Diffusion MOM Embryo/Fetus D D D D Protein Bound Protein Bound D-COO- D-COO- D-COOH D-COOH pHi 7.64 (day 9) Mouse 7.61 (day 11) Rat 7.05 (day 14) Rat Plasma pH 7.26 Mouse 7.44 Rat 7.47 Rat Sheep, Cow, Horse, Pig Epitheliochorial Dog, Cat, ferret Endotheliochorial Mouse, Rat, Rabbit, Human Haemochorial Gestational Age 8 9 9.5 10 12 17 22-term + + + + + + + + + + + + + + - + + - + - + + + + + + - - - - Fetal Endothelium Mesenchyme Cellular Trophoblast Maternal Epithelium Connective Tissue Endothelium Ratio of Chemicals in Fetus to Maternal Serum Concentrations The rate of elimination may be as important as the rate of product formation for accumulation of a toxic intermediate sulfate glucuronide phenolic tetrol glucuronide Glutathione conjugate Polycylic aromatic hydrocarbons Arene oxide Diol diol-epoxide glucuronide sulfate Macromolecular conjugate glutathione conjugate catechol macromolecular conjugate methoxy phenol Techniques and Models in Developmental Toxicology in vivo veritas !! Techniques and Models in Developmental Toxicology in vitro veritas !! In vitro Developmental Toxicity Test Systems Cultured Mammalian Embryos / Primorida Non-Eutherian Embryos Primary Cell Culture Established Cell Lines In vitro Developmental Toxicity Test Systems Established Cell Lines Human Embryonic Palate Mesenchyme cells Mouse ovarian tumour cells Neuroblastoma Cells Mouse/Human Embryonic Stem Cells In vitro Developmental Toxicity Test Systems Non-Eutherian Embryos Medaka Zebrafish Xenopus laevis Frog Embryo Teratogenesis Assay Xenopus (FETAX) Drosophilia Chick Chick Embryotoxicity Screening Test (CHEST) Crickets Hydra In vitro Developmental Toxicity Test Systems Cultured Mammalian Embryos / Primorida Whole Embryos - postimplantation Mouse Rat Rabbit Opossum Palatal Shelves / Head Limbs Mandibles It has been VERY difficult to successfully culture preimplantation-staged embryos to post-implantation stage. Chen LT, Hsu YC. Development of mouse embryos in vitro: preimplantation to the limb bud stage.Science. 1982 Oct 1;218(4567):66-8. PMID: 7123220 Whole Embryo Culture System Trophoblast Parietal Yolk Sac 3-5 Somite Embryo Amnionic Cavity Allantois Reichert's Membrane Visceral Yolk Sac Visceral Yolk Sac Extraembryonic Cavity Ectoplacental Cone Ectoplacental Cone Fig. B Fig. A 30 rpm 30 ml Flask Fig. C Fig. D Schematic representation of the technique of embryo culture. The conceptus is removed from the uterus (Fig.A), dissected free of maternal tissues, trophoblasts, parietal yolk sac and Reichert's membrane (Fig.B), placed into a culture flask of medium (Fig.C), and rotated in an incubator at 30 rpm at 38C (Fig.D). Mouse Embryos PreCulture 24H Culture Effects of LY294002 on embryonic development 10µM 75µM 50µM G are Qraphics uickTim needed e™ decom toand see pressor athis picture. Be nchmar kCon centr at io ns for H aloacet icAcid 10000 NTD AnyMalformation Benchmark Concentration (µM) 1000 100 10 1 0.1 MIA MBA BCA MCA DBA BDCA DBCA TCA TBA Log (1/BD) = a(Pka) - b(Elumo) + c; r2 = 0.94 DCA Morphological effects of HAAs and 3 metabolites in Mouse WEC DCA ACETATE TBA TCA Oxalic Acid Glyoxalate DBCA Glycolate BDCA DBA MCA BCA MBA 1 10 100 Benchmark Concentration 1000 3000 Control Medium Morphological Evaluation Begin Culture Period Short Term Exposure to xenobiotics Exposure to toxicant Toxicity depends upon both concentration and length of exposure Time Dependent induction of dysmorphogenesis by DCA, DBA and BCA in Whole Embryo Culture 100 90 Incidence of Dysmorphology 80 70 B B DCA J BCA H DBA F Glycolate Ñ Glyoxylate É Oxalate Ñ F B É J H B 60 B 50 J 40 Ñ J 30 20 H 10 B F B J É 0 100 1000 10000 AUC (µM * Hr) 100000 300000 Whole Embryo Culture Advantages No Maternal Metabolism Disadvantages Know No Maternal what embryo Metabolism is exposed to No Maternal Disposition Know No Maternal how long Disposition embryo is exposed Select Embryos at beginning of culture All Select embryos Embryos haveatsame beginning # somites of All culture embryos have same sensitivity Ability to manipulate No ability to assess effects of Embryo compound on the mom Overexpress genes Knock-down expression Compare sensitivity across strains and species Mechanistic Studies Embryonic Stem Cell Test (EST) Embryonic stem cells are a permanent cell line established from the ICM of embryos The basis of the EST is to determine 3 endpoints IC50 for inhibition of ESC differentiation to beating heart cells IC50 for induction of cell death in ESC IC50 for induction of cell death in 3T3 cells Current EST ( Cytotoxicity Assay: Grow D3 mouse embryonic stem cells and 3T3 embryonic fibroblasts in presence of test chemical to determine IC50 for each cell line. Endpoint: cell viability after 10 days (MTT assay). D3 p14, cytotox (2/6/06) 3T3 norm, non-lin fit % max response 110% D3 90% 70% 50% 30% 5-FU BCA DCA 10% -10% -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 log [drug], M Differentiation Assay: Allow D3 cells to differentiate for 10 days in presence of chemical to determine ID50. Endpoint: microscopic inspection of beating cardiomyocyte development. • • • • • • • • Day 0: Start “Hanging Drops” in medium –LIF +chemical, 750 cells/ 20ul drop. Incubate 3 days @ 37°C • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Day 10: Inspect each well for presence of contracting cardiomyocytes. Score % of positive wells per plate. Day 5: Deposit embryoid bodies in multiwell plate for adherent outgrowth, 5 days @ 37°C • • • • • • •• • • •• •• • ••• Day 3: Grow embryoid bodies in suspension culture, 2 days @ 37°C Apply Prediction Model to determine class of toxicity. Linear discriminant functions I, II and III: I: 5.916 Ig(IC50 3T3) + 3.500 Ig (IC50 D3) - 5.307 [(IC503T3-ID50) / IC503T3] -15.27 II: 3.651 Ig (IC503T3) + 2.394 Ig (IC50D3) - 2.033 [(IC503T3-ID50) / IC503T3] - 6.85 III: -0.125 Ig (IC503T3) - 1.917 Ig (IC50D3) +1.500 [(IC503T3-ID50) / IC503T3] - 2.67 Dose Response Curves for EST EST Improved Multiple Endpoint Molecular Markers Modified EST • Differentiation Assay: modified to include a more quantitative assessment of multiple cell types via Q-PCR analysis of selected gene expression markers. Evaluation of Q-PCR probe sets for mouse Stem Cell Panel Stem Cell Gene Expression Panel -- ABI probes Results + + +/+/-++ + + + ++ ++ +/+/+ ++ ++ ++ ++ + +/+ -++ ++ + + + ++ ++ +/+/+/+/+ + ++ + +/- Gene PolR2a Oct-4 Lox Stat3 Dppa3 Ankrd1 Rex1/ ZFP42 Tdgf1/ Cripto Akp2 LeftB Utf1 Nanog Tcl1 LIN28 Cldn7 5T4 GATA-5 GATA-4 AFP HNF4a Nkx2.2 Pdx1 Brachyury MHC2a PECAM Flk-1/ VegfR2 MHCa Nkx2.5 Col2a1 Cbfa1 Sox9 CD45 Tbx6 Lamin A Sox1 Pax6 Fgf5 Prominin1 Nestin NCAM NeuroD1 Kcnma1 GFAP Serpini1 Rab33a marker for endogenous control stem cells stem cells stem cells stem cells stem cells stem cells stem cells stem cells stem cells stem cells stem cells stem cells stem cells early differentiation early diff., trophobl. endoderm endoderm/ mesoderm endoderm, liver - visceral endoderm, liver endoderm, pancreas endoderm, early pancreas mesoderm, early - transient mesoderm, skeletal muscle mesoderm, vascular mesoderm, vascular mesoderm, cardiac muscle mesoderm, cardiac mesoderm, bone & cartilage mesoderm, bone mesoderm, early cartilage mesoderm, hematopoietic mesoderm early ecto/meso, neuron, cardiac ectoderm, early (decreased) ectoderm, early ectoderm, early (transient) ectoderm ectoderm ectoderm, neural ecto- brain, and endo- pancreas ectoderm, neuron ectoderm, glial cells, astrocytes ectoderm, neural ectoderm, neural Results Key: ++ probe set amplified and matched expected pattern in all samples + probe set amplified and matched expected pattern in most samples +/- probe set amplified and matched expected pattern in some samples - probe set amplified, but did not match expected pattern -- probe set failed to amplify LocusLink Gene Nam e LocusLink Sym bol Public RefSeq Polr2a NM_009089 Pou5f1 NM_013633 lysyl oxidase Lox NM_010728 signal transducer & act. of transcr. 3 Stat3 NM_213659 developmental pluripotency-assocd 3 Dppa3 NM_139218 ankyrin repeat domain 1 (cardiac muscle) Ankrd1 NM_013468 zinc finger protein 42 Zfp42 NM_009556.2 teratocarcinoma-derived grow th factor Tdgf1 NM_011562 alkaline phosphatase 2, liver Akp2 NM_007431 left right determination factor 1 Lefty1 NM_010094 undifferentiated embryonic cell transcription factor Utf11 NM_009482 Nanog homeobox,Gene mCG132219 Celera Annotation Nanog XM_132755 T-cell lymphoma breakpoint 1 Tcl1 NM_009337.2 lin-28 homolog (C. elegans) Lin28 NM_145833.1 claudin 7 Cldn7 NM_016887.2 trophoblast glycoprotein Tpbg NM_011627 GATA binding protein 5 Gata5 NM_008093 GATA binding protein 4 Gata4 NM_008092 alpha fetoprotein Afp NM_007423 hepatic nuclear factor 4, alpha Hnf4a NM_008261 NK2 transcription factor related Nkx2-2 NM_010919.1 insulin promoter factor 1, homeodomain transcription Ipf1 factor NM_008814.2 brachyury T NM_009309 myosin, heavy chain 2, skeletal muscle Myh2 NM_144961 platelet/endothelial cell adhesion molec. 1 Pecam1 NM_008816 kinase insert domain protein receptor Kdr NM_010612 myosin, heavy chain 6a, cardiac muscle Myh6 NM_010856 NK2 transcription factor related Nkx2-5 NM_008700 procollagen, type II, alpha 1 Col2a1 NM_031163 runt related transcription factor 2 Runx2 NM_009820 SRY-box containing gene 9 Sox9 NM_011448.2 protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, C Ptprc NM_011210.1 T-box 6 Tbx6 NM_011538 lamin A Lmna NM_001002011 SRY-box containing gene 1 Sox1 NM_009233 paired box gene 6 Pax-6 NM_013627.2 fibroblast grow th factor 5 Fgf5 NM_010203 prominin 1 Prom1 NM_008935 nestin Nes NM_016701 neural cell adhesion molecule 1 Ncam1 NM_010875 neurogenic differentiation 1 NeuroD1 NM_010894.1 potassium large conductance calc. channel Kcnma1 NM_010610 glial fibrillary acidic protein,Gene mCG7451 Celera Gfap AnnotationNM_010277.2 serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade I, member Serpini11 NM_009250.1 Function polymerase (RNA) II polypeptide A DNA-directed RNA polymerase, Nucleotidyltransferase POU domain class 5, transcrip factor 1 Homeobox transcription factor, Nucleic acid binding RAB33A, member of RAS oncogene family Extracellular matrix, Oxidoreductase, Oxidase Transcription factor, Nucleic acid binding Molecular function unclassified Transcription factor, Nucleic acid binding Transcription factor, Nucleic acid binding Signaling molecule, Grow th factor Phosphatase, Other phosphatase Signaling molecule, Cytokine, TGF-beta superfamily Zinc finger transcription factor, Nucleic acid binding Cell adhesion molecule, vesicle trafficking Molecular function unclassified Zinc finger transcription factor, Nucleic acid binding Zinc finger transcription factor, Nucleic acid binding Transfer/ carrier protein Transcription factor, Nuclear hormone receptor Nkx2.2,tinman,Nkx-2.2,MGI:97347 Transcription factor, Nucleic acid binding Actin family cytoskel protein, Actin binding motor prot Cell adhesion, Defense/immunity prot, Ig receptor Tyrosine protein kinase receptor Actin family cytoskel protein, Actin binding motor prot Homeobox transcription factor, Nucleic acid binding Extracellular matrix structural protein Transcription factor, Nucleic acid binding Transcription factor, Nucleic acid binding Cytoskeletal protein, Intermediate filament HMG box transcription factor, Nucleic acid binding Homeobox transcription factor, Nucleic acid binding Signaling molecule, Grow th factor Membrane traffic protein Molecular function unclassified Cell adhesion molecule, CAM family adhesion molecule Helix-loop-helix domain, transcription factor Voltage-gated ion channel, potassium channel NM_011228.1 Applied Biosystems 7900HT Real-time PCR System Q-PCR: Endoderm markers Q-PCR: Mesoderm markers Q-PCR: Ectoderm markers mESC = hESC Predictions of Developmental Toxicants • What do you want to Predict? Is the compounds a human developmental toxicant What is the NOAEL/LOAEL in a rodent DT study Should it predict all aspects of DT (weight, function, structure) What is the relative potency of the compound in this model system • ECVAM Predict classification of compounds • High, medium/low, or NO • Prediction of toxic potential is no better than the best analysis in any system In Vitro Developmental Toxicity Models • For cytotoxic, cytostatic compounds good predicitivity • Need different prediction model to separate compounds with moderate and low potential • Need to integrate ADME information with in vitro test results • Good model for mechanistic research • Comparing potency of parent and metabolite