Membership Director

Sustainable Hospitality
Board Positions
Executive Committee:
(1 vote each, unless indicated)
President* (no vote, unless tie)
NEWH Delegate*
NEWH Delegate *
Past President*
Executive Advisor* (no vote)
*Automatic Positions are part of succession
planning and begin at the VP/Development
position, which is elected. After one year in the
position, the person will move to the next level.
This ensures knowledge and stability for the
chapter and follows the NEWH, Inc. Board
Model. All other positions are one-year
positions, with a 2-year maximum per position.
Directors (1 vote each):
 Chairs (no vote)
Public Relations
Community Service
Internet Communication
Student Rep
Quorum = 50% of voting members+ 1
Email Vote: Can be done, but you must have 100%
participation/reply and the vote must be
The Board/Chapter –
NEWH Staff Relationship
Two Elements, One Team
Consider it a partnership, alliance, collaboration
between chapter boards and the NEWH staff to
achieve the goals of NEWH.
NEWH Office Contacts
Feel free to contact the NEWH office if you have any questions.
Questions can be directed to:
 President/VPs/Delegates – Shelia Lohmiller or Diane Federwitz
 Treasurer/Finance/Insurance – Julie Buntrock
 Secretary – Nicole Crawford
 Membership – Diane Federwitz or Kathy Coughlin
 Scholarship – Nicole Crawford
 Programming/Fundraising – Diane Federwitz; Event RSVPs – Julie Hartmann
 Regional Tradeshows/Corporate Partners – Jena Seibel, Nicole Everson
 Sustainability – Nicole Crawford
 Website/Newsletters – Diane Federwitz
 Other questions – just call, we’d be glad to help!
Email us directly at:
General emails:
P.O. Box 322
Shawano, WI 54166-0322
800.593.NEWH (6394)
Fax 800-693-NEWH (6394)
Efficient Board Meetings/
Model Board Members
 Start and end meetings on time.
 Study and understand the mission statement, bylaws, policies
and goals. Ensure that all discussions and chapter activities are
aligned with the NEWH mission statement.
 Prepare for meetings by reviewing the agenda and supporting
 Treat information and discussions as “confidential.”
 Do not conduct committee work during board meetings.
Efficient Board Meetings/
Model Board Members
 Promote NEWH to others – share networking opportunities
and the chance to ‘give back’ (over $2.9m given in scholarships
to date!)
Be proud of our history.
Recruit future leaders to help govern NEWH.
Manage your chapter’s resources.
Ensure your chapter has the funds it needs through
contributions and fundraising events
Stay current on issues and trends impacting the organization
and the membership.
Get involved in committee work. Readily communicate with the
NEWH office for needed information and assistance.
Financial Responsibilities
 The board should carefully review all financial reports as they have
a fiduciary responsibility for all chapter finances.
 The board should prepare, propose and vote to approve an annual
 The treasurer will present a financial report for the previous period
at each monthly meeting.
 Ensure all reimbursement requests are submitted within 60 days
and accompanied by receipts. These expenditures are to be
approved by the Board of Directors and are inclusive of two
signatures. After the 60 days it is considered a charitable donation
and NEWH, Inc. will provide a tax deductible receipt.
Role of the Membership Director
The Membership Director will:
Actively recruit new members for the chapter.
Plan one annual meeting or event for the sole purpose of recruitment of
new members.
Encourage prospective new members by calling/emailing them to answer
any questions and encourage them to Join Online.
Call new members within 5 business days of approval welcoming them to
your chapter and informing them of future chapter events.
Forward all original approved applications and payments to NEWH, Inc.
within 30 days of application – review online applications with board and
submit approvals to NEWH, Inc. within 30 days of application – NEWH,
Inc. will mail new member packets
Introduce all new members at the chapters meetings.
Throughout the year, chair the membership renewal committee, calling
all members who have not renewed as well as those whose membership is
due in the upcoming month
Membership Levels
 General Member – open to professionals who have been actively involved
in Hospitality or a related field for one or more years.
 Associate Member – open to those industry members who have, within a
12-month period, completed an accredited area of hospitality related studies.
The associate membership category will be available to these members for
three (3) years. Associate member cannot hold an elected office, but are
encouraged to serve on chapter board committees. ($50 membership)
 Education Professional Member – those who are full time educators of
Hospitality –Related Studies (free membership)
 Student Member – those who are enrolled in an accredited place of
secondary education, majoring in Hospitality related studies. Student
members will receive one year of free Associate membership upon
graduation in order to facilitate the transition to General membership
(free membership)
 Retiree – those who are retired and 65 years or older (half-off dues)
Membership Levels, continued
 Chapter Level Business Member – $400 ($475 CAD)
Membership includes 2 courtesy memberships
Up to 4 additional discounted memberships (half-off chapter dues)
Memberships belong to business, so if an assigned member leaves the
company, company can replace with another employee for no charge
All employees of CLB can attend chapter programming events at member
ticket cost (excludes fundraising events)
Marketing benefits – upgraded premier listing in Resource Directory and
listed in chapter business membership directory
 Corporate Partner Courtesy and Discount Member
Each Corporate Partner level includes a number of courtesy memberships
(chosen by the corporate partner) as well as a number of discount
NEWH Office – Membership Process
 Upon receiving online or hard copy applications:
Application is forwarded to chapter for review and approval
Applicant is emailed, letting them know application was received and is being
reviewed by chapter
Individual is entered as Pending into our database so they will be pulled for email
 Upon approval from chapter:
Email is sent to new member letting them know they are approved – website login
is provided along with chapter president contact information
New member packet and badge are mailed to new member (students do not receive
Packet includes: welcome letter, certificate of membership, board member contact
list and other useful membership information
Chapter – Membership Process
 Upon receipt of online or hard copy applications from
NEWH Office:
Within 30 days, review/share application with board members and vote for
approval (email vote can be done, but must be 100% reply with a unanimous
After 30 days, Executive Director will review application for approval – if you are
waiting for board discussion for a certain applicant and it will be longer than 30
days, please contact the NEWH Office
Email Kathy in NEWH Office approval of new members – or fax application with
‘Approved’ indicated at the top of the application
 If your chapter receives application (at an event or in the
Fax/scan and email the application and send to Kathy in the NEWH Office
Acquire chapter board approval in a timely matter (within 30 days)
Upon approval, mail original application along with payment (check or credit card
information) to NEWH Office for payment processing – indicate “Approved” at top
of application
Chapter – Membership Process
 Your chapter applications are online on your
chapter page
All chapter membership applications (PDF) are available on your
chapter page
Look below the Facebook area on your chapter page and the PDF links
are in the Membership area – available for downloading/printing
Chapter – Discounted or Free
 Is your chapter offering any type of discount for new
members at an upcoming event?
If so, your chapter MUST contact the NEWH Office with that information and
exactly what type of discount you are offering
Discounts should only be given to NEW members, not past members
 Is your chapter offering any type of free membership as
part of an upcoming event (i.e. a sponsorship that also
includes a free membership, etc.)?
If so, please contact the NEWH Office with the individual(s) name and contact
information. A completed application must be sent to the NEWH Office for any free
membership(s) given within 30 days of the event.
The NEWH Office must be made aware of any special membership offers prior to
your invitation going out.
Chapter – Membership Process
 Upon new member approval from chapter board:
If applicable, assign board buddy to new member
Call the new member within 5 days of board approval – welcome them to your
chapter, let them know of upcoming events, inform them of their board buddy
Encourage them to join a committee – let them know the volunteer opportunities
available on your board and ask which committee they’d like to join
Membership Tools/Resources
 Chapter Rosters
Once a month, each board member will receive a chapter roster (PDF format) which
includes all current members of your chapter (if you’d like it in Excel format, please
Remember, per NEWH bylaws, we do not share membership information. These
rosters are only for board members and for official NEWH business – do not share the
roster with anyone or use it for any other purpose.
 Dues Reports
Dues reports are sent to each board member once a month, showing those members
whose dues are due that month, as well as those whose dues have lapsed within the
past 5 months.
Divvy up the report among board members and contact individuals on the list,
reminding them that their dues are upcoming or have lapsed. Encourage them to
continue their membership with your chapter. It’s always good to have personal phone
call from a local chapter member than just receiving a dues reminder email. This is
also a great time to confirm their contact information to ensure their member listing is
Membership Tools/Resources
 Chapter Mailing List
The NEWH Office keeps a master database for each chapter. (chapters do not keep
their own lists)
We encourage chapter boards to review the master list at least once a year – the list
includes not only members, but past members, potential members and those who
have asked to be on your list. Choose one board member to make the revisions to
your Master list - divvy up the list among board members and ask them to turn all
revisions to the designated board member. (Note: all chapters hosting a regional
tradeshow are required to update their list prior to tradeshow mailing.)
All updates to the Master list should be made in RED. (Note: do not delete anyone
from your list - past members are not removed from your list (for historical
purposes). If you’d like someone deleted from the list, please note the reason why
on the spreadsheet next to their name (i.e., no longer in hospitality, has moved out
of your area, etc.).
The board member can then forward the revised list to the NEWH Office to make
updates in the master database.
Your mailing list is the most important marketing tool of your chapter!
Membership Tools/Resources
 Online Resources:
Membership Drive PowerPoint
New Member Welcome Letter
Member Interest Survey
Member Director Information – ideas for new member meetings, welcoming new
members/buddy system, how-to’s, etc.
 To Login:
All of these documents are available on the website to board members. To access,
log into website (upper left corner) – go to your Chapter page, and click on Board
of Director Resources tab. (Please contact the NEWH, Inc. office if you have
problems getting onto the website.)
Do you have questions?
Please Ask Away!
Thank You!
 The board experience should be a positive one.
 The board is the caretaker of the organization.
 The board speaks as a whole, no board member
should have more input or authority than
 Always ask questions as they arise.
Thank you for serving on the board!
More Information
Visit the website!
It contains much information on NEWH
including chapter happenings, membership
information, resource directory, online auction,
scholarship materials, board resources, Career
Network, and MORE!