Scholarship Opportunities for International Students

Scholarship Opportunities
for International Students
Scholarship Connection
Clearinghouse of information on externally funded, meritbased scholarships (for undergraduate students)
Furnish scholarship information to campus via website
Provide an on-line scholarship database
Offer e-mail updates regarding scholarship opportunities
Administer campus competition process for nationally
competitive scholarships
What I don’t do…
Does not administer scholarships or pay scholarships funds.
Does not receive scholarship money.
Does not conduct scholarship searches for students.
The Bad News
It is difficult to find scholarships for international students
Only about 20 percent of non-U.S. students receive most of
their academic funding from a U.S. college or university.
Many opportunities require U.S. citizenship or permanent
Most scholarship awards, if available, cover only part of the
total educational and living costs
There a very few scholarships that target international
scholars specifically
All types of scholarships and financial aid for international
students are highly competitive
The Good News
are scholarships to find.
You need to only search!!!
How to get started
 Think
about what you want to do
 Begin
the process early
 it
is important to start your financial planning at
least 12 months prior to the next academic year
 Investigate
 Speak
& clarify your interests
to a professor, GSI, or major advisor
 Conduct
an internet search
General Advice
 Take
advantage of the online resources the exist
on-line ( i.e. scholarship databases)
 Visit
the Scholarship Connection website
IIE Funding for U.S. Study online:
International Students. Com:
Soros Foundations Network:
International Education Financial Aid Scholarship Search:
Fundsnet Services Online:
International Student Organization (ISO):
How to be competitive
Do well academically
Take challenging classes
Get involved in campus activities
Participate in community service activities
Pursue academic activities
Be aware of current events (political, cultural, literary)
Get to know your professors and GSIs.
General Advice
Read the directions several times if necessary
Review and revise
Type and write in full sentences
Respond as precisely as requested
Reveal interesting things about yourself and your experiences
List activities in which you have had sustained involvementquality not quantity
Focus on activities that are in line with the award
Apply for large and small scholarship to get used to the process
Asian Cultural Council
American Scandinavian Foundation
Individual fellowship grants to artists, scholars, students, and
specialists from Asia for study, research, travel, and creative work
in the United States. Deadlines variable.
Available for citizens of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway or
Sweden for study or research programs (usually at the graduate
level) in the United States for up to one year. Deadlines variable.
South Pacific and East Timor Scholarship Programs
Two special degree study programs for citizens of South Pacific
nations and East Timor. Scholarships are awarded for
undergraduate degree study. Priority is given to applicants
seeking degrees that address national development needs.
Deadline: Early February.
Belgian American Education Fund, Inc.
study and research in the United States. In addition to the amounts
indicated, BAEF also pays for health insurance at the US institution.
Fellows are expected to stay in the USA for a full academic year at a
US institution or for a full year to do research institution. Deadline:
late-October. 1
Eurasian Undergraduate Exchange Program (UGRAD)
Fellowships to first-, second-, and third-year undergraduate students
from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
Moldova, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and
Uzbekistan. Supports one year of non-degree undergraduate study in
the United States in particular fields, such as accounting, agriculture,
business, computer science, criminal justice, economics, education,
environmental management, international relations, journalism, law,
political science, psychology, and sociology.
King Faisal Foundation Scholarship
Funding opportunity up to three years for Muslim students in
Medicine, Engineering, and sciences (Physics, Chemistry, and
Geology). For study at an accredited European or North American
university. Deadline: late May.
Margaret McNamara Memorial Fund Grants
Mayo Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF)
$5000 research fellowships for undergraduate students dedicated to scientific
research alongside professional biomedical scientists. Deadline: early
Microsoft Scholarships
Awards five to six grants to women from developing countries about $11,000
each year to help further their education and strengthen their leadership skills
to improve the lives of women and children in the developing world.
Various scholarships for undergraduate students interested in computer
science and related technical disciplines. One year award for students
attending institutions in the United States, Canada, and Mexico, required that
the student complete a salaried summer internship. Deadline: early February.
Olive W. Garvey Fellowships
Biennial award to outstanding college students around the world through a
competitive essay contest on the meaning and significance of economic and
personal liberty. Awards range from $1,000 - $2,500. Deadline: Late September.
Graduate Funding Opportunities
AAMC Financing Your Medical Education
American Association for University Women - International
A series of programs to assist students in managing loans and
preparing for future financial stability within the Medical field.
Deadlines variable.
Full-time study or research to women who are not U.S. citizens or
permanent residents; graduate andpostgraduate study is supported
The grants provide support for community-based projects that
benefit women and girls in the fellow’s home country. Deadline: midDecember.
Ford Foundation International Fellowships Program
For graduating seniors or recent graduates to pursue a postbaccalaureate degree that will directly enhance their leadership
capacity. Applicants must intend to apply their studies to social
problems or issues in their own countries and commit to working on
these issues following the fellowship period. Applications must be
submitted to the appropriate IFP International Partner in the country
or region where the applicant resides. Deadlines variable
The Li Foundation, Inc. Student Scholar Grants
Open Society Institute (OSI) Global Supplementary Grant Program
For graduate students from China (including Taiwan) to study international
affairs in the U.S. for one to two years. Scholars must be nominated by an
approved Chinese educational or U.S. educational or research institution. Grant
provides funds to cover cost of living, professional expenses, and return
transportation to China. Deadlines variable.
Supplementary grants to students from select countries of Eastern and Central
Europe, the former Soviet Union, and Mongolia. Purpose is to enable qualified
students to pursue doctoral studies in the humanities and social sciences at
accredited universities in Asia, Australia, Europe, the Middle/Near East, and
North America. Deadline: early April.
Japan Inter-American Development Bank Scholarship Program
Scholarship program for students from the Bank’s borrowing member
countries (see website) who wish to pursue Master's degree in developmentrelated fields, such as social sciences, business, public administration or other
related disciplines (except law and medicine). Scholarship recipients may
attend accredited institutions offering Master's programs, located in any of the
member countries. The scholarship provides benefits covering full tuition,
university medical and accident insurance, an installation allowance, a monthly
subsistence allowance, a book allowance, and economy class travel. Deadline
variable per region.
Thank You!