Nixon, Ford, Carter - Farmington High School

Nixon, Ford, Carter
Mr. McMinn
American History
Nixon’s Domestic Policy
How did Richard Nixon’s personality affect
his relationship with his staff?
 How did Nixon’s domestic policies differ
from those of his predecessors?
 How did Nixon apply his “southern
strategy” to the issue of civil rights and to
his choice of Supreme Court justices?
 Describe the first manned moon landing.
Nixon in Person
Although he had a reserved and remote
personality, many Americans respected Nixon
for his experience and service.
Nixon was willing to say or do anything to defeat
his enemies, who included political opponents,
the government bureaucracy, the press corps,
and leaders of the antiwar movement.
Believing that the executive branch needed to
be strong, Nixon gathered a close circle of
trusted advisors around him.
Nixon’s Staff
Nixon’s Close Advisors
 H. R. Haldeman — After campaigning tirelessly for Nixon,
advertising executive H. R. Haldeman became Nixon’s chief
of staff.
 John Ehrlichman — Lawyer John Ehrlichman served as
Nixon’s personal lawyer and rose to the post of chief
domestic advisor.
 John Mitchell — Asked to be Attorney General after working
with Nixon’s campaign in New York, Mitchell often spoke
with Nixon several times a day.
 Henry Kissinger — Although he had no previous ties to
Nixon, Harvard government professor Henry Kissinger first
became Nixon’s national security advisor and later his
Secretary of State.
Domestic Policy—Oil and
During Nixon’s first few years in office, unemployment
and inflation rose, and federal spending proved difficult
to control. In response, Nixon turned to the practice of
deficit spending, or spending more money in a year
than the government receives in revenues. He also
imposed two price freezes lasting several months
When the United States supported its ally Israel in a
war against Egypt and Syria in 1973, the Arab
members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting
Countries (OPEC) imposed an embargo, or ban, on
shipping oil to the United States. The resulting
shortage resulted in high oil prices, which in turn drove
inflation even higher.
Domestic Policy—Social
Although Nixon himself supported cutting
back or eliminating federal social
programs, he did not want to alienate
those voters who favored them.
 Under Nixon’s New Federalism, states
were asked to assume greater
responsibility for the well-being of their
citizens, taking some of this responsibility
away from the federal government.
The “Southern Strategy”
Nixon’s Views on Civil Rights
 Nixon did not support
advances in civil rights,
believing that to do so would
cost him the support of many
white southern voters.
 Hoping to win over white
southern Democrats, Nixon
sought a “southern strategy”
which would keep his
supporters happy.
Results of Nixon’s Views
 Nixon’s views resulted in a
slowdown of desegregation.
 Although Nixon tried to prevent
the extension of certain
provisions of the Voting Rights
Act of 1965, Congress went
ahead with the extension.
 Busing to end segregation in
schools was slowed, but not
halted entirely, by Nixon’s
opposition to it.
Nixon’s Supreme Court
During Nixon’s first term in office, four of the nine
Supreme Court justices either died, resigned, or
retired. This gave him the opportunity to name
four new justices and, thus, reshape the court.
Warren Burger, Nixon’s choice for Chief Justice,
was a moderate. However, Nixon’s later
appointees reflected his conservative views.
The Senate rejected two of Nixon’s nominees
from the South, charging that they showed racial
The First Moon Landing
During Nixon’s presidency, the United States
achieved its goal of a successful moon landing.
On July 20, 1969, Neil A. Armstrong became the
first man to walk on the moon. He was joined by
Edwin E. “Buzz” Aldrin, Jr., a fellow crewman on
the Apollo 11 spacecraft.
Television viewers around the world watched the
moon landing, and Apollo 11’s crew were treated
as heroes when they returned.
Nixon’s Domestic Policy—
Which of these was an effect of the 1973 OPEC oil
Rising oil prices drove inflation higher.
Many social programs became the responsibility of the states.
Busing to desegregate schools became more widespread.
Nixon was able to name four new Supreme Court justices.
What was Nixon’s “southern strategy”?
a way to balance the federal budget
an attempt to win the support of white southern Democrats
the name of the first moon mission
an effort to end segregation
Nixon’s Domestic Policy—
Which of these was an effect of the 1973 OPEC oil embargo?
Rising oil prices drove inflation higher.
Many social programs became the responsibility of the states.
Busing to desegregate schools became more widespread.
Nixon was able to name four new Supreme Court justices.
What was Nixon’s “southern strategy”?
a way to balance the federal budget
an attempt to win the support of white southern Democrats
the name of the first moon mission
an effort to end segregation
Nixon’s Foreign Policy
What role did Henry Kissinger play in
relaxing tensions between the United
States and the major Communist powers?
 What was Nixon’s policy toward the
People’s Republic of China?
 How did Nixon reach an agreement with
the Soviet Union on limiting nuclear arms?
Henry Kissinger
Practical Politics
 Kissinger admired the
European political philosophy
of realpolitik, or practical
politics. Under this policy,
nations make decisions based
on maintaining their strength
rather than on moral principles.
 Kissinger applied a realpolitik
approach to his dealings with
China and the Soviet Union,
which led to better diplomatic
relations with both nations.
Public Opinion
 Kissinger understood the
power of the media and was
able to use it to shape public
 Kissinger’s efforts in ending
the Vietnam War and easing
Cold War tensions made him a
celebrity. He topped a list of
most-admired Americans, was
often featured on the cover of
Time magazine, and in 1973
shared the Nobel peace prize.
Relaxing Tensions
 Although Nixon had built a
reputation as a strong antiCommunist, he and Kissinger
reversed the direction of
postwar American foreign
policy by holding talks with
China and the Soviet Union.
 Nixon and Kissinger’s greatest
accomplishment was in
bringing about détente, or a
relaxation in tensions, between
the United States and these
Communist nations.
Complex Foreign Affairs
 Kissinger understood that
foreign affairs were more
complicated than just a
standoff between the United
States and communism.
 The Soviet Union and China,
once allies, had become bitter
enemies. This development
had the potential to reshape
global politics.
A New Approach to China
Easing Relations Between the United States and China
 Historical Background — After its Communist takeover in 1949, the
United States refused to recognize the People’s Republic of China,
viewing the government of Taiwan as the legitimate Chinese rulers.
 Steps to Ease Relations — During the early 1970s, relations eased
between the United States and the People’s Republic of China.
Nixon referred to the nation by name, travel and trade restrictions
were lifted, and American table-tennis players visited China,
beginning “Ping-Pong diplomacy.”
 Nixon’s Visit to China — In February 1972, Nixon became the first
American President to visit China. Touring Chinese sites in front of
television cameras, Nixon established the basis for future diplomatic
ties during his visit.
 Recognizing the Chinese Government — The United States decided
to join other nations in recognizing the Chinese government. In
October 1971, Taiwan lost its seat in the United Nations to the
People’s Republic of China.
Limiting Nuclear Arms
Nixon viewed arms control as a vital part of his foreign policy.
Although he had taken office planning to build more nuclear
weapons, Nixon came to believe that achieving balance between
the superpowers was a better strategy than an increasing
nuclear arms race.
In 1972, the United States and the Soviet Union signed the first
Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty, known as SALT I. In this treaty,
both nations agreed to freeze the number of certain types of
missiles at 1972 levels.
SALT I demonstrated that arms control agreements between the
superpowers were possible. However, it did not reduce the
number of weapons that either nation possessed, nor did it halt
the development of conventional weapon technologies.
Nixon’s Foreign Policy—
Which of these definitions best describes realpolitik?
An understanding of the power of the media to shape public opinion
A push to end the arms race
A relaxation in international tensions
A political policy that advocates national strength above moral issues
What effect did Nixon’s 1972 visit to China have on American
foreign policy?
It began the practice of “Ping-Pong diplomacy.”
It established the basis for diplomatic ties with China.
It eased relations with the Soviet Union.
It resulted in a freeze on certain types of nuclear weapons.
Nixon’s Foreign Policy—
Which of these definitions best describes realpolitik?
An understanding of the power of the media to shape public opinion
A push to end the arms race
A relaxation in international tensions
A political policy that advocates national strength above moral issues
What effect did Nixon’s 1972 visit to China have on American
foreign policy?
It began the practice of “Ping-Pong diplomacy.”
It established the basis for diplomatic ties with China.
It eased relations with the Soviet Union.
It resulted in a freeze on certain types of nuclear weapons.
The Watergate Scandal
How did the Nixon White House battle its
political enemies?
 How did the Committee to Reelect the
President conduct itself during Nixon’s
reelection campaign?
 What was the Watergate break-in, and
how did the story of the scandal unfold?
 What events led directly to Nixon’s
Battling Political Enemies
Nixon’s suspicious and secretive nature caused the White House to
operate as if it were surrounded by political enemies. One result of
this mind-set was the creation of an “enemies list,” a list of
prominent people seen as unsympathetic to the administration.
When someone in the National Security Council appeared to have
leaked secret government information to the New York Times, Nixon
ordered that wiretaps, or listening devices, be installed on the
telephones of some news reporters and members of his staff.
Leaks to the press continued, including former Defense Department
official Daniel Ellsberg’s leak of the Pentagon Papers, a government
study that revealed widespread deception about the situation in
In response, Nixon organized a special White House unit,
nicknamed the Plumbers, to stop government leaks. In September
1971, the Plumbers broke into the office of Ellsberg’s psychiatrist,
hoping to punish Ellsberg by disclosing damaging personal
information about him.
Nixon’s Reelection Campaign
Campaign Funding
 The Committee to Reelect the
President, led by John
Mitchell, aimed to collect as
much campaign money as
possible before a new law
required such contributions to
be reported.
 The money that the Committee
collected was intended to fund
both routine campaign
activities and secret unethical
“Dirty Tricks”
 Attempts to sabotage Nixon’s
political opponents came to be
known as “dirty tricks.” These
efforts included sending
hecklers to disrupt Democratic
campaign meetings and
assigning spies to join the
campaigns of opposing
 One particularly damaging
“dirty trick” involved a faked
letter that seriously hurt the
candidacy of Edmund Muskie,
a leading Democratic
presidential contender.
The Watergate Break-In
In March 1972, a group within the Committee to
Reelect the President made plans to wiretap the
phones at the Democratic National Committee
Headquarters at the Watergate apartment complex in
Washington, D.C. This group was led by E. Howard
Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy.
The group’s first attempt failed. During their second
attempt on June 17, 1972, five men were arrested.
The money they carried was traced directly to Nixon’s
reelection campaign, linking the break-in to the
The break-in and the coverup which resulted became
known as the Watergate scandal.
The Watergate Coverup
Although Nixon had not been involved in the
break-in, he became involved in its coverup. He
illegally authorized the CIA to try to persuade the
FBI to stop its investigation of the break-in, on
the grounds that the matter involved “national
Nixon advisors launched a scheme to bribe the
Watergate defendants into silence, as well as
coaching them on how to lie in court.
During the months following the break-in, the
incident was barely noticed by the public. Nixon
won the 1972 election by a landslide.
The Scandal Unfolds
The Watergate Trial
 At the trial of the Watergate
burglars in early 1973, all the
defendants either pleaded
guilty or were found guilty.
 Judge John J. Sirica, presiding
over the trial, was not
convinced that the full story
had been told. He sentenced
the burglars to long prison
terms, suggesting that their
terms could be reduced if they
cooperated with upcoming
Senate hearings on Watergate.
Woodward and Bernstein
 Two young Washington
Post reporters, Bob
Woodward and Carl
Bernstein, were influential
in tracking down
information to uncover
the Watergate story.
 Woodward and Bernstein
believed that the White
House would prove to be
involved in the Watergate
The Scandal Unfolds
The Senate Investigates
 Aided by Woodward and
Bernstein and by the testimony of
one of the Watergate burglars, a
Senate Select Committee on
Presidential Campaign Activities
began to investigate the
Watergate affair.
 Millions of Americans watched the
Senate hearings unfold on
national television.
 Nixon attempted to protect himself
by forcing two top aides to resign
and by proclaiming that he would
take final responsibility for the
mistakes of others.
A Secret Taping System
 During the Senate hearings,
Alexander Butterfield, a former
presidential assistant, revealed
the existence of a secret taping
system in the President’s office.
 The taping system had been set
up to provide a historical record of
Nixon’s presidency. Now it could
be used to show whether or not
Nixon had been involved in the
Watergate coverup.
The “Saturday Night Massacre”
In an effort to demonstrate his honesty, in May
1973 Nixon agreed to the appointment of a
special prosecutor for the Watergate affair. A
special prosecutor works for the Justice
Department and conducts an investigation into
claims of wrongdoing by government officials.
The Watergate special prosecutor, Archibald
Cox, insisted that Nixon release the White
House tapes. Nixon ordered him fired on
Saturday, October 20, 1973, beginning a series
of resignations and firings that became known
as the “Saturday Night Massacre.”
An Administration in Jeopardy
Problems in the Nixon Administration, 1973–1974
 Nixon’s public approval rating plummeted after his
firing of Cox.
 When Cox’s replacement, Leon Jaworski, also
requested that Nixon turn over the tapes, Nixon turned
over edited transcripts instead. Feelings of anger and
disillusionment arose among many who read them.
 Vice President Spiro Agnew, accused of evading
income taxes and taking bribes, resigned in early
October 1973. His successor, Gerald Ford, was not
confirmed until two months later.
Impeachment Hearings and
Nixon’s Resignation
After the Saturday Night Massacre, Congress began
the process of determining if they should impeach the
President, or charge him with misconduct while in
In the summer of 1974, the House Judiciary
Committee voted to impeach Nixon on numerous
charges. Conviction, and removal from office, seemed
On August 5, 1974, Nixon released the White House
tapes, with an 18 1/2 minute gap. Even with this gap,
the tapes revealed his involvement in the Watergate
coverup. On August 9, 1974, Nixon resigned, the first
President ever to do so. Gerald Ford was sworn in as
the new President.
The Watergate Scandal—
Why did members of the Committee to Reelect the President
break into the Watergate apartment complex in 1972?
To cover up an increasing scandal
To raise undocumented campaign funds
To prevent Nixon from turning over tapes
To wiretap phones of the Democratic National Committee
Which statement best describes Nixon’s role in the Watergate
He was
He was
He was
He was
involved in the break-in but not the coverup.
involved in the coverup but not the break-in.
involved in both the break-in and the coverup.
involved in neither the break-in nor the coverup.
The Watergate Scandal—
Why did members of the Committee to Reelect the President
break into the Watergate apartment complex in 1972?
To cover up an increasing scandal
To raise undocumented campaign funds
To prevent Nixon from turning over tapes
To wiretap phones of the Democratic National Committee
Which statement best describes Nixon’s role in the Watergate
He was
He was
He was
He was
involved in the break-in but not the coverup.
involved in the coverup but not the break-in.
involved in both the break-in and the coverup.
involved in neither the break-in nor the coverup.
The Ford Administration
How did Gerald Ford become President,
and why did he pardon Richard Nixon?
 What economic problems did the Ford
administration face?
 What actions in foreign policy did
President Ford take during his term?
 How did Americans celebrate the nation’s
Ford Becomes President
When Gerald Ford took over the
Presidency following Nixon’s resignation,
he was viewed as a popular and
noncontroversial political figure.
 Ford named New York Governor Nelson
Rockefeller as Vice President, rounding off
an administration in which neither the
President nor the Vice President had been
The Nixon Pardon
At the beginning of Ford’s presidency, Time
magazine noted “a mood of good feeling and
even exhilaration in Washington.” However, this
was soon to change.
A month after Nixon’s resignation, Ford
pardoned the former President for “all offenses”
he might have committed, avoiding future
prosecution. This decision proved to be
unpopular, both among the general public and
among Nixon loyalists still facing prosecution.
As a result, many Republicans were voted out of
office in the 1974 congressional elections.
Economic Problems
The Economy Stalls
 Preoccupation with Watergate
had prevented Nixon from
dealing with the economy. By
1974, both inflation and
unemployment were rising,
making the economy stagnant.
Economists named this
situation stagflation.
 Although Ford tried to restore
public confidence in the
economy with the voluntary
“Whip Inflation Now,” or WIN
program, he later recognized
the need for more direct
Government Spending and
Conflicts With Congress
Although Ford was generally
against government spending, he
supported an increase in
unemployment benefits and a tax
cut in an effort to help the
Ford was often at odds with the
Democratic-controlled Congress,
which wanted the government to
take a more active role in the
economy. In response to Ford’s
vetoes, Congress created the
highest percentage of veto
overrides since the 1850s.
Foreign Policy–Southeast Asia
When North Vietnam began a new offensive against the South in
the spring of 1975, Ford asked for military aid to help South
Vietnam. However, both Congress and the American people
were against further involvement in Vietnam.
To prevent such involvement, Congress was prepared the invoke
the War Powers Act, a Nixon-era law limiting the President’s
ability to involve the United States in foreign conflicts without
receiving a formal declaration of war from Congress.
When Communist Cambodia captured the American merchant
ship Mayaguez, Ford sent the marines to recapture the ship.
Forty-one American lives were lost in the effort, but the incident
dispelled impressions of American weakness in Southeast Asia.
Foreign Policy - Asia, Europe,
and Africa
Asia — Ford continued Nixon’s goals of
friendship with China and was the first American
President to visit Japan.
Europe and the Soviet Union — In 1975, Ford
signed the Helsinki Accords, a series of
agreements on European security. He also
continued Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT)
with the Soviet Union.
Africa — Ford’s administration aimed to develop
relationships with African countries newly
independent from colonial rule.
The Nation’s Birthday
America’s bicentennial, or 200th
anniversary, provided Americans,
discouraged by Watergate, Vietnam, and
the economy, an opportunity to celebrate.
 Parades, concerts, air shows, political
speeches, and fireworks took place on and
around July 4, 1976, the 200th anniversary
of the signing of the Declaration of
The Ford Administration—
Why did Ford’s popularity fall soon after his term began?
Americans did not like having a non-elected President.
His pardon of Nixon proved to be unpopular.
His WIN program became highly effective.
He began to develop ties with newly-independent nations.
Which of these topics was an issue on which Ford and Congress
The level of government spending on economic programs
Celebration of the bicentennial
The signing of the Helsinki Accords
The recapture of the Mayaguez
The Ford Administration—
Why did Ford’s popularity fall soon after his term began?
Americans did not like having a non-elected President.
His pardon of Nixon proved to be unpopular.
His WIN program became highly effective.
He began to develop ties with newly-independent nations.
Which of these topics was an issue on which Ford and Congress
The level of government spending on economic programs
Celebration of the bicentennial
The signing of the Helsinki Accords
The recapture of the Mayaguez
The Carter Administration
What changes did Jimmy Carter bring to
the presidency?
 How did Carter deal with domestic issues?
 What ideals guided Carter’s foreign
 What factors influenced the outcome of
the 1980 election?
Carter’s Presidency
Although Gerald Ford had the advantage of being the
incumbent, or current office holder, he faced strong
opposition from Republicans inside his own party during
the 1976 presidential election. Democrat James Earl
(“Jimmy”) Carter won the election by a narrow margin.
Carter had no national political experience and lacked an
ability to win reluctant politicians over to his side.
Nevertheless, he was well-liked for his informal approach
to the presidency.
As President, Carter appointed more women and
minorities to his staff than previous administrations.
Carter’s Domestic Policies–
Economic Issues and Deregulation
Economic Issues
 Carter had inherited an
unstable economy in which
inflation and unemployment
continued to grow.
 In response, Carter cut federal
spending, mostly on social
programs. This cut angered
liberal Democrats.
 As bond prices fell and interest
rates rose, Americans lost
confidence in Carter and his
economic advisors.
 Carter felt that government
controls on certain industries,
put in place in the 1800s and
early 1900s, hurt competition
and increased consumer
 His move toward deregulation,
the reduction or removal of
government controls, affected
the energy, railroad, trucking,
and airline industries. This
move, which continued during
the next two administrations,
also angered many
Energy Issues
Energy Issues During Carter’s Presidency
 Carter’s Energy Plan — To save on rising oil prices, Carter
asked Americans to conserve fuel in their homes, cars, and
businesses. He also created a new Cabinet department, the
Department of Energy.
 Response to Carter’s Energy Plan — States that produced oil
and gas fiercely opposed Carter’s conservation plans. The
National Energy Act, passed in 1978, incorporated many of
Carter’s directives.
 Alternative Energy Sources and Three Mile Island — One of
Carter’s goals was to seek alternative energy sources. A
partial meltdown of a nuclear reactor at Three Mile Island
near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, eroded people’s confidence
in nuclear power.
Civil Rights Issues
Carter’s concern for moral values influenced his civil rights
actions. Soon after taking office, he granted amnesty, or a
general pardon, to those who had evaded the draft during the
Vietnam War.
Many of Carter’s staff appointments won the approval of African
Americans. However, many African Americans were
disappointed by his weak support for social programs.
Affirmative action policies, which aimed to make up for past
discrimination against women and minorities, were a
controversial issue during Carter’s presidency. In the landmark
case Regents of the University of California v. Bakke, the
Supreme Court ruled that race could be a factor in school
admissions but that numerical quotas could not be used.
Carter’s Foreign Policy
Camp David Accords
 In 1978, Carter brought
Egyptian President Anwar elSadat and Israeli Prime
Minister Menachem Begin
together for negotiations at
Camp David.
 The resulting framework for
Middle East peace, known as
the Camp David Accords, was
an important step toward
peace in the Middle East.
Under its terms, Israel agreed
to withdraw from the Sinai
Peninsula, and Egypt became
the first Arab country to
recognize Israel officially.
Soviet-American Relations
 Although détente was at a high
point when Carter took office,
by the end of his term it was
effectively dead.
 Soviets were angered by
Carter’s support of Soviet
dissidents, writers and other
activists who criticized the
actions of their government.
 Although a second round of
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
(SALT II) was begun, the
resulting treaty was never
ratified. Still, both nations
followed its terms.
Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan
Late in 1979, the Soviet Union invaded
neighboring Afghanistan to bolster a Sovietsupported government there. Carter called the
invasion “a clear threat to the peace” and took
steps to show American disapproval of the
Soviet aggression.
As one of these steps, Carter imposed a boycott
on the 1980 summer Olympic Games to be held
in Moscow. Sixty other nations eventually joined
the boycott.
The Iran Hostage Crisis
In January 1979, revolution broke out in Iran, replacing
its pro-American shah, Mohammed Reza Shah
Pahlevi, with Ayatollah Ruholla Khomeini, an antiWestern leader.
When Carter allowed the displaced shah to enter the
United States for medical treatment, angry Khomeini
followers seized the American embassy in Tehran,
Iran’s capital. Fifty-two Americans were taken hostage
and moved from place to place over the course of 444
Carter’s failed attempts to secure the hostages’
freedom decreased his popularity and made his
chances for reelection appear slim.
The 1980 Election
By the end of Carter’s term, his administration
had lost the confidence of many Americans.
Although Carter ran for reelection, the nation
instead chose conservative Republican
candidate Ronald Reagan by a landslide.
In early 1981, following months of secret talks,
Iran agreed to release the hostages. President
Reagan sent Carter to greet the hostages as
they arrived at a U.S. military base in West
The Carter Administration—
Why was Carter in favor of deregulation?
His energy conservation plan called for it.
He believed that deregulation would improve affirmative action.
He felt that government controls raised consumer costs.
Many liberal Democrats were in favor of it.
Which of the following marked an end to American-Soviet
(A) The signing of the Camp David Accords
(B) The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and the resulting widespread
boycott of the Olympic Games
(C) The Iranian seizure of the American embassy in Tehran
(D) The ratification of the SALT II treaty
The Carter Administration—
Why was Carter in favor of deregulation?
His energy conservation plan called for it.
He believed that deregulation would improve affirmative action.
He felt that government controls raised consumer costs.
Many liberal Democrats were in favor of it.
Which of the following marked an end to American-Soviet
(A) The signing of the Camp David Accords
(B) The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and the resulting widespread
boycott of the Olympic Games
(C) The Iranian seizure of the American embassy in Tehran
(D) The ratification of the SALT II treaty