National Honor Society Information Meeting

National Honor
Society (NHS)
You have been invited to attend this meeting because
you have a
4.35 or higher grade point average.
This is the first step in the selection
What is National Honor Society?
National organization founded in 1921 by the National
Association of Secondary School Principals
Four objectives
to create enthusiasm for scholarship
to encourage development of character in the
nation’s secondary school students
to promote leadership
to encourage service
 Over 12,500 chapters across the nation
 Masconomo Chapter established in 1939
 Present school membership, 2014-2015:
 No quotas or membership cap
Is NHS for you?
If you become a member, you must:
attend monthly meetings, 7:00 am on Tuesdays
participate in at least 2 NHS-sponsored activities per semester
(not including tutoring)
Participate in the school-wide tutoring program when assigned
Complete the 5 hours of required service activities each quarter
participate in a Spring Chapter Service project
attend the induction ceremonies
Please note and remember…..
There are no inactive memberships!
EVERYONE who is inducted into the membership of NHS is
required to attend meetings and participate in NHS
Becoming a member of the Masconomo Chapter of
the NHS
The Four Pillars of NHS
Pillar: a strong principle or belief
You are here at the Info Meeting, so…..
you have already completed the first step toward
NHS membership by earning a 4.35 (or higher)
II. Character
Character is who you are,
how you treat others,
how you act when no one is
it’s already established.
How is “character” validated?
 MERHS teachers comment on your character
 based on classroom, extra curricular activity,
participation and personal observation
 The NHS paperwork requires that you provide
evidence/examples of your character.
 Recommendation letters are not to be submitted.
 A short essay on the application will also
provide opportunity to demonstrate your
III. Leadership
Being elected or selected to serve as:
class officer
club officer
chairperson for a committee
representative on church, parish, or school council
captain of team or activity/sports club
concert band section leader
choir officer
Student Council representative
Peer leader
Scout patrol leader
Other, as approved
 The NHS paperwork requires that you provide
evidence/examples of your leadership.
 Recommendation letters for leadership are not to be
IV. Service
Service includes volunteer
activities for which you DO NOT
receive any type of
compensation, such as payment
of a wage, school credit, Scout’s
credit, or other obligations of your
service requirements.
The NHS paperwork requires that you provide evidence/examples
of your service. This can include service forms from Guidance for
application only.
Recommendation letters for service are not to be submitted, however
signatures are required.
Service includes:
teaching Sunday School
volunteering at Nursing Home
working at a Habitat for Humanity house
volunteering at the public library, animal shelter
unpaid peer tutoring
hospital volunteer
church related mission trips
volunteering at elementary school after care
helping with Eagle Scout projects
Big Brothers / Big Sisters of America
A Final Note
Membership in the NHS is a privilege,
not a right.
Only candidates whose applications
demonstrate exemplary scholarship,
character, leadership and service are
considered for induction.
The FC determines exemplary levels of
each of the NHS pillars.
And now,
on to
the Student Packet
Due 2:30 pm on Friday, March 6.
Deadline is firm for all applicants.
The NHS Student Activity Packet
gives you the opportunity to document
and provide evidence for
1. examples of your leadership abilities
2. examples of your own service to the school and
3. examples of your consistently strong character
Tips about the Packet
The Student Packet must be placed in Dr. Burgess’s mailbox.
Plan and start the packet NOW!
Contact people for signatures ASAP! This usually takes the longest
amount of time.
Lack of signature is not considered an excuse for a late application.
You are one of several eligible students…
present yourself in the BEST way possible.
Watch for grammatical and spelling errors.
Use complete sentences.
Be concise and don’t ramble.
And remember, it is YOUR application!
Thank you for attending.
Good luck with your
NHS Packet!
The NHS Packet
is available on the NHS link on
Dr. Burgess’s website.
Access this site via F Academics F Teacher Websites
F Maria Burgess F National Honor Society
NHS Yearly Chapter Project
Super Service Saturday Project
Chapter-wide service day for all members
Includes: ceiling tile painting…public library service…building cleanup…Humane Society visits… Project Linus blanket
making…volunteering at Food Pantry…fund-raising for chapter
charity…Activities at area nursing homes …
The SSSP is an entire day of volunteering culminating with dinner and
evening service activities.