Reconstruction - Dublin City Schools

(23 Note Cards Required)
The student will identify legal, political, and social
dimensions of Reconstruction.
The student will describe the growth of big business and
technological innovations after Reconstruction.
The student will analyze important consequences of
American industrial growth.
The purpose was to re-admit the southern states back into
the Union.
Lincoln’s Plan for Reconstruction
•South shouldn't be treated harshly.
•Any southerner that took a loyalty oath would be
•10 % Plan- If 10 % of the voters in the 1860 election
took a loyalty oath then the state would be readmitted to
the union.
Andrew Johnson
• A southerner and one-time slave owner who had
remained loyal to the Union and became president
after Lincoln was assassinated.
• He proved sympathetic to the South and pursued
his own plan of Presidential Reconstruction.
Presidential Reconstruction (Johnson’s Plan)
• It was less severe than Radical Reconstruction and only
required that southerners swear allegiance to the Union and
• States had to denounce their secession and ratify the 13th
Amendment. Once done, confederate states could re-enter
the Union.
• Presidential Reconstruction allowed power to remain in the
hands of many of the same people who had led the
confederacy during the Civil War.
Radical Republicans Plan for Reconstruction
• The southern states were put under military rule.
• African-Americans were allowed to vote.
• Southern states had to ratify the 14th Amendment
(approve), which made African Americans citizens
of each state as well as the nation.
Freedman's Bureau of 1866
As the first federal relief agency in US history,
the Freedmen's Bureau provided:
Medical attention
And land
• Lacking support, it eventually ended in 1869.
• However, during its brief time, it helped many
slaves transition to freedom throughout the
Impeachment of Andrew Johnson
The impeachment was led by a fiery Radical Republican
congressman named Thaddeus Stevens and brought to a
head the conflict between Congress and the president over
•The Senate voted to spare Johnson's presidency by just
one vote.
13th Amendment
Constitutional amendment that ended slavery throughout
the United States.
14th Amendment
Constitutional amendment that made freed African
Americans citizens of the states in which they lived as
well as citizens of the United States.
15th Amendment
Granted the right to vote to all male U.S.
citizens over the age of 21 and removed
restrictions on voting based on race.
Post-War African American
• Often with the help of the Freedmen's Bureau
and/or churches, the southern African-American
community established the first black schools.
• African-American soldiers who had received some
education during the war often served as teachers.
• Students included both children and adults.
• Some people also tried to provide blacks with
advanced education.
Morehouse College
College founded in 1867 to train African American men to
be ministers and/or teachers.
The school eventually became Atlanta Baptist Seminary
and, later, Atlanta Baptist College.
Finally, in 1913, the institution changed its name to
Morehouse College and has traditionally been one of the
most prestigious African American colleges in the nation.
Nicknamed, “The Black Harvard”
Role of African American Churches
African-American churches became the centers for
African-American social and political life.
Within these churches, African-Americans could discuss
issues relevant to the black community and organize
strategies to meet the needs of freed blacks.
Under this practice a family farmed a portion
of a white landlord’s property in exchange
for housing and a portion of the crop.
Tenant Farming
Paid rent to a landowner to farm the land and
kept the crop.
Role of African Americans in Politics
During Reconstruction
• Reconstruction allowed African Americans access
to the political process.
• Some 600 African-Americans served in southern
state legislatures, a few were elected to offices as
high as lieutenant-governor, and one even served
as acting governor of Louisiana when the white
governor was charged with corruption.
• On a national level, a few blacks represented
southern states in Congress.
Deceitful Northern politicians that went down
south and tried to obtain black votes for their own
power and profit.
Southerners who cooperated with African
Americans and carpetbaggers.
Black Codes
Laws written to control the lives of freed slaves
in ways slaveholders had formerly controlled the
lives of their slaves.
Black Codes deprived voting rights to freed
The Ku Klux Klan
A secretive organization whose members often
used violence, murder, and threats to intimidate
blacks and those who favored giving African
Americans equal rights and the opportunity to
•Founded by veterans of the Confederate Army.
Jim Crow Laws
Laws passed in the South after Reconstruction that
required blacks and whites to use separate public
Literacy Tests
Tests designed to keep blacks from voting by
requiring predominantly uneducated African
Americans to prove they could read and write
before allowing them to vote.
They were designed to disfranchise educated
blacks as well by asking questions most people,
white and black, could not answer.
Poll Taxes
Special taxes passed in the South after
Reconstruction to prevent blacks from voting by
requiring them to pay money to vote.
Grandfather Clause
Laws designed to help poor and less educated
whites still vote by exempting them from literacy
tests and poll taxes if their ancestors had voted
or served in the Confederate military.
Rutherford B. Hayes
Reconstruction ended in 1877 during his