Student Research Office MEMORANDUM DATE: March 20, 2013 TO: Purdue University Calumet Faculty, Staff and Students FROM: Student Research Office RE: Student Research Day Presentation We are pleased to announce the Student Research Day Presentation List. Comparing with last year, the number of presentations of this year increased from 99 to 126, a 27% increase; the students participating in 2013 SRD increased from 169 to 240, a 42% increase. Non-EMS projects increased from 30% of the total projects last year to 35% this year. Graduate Poster Presentation list: Student Names Randyl Rohm School EMS Mentor Radmila Sarac Jichao Wang Litao Shen Fan Li Huanan Shen Xun Guang Jiajun Fu Xingjian Chen EMS Chenn Q. Zhou EMS George Nnanna EMS Chenn Q. Zhou Xinwei Zhuang EMS Xiuling Wang Xiaoxi Lou EMS Chenn Q. Zhou Steve Dubec EMS Xingjian Chen Hongchang Dang Jiabao Liu EMS Masoud Mojtahed Chenn Q. Zhou EMS Chenn Q. Zhou Songwei Fan Wanjue Zhao Christopher S. EMS Bin Chen EMS Evert Ting Title The Effects of GIRK 4 Subunit Mutations on Channel Interactions Development Of Virtual Training Package And Augment Reality For Power Plant Boiler Solar Panel Portable Refrigeration Optimization of an urea decomposition chamber using CDF and VR Site energy estimations by using statistical methods Numerical Optimization of a QBOP Vessel for Minimizing Kidney Formation The Impact of Pedicle Screw Insertion Angle on Pullout Strength CFD Study of Fired Heater Ductwork Pressure Swing Effects of SKIN thermocouple shield shape on the accuracy Functional Connectivity Mapping Using fMRI Reduction of artificial Salmonella Hartman Aleks Bilic Marko Korlat Robert Baker Ed Recktenwall Naser Alghannam Hakem Alotibi Saleh Alkarri Florin Mustata Kishan Saha Abdulrahman Alkhatlan Nadia Sultana Matar Alharbi Sean Liston Chad Celestin Corinna Edmond Auriel Mabone Tashmeem Mozammel Faisal Ali Aljaizani Abdullah Sayed Mohammed Alahmed Estratios Papamihalakis Mustafa Aldubaisy Sean Liston Cody Kerrigan Nasser Alrushoud Tanima Zaman Technology Lash Mapa Nuwan Liyanage Technology Lash Mapa Dean Koldenhoven Technology Jose Pena Hamza Kadir Technology Akram Hossain Typhimurium contamination on stainless steel by application of bacteriophages Dell’s Desktop Computer Supply Chain Management Technology Lash Mapa Automotive Component Supply Chain Technology Lash Mapa Supply Chain Management for Battery Industry Technology Lash Mapa What forced Nike to Transform its Supply Chain? Technology Lash Mapa Cellular Phone Manufacturing Supply Chain Technology Lash Mapa Supply Chain Management and Distribution of Coca Cola Technology Lash Mapa Supply Chain Management Strategies and Practices by Airbus Technology Lash Mapa Oil Refinery Supply Chain Technology Lash Mapa AMAZON Supply Chain Technology Akram Hossain Undefined Obstacle Avoidance and Path Planning of an Autonomous Mobile Robot in a Two-Dimensional Workspace Warehouse Distribution Using Lean Six Sigma Tools Measuring the Diffusion of Oxygen through Concrete by Electrochemical Methods Frame by Frame Analysis and Diagnosis of a High Speed Packaging System Using Fastec InLine Network-Ready Camera Undergraduate Poster Presentation List: Student Names Joshua Barelli School EMS Mentor Chandramouli Title Examining the Effectiveness of Internal Jeremy Weisman Rachel Shmagranoff Samantha Kinsman EMS Eric Bird Jaime Alvarez Kristina EMS Schafer Tyler Paul Don Gruszka Daniel Woods Yan Jin Yun Lee Poying Chen Ruben Barajas Lucas DeBoer Amos Sullivan Viswanathan Young D. Choi Chimney Seal’s in Sanitary Sewers Assessment of restored vegetation in the wetlands of Wolf Lake, Hammond, Indiana Nicolae Tarfulea Mathematical Model for a Micro-actuator EMS Nicoleta Tarfulea Mathematical Modeling of the Endothelial Cell Motility during Angiogenesis EMS John Cox Harold W. Pinnick Self-Healing Coatings Research EMS Harold W. Pinnick Green Synthesis of per(trimethylsilyl) – Glucose& Galactose EMS Harold W. Pinnick Synthesis of 2-Bromodienes Species diversity, primary production, decomposition, and soil carbon sequestration in a restored prairie, a coolseason grass pasture, and an old field in Taltree Arboretum, Valparaiso, Indiana. GPS Tracking of Cargo Transportation Can HIV rebound from latently infected CD4+ T – cells? Can the viral reservoir of latently infected cells be eradicated during HAART? Semester Undergrad Research for Engineers (SURE): Optical Sensors and Detection of Heavy Metals in Water Samantha Kinsman Rachel Schmagranoff Lauren Avans EMS Young Choi Chris Nelson EMS Ruijian Zhang Emily Mastej EMS Nicoleta Tarfulea Shadi Salman EMS George Nnanna EMS Donald Gray Electric Vehicle Grand Prix Driver Simulation EMS Ed Pierson Wind Dome Wind Turbine EMS David Kozel Electric Vehicle AC Controller EMS Chenn Q. Zhou Dong Fu CFD Simulation and VR Visualization of Blast Furnace Hearth EMS Harvey Abramowitz NASA Moonbuggy 2013 PUC-2 Rowzat Faiz Xiaomeng Wang Jassim Almarhoom Michael Beechin Tom Musak Dan Gorecki Christopher Thompson Jordan Lindeman Scott Ruzic Don Wunderlich Zi Wang Zelin Ma Shaun Andres Dustin Atwood Daniel Bonner RJ Gladstone Tj Fitzsimmons Sultan Alowaid EMS Dave Kozel Donald Gray Electric Vehicle Grand Prix The Use of Lytic Bacteriophages as Biocontrol Agents against Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Food Telemetry for the Purdue University Calumet’s Moon Buggy Competition Vehicle Clameirdre Prince EMS Evert Ting Bryan Lopez Clayton Yankauskas EMS Donald Gray Shadi Salman Matthew Raymond Kevin Sokolowski EMS George Nnanna Water Contamination Detection Unit EMS Chenn Zhou Doreen Gaboyan John Moreland Development of a City Optimization Tool for Urban Planning and Economic Development EMS Indrajit Ray Design and Modeling of Pervious Concrete Pavement Towards Green and Sustainable Solutions Jiamin Yan Jiannan Yue Jing Liang Daniel Schultz Robert Ridge Marissa Carillo Diego Mende Milos Gvero Chen Luo Kevin Phelan Loai Obaidat Mohammad Yasin Anthony Torres James Montgomery Ibrahim Alseykhan Kelli Comer EMS EMS EMS David Kozel EMS Evert Ting Nicholas Dres Alejandro EMS Hernandez Curtis Gomez EMS Carrie Gonzalez Cassandra Rivera Maxwell Knecht Patrick Anderson Nicholas Wright-Hart Harvey Abramowitz Robert Rescot Chandramouli Viswanathan Indrajit Ray EMS Donald Gray Curtis Creighton Evert Ting Moonbuggy 2013 PUC-1 Student Steel Bridge Competition 2013 AC Induction Motor for the EV Grand Prix Kart The Effect of Cadmium Contamination on the Biodiversity of Bacteria in Soil Telemetry for the Electric Vehicle Grand Prix Eco immunology of Nicrophorus Orbicollus, burying beetle Isolation and Identification of Bacteria that Degrade 2,4- Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid Dynamic Loading of Plastic Composite Scaffolding Silyl Sugar Production Intesubunit Mutatational Effects of GIRK 1 and GIRK 4 subunits EMS Harvey Abramowitz Harold Pinnick Cody C Stewart EMS Radmila Sarac Nicholas Lamber Maria Frebis EMS David Kozel Donald Gray Electric Vehicle Drivetrain Xuecheng Xue EMS Chenn Zhou Development of an FCC Regenerator EMS Xuan Wang Harinder Sidhu Michael Moreno Ruwaiz Abdul Sather Model EMS Brianne Slick Technology Mehran Latif Technology Jonathan Fromin Gina Sepic Mohammed Hamad ALMarri Christina Avgerinos A’Antoniett Evans Lisa Leonhardt Alexandra Dziadon Renee Exo Amanda Glos Melissa Victor Lauren Corradin Brittany Eder Maggie Huff Lauren Adamczewski Brittany Bateman Kadria Woodfork Timothy Clinton Grace Gerhard Alison Kouris Kristina Payne Melissa Bergsneider Muhammad Anan Vehicle Crash Detection and Reporting System José Peña Dennis Korchek Ge Jin John Moreland Cost Estimate for Restoration of the City Methodist Church in Gary, Indiana 3D Safety Simulation for Wind Energy Education Honeynet, a Tool for security Incident Identification, Tracking, and Response Feasibility of configuring a solar collector to operate in a “hybrid mode” Utilization of an evidence-based checklist for consumers of electronic health resources Technology Manghui Tu Technology Craig D. Engle Nursing Ellen Moore Nursing Cheryl Anema Assessment of Infants Experiencing Withdrawal Nursing Cheryl Anema Overcoming Barriers to Change Nursing Gail Wegner Identification of Best Practices in the Prevention of Alarm Fatigue Nursing Beth Vottero Management Amlan Mitra Best Practices in medication reconciliation for heart failure patients in the in-patient health care setting. The Economic Feasibility of Installing Solar Panels on Buildings at Purdue Calumet. Graduate Oral Presentation List: Student Names Muhammad Sana Ullah Kennethrex Obianika Ndukaife Wajahat Afsar School EMS Nick Walla Miao He EMS EMS EMS EMS Mentor Kaliappan Gopalan George Nnanna Nasser Houshangi Chenn Q. Zhou Masoud Mojtahed Title Features Extraction for Detecting Deception from Stress Speech Signals Infrared Imaging of the Spatial Distribution of Fouling on a Membrane Surface A novel method for autonomous lane navigation of mobile robot Life Prediction in Industrial Equipment 15302 CFD and FEA Thermal Stress Analysis Deren Li EMS Tianwei Wang EMS Guangwu Tang EMS Matthew Cross Anfani Okosun Roger Jestes EMS Amir Shamdani Technology Fatma Guizani Management Rui Liu Wei Wang Management Management EMS Ruijian Zhang Applying High Performance Computing For Water Quality Assessment and Prediction George Refrigeration and Heat Pump Teaching Nnanna System Chenn Q. Zhou Reducing the water tube overheating problem: Numerical simulation of a boiler firing metallurgical gases Chenn Q. Zhou Thermal Modeling of Blast Furnace Tuyere Bin Wu Nose Using CFD Ruijian Zhang Static and Dynamic Alternatives for Hybrid Branch Predictors Barbara Nicoai The Intelligent Architecture of Disaster Domains Jamaluddin Arab States & poverty Alleviation Husain Songtao Mo MF Global- A Sudden Fall without a Prelude Kuan C. Chen A study of a financial decision support system for personal investment. Undergraduate Oral Presentation list: Student Names Michel Ovando School Technology Mentor Ahmed Ashfaq Kevin Grskovich Miena Gorgi Hassan Ali Yadegar Jermaine C. Banton Norris L. Swilley Dustin Franz Technology Manghui Tu Technology Technology Craig Engle Craige Engle Technology Paul Quinn Steven Vane Zhongyi Wang Stephen Builta Technology EMS Jamaica Sawyers Heather McGrath EMS Ricardo A. Calix Gregory Neff Chandramouli Viswanathan Nicolae Tarfulea Gayle Millsaps Mohammad Karim EMS Kemi Daramola EMS Chandramouli Viswanathan Gokarna Aryal Yang Liu Jiajun Fu EMS David Kozel EMS Title “Walking Raptor Dinosaur Robot” and “Linear Precision System” Automated Security Incident Response in a Virtualized Linux Environment Oscillator Test Set High Flux Coupling Water Heater Automatic Semantic Content Enrichment of Sensor Network Based Information Portable Thermal Storage Trombe Wall Hydraulic Modeling of Little Calumet River Mathematical Model for a Micro-actuator Comparing Students’ Test Responses to Fraction Tasks With and Without Visual Supports Rainfall intensity and frequency analysis of the Midwest A Statistical Analysis of the Fecundity of Mealworms Control System for an Electric Scooter Media Property & Air Humidity’s Influence on Cooling Efficiency of Direct Evaporation Cooling Three-D Wind Field Construction for Suburban Environment by Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics Techniques Lifecycle Assessment of Green Concrete Yiran Yang EMS George Nnanna Yuntian Ge Rui Zhang EMS Xiuling Wang Scott Hoffman Rebecca Noteboom Jeremy Woodard Anna S. Roessing EMS Indrajit Ray EMS Granulysin as a Lipid Binding Protein Sishu Qian Xu Wang Abdulla Aljar Mohammad Karim YongBing Tang Di Qiu Dong Wang Yu Ma Chuyu Liu Jichao Wang Tenghao Wang Qinye Li EMS Michael I. Zimmer Xiaoli Yang Greoge Nnanna Xiaoli Yang East Chicago Ultrafiltration Membrane Plant Jason Earl Samuel Metz Mohammed Tomehy Weiqiong.Zhang Shaojie.Yuan Guanzhong.Zhuang Danko Andric Jiachun Li Xiaoxiao Zhang Weiqiong.Zhang Shaojie.Yuan Guanzhong.Zhu Daniel Huizenga EMS EMS EMS Simulation of Physical Principles Virtual Oscilloscope EMS Chenn Q. Zhou iPad Application for Wind Farm Siting John Moreland EMS Chenn Q. Zhou Reality University School & Career John Moreland Simulator Besma Smida Feedback in Two-Way Wireless Communication Systems Besma Smida Backscatter Modulation in Full-Duplex TwoDonald Gray Way Wireless Sensors EMS EMS John Moreland Control System for an Electric Scooter EMS Chenn Q. Zhou CFD and VR Study of NIPSCO Unit 8 Bin Wu Decomposition Chamber EMS EMS Chenn Zhou John Moreland Neeti Parashar Weitao Wang Yue Yu Adeyemi Adeleke Pete Les Emad Alhusseini EMS Chi Zhang EMS Reimudo Cisneros EMS Robert Rescot Indrajit Ray Chandramoulli Wisvanathan Dong Fu Augmented Reality for Quick Service Restaurant Planning Tracker Data Validation on the Particle Accelerator at CERN High-brightness led Concrete Canoe Parametric Study of a Blast Furnace Dan vanderverdo Zerun Zhou Tiffany Deaton Allie Kobar Bridget Rogers Sara Mendez Victoria Boswell Mindy Eastling Matthew Wesley LASS LASS Richard Rupp David Pick Arab Spring, Why Now? Heuristic Problem Solving in Horses LASS David P. Nalbone LASS Examining the Effects of Mortality Salience and Political Orientation on Attitudes toward Civil Liberties Conflict? The First Amendment and the Health and Human Services Mandate Homosexual Parents in Children’s Literature Daniel Curtin LASS Jacqueline Campos Nicole Gonzalez Education Miroslava Cova Monica Garza Jessica Goodman Amanda Juarez Yiping Chen Nursing Lee Rademacher Kathryn Sweeney Gayle Millsaps Diana Underwood Beth Vottero Management Amlan Mitra Ben Oprinovich Management Brad Jordan Ben Oprinovich Management Kuan-Chou Chen Kuan-Chou Chen Brad Jordan Management Kuan-Chou Chen John Vode Management Kuan-Chou Chen What Thinking Strategies Do Third Graders Use When Solving Equal Sharing Problems With Fractions? Best Practices in Patient Discharge Education Strategies for the Transitional Care Nurse Spillover Effects of Global Financial Crisis: A Comparative Analysis of Stock Markets in U.S., Hong Kong and China Security Concerns Surrounding RFID Technologies In The Consumer Marketplace Reducing Adult Obesity through a Dynamic Web System: A Northwest Indiana Food Bank Case Technology Stock Market Forecast Using Data Mining Techniques A Focus on Quantitative Easing in the United States Identify the Critical Success Factors of Leadership for the Training Project Managers We want to take this opportunity to thank all the mentors. We deeply appreciate their great effort of student researches. The faculty mentors of 2013 Student Research Day presentation are: School of Technology: Lash Mapa, Jose Pena, Akram Hossain, Barbara Nicolai, Dennis Korchek, Ge Jin, John Moreland, Manghui Tu, Craig D. Engle, Ahmed Ashfaq, Ricardo A. Calix, Gregory Neff. School of LASS: Richard Rupp, David Pick, David P. Nalbone, Lee Rademacher, Kathryn Sweeney. School of Nursing: Ellen Moore, Cheryl Anema, Gail Wegner, Beth Vottero. School of Management: Jamaluddin Husain, Songtao Mo, Kuan C. Chen, Amlan Mitra. School of EMS: Chandramouli Viswanathan, Nicolae Tarfulea, Gayle Millsaps, Gokarna Aryal, David Kozel, George Nnanna, Xiuling Wang, Indrajit Ray, Michael I. Zimmer, Xiaoli Yang, Chenn Q. Zhou, John Moreland, Besma Smida, Donald Gray, Bin Wu, Neeti Parashar, Chi Zhang, Robert Rescot, Dong Fu, Kaliappan Gopalan, Nasser Houshangi, Masoud Mojtahed, Young D. Choi, Nicolae Tarfulea, John Cox, Harold W. Pinnick, Ed Pierson, Harvey Abramowitz, Evert Ting, Doreen Gaboyan, Curtis Creighton, Radmila Sarac, Muhammad Anan, Constantin Apostoaia, Bin Chen, Ruijian Zhang, Diana Underwood. Please pay attention, all the student presenters: There will be four oral presentation sessions on 2013 Student Research Day. Session 1: 8:30 AM- 9:30 AM Session 2: 9:40 AM- 10:40 AM Each oral presentation in Session 1 or 2 has twenty minutes including Q&A. Session 3: 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Session 4: 2:40 PM - 4:10 PM Each oral presentation in Session 3 or 4 has thirty minutes including Q&A. Please send your preference of presentation session based on your availability and the time needed for your presentation to Student Research Office at before next Monday, March 25. If we do not receive your preference before the deadline, we will assume you are available for all sessions and will set up the presentation time for you. If you will attend the Student Research Award ceremony and the Dinner at 4:15 – 7 PM, please make the reservation before March 21.