Summer Assignment

Leon Battista Alberti: Renaissance 1
Cardinal Richelieu: Absolutism 26
Baldassare Catiglione: Renaissance 2
Cardinal Mazarin: Absolutism 27
Lorenzo de Medici: Renaissance 3
Louis XIV: Absolutism 28
Niccolo Machiavelli: Renaissance 4
Peter the Great: Absolutism 29
Sandro Botticelli: Renaissance 5
Charles I: Absolutism 30
Donato di Donatello: Renaissance 6
William and Mary(English Monarchs 1680s):
Absolutism 31
Filippo Brunelleschi: Renaissance 7
Leonardo da Vinci: Renaissance 8
Raphael & Michelangelo: Renaissance 9
Jan van Eyck: Renaissance 10
Albrecht Durer 365: Renaissance 11
Isabella of Castile & Ferdinand of Aragon:
Renaissance 12
Thomas Hobbes: Absolutism 32
John Locke: Absolutism 33
Nicolaus Copernicus: Scientific Revolution 34
Tycho Brahe: Scientific Revolution 35
Johannes Kepler: Scientific Revolution 36
Galileo Galilei: Scientific Revolution 37
Leo X: Renaissance 13
Isaac Newton: Scientific Revolution 38
Desiderius Erasmus: Renaissance 14
Paracelsus: Scientific Revolution 39
Thomas More 378: Renaissance 15
Andreas Vesalius: Scientific Revolution 40
Martin Luther: Reformation 16
William Harvey Scientific Revolution 41
Charles V: Reformation 17
Rene Descartes: Scientific Revolution 42
Francis I: Reformation 18
Francis Bacon: Scientific Revolution 43
Ulrich Zwingli: Reformation 19
Montesquieu: Enlightenment 44
Henry VIII: Reformation 20
Voltaire: Enlightenment 45
John Calvin: Reformation 21
Diderot: Enlightenment 46
Ignatius of Loyola: Reformation 22
Adam Smith: Enlightenment 47
Henry IV: Reformation 23
Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Enlightenment 48
Philip II: Reformation 24
Mary Wollstonecraft: Enlightenment 49
Elizabeth I: Reformation 25
Frederick William I: Enlightenment 50
Frederick the Great: Enlightenment 51
Queen Victoria: 1800s 76
Maria Theresa(Austria Leader 1700s):
Enlightenment 52
Benjamin Disraeli: 1800s 77
Joseph II: Enlightenment 53
Catherine the Great: Enlightenment 54
Louis XVI: French Revolution 55
Olympe de Gouges: French Revolution 56
Maximilien Robespierre: French Revolution 57
Napoleon Bonaparte: French Revolution 58
Klemens von Metternich: Conservatism 59
Louis XVIII: Conservatism 60
Thomas Malthus: Conservatism 61
David Ricardo: Conservatism 62
Charles Fourier: Conservatism 63
Robert Owen: Conservatism 64
Louis Blanc: Conservatism 65
Louis-Philippe: Conservatism 66
Napoleon III: Conservatism 67
Baron Haussmann: Conservatism 68
Count Cavour: Unification 69
Victor Emmanuel: Unification 70
Guiseppe Garibaldi: Unification 71
King William I(Prussia): Unification 72
Otto von Bismarck: Unification 73
Francis Joseph: Unification 74
Alexander II: 1800s 75
William Gladstone: 1800s 78
Karl Marx: 1800s 79
Charles Darwin: 1800s 80
Louis Pasteur: 1800s 81
Eduard Berstein: 1800s 82
William II: 1800s 83
Albert Einstein: 1800s 84
Friedrich Nietzsche: 1800s 85
Sigmund Freud: 1800s 86
Emmeline Pankhurst: 1800s 87
Theodor Herzl: 1800s 88
David Lloyd George: 1800s 89
Alfred Dreyfus: 1800s 90
Sergei Witte: 1800s 91
Nicholas II: World War I 92
Francis Ferdinand: World War I 93
V. I. Lenin: World War I 94
Benito Mussolini: World War II 95
Adolf Hitler: World War II 96
Leon Trotsky: World War II 97
Joseph Stalin: World War II 98
Francisco Franco: World War II 99
Henri Petain: World War II 100
Winston Churchill: World War II 101
Harry Truman: Cold War 102
Nikita Khrushchev: Cold War 103
Josip Broz Tito: Cold War 104
Charles de Gaulle: Cold War 105
Clement Attlee: Cold War 106
Leonid Brezhnev: Cold War 107
Lech Walesa: Cold War 108
Alexander Dubcek: Cold War 109
Margaret Thatcher: Cold War 110
Francois Mitterrand: Cold War 111
Mikhail Gorbachev: Cold War 112
Boris Yeltsin: Cold War 113
Vladimir Putin: Cold War 114
Your assignment for the summer is to create a
notecard for each of the people on this list. On
the bottom of each notecard, please include the
name of the unit and the number. For each
person, make sure to include the country that
they are from, their position, and a few details
about what made them important. On the first
day of school we will have a quiz on the
important people from the Renaissance. You
will receive a grade for your notecards. For AP
European History, you will need to keep a
notebook in the classroom. In this notebook, we
will add notes, study guides, and graphic
organizers for each chapter throughout the
year. Your notebook will only leave the room
before a test and must be returned on test
days. After the holiday break, you will also be
required to buy a Barron’s review book for AP
European History. I would suggest that you
have that book for the start of the year, but you
will be required to have it in class until after the
holiday break.
Tony Blair: Cold War 115
Group Code for AP Euro 2014-2015 Edmodo
Page: jn9scb