The Collegiate High School - The Florida College System

The Collegiate High School:
An Academy Approach
First Thoughts
• Huh?
• Associates and industry certifications??
• Why is this different from current DE opportunities? What was the intent
of this legislation?
• Collegiate HS sounds like a High School on a college campus. BIG
• Yikes we have 6 counties!!!! And we are all supposed to agree???
• Really? I have to know who is teaching the courses next year!
• NFCC too small to add a totally separate DE program
• Can we make this special so it isn’t what already exists just with different
• Value added beyond credits and industry certifications and free for
Where to start?
• CAPE Industry Certification list sounds like a good place to start
• Oh dear we don’t have very many ? Now what?
• Many students already have earned some of these, need to consider value
added another way
• Basically left with certifications that relate to Business, Digital Media, and
Information Technology which clearly sound more like AS/CCC realm
• Light bulb comes on: NFCC available industry certifications can coincide
with existing CCC programs.
• By outlining a 30 credit hour curriculum around the Industry
Certification(s) which leads to CCCs, there would be value added for both
NFCC and the student. CCC: prepares student for entry into employment
• But then what about the students who want AA? Industry certifications
and AA ?????
Specifically Which CCC’s?
Adobe certifications….fit with Digital Media, we offer a several CCC’s as well as
AS degree in Digital Media/Multimedia. Hmmm. This could increase
enrollment in this program.
Quickbooks …. maybe could fit in with Business Development &
Entrepreneurship (think Shark Tank!) part of AS Business Administration
MS Bundle - maybe could work in somehow with Digital Media and Business
Several from Networking and Network Security realm– new Network Security
CCC !!!
In 30 credits may be able to complete more than one CCC in Digital Media.
Business Development & Entrepreneurship CCC is 25 credits. Network
Security is 30 credits. BINGO!!!!
Time to consult with leads for AS Digital Media and AS Business Administration
and get this curriculum outline started!
Oh oh, the Network Security is set to start sequence in Spring term not Fall,
and courses must be taken in a specific order..better consult.
CCC’s Galore: Post Consultation
• Three different CCC’s in Digital Media with credit hours
leftover, maybe some Gen Ed?
• Business Development & Entrepreneurship CCC. In leftover
hours can work in Quickbooks, MS bundle, and Adobe options
• Network Security CCC with multiple industry certifications
with new startup in Fall to get “cohort” sequence on
Fall/Spring track…will have to offer 2nd part for first “cohort”
and first part of program for second “cohort” in Fall ‘15 if
enough interest.
• Yay!!!! Now this what I call value added! Credits, CCC’s, and
certifications. And then there’s the $$$$ part. (30 * $101.80
= $3054…a penny saved is a penny earned!)
Now for the AA Students
AA not as prescribed as AS or CCC so where to start
Maybe can work in completion of FL General Education core with elective options for
Industry Certification preparation
How do I accommodate for already earned General Education credits?
Am I making this too complicated!!!! And I haven’t even gotten to the who is teaching what
part yet (SERIOUSLY!)
Completion of one General Education core course from each of the five buckets half way to
30 credits and the rest could be either General Education or electives that lead to industry
certifications. This works because no CAPE industry certifications available through NFCC
would require more than 15 credits of courses as preparation.
And if a student has already completed one of the General Education core courses they can
just substitute another General Education course…..THIS COULD WORK and actually resemble
a somewhat defined curriculum (value added again…counselors will like this).
What Do We Call Them
The NFCC Collegiate High School Program has emerged as tracks from 4
different curriculum areas: Business, AA General, Digital Media, Information
Let’s call them Academies (thank you President Grosskopf)! Merriam Webster
defines academy as a school that provides training in a special field. The
school is NFCC Collegiate HS, the training is Digital Media, Business,
Information Technology (AA with electives for special training).
This just might distinguish our program not only from other CHS programs
elsewhere (remember we have 6 different counties that we have to reach
agreement with) but from FL DE options already available to NFCC students
(ie. early admission).
We can even print an internal certificate stating something like John Smith has
completed XXX credits in the NFCC Collegiate High School XXXXX Academy.
Speaking of packaging.
And if we code students in the event that at some point there be an
accountability report required we are ready to go…HA CHA CHA!
Now on to the details
• Since for many courses do not know who specifically will be teaching until
term class schedule made (and subject to change), just list all possible
faculty with disclaimers if needed.
• Same goes for method of delivery, list options with disclaimer about video
conferencing where equipment available based on demand
• Consult with appropriate faculty for courses that prepare students for
CAPE industry certification
• How to organize? This is a lot of information (thank you FL legislature!) so
tables seem the way to go.
• Tables will need to minimally include: NFCC course number and title, HS
equivalency (thank goodness I created that abbreviated NFCC table), the
programs within respective academy that courses count towards, whether
course is a preparation for an industry certification, CAPE certification with
code, instructors, methods of delivery
Collegiate High School Information Technology Academy Curriculum
• Refer to table Appendix A for Academy I.
• College Credit Certificate Program
The 30 credit hours that comprise the curriculum for this online program
meet the requirements for the CCC Network Security. It is designed to equip
career-seeking students with an advanced understanding of various networks
and the information security issues faced by business and industry
worldwide. Credits may articulate to an AS Network Systems Technology
which is offered at some FCS institutions. Credits may also count toward AA
degree as electives and may meet prerequisites for a 4 year degree in a
related Information Technology program. The courses will offered as a
schedule to meet the required sequencing to prepare students for the related
industry certifications.
• Second table includes courses for certification preparation
• Note how any related information regarding instruction is stated prior to
third table
Delivery Method and Instructors
All courses will be offered as online delivery. All courses will be taught by industry certified instructors with more specialized
courses such as Ethical Hacker I taught by John Sirmon and CCNA/CCNA Security courses taught by an adjunct.
CET 1600
TBA Adjunct
CET 1610
TBA Adjunct
CTS 1387
John Sirmon
CET 1171
John Sirmon or TBD adjunct
CET 2615
TBA adjunct
CET 2620
TBA adjunct
CIS 2352
John Sirmon
CTS 2664
TBA adjunct
CIS 2381
John Sirmon
CTS 1120
John Sirmon
Information Technology Academy
Collegiate High School Digital Media Academy Curriculum
• Note: Table one similar to that for Information Technology Academy but
note that there are multiple NFCC programs toward which credits may
count and delivery and instructor included. All on this table are courses
required for completion of CCC’s
• Due to some courses common to three of our available CCC’s it was
possible to outline a curriculum that would allow for completion of
multiple CCC’s and not reach 30 credit hours. Consideration of AS Digital
Media/Mulitmedia professional core and General Education was given in
choice of courses. As well by adding GRA 2140C to recommended
students could earn an additional certification
• Note that the recommended General education courses are from FL Gen
Ed Core
College Degree or Certificates for which Credits are Earned
If student completes all courses (21 credit hours) listed in the first table they will
have met requirements for three different College Credit Certificates which are tied
to the AS Digital Media/Multimedia. The specialization for those three CCCs are
Authoring, Production, Web Production. These short –term certificates are designed
to equip students with a skill set for immediate employment. All courses in these
three certificates are required courses for completion of the AS Digital
Media/Multimedia. Courses specific to the individual College Credit Certificates
described may be found in the NFCC College Catalog.
The courses listed on the second table are recommended options beyond the 21
credits that will meet CCC requirements. These courses are also part of the AS
Digital Media/Multimedia program as either as professional core or general
education course.
Professional core courses may be transferrable to BAS Digital Media/Multimedia.
General Education Courses recommended that will meet General Education Core
Option state requirement for Humanities and for Mathematics as defined in F.A.C.
Digital Media Academy
Industry Certifications
CAPE Industry Certification
Adobe Certified Associate Web
GRA 2144C, GRA 2143C
GRA 2160C, GRA 2140C
GRA 2131C, GRA 2207C
Communication using Adobe –
Adobe Certified Associate Rich
Media Communication using
Adobe –Flash
Adobe Certified Associate Visual
Communication using AdobePhotoshop
Digital Media Academy
Collegiate High School Business Academy Curriculum
Refer to first Table for Business Academy. The statement
provided below the table explains the addition of the last 4
courses. Those additional courses not only count toward AS are
courses that prepare for Industry Certifications.
College Credential to Which Credits Can Apply
With the exception of GRA 2143C, all courses listed are either required or elective
options for completion of the AS in Business Administration. Additionally, with
completion of all but the last four listed courses students will have met
requirements for the Technical (College Credit) Certificate in Business
Development and Entrepreneurship. Courses in the outlined Business Collegiate
High School Program that are common prerequisite courses for most
Baccalaureate programs in Business are: CGS 1100C, ACG 2021, ECO 2013.
Others may apply depending on transfer institution and intended Business
Industry Certifications
The last four courses listed on the previous table (refer to curriculum table in packet) will prepare
students for the following Industry Certification(s):
CAPE Industry Certification
QuickBooks Certified User
ACG 2450
Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS)
CGS 1100C, CGS 2571C
Adobe Certified Associate Web
GRA 2144C
Business Academy
Course Delivery Method and Instructors
Listed course delivery method(s) are based on how courses have been delivered in previous
semesters. Traditional (face to face) delivery courses would meet at NFCC or may be delivered
via video conferenced based on interest and availability of technology for delivery. Where
multiple delivery methods are listed not all are available every term that course is offered
FINALLY! I actually know who the instructor will be. Note in table
below the above introduction that instructors and method of delivery
are known. But introduction provides for additional possibility of
video conferenced delivery.
Business Academy
AA General Academy Curriculum
First table listed General Education State Core Options for NFCC for the
respective Gen Ed buckets. Note the * and ** statements below table re EOC
Additional Information Regarding General Education Choices
Note that some of the General Education Courses may have prerequisite or co
requisite course requirements. Collegiate High School AA General track students
must take or have previously completed one General Education Core course from
each of the five General Education areas as listed above. Note that courses listed
are based on those in 2014 College Catalog and additional Core courses may be
added to the NFCC 2015 College Catalog. Choice of Mathematics General Core
Course Option should be based on students’ intended meta-major or major. Refer
to F.A.C. 6A-14.065 Meta-Major Academic Pathways for defined academic
pathways for English and Mathematics for various meta-majors.. Effective
academic year 2015-2016 all FTIC students must meet General Education Core
requirement. Refer to F.A.C. 6A-14.0303 General Education Core Course Options.
For a student who has previously completed General Education Core course options
for the five areas either another General Education or elective course may be
substituted as part of the AA General Academy curriculum. Students should make
informed choices based on their educational objective.
• Elective courses options listed in second table are for the most part the
courses that would prepare students for CAPE Industry Certifications. The
courses related to specific certification are listed in the third table.
General Information Regarding Electives
Note that some of the listed recommended electives may have prerequisite or corequisite course requirements. Effective 2014-2015, all FTIC students will be required
to meet a foreign language competency requirement at the level of Elementary II for
completion of an Associate of Arts degree. This can be met by completing 2 high school
credits in the same foreign language take consecutively either taken as a high school
course or as college credit.. Other elective choices may be substituted. In selecting
electives consideration should be given to intended degree and major to help with
required common course prerequisites and transfer of credit.
• Note how delivery method and instructors was addressed in fourth table
and introductory statement above that table. It was also noted whether
instructor was FT or PT.
AA General
Other Contract Details
• Limited to 12th graders . RATIONALE: Intent of the legislation. Higher
probability that student will have completed HS subject area credits.
• Must be post secondary ready in Reading, Writing, and Mathematics to be
a participant.
• Students must maintain a minimum number of hours (6) to be considered
a CHS participant. RATIONALE: Remember only have to allow for 30
credits. Students do not have to enroll in 30 credits or even be early
admission. But the more credits the more value added.
• All courses delivered by NFCC faculty on a paid contract. RATIONALE:
Collegiate High School. This one may ruffle a few feathers.
• All face to face courses and hybrids will be held at NFCC. All video
conferenced delivery from NFCC.
Contact Information:
Dr. Sharon Erle
North Florida Community College
Whew! Glad that’s over!