Testing, testing*Papers 1, 2, & 3*

Testing, testing…Papers 1, 2, & 3…
• Paper 1: Communism in Crisis:
– Collapse of the USSR
• Brezhnev (Doctrine)
• Gerontocracy: Andropov &
• Gorbachev: Glasnost, Perestroika,
– Independence Movements in
Eastern Europe
• Paper 2:
• 2/6 Topics, 1 essay per topic, 5
choices per topic
– Topic 3: SPS
• Origins, Establishment, Impact
• Single leader OR C/C
• Successes/Failures
– Topic 5: Cold War
• Polish Solidarity
• Czechoslovakia: Velvet Revolution
• Berlin/German re-unification
– Restructuring of the PRC
• Struggle for power after Mao
• Deng = economic (Four
• Deng = political (5th Modernization?
& Tiananmen)
Conflicting aims & policies
• Paper 3: 3/24 Essays
Independence Movements
Civil War
Great Depression
Civil Rights
Single Party State Themes:
Theme 1: Origins and nature Theme 2: Establishment of
of authoritarian and singleauthoritarian and single
party states
party states
Conditions that produced
authoritarian and singleparty states
Totalitarianism: the aim
and the extent to which it
was achieved
Emergence of leaders:
aims, ideology, support
Methods: force, legal
Form of government,
(left-and right-wing)
Nature, extent and
treatment of opposition
Theme 3: Domestic policies
and impact
Structure and organization
of government and
Political, economic, social
and religious policies
Role of education, the arts,
the media, propaganda
Statues of women,
treatment of religious groups
and minorities
Topic 3: SPS: Theme 1: Origins and nature
of authoritarian and single-party states
Conditions that produced authoritarian and
single-party states
Totalitarianism: the aim and the extent to
which it was achieved
Emergence of leaders: aims, ideology,
Topic 3: SPS: Theme 1: Origins and nature
of authoritarian and single-party states
Conditions that produced authoritarian and
single-party states
Totalitarianism: the aim and the extent to
which it was achieved
Emergence of leaders: aims, ideology,
Topic 3: SPS: Theme 2: Establishment of
authoritarian and single party states
Methods: force, legal
Form of government, (left-and right-wing)
Nature, extent and treatment of opposition
Topic 3: SPS: Theme 2: Establishment of
authoritarian and single party states
Methods: force, legal
Form of government, (left-and right-wing)
Nature, extent and treatment of opposition
Topic 3: SPS: Theme 3: Domestic
policies and impact
Structure and organization of government and
Political, economic, social and religious policies
Role of education, the arts, the media, propaganda
Statues of women, treatment of religious groups and
Rise to Power
Maintenance of Power & Domestic Policies
Global Impact & Foreign Policies
• To what extent did two single-party rulers, each chosen from a different
region, fulfill the promises made during their rise to power?
• By what methods, and with what success, did one single-party leader try
to eliminate domestic opposition?
• Compare and contrast the social and economic policies of Perón and
• Assess the importance of each of the following in the rise to power of
Stalin: errors made by rivals; the use of propaganda; popular support.
• With reference to either Hitler or Mao, examine the reasons for, and
results of, educational policies in the single-party state.
• Analyse the impact of single-party rule upon minorities in two singleparty states, each chosen from a different region.
Paper 2: Topic 5: The Cold War
Origins of Cold War
– Ideological differences; Mutual suspicion and fear; From wartime allies to post-war enemies
Nature of the Cold War
– Ideological opposition; Superpowers and spheres of influence; Alliances and diplomacy in the
Cold War
Development and Impact of the Cold War
– Global spread of the Cold War from its European origins; Cold War policies of containment,
brinkmanship, peaceful coexistence, détente; Role of the United Nations and the Non-Aligned
Movement; Role and significance of leaders; Arms race, proliferation and limitation; Social,
cultural and economic impact
Examine the conflicting aims and policies of rival powers
– The Struggle for Europe – USSR, Germany/Berlin, Eastern Europe; Globalization of the Cold
War – Asia, Latin America, Middle East; Competition and Co-Existence
End of the Cold War
– Break-up of Soviet Union: internal problems and external pressures; Breakdown of Soviet
control over Central and Eastern Europe
-Marshall Plan
-George Keenan/
Long Telegram
-Mao & PRC
-Tito &
-Korean war
-Fall of Dien Bien
-Warsaw Pact
-Secret Speech
-Nasser, Egypt,
Aswan, Suez
-Berlin Wall
-U2 Crisis
-Bay of Pigs
-Cuban Missile
-Six Day War
-Prague Spring
-Nixon Doctrine /
-Yom Kippur War
-Camp David
-Fall of Saigon
-Deng Xiaoping,
-Soviet Invasion
of Afghanistan
-Solidarity in
-Carter Doctrine
Sinatra Doctrine
Movements in
Eastern Europe
-Fall of the Berlin
-Yeltsin & Fall of
Examples of what to know
Key dates:
1939-1945: WWII
--Wartime conferences = 1945
1945-1949: Origins of the Cold War
US Presidents:
SPS Leaders:
Roosevelt: 1933-1945
Stalin: 1924 – 1953
Truman: 1945 – 1953
---Khrushchev: 1953 – 1964
---Brezhnev: 1964 – 1982
---Gorbachev: 1985 - 1989
1950-1953: Korean War
Eisenhower: 1953 – 1961
1956: Suez Canal Crisis
Kennedy: 1961-1963
Mao: 1949 – 1976
--Deng Xiaoping: 1980s
1959: Cuban Rev, 1961: Bay of Pigs,
1963: Cuban Missile Crisis
Society… for paper 3
Nasser: 1956 – 1970
1979: Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan
Nixon: 1969-1974
1980s: Solidarity
1989: Independence movements in E.
Carter: 1977 -1981
Reagan: 1981 - 1989
1991: Collapse of USSR
policies for Paper 3
Castro: 1959 – 2008
Assess the role of Truman and Stalin in the
origins and development of the Cold War.
With reference to two countries, each
chosen from a different region (excluding the
US or the USSR), assess the social and
economic impact of the Cold War.
“The sovietization of Eastern and Central
Europe after the Second World War was
undertaken as a defensive measure by the
Soviet Union.” To what extent do you agree
with this statement?
In what ways, and with what success, did the
US and the USSR attempt to reduce Cold War
tensions between 1956 and 1979?
Analyse the reasons for, and consequences
of, the breakdown of Sino–Soviet relations in
the 1950s and 1960s.
Assess the economic and social impact of
superpower involvement in one of the
following: Cuba (after 1959); Congo (after
1960); Afghanistan (after 1979).
In what ways, and with what significance, did
either Kennedy or Reagan influence the
development of the Cold War?
For what reasons, and in what ways, did Cold
War tensions hinder the work of the United
“The Potsdam Conference marked the end of
the wartime alliance and laid the foundations
for post-war hostility.” With reference to the
period up to 1949, to what extent do you
agree with this statement?
For what reasons, and with what results, did
the Cold War affect the Middle East between
1956 and 1979?
Compare and contrast the impact of two of
the following leaders on the Cold War: Mao;
Castro; Kennedy.
To what extent did (a) ideological and (b)
economic factors contribute to the ending of
the Cold War?
• “Post-war enmity was the product of longer term ideological
differences.” To what extent do you agree with this statement on the
origins of the Cold War up to 1949?
• For what reasons, and with what success, did the United States adopt a
policy of containment between 1947 and 1962?
• Account for the change in Sino–Soviet relations after the death of Stalin
in 1953.
• Assess the contribution of one of the following to the development of
Cold War tensions: Truman; Mao; Castro.
• Analyse the reasons for, and results of, Soviet involvement in the war in
Afghanistan (1979–1988).
• With reference to two states, each chosen from a different region,
examine the cultural impact of the Cold War.
Assess the role of Truman and Stalin in the
origins and development of the Cold War.
Compare and contrast the impact of two of
the following leaders on the Cold War:
Mao; Castro; Kennedy. (2011)
Assess the contribution of one of the following to the development of
Cold War tensions: Truman; Mao; Castro. (2013)
“The sovietization of Eastern and Central
Europe after the Second World War was
undertaken as a defensive measure by the
Soviet Union.” To what extent do you agree
with this statement? (2012)
Analyse the responsibility of the USA and
the USSR for the outbreak and development
of the Cold War, up to 1949. (2006)
For what reasons, and with what success,
did the United States adopt a policy of
containment between 1947 and 1962?
"Although it began in Europe the spread of
the Cold War to other regions was a much
more dangerous development." To what
extent do you agree with this judgment?
Analyse the nature of the Cold War and
explain why, in spite of serious crises, it did
not turn into a Third World War. (2003)
Analyse the factors which led to the ending
of the Cold War. (2005)
To what extent did economic problems in
the Communist bloc bring about the end of
the Cold War? (2007)
When and why did the Cold War end?
Assess the role of Truman and Stalin in the
origins and development of the Cold War.
Compare and contrast the impact of two of
the following leaders on the Cold War:
Mao; Castro; Kennedy. (2011)
Assess the contribution of one of the following to the development of
Cold War tensions: Truman; Mao; Castro. (2013)
Truman: WWII, Conferences
(FDR)(Potsdam), Atomic
bomb, Truman doctrine,
Marshall Plan, containment,
Kennedy / Castro:
Stalin: WWII, Conferences
(Tehran, Yalta, Potsdam), E.
Europe, Communist bloc/
satellite states, Poland, SSRs,
Castro: Rise to power (SPS):
Anti-Batista, July 26th
Revolutionary movement 
Sierra Maestra rebels,
Germany (Berlin crisis:
blockade, airlift)
Kennedy: (IKE legacy),
doctrine, role in LA, role in
Cold War…
Korean war
**Bay of Pigs invasion
**Cuban Missile Crisis:
Historiography (Missiles
 Arms race, defense…
removed from Cuba & Turkey)
Impact on the Cold War 
Détente (cost of MAD)
“The sovietization of Eastern and Central
Europe after the Second World War was
undertaken as a defensive measure by the
Soviet Union.” To what extent do you agree
with this statement? (2012)
Assess the role of Truman and Stalin in the
origins and development of the Cold War.
Compare and contrast the impact of two of
the following leaders on the Cold War:
Mao; Castro; Kennedy. (2011)
Assess the contribution of one of the following to the development of
Cold War tensions: Truman; Mao; Castro. (2013)
Castro & Kennedy
Atomic Bomb
*Truman Long telegram
 containment
Truman doctrine
Marshall Plan
*Stalin  costs of WWII,
Poland, E Europe, BERLIN!!!!,
“The sovietization of Eastern and Central
Europe after the Second World War was
undertaken as a defensive measure by the
Soviet Union.” To what extent do you agree
with this statement? (2012)
Analyse the responsibility of the USA and
the USSR for the outbreak and development
of the Cold War, up to 1949. (2006)
For what reasons, and with what success,
did the United States adopt a policy of
containment between 1947 and 1962?
Up to 49  before Korean
Regionally vs. chrono
Europe: Cold War origins,
Germany, E. Europe
Asia: Korea
LA: Cuba / MidEast: Egypt
"Although it began in Europe the spread of
the Cold War to other regions was a much
more dangerous development." To what
extent do you agree with this judgment?
Analyse the nature of the Cold War and
explain why, in spite of serious crises, it did
not turn into a Third World War. (2003)
Began in Europe (dangers):
 End of WWII, Big 3, Conferences
(Y/P), Poland, Germany 1948 (block
/ air), NATO, Warsaw, Containment,
Truman doctrine, Marshall Plan, E.
bloc, SSRs, Iron curtain…
Spread to other regions (dangers):
1950-53: Korean war, 1960s
Castro, Bay of Pigs, Cuban missile
crisis, Vietnam, domino theory,
middle east (Egypt), LA, 1979:
Which more dangerous?
Depends on POV…Historiography
Why no WWIII?
Atomic bomb, MAD, arms race,
détente, SALT, START, SDI…
Analyse the factors which led to the ending
of the Cold War. (2005)
To what extent did economic problems in
the Communist bloc bring about the end of
the Cold War? (2007)
When and why did the Cold War end?
Analyse the responsibility of the USA and
the USSR for the outbreak and development
of the Cold War, up to 1949. (2006)
For what reasons, and with what success,
did the United States adopt a policy of
containment between 1947 and 1962?
"Although it began in Europe the spread of
the Cold War to other regions was a much
more dangerous development." To what
extent do you agree with this judgment?
Analyse the nature of the Cold War and
explain why, in spite of serious crises, it did
not turn into a Third World War. (2003)
Analyse the factors which led to the ending
of the Cold War. (2005)
To what extent did economic problems in
the Communist bloc bring about the end of
the Cold War? (2007)
When and why did the Cold War end?
1970s: MAD Détente
(bombs = $$)
-1979: Afghan war (USSR)
1980s:Perestroika &
-E. European movements for
independence  Poland
(Lech Walesa, Solidarity),
Czechoslovakia (Velvet Rev),
Baltic revs…
1989: Fall of Berlin Wall
1991: USSR falls, German
Independence Movements
Independence movements: This section focuses on the
various forces that contributed to the rise of the
independence movements, the similar and different
paths that the movements followed and the immediate
effects of independence in the region. It explores the
political, intellectual and military contributions of their
leaders and the sometimes contradictory views that
shaped the emergence of the new nations.
• Independence movements in the Americas: political,
economic, social, intellectual and religious causes; the
role of
foreign intervention; conflicts and issues leading to war
• Political and intellectual contributions of leaders to the
process of independence: Washington, Bolivar (suitable 4
choices could be Adams, Jefferson, San Martín,
• United States Declaration of Independence; processes
leading to the declaration; influence of ideas; nature of
declaration; military campaigns and their impact on the
outcome (suitable examples could be Saratoga and
• Independence movements in Latin America:
characteristics of the independence processes; reasons
for the
similarities and/or differences in two countries in the
region; military campaigns and their impact
on the outcome (suitable examples could be Chacabuco,
Maipú, Ayacucho, Boyacá and Carabobo)
• United States’ position towards Latin American
independence; events and reasons for the emergence of
Monroe Doctrine
• Impact of independence on the economies and
societies of the Americas: economic and social issues;
perspectives on economic development; impact on
different social groups: Native Americans, African
Civil war
Great Depression
-Which social and economic groups gained and which lost
from the United States Civil War?
95. How successful was Reconstruction following the
American Civil War?
-How important were the abolitionists in the coming of
the American Civil War?
97. What were the political causes and results of the US
Civil War?
-“Southerners maintained that secession was the ultimate
expression of democracy, while Lincoln believed that
secession was a rejection of democracy.” Explain and
justify these opposing beliefs.
-To what extent was President Lincoln more interested in
preserving the Union than emancipating the slaves?
-“Southern leaders risked civil war because they
underestimated the North’s strength and overestimated
the South’s power.” To what extent do you agree with
this statement?
-How and why did the antislavery movement in the
United States change during the course of the nineteenth
-‘It was the result of tensions between two different ways
of life’. ‘The war was caused by unnecessary fanatical
agitation’. Which of these explanations for the outbreak
of the Civil War in the United States do you consider to be
the most appropriate and why?
-To what extent, and for what reasons, did the election of
Abraham Lincoln contribute to the onset of the Civil War
in the United States?
-Why did the North win the Civil War in the United
-Why the United States Civil War break out in 1861?
-Analyse the immediate and long-term political effects of
the United States Civil War in the period 1865 to 1896.
-Assess the relative strengths of the North and the South
at the beginning of the United States Civil War in
1861.108. Why, in spite of the advantages of the North
over the South, did the Civil War in the United States last
so long?
-Why was compromise no longer possible between the
North and the South in the United States by 1860?
1.) To what extent was the Wall Street Crash a
cause of the Great Depression of 1929? Support
your argument with specific examples from one
country of the region. May 2007
2.) Analyse the causes of the great depression in
one country in the Americas. May 2006
3.) Explain how one country of the region changed
its policy on the role the government should play in
the economy as a result of the Great Depression.
Nov. 2006
4.) With reference to one country of the region,
analyse the causes of the Great Depression and
assess the political impact of the Great Depression
on that country. May 2005
5.) “The Great Depression changed governments’
views of their role and responsibility.” Assess the
validity of this statement with examples taken from
two countries of the region. Nov. 2005
6.) How, and with what success, did the government
of any one country in the Americas try to solve the
problems caused by the Great Depression? May
7.) Analyse the political and economic changes
caused by the Depression to one country of the
region. Nov. 2004
8.) How successful were government programmes
in solving problems caused by the Great Depression,
in two countries of the region? May 2003
9.) Assess the impact of the Great Depression on
the society of any one country of the region.
Provide specific example to support your answer.
May 2002
Civil Rights
Political developments in the Americas after the
Second World War 1945-79:
-Analyse the successes and failures of the United
States’ Civil Rights movement between 1954 and
-In what ways, and for what reasons, did the
African American struggle for civil rights in the
United States
change between the early and late 1960s?
-Evaluate the impact of Black Power on the civil
rights movement in the United States during the
second half of the 1960s.
- In what ways, and for what reasons, did the civil
rights movement in the United States make
significant progress in the period 1950 to 1964?
-Explain why and how the Civil Rights movement
became more radical as the 1960s progressed.
-Compare and contrast the impact of the African
American civil rights movement in the United
States on other civil rights movements in one
country of the region.
-To what extent had African Americans in the
United States gained their civil and political rights
by 1968?
-Describe the origins and achievements of a Native
American movement in one country of the region
after 1945.
-Contrast the roles and policies of Dr Martin Luther
King and Malcolm X in the development of the
Civil Rights Movement in the United States.
-With reference to two countries of the region, to
what extent did the civil rights of Native Americans
change from the 1960s to the 1980s?
-Why was the African American Civil Rights
Movement in the United States more effective in
the years 1954 to
1964 than in the late 1960s?
This section focuses on domestic concerns
and political developments after 1945. The majority of
states in the Americas experienced social, economic and
political changes and challenges. Political responses to
these forces varied from country to country: from the
continuation of democracy to multi-class “populist”
alliances to outright conflict, revolution and the
establishment of authoritarian regimes in the 1960s
and 1970s. Areas of study include: conditions for the
rise to power of new leaders; economic and social
policies; treatment of minorities. Note: Vargas and
Cárdenas came to power before 1945 but their rule and
influence in their respective states continued after
1.) How did the Cold War change relations
between the United States and either Latin
America or Canada between 1953-1979? May
2.) Assess the successes and failures of the
foreign policies of either Eisenhower (1953-61)
or Kennedy (1961-63). May 2006
3.) In what ways, and to what extent, did the
foreign policy of Ronald reason (1981-89) affect
the Cold War? May 2006
4.) How did the Cold War change relations
between the U.S. and either Latin America or
Canada between 1945-53? Nov. 2006
5.) In what ways, and with what results, did the
Cold War influence relations between either
Latin America or Canada with the United States
in the period 1945-1957? May 2005
6.) Compare and contrast the Cold War policies
of two of the following U.S. president: Harry S.
Truman (1945-53); Dwight D. Eisenhower (195361); Ronald Reagan (1981-89). May 2005
7.) Assess the successes and failures of the
foreign policies of either Harry S. Truman (194552) or Richard Nixon (1969-1974). May 2004
8.) Analyse the short-term and longer-term
consequences for Cuba between 1959 and 1995
of Castro’s rule? May 2004
9.) How did the Cold War change relations
between the United States and either Latin
America or Canada between 1945-53? Nov.
10.) Compare and contrast the Cold War policies
of Truman and Eisenhower. May 2002
• United States: domestic policies of Truman,
Eisenhower and Kennedy
• Johnson and “the Great Society”; Nixon’s domestic
• Canada: domestic policies from Diefenbaker to Clark
and Trudeau (both were prime ministers in 1979)
• Causes and effects of the Silent (or Quiet) Revolution
• Populist leaders in Latin America: rise to power;
characteristics of populist regimes; social, economic and
policies; the treatment of opposition; successes and
failures (suitable examples could be Perón, Vargas or
relevant Latin American leader)
• The Cuban Revolution: political, social, economic
causes; impact on the region
• Rule of Fidel Castro: political, economic, social and
cultural policies; treatment of minorities; successes and
• Military regimes in Latin America: rationale for
intervention; challenges; policies; successes and failures