Cimple 1.0: A Community Information Management Workbench Pedro DeRose University of Wisconsin-Madison Preliminary Examination The CIM Problem Numerous online communities database researchers, movie fans, legal professionals, bioinformatics, enterprise intranets, tech support groups Each community = many data sources + many members Database community home pages, project pages, DBworld, DBLP, conference pages... Movie fan community review sites, movie home pages, theatre listings... Legal profession community law firm home pages 2 The CIM Problem Members often want to discover, query, and monitor information in the community Database community what is new in the past week in the database community? any interesting connection between researchers X and Y? find all citations of this paper in the past one week on the Web what are current hot topics? who has moved where? Legal profession community which lawyers have moved where? which law firms have taken on which cases? Solving this problem is becoming increasingly crucial initial efforts at UW, Y!R, MSR, Washington, IBM Almaden 3 Planned Contributions of Thesis 1. Decompose the overall CIM problem [IEEE 06, CIDR 07, VLDB 07] HV Jagadish Data Sources Web Pages * ** Day 1 ** * SIGMOD-07 * . . . Day n . . . HV Jagadish served in ** . . . . . . * ** * SIGMOD-07 Community Portal User services - keyword search - query - browse - mine … Leveraging the Community ** * ** * Incremental Expansion 4 Planned Contributions of Thesis 2. Provide concrete solutions to key sub-problem • creating ER graphs: key novelty is composing plans from operators [VLDB 07] • facilitates developing, maintaining, and optimizing CreateE CreateR MatchMStrict MatchMbyName ExtractLabel ExtractMbyName ExtractMbyName Union {s1 … sn} \ DBLP c(person, label) DBLP main pages conference entities person entities • leveraging communities: wiki solution with key novelties [ICDE 08] • combines contributions from both humans and machines • combines both structured and text contributions 5 Planned Contributions of Thesis 3. Capture solutions in the Cimple 1.0 workbench [VLDB 07] • empty portal shell, including basic services and admin tools • set of general operators, and means to compose them • simple implementation of operators • end-to-end development methodology • extraction/integration plan optimizers • developers can employ Cimple tools to quickly build and maintain portals • will release publicly to drive research and evaluation in CIM 6 Planned Contributions of Thesis 4. Evaluate solutions and workbench on several domains • use Cimple to build portals for multiple communities • evaluate ease of development, extensibility, and accuracy of portal • have built DBLife, a portal for the database community [CIDR 07, VLDB 07] • will build a second portal for a non-research domain (e.g., movies, NFL) 7 Planned Thesis Chapters Selecting initial data sources Creating the daily ER graph Merging daily graphs into the global ER graph Incrementally expanding sources and data Leveraging community members Developing the Cimple 1.0 workbench Evaluating the solutions and workbench 8 Selecting Initial Sources Current solutions often use a "shotgun" approach select as many potentially relevant sources as possible lots of noisy sources, which can lower accuracy Communitites often show an 80-20 phenomenon small set of sources already covers 80% of interesting activity Select these 20% of sources e.g., for database community, sites of prominent researchers, conferences, departments, etc. Can incrementally expand later semi-automatically or mass collaboration Crawl sources periodically e.g., DBLife crawls ~10,000 pages (+160 MB) daily 9 Creating the ER Graph – Current Solutions Manual e.g., DBLP require a lot of human effort Semi-automatic, but domain-specific HV Jagadish served in SIGMOD-07 e.g., Yahoo! Finance, Citeseer difficult to adapt to new domains Semi-automatic and general many solutions from the database, WWW, and Semantic Web communities, e.g., Rexa, Libra, Flink, Polyphonet, Cora, Deadliner often use monolithic solutions, e.g., learning methods such as CRFs require little human effort can be difficult to tailor to individual communities 10 Proposed Solution: A Compositional Approach Discover Entities HV Jagadish Web Pages ** HV Jagadish ** * * SIGMOD-07 * Discover Relationships served in SIGMOD-07 ** * CreateE CreateR MatchMStrict c(person, label) MatchMbyName ExtractMbyName ExtractLabel ExtractMbyName Union {s1 … sn} \ DBLP main pages conference entities person entities DBLP 11 Benefits of the Proposed Solution Easier to develop, maintain, and extend e.g., 2 students less than 1 week to create plans for initial DBLife Provides opportunities for optimization e.g., extraction and integration plans allow for plan rewriting Can achieve high accuracy with relatively simple operators by exploiting community properties e.g., finding people names on seminar pages yields talks with 88% F1 12 Creating Plans to Discover Entities Raghu Ramakrishnan CreateE MatchM ExtractM Union s1 … sn 13 Creating Plans to Discover Entities (cont.) These operators address well-known problems CreateE MatchM In DBLife, we find simple implementations can already work surprisingly well ExtractM Union mention recognition, entity disambiguation... many sophisticated solutions often easy to collect entity names from community sources (e.g., DBLP) ExtractMByName: finds variations of names entity names within a community are often unique MatchMByName: matches mentions by name s1 … sn these simple methods work with 98% F1 in DBLife 14 Extending Plans to Handle Difficult Spots CreateE MatchMStrict DBLP: Chen Li ··· 41. Chen Li, Bin Wang, Xiaochun Yang. VGRAM. VLDB 2007. ··· 38. Ping-Qi Pan, Jian-Feng Hu, Chen Li. Feasible region contraction. Applied Mathematics and Computation. ··· MatchMbyName ExtractMbyName ExtractMbyName Union {s1 … sn}\ DBLP DBLP Can decide which operators to apply where e.g., stricter operators over more ambiguous data Provides optimization opportunities similarly to relational query plans see ICDE-07 for a way to optimize such plans 15 Creating Plans to Discover Relationships Categorize relations into general classes e.g., co-occur, label, neighborhood… Then provide operators for each class e.g., ComputeCoStrength, ExtractLabels, neighborhood selection… And compose them into a plan for each relation type makes plans easier to develop plans are relatively simple to understand can easily add new plans for new relation types 16 Illustrating Example: Co-occur To find affiliated(person, org) relationship... e.g., affiliated(Raghu, UW Madison), affiliated(Raghu, Yahoo! Research) categorized as a co-occur relationship ...compose a simple co-occur plan CreateR Select (strength > θ) ComputeCoStrength × Union person org entities entities s1 … sn This simple plan already finds affiliations with 80% F1 17 Illustrating Example: Label ICDE'07 Istanbul Turkey Plan for served-in(person, conf) CreateR c(person, label) ExtractLabel main pages conference entities person entities General Chair • Ling Liu • Adnan Yazici Program Committee Chairs • Asuman Dogac • Tamer Ozsu • Timos Sellis Program Committee Members • Ashraf Aboulnaga • Sibel Adali … 18 Illustrating Example: Neighborhood UCLA Computer Science Seminars Plan for gave-talk(person, venue) CreateR Title: Clustering and Classification Speaker: Yi Ma, UIUC Contact: Rachelle Reamkitkarn c(person, neighborhood) seminar pages org entities person entities Title: Mobility-Assisted Routing Speaker: Konstantinos Psounis, USC Contact: Rachelle Reamkitkarn … 19 Creating Daily ER Graphs Daily ER Graph HV Jagadish Data Sources Web Pages * ** Day 1 ** * SIGMOD-07 * . . . Day n . . . HV Jagadish served in ** . . . . . . * ** * SIGMOD-07 Global ER Graph ** * ** * 20 Merging Daily ER Graphs Global ER Graph UIUC gave talk AnHai Enrich gave talk Stanford Day n UIUC gave talk AnHai Match global ER Graph Day n+1 daily ER Graph UIUC ... AnHai gave talk Stanford 21 Cimple Workflow Blackboard http://… http://… datasources.xml Crawler index.xml crawledPages/… Discover Entities Person Publication ExtractM ExtractM MatchM CreateE … MatchM CreateE Discover Relationships ** * entities.xml ** * relationships.xml Merge ER Graphs globalGraph.xml Services superhomepages, browsing, search 22 Example Plan Specification #!/usr/bin/perl discoverPeopleEnities.cfg ################################################################### # Arguments: <moduleDir> <fileIndex> <variationsFile> # moduleDir: the relative path to the module # Look for names pages the andfile mark as mentions # in fileIndex: indexthem of crawled files EXTRACT_MENTIONS tasks/getMentions/extractMentions # =variationsFile: a file containing mention name variations # $EXTRACT_MENTIONS PerlSearch $CRAWLER->index.xml # Finds mentions in crawled files by searching for name variations $NAME_VARIATIONS ################################################################### use dblife::utils::CrawledDataAccess; use dblife::utils::OutputAccess; # Match mentions # First get arguments $fileIndex, $variationsFile) = @ARGV; MATCH_MENTIONS my = ($moduleDir, tasks/getEntities/matchMentions $MATCH_ENTITIES# Parse RootNames the crawled$EXTRACT_MENTIONS->mentions.xml file index for info by URL my %urlToInfo open(FILEINDEX, "< $fileIndex"); while(<FILEINDEX>) { if(/^<file>/) { ... } # Create entities elsif(/^<\/file>/) { ... } CREATE_ENTITIES} = ... tasks/getEntities/createEntities $CREATE_ENTITIES RootNames $MATCH_ENTITIES->mentionGroups.xml close(FILEINDEX); # Output as we go open(OUT, "> $moduleDir/output/output.xml"); ... # Search through crawled file for variations foreach my $url (keys %urlToInfo) { ... } ... close(OUT); 23 Example Operator APIs extractMentions/output.xml createEntities/output.xml <mention id="mention-537390"> <entity id="entity-1979"> <mentionType>people</mentionType> <entityName>Daniel Urieli</entityName> <rootName>Jeffrey F. Naughton</rootName> matchMentions/output.xml <entityType>people</entityType> <nameVariation>(Jeffrey|Jefferson|Jeff)\s+Naughton</nameVariation> <mention>mention-545376</mention> <mentionGroup> <filepath></filepath> <mention>mention-2510</mention> <mention>mention-545376</mention> <url></url> <mention>mention-2511</mention> <mention>mention-2510</mention> <mentionLeftContextLength>100</mentionLeftContextLength> <mention>mention-2512</mention> <mention>mention-2511</mention> <mentionRightContextLength>100</mentionRightContextLength> </entity> <mention>mention-2512</mention> <mentionStartPos>3786</mentionStartPos> </mentionGroup> <mentionEndPos>3798</mentionEndPos> <mentionMatch>Jeff Naughton</mentionMatch> <entity id="entity-1980"> <mentionGroup> <mentionWindow> PROGRAM CHAIR 6. Mary Fernandez, <entityName>Jeffrey AT&T Gail Mitchell, F. Naughton</entityName> <entityType>people</entityType> BBN Technologies 7. Ling Liu,<mention>mention-537390</mention> Georgia Tech 8. Jeff Naughton, U. Wisc. <mention>mention-537390</mention> SEMINAR CHAIR 9. Guy Lohman, <mention>mention-537678</mention> IBM Almaden Mitch Cherniack, Brandeis U. 10. <mention>mention-537678</mention> <mention>mention-538967</mention> Panos Chrysanth</mentionWindow> <mention>mention-538967</mention> <mention>mention-539718</mention> </mention> <mention>mention-539718</mention> <mention>mention-539973</mention> <mention>mention-539973</mention> <mention id="mention-1143"> <mention>mention-539974</mention> <mention>mention-539974</mention> <mention>mention-540184</mention> <mentionType>people</mentionType> <mention>mention-540184</mention> <mention>mention-540265</mention> <rootName>Guy M. Lohman</rootName> <mention>mention-540265</mention> <mention>mention-554093</mention> <nameVariation>Guy\s+Lohman</nameVariation> <mention>mention-554093</mention> <mention>mention-540732</mention> <filepath></filepath> <mention>mention-540732</mention> <mention>mention-540733</mention> <url></url> <mention>mention-540733</mention> <mention>mention-541072</mention> <mentionLeftContextLength>100</mentionLeftContextLength> <mention>mention-541072</mention> <mention>mention-541073</mention> <mentionRightContextLength>100</mentionRightContextLength> <mention>mention-541073</mention> <mention>mention-541964</mention> <mentionStartPos>3850</mentionStartPos> <mention>mention-541964</mention> <mention>mention-542572</mention> <mentionEndPos>3859</mentionEndPos> <mention>mention-542572</mention> <mention>mention-198996</mention> <mentionMatch>Guy Lohman</mentionMatch> <mention>mention-198996</mention> <mention>mention-543725</mention> <mentionWindow>il Mitchell, BBN Technologies 7. Ling Liu, Georgia <mention>mention-544495</mention> Tech 8. Jeff Naughton, U. Wisc. SEMINAR CHAIR 9. Guy <mention>mention-543725</mention> Lohman, IBM Almaden <mention>mention-544495</mention> Mitch Cherniack, Brandeis U. <mention>mention-545057</mention> 10. Panos Chrysanthis, U. Pittsburgh 11. <mention>mention-545057</mention> ... Aidong Zhang, SU</mentionWindow> ... </mentionGroup> </mention> </entity> 24 Experimental Evaluation: Building DBLife Initial DBLife (May 31, 2005) Data Sources (846): researcher homepages (365), department/organization homepages (94), conference homepages (30), faculty hubs (63), group pages (48), project pages (187), colloquia pages (50), event pages (8), DBWorld (1), DBLP (1) Core Entities (489): researchers (365), department/organizations (94), conferences (30) Operators: DBLife-specific implementation of MatchMStrict Relation Plans (8): authored, co-author, affiliated with, gave talk, gave tutorial, in panel, served in, related topic Maintenance and Expansion Data Source Maintenance: adding new sources, updating relocated pages, updating source metadata Time 2 days, 2 persons 2 days, 2 persons 1 day, 1 person 2 days, 2 persons Time 1 hour/month, 1 person Current DBLife (Mar 21, 2007) Data Sources (1,075): researcher homepages (463), department/organization homepages (103), conference homepages (54), faculty hubs (99), group pages (56), project pages (203), colloquia pages (85), event pages (11), DBWorld (1), DBLP (1) Mentions (324,188): researchers (125,013), departments/organizations (30,742), conferences (723), publication: (55,242), topics (112,468) Entities (16,674): researchers (5,767), departments/organizations (162), conferences (232), publications (9,837), topics (676) Relation Instances (63,923): authored (18,776), co-author (24,709), affiliated with (1,359), served in (5,922), gave talk (1,178), gave tutorial (119), in panel (135), related topic (11,725) 25 Relatively Easy to Deploy, Extend, and Debug DBLife has been deployed and extended by several developers CS at IL, CS at WI, Biochemistry at WI, Yahoo! Research development started after only a few hours Q&A Developers quickly grasped our compositional approach easily zoomed in on target components could quickly tune, debug, or replace individual components e.g., new student extended ComputeCoStrength operator and added the "affiliated" plan in just a couple days 26 Accuracy in DBLife Mean accuracy over 20 randomly chosen researchers Experiment Mean Mean Recall Precision Mean F1 Extracting mentions with ExtractMByName 0.99 0.98 0.98 Discovering entities with default plan 1.00 0.96 0.98 Discovering entities with source-aware plan 0.97 0.99 0.98 Finding "authored" relations (DBLP plan) 0.76 0.98 0.84 Finding "affiliated" relations (co-occurrence) 0.85 0.83 0.80 Finding "served in" relations (labels) 0.84 0.81 0.77 Finding "gave talk" relations (neighborhood) 0.87 1.00 0.88 Finding "gave tutorial" relations (labels) 0.90 1.00 0.92 Finding "on panel" relations (labels) 0.95 0.92 0.89 Matching entities across daily graphs 1.00 1.00 1.00 27 Proposed Future Work: Data Model Requirements relatively easy to understand and manipulate for non-technical users temporal dimension to represent changing data Candidate: Temporal ER Graph Day n Day n+1 SIGMOD-07 served in HV Jagadish SIGMOD-07 served in HV Jagadish mentionOf mentionOf "HV Jagadish" "HV Jagadish" extractedFrom extractedFrom mentionOf "Jagadish, HV" extractedFrom 28 Data Model Implementation Current implementation is ad hoc combination of XML, RDBMS, and unstructured files no clean separation between data and operators Will explore a more principled implementation efficient storage and processing abstraction through an API 29 Proposed Future Work: Operator Model Identify core set of efficient operators that encompass many common CIM extraction/integration tasks Data acquisition query search engines crawl sources (e.g., Crawler) Data extraction extract mentions (e.g., ExtractM) discover relations (e.g., ComputeCoStrength, ExtractLabels) Data integration match mentions (e.g., MatchM) match entities over time (e.g., Match operator in merge plan) match entities across portals Data manipulation select subgraphs join graphs 30 Operator Model Extensibility Input parameters that can be tuned for each domain e.g., MatchMByName "HV Jagadish" = "Jagadish, HV" input parameters: name permutation rules e.g., MatchMByNeighborhood "Cong Yu, HV Jagadish, Yun Chen" = "Yun Chen, HV Jagadish, Amab Nandi" input parameters: window size, overlapping tokens required 31 Proposed Future Work: Plan Model Need language for developers to compose operators Workflow language specifies operator order, how they are composed used by current Cimple implementation Declarative language use a Datalog-like language to compose operators existing work [Shen, VLDB 07] seems promising provides opportunities for data-specific optimizations 32 Planned Thesis Chapters Selecting initial data sources Creating the daily ER graph Merging daily graphs into the global ER graph Incrementally expanding sources and data Leveraging community members Developing the Cimple 1.0 workbench Evaluating the solutions and workbench 33 Incrementally Expanding Most prior work periodically re-runs source discovery step Cimple leverages a common community property important new sources and entities are often mentioned in certain community sources (e.g., DBWorld) Message type: conf. ann. Subject: Call for Participation: VLDB Workshop on Management of Uncertain Data Call for Participation Workshop on "Management of Uncertain Data" in conjunction with VLDB 2007 ... monitor these sources with simple extraction plans 34 Leveraging Community Members Machine-only contributions little human effort, reasonable initial portal, automatic updates inaccuracies from imperfect methods, limited coverage Human-only contributions accurate, can provide data not in sources significant human effort, difficult to solicit, typically unstructured Combine contributions from both humans and machines benefits of both encourage human contributions with machine's initial portal Combine both structured and text contributions allows structured services (e.g., querying) 35 Illustrating Example <# person(id=1){name}=David J. DeWitt #> David J. DeWitt Professor <# person(id=1){title}=Professor #> <strong>Interests:</strong> <# person(id=1).interests(id=3) .topic(id=4){name}=Parallel DB #> Interests: Parallel DB <# person(id=1){name}=David J. DeWitt #> <# person(id=1){name}=David J. DeWitt #> David J. DeWitt <# person(id=1){title}=John P. Morgridge Professor #> <# person(id=1){title}= John P. Morgridge Professor #> <# person(id=1){organization}=UW-Madison#> since 1976 John P. Morgridge Professor UW-Madison since 1976 <# person(id=1) {organization}=UW #> since 1976 <strong>Interests:</strong> <# person(id=1).interests(id=3) .topic(id=4){name}=Parallel DB #> <strong>Interests:</strong> <# person(id=1).interests(id=3) .topic(id=4){name}=Parallel DB #> <# person(id=1).interests(id=5) .topic(id=6){name}=Privacy #> Interests: Parallel DB Privacy Madwiki solution (Machine assisted development of wikipedias) 36 The Madwiki Architecture Data Sources M G T V1 W1 V2 W2 V3 W3 V3’ W3’ u1 T3 ’ Community wikipedia, backed by a structured database Challenges include How to model underlying databases G and T How to export a view Vi as a wiki page Wi How to translate edits to a wiki page Wi into edits to G How to propagate changes to G to affected wiki pages 37 Modeling the Underlying Database G Use an entity-relationship graph commonly employed by current community portals familiar to ordinary, database-illiterate users id = 4 name = Parallel DB interests id = 3 interests id = 5 id = 6 name = Privacy interests id = 8 id = 1 name = David J. DeWitt organization = UW-Madison id = 7 name = Statistics services id = 11 as =general chair id = 12 name = SIGMOD 02 38 Storing ER Graph G Use an RDBMS for efficient querying and concurrency Extend with temporal functionality for undo [Snodgrass 99] Entity_ID id etype 1 4 12 … person topic conf … Relationship_ID id rtype eid1 eid2 3 interests 11 services … … 1 1 … 4 12 … xid value 1 2 UW MITRE xid 2 1 value Organization_m start stop 2007-04-01 … 9999-12-31… 2007-05-20 … 9999-12-31… Organization_u start stop Purdue 2007-05-02 … 9999-12-31 … UW-Madison 2007-05-27 … 9999-12-31 … who M M who U1 U2 39 Reconciling Human and Machine Edits When edits conflict, must reconcile to choose attribute values Reconciliation policy encoded as view over attribute tables e.g., "latest": current value is latest value, whether human or machine e.g., "humans-first": current value is latest human value, or latest machine value if there are no human values xid 1 2 1 Organization_p value start stop who UW 2007-04-01 … 2007-05-27… M Purdue 2007-05-02 … 9999-12-31… U1 UW-Madison 2007-05-27 … 9999-12-31… U2 40 Exporting Views over G as Wiki Pages Views over ER graph G select sub-graphs id = 4 name = Parallel DB interests id = 3 id = 6 name = Privacy interests id = 5 id = 1 name = David J. DeWitt organization = UW-Madison Use s-slots to represent sub-graph's data in wiki pages <# person(id=1){name}=David J. DeWitt #> David J. DeWitt <# person(id=1){organization}=UW-Madison#> <strong>Interests:</strong> <# person(id=1).interests(id=3) .topic(id=4){name}=Parallel DB #> <# person(id=1).interests(id=5) .topic(id=6){name}=Privacy #> UW-Madison Interests: Parallel DB Privacy 41 Translating Wiki Edits to Database Edits Use wiki edits to infer ER edits to underlying view <# person(id=1){name}=David J. DeWitt #> <# person(id=1){organization}=UW #> <# person(id=1){name}=David J. DeWitt #> <# person(id=1){organization}=UWMadison #> <strong>Interests:</strong> <# person(id=1).interests(id=3) .topic(id=4){name}=Parallel DB #> <strong>Interests:</strong> <# person(id=1).interests(id=3) .topic(id=4){name}=Parallel DB #> <# person(id=1).interests(id=5) .topic(id=6){name}=Privacy #> id = 4 name = Parallel DB interests id = 3 id = 4 name = Parallel DB interests id = 3 id = 1 name = David J. DeWitt organization = UW interests id = 5 id = 6 name = Privacy id = 1 name = David J. DeWitt organization = UW-Madison Map ER edits to RDBMS edits over G See ICDE 08 for details of mapping 42 Resolving Ambiguous Wiki Edits Users can edit data, views, and schemas change the attribute age of person X to 42 display the attribute homepage of conference entities on wiki pages add the new attribute pages to the publication entity schema Wiki edits can be ambiguous change the attribute title of person X to NULL do not display the attribute title of people entities on wiki pages delete the attribute title from the people entity schema Recognize ambiguous edits, then ask users to clarify intention 43 Propagating Database Edits to Wiki Pages Update wiki pages when G changes similar to view update Eager propagation pre-materialize wiki text, and immediately propagate all changes raises complex concurrency issues Simpler alternative: lazy propagation materialize wiki text on-the-fly when requested by users underlying RDBMS manages edit concurrency preliminary evaluation indicates lazy propagation is tractable 44 Madwiki Evaluation S-slot expressiveness prototype shows s-slots can express all structured data in DBLife superhomepages except aggregation and top-k Materializing and serving wiki pages materializing and serving time increases linearly with page size vast majority of current pages are small, hence served in < 1 second 45 Proposed Future Work Structured data in wiki pages s-slot tags can be confusing and cumbersome to users propose to explore a structured data representation closer to natural text key challenge: how to avoid requiring an intractable NLP solution Reconciling conflicting edits preliminary work identifies problem, does not provide satisfactory solution propose to explore reconciling edits by learning editor trustworthiness lots of existing work, but not in CIM settings key challenge: edits are sparse, and not missing at random 46 Developing the Cimple 1.0 Workbench Set of tools for compositional portal building empty portal shell, including basic services and admin tools browsing, keyword search… set of general operators, and means to compose them MatchM, ExtractM… simple implementation of operators MatchMbyName, ExtractMbyName… end-to-end development methodology 1. select sources, 2. discover entities… extraction/integration plan optimizers see VLDB 07 for an optimization solution 47 Proposed Evaluation: A Second Domain Use Cimple to build portal for non-research domain Evaluate portal's ease of development, extensibility, and accuracy Movie Domain movie, actor, director, appeared in, directed… sources include critic homepages, celebrity news sites, fan sites existent portals (e.g., IMDB), arguably an unfair advantage NFL Domain player, coach, team, played for, coached… sources include homepages for players, teams, tournaments, stadiums Digital Camera Domain manufactureres, cameras, stores, reviewers, makes, sells, reviewed… sources include manufacturer homepages, online stores, reviewer sites 48 Conclusions CIM is an interesting and increasingly crucial problem many online communities initial efforts at UW, Y!R, MSR, Washington, IBM Almaden Preliminary work on CIM seems promising decomposed CIM and developed initial solutions began work on the Cimple 1.0 workbench developed the DBLife portal Much work remains to realize the potential of this approach formal data, operator, and plan model more natural editing and robust reconciliation for Madwiki Cimple 1.0 workbench a second portal 49 Proposed Schedule February formal data, operator, and plan model for Cimple March solution for reconciling human and machine edits based on trust June more natural structured data representation for Madwiki wiki text July completion of Cimple 1.0 beta workbench August deployment of second portal built using the Cimple 1.0 workbench public release of Cimple 1.0 workbench 50 Leveraging Communities – Prior Work Automatic methods are imperfect extraction/integration errors, and incomplete coverage Some solutions builds portals with human-only contributions Wikipedia, Intellipedia,, given an active, trusted community, can achieve excellent accuracy can require lots of effort to maintain, and typically unstructured Recent work explores allowing structured user contributions Semantic Wikipedia, WikiLens, MetaWeb... focus on extending wiki language to express structured data do not explore synergistic leveraging of human and automatic contributions 51