Proposal for the Programme/Project seeking Financial Assistance from BPKF, Delhi Secretariat __________________________________________________________ Title of Programme :(give a brief title of the programme/project) Project ___________________________________________________________ Organizer: (mention the name of the person/institution implementing the programme/project, and attach C.V./background papers ___________________________________________________________ Activity: (mention the activities you would like to carry out) 1. 2. 3. 4. ___________________________________________________________ Participants: (mention the number of participants/beneficiaries of the programme/project) ____________________________________________________________ Modality of Implementation: (explain the modality that you would like to apply for the implementation) 1. 2. 3. _____________________________________________________________ Venue/Area: (mention the venue/place/area where the programme/project will be implemented) _____________________________________________________________ Date/Period: (mention the time and duration of the activity to be carried out) 1. Dates/Month of the programme/project: 2. Total days of the programme/project: _____________________________________________ Cost: (specify the details of the financial assistance sought from the BPKF for implementing the programme/project) Airfare/busfare/trainfare: Accommodation: Meals: Venue charges: Local transport: Honorarium for organizers: Allowances for participants: Other expenses: Total: ________________________________________________________ Usefulness: (specify how the programme/project would be beneficial /useful) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ________________________________________________________