Youth Offending Service Troubled Families Thematic Review

Youth Offending Service Troubled Families Thematic Review
Please review the case that you have chosen and complete the following:
Young Person’s Details
Insert answer
Age at start of sentence
Race and ethnic category
Young Person’s Circumstances
Insert yes or no
Has the young person been a Looked After Child via
a care order or remanded to Local Authority
Accommodation, at any time during the sentence
being inspected?
Has the young person been subject to a child
protection plan or Section 47 inquiries at any time
during the sentence being inspected?
Young Person's Order
What sort of order did the young person have?
(e.g. Referral order, Reparation order, YRO with
supervision only, YRO with supervision and ISP,
YRO with supervision plus other conditions,
Detention and Training Order, Section 91 custodial
sentence, Detention for Public, Non-Statutory)
Insert answer
Original Index Offence
What was the young person’s original offence?
(Choose from Violence against the person (including
affray, violent disorder, abusive/ threatening
behaviour etc.), Fraud and forgery, Sexual offences,
Criminal damage (excluding arson), Burglary, Arson
Robbery, Drug offences, Theft and handling stolen
goods, Motoring, Other)
Insert answer
Troubled Families Status
Insert yes, no or insufficient information to
Is this a troubled family according to the national
Has this family received support from the local
Troubled Families offer?
Troubled Families Status
Insert answer(s) or ‘insufficient
information to tell’
Which of the 6 national Troubled Families criteria do
the family meet?
(1. Parents and children involved in crime and
anti-social behaviour
(2. Children who have not been attending
school regularly
(3. Children who need help including those on
the cusp of or within the Social Care arena
(4. Adults out of work or at risk of financial
exclusion and young people at risk of
(5. Families affected by domestic violence and
(6. Parents and children with a range of
physical and mental health problems)
What level of support are the family receiving?
(Supported by 1-2 agencies
Supported by 3+ agencies
Supported by a Team Around the Family
Supported by Social Care)
Are the family receiving an appropriate level of
Family Assessment
Insert yes, no or insufficient information to
Was an assessment completed for the whole
Did the family assessment include appropriate
partnership collaboration?
Family Assessment
What additional issues for the family did the
assessment identify (e.g. poor mental health,
substance misuse, problems at school, current or
historic domestic violence, overcrowding, threat of
eviction, worklessness etc.)
Family Plan
Insert answer
Insert yes, no or insufficient information to
Was a plan completed for the whole family?
Did the family plan cover all of the needs identified
in the assessment?
Did the family plan include appropriate partnership
Family Plan
Which Troubled Families objectives were identified
for the young person? (e.g. work to get them back
into education or to reduce their ASB in the
Insert answer
Which Troubled Families objectives were identified
for the family? (e.g. work to tackle siblings poor
school attendance or risk-taking behaviour)
Which YOT objectives were identified for the young
How did the young person’s YOT objectives feed
into the Troubled Families objectives?
Was there sufficient review of the plan for the
Family Progression
Where family members achieved their goals and/or
the national outcomes, is there evidence that they
were de-escalated to a lower level of support?
Delivery and Review of Interventions
Insert yes, no or not applicable
Insert yes, no or insufficient information
to tell
Were the required interventions delivered throughout
the sentence to address the Troubled Families
Were the resources used in the community for
Troubled Families interventions of good quality?
Were Troubled Families interventions in the
community sufficiently delivered as their design
intended them?
Was sufficient attention given to reinforcing positive
factors in Troubled Families interventions?
Were the family offered integrated partnership
services to address the Troubled Families issues?
Family Outcomes
Insert yes, no or insufficient information to
Did the family achieve their goals and/or the
national outcomes?
If yes - is there evidence that they were deescalated to a lower level of support?
If no - is there evidence that they were escalated to
a higher level of support?
Management of Practice
Is there evidence that management oversight was
given to the achievement of Troubled Families
Insert yes or no
Questions for TAF Families Only
Team Around the Family (TAF)
Has the Initial TAF been held?
Insert answer
Which partners were invited?
Were any key partners missed out or failed to
attend? Who were they?
Did the Initial TAF just focus on the young person or
did it support the whole family?
Have subsequent TAFs been held? How many?
Have new agencies been invited as the family’s
needs have become clearer and/or developed? Who
were they?
Is the TAF process having a positive impact on the
young person’s serving of their sentence?
Is the TAF process reducing their likelihood of reoffending?
Is the TAF process reducing the likelihood of other
family members coming into the criminal justice