Rubric ELA & Math Software Vendor Presentation Product Indicator #1 Instruction and Assessment 1 1 a) Program does not provide instruction that is engaging, challenging, and visually appealing. 2 a) Program provides instruction that is somewhat engaging, challenging, and visually appealing. 3 a) Program provides instruction that is engaging, challenging, and visually appealing. 4 a) Programprovides highly engaging instruction with dynamic interface and high visual appeal. b) Program is not intuitive and is not in an easy to learn format for students. b) Program is somewhat intuitive and has an easy to learn format for students. b) Program is intuitive and has an easy to learn format for students. b) Program is very intuitive and has a very east to learn format for students. c) Program has little appropriate content for students with academic levels from grades K-8. c) Program has some appropriate content for students with academic levels from grades K-8. c) Program has appropriate content for students with academic levels from grades K-8. c) Program has excellent content for all students with academic levels from grades K-8. d) Aggregating and disaggregating student data and generating reports isnot smooth and efficient. d) Aggregating and disaggregating student data and generating reports issomewhat smooth and efficient. d) Aggregating and disaggregating student dataand generating reports is smooth and efficient. d) Aggregating and disaggregating student data and reporting features are outstanding. e) Program does not track student growth data by reportable subgroups at the classroom, grade level, building, and district views. e) Program allows tracking of some student growth data by reportable subgroups at the classroom, grade level, building, and district views. e) Program allows tracking of student growth data by reportable subgroups at the classroom, grade level, building, and district views. e) Program allows tracking of student growth data by reportable subgroups at the classroom, grade level, building, and district views, and allows for custom reports. f) Program has no assessment items in a format that mirrors the PARCC assessment. f) Program has some assessment items in a format that mirrors the PARCC assessment. f) Program has most assessment items in a format that mirrors the PARCC assessment. f) Program has all of its assessment items in PARCC format. g) Program provides no adaptive instruction. g) Program provides some adaptive instruction. g) Program provides adaptive instruction. g) Program provides adaptive instruction that calculates individual student proximal zone development on a daily basis. h) Program has not demonstrated capability to produce content proficiency gains 10% higher than student cohort control groups. h) Program has demonstrated capability to produce content proficiency gains 10% higher than student cohort control groups w/out longitudinal data. h) Program has demonstrated capability to produce content proficiency gains 10% higher than student cohort control groups w/ longitudinal data. h) Program has demonstrated capability to produce content proficiency gains 25% higher than student cohort control groups with evidence from longitudinal data. 1 Product Indicator #2 Technical Requirements i) Program does not have an article/reading library aligned to Common Core & NJCCCS containing non fiction text (ELA). i) Program has article/reading library somewhat aligned to Common Core & NJCCCS with some non fiction text (ELA). i) Program has article/reading library aligned to Common Core & NJCCCS with an emphasis on non fiction text (ELA). i) Program has extensive article/reading library aligned to Common Core & NJCCCS with a large selection of fiction text (ELA). j) Program does not provide differentiated instruction solutions for diverse learners. j) Program provides a few differentiated instruction solutions for diverse learners. j) Program provides differentiated instruction solutions for diverse learners. j) Program provides differentiated instruction solutions for diverse learners arranged by need, learning style, & interest. 1 a) Program is not web based, and requires extensive installation. 2 a) Program is web based, but requires extensive installation. 3 a) Program is web based and does not require extensive installation. 4 a) Program is web based, requires brief installation. b) Program does not support a VMware environment. b) Program supports a weak VMware environment. b) Program supports a VMware environment. b) Program supports cutting edge VMware environment. c) Program cannot be reconfigured to add additional users or expand data files. c) Program is not easily reconfigured to add additional users or expand data files. c) Program easily re-configured to add additional users or expand data files. c) Program easily reconfigured to add unlimited additional users or expand data files. d) Does not meet applicable Federal and State regulatory requirements for K-12 data security, auditing, and reporting. d) Meets some applicable Federal and State regulatory requirements for K-12 data security, auditing, and reporting. d) Meets all applicable Federal and State regulatory requirements for K-12 data security, auditing, and reporting. d) Exceeds all applicable Federal and State regulatory requirements for K-12 data security, auditing, and reporting. e) Professional development is not available and there is no online training such as CB/WBT. e) Professional development turnaround is lengthy and/or cost ineffective. Online training such as CB/WBT not available. e) Rapid, low cost professional development turnaround available. Online training such as CB/WBT offered as an option. e) Very inexpensive & rapid professional development delivered exclusively via online training such as CB/WBT. f) Program is not secure, flexible, and cannot track user logins, views, changes, and scaffold different levels of access for different users. f) Program is somewhat secure, flexible, and somewhat able to track user logins, views, changes, and scaffold different levels of access for different users. f) Program is secure, flexible, and able to track user logins, views, changes, and scaffold different levels of access for different users. f) Program is extremely secure, flexible, and able to track user logins, views, changes, and scaffold different levels of access for different users. g) Program is not compatible with both mac and pc platforms, does not work with MacBook Air. g) Program is compatible with only some mac and pc platforms, does not work with MacBook Air. g) Program is compatible with both mac and pc platforms, works with MacBook Air. g) Program is highly compatible with both mac and pc platforms, especially laptops such as the MacBook Air. 2 Rubric ELA & Math Software Vendor Presentation 3 h) A Smart phone app is not available. h) A Smart phone app is in development. h) A Smart phone app is available. h) A Smart phone app is available and shown to be engaging. i) Program does not come with customer service support. i) Program comes with customer, but hours are not accessible during Title I Program times. i) Program comes with customer service support during hours accessible to Title I teachers. i) Program comes with 24 hr. customer service support. Product Indicator#3 Proven Success in New Jersey 1 a) There are no comparable school districts in New Jersey who claim to have had success with this program. 2 a) There are at least 2 comparable school districts in New Jersey who claim to have had success with this software program that is not reflected on longitudinal assessment data. 3 a) There are 2 or more comparable school districts in New Jersey who claim to have had success with this software program that is reflected on longitudinal assessment data. 4 a) There are 4 or more comparable school districts in New Jersey who claim to have had success with this software program that is substantiated by longitudinal assessment data. Product Indicator#4 Timeline and Costs 1 a) The software program cannot be fully operational by March 1, 2013. 2 a) The software program can be fully operational by February 15, 2013. 3 a) The software program can be fully operational by February 1, 2013. 4 a) The software program can be fully operational by January 15, 2013. b) Staff professional development requirements are burdensome. b) Staff professional development requirements are considerable. b) Staff professional development requirements are moderate. b) Staff professional development requirements are minimal. 3 Date of Vendor Review: _______________________ Software Name:_____________________________ Please input your score below for each of the rubric categories by inserting an “X” in front of the appropriate number: 1a) 1b) 1c) 1d) 1e) 1f) 1g) 1h) 1i) 1j) 2a) 2b) 2c) 2d) 2e) 2f) 2g) 2h) 2i) 3a) 4a) 4b) _________1 _________1 _________1 _________1 _________1 _________1 _________1 _________1 _________1 _________1 _________1 _________1 _________1 _________1 _________1 _________1 _________1 _________1 _________1 _________1 _________1 _________1 ___________2 ___________2 ___________2 ___________2 ___________2 ___________2 ___________2 ___________2 ___________2 ___________2 ___________2 ___________2 ___________2 ___________2 ___________2 ___________2 ___________2 ___________2 ___________2 ___________2 ___________2 ___________2 ___________3 ___________3 ___________3 ___________3 ___________3 ___________3 ___________3 ___________3 ___________3 ___________3 ___________3 ___________3 ___________3 ___________3 ___________3 ___________3 ___________3 ___________3 ___________3 ___________3 ___________3 ___________3 ___________4 ___________4 ___________4 ___________4 ___________4 ___________4 ___________4 ___________4 ___________4 ___________4 ___________4 ___________4 ___________4 ___________4 ___________4 ___________4 ___________4 ___________4 ___________4 ___________4 ___________4 ___________4 SubTotal: _________ Add 1s x1 ____________ Add 2s x2 ____________ ____________ Add 3s x 3 Add 4s x4 Total Score: ______________ Comments: 4