Bellringers - Moore Public Schools

Monday, Dec. 12
1. horticulture (n)- The science or art of raising and
caring for plants, especially garden plants or fruit.
2. rumble (n)- A loud low dull continuous noise.
3. identity (n)– the individual characteristics by which
a thing or person is recognized or known.
4. earnest (adj)- undertaken or made in a spirit of deep
sincerity and conviction, or with deep feeling
5. apparition(n)- an appearance of a supposed ghost or
something ghostly
Monday, October 7 Pre-AP
1. horticulture (n)- The science or art of raising and caring
for plants, especially garden plants or fruit.
2. rumble (n)- A loud low dull continuous noise.
3. identity (n)– the individual characteristics by which a
thing or person is recognized or known.
4. earnest (adj)- undertaken or made in a spirit of deep
sincerity and conviction, or with deep feeling
5. apparition(n)- an appearance of a supposed ghost or
something ghostly
6. end rhyme occurs at the ends of lines.
7. internal rhyme occurs within a line.
8. slant rhyme is approximate/ close rhyme.
Tuesday, Dec. 13
6. sputter (v)- to make a popping, spitting sound
7. peripheral (adj)- at or relating to the edge of
something, as opposed to its center
8. infraction (n)- failure to obey or fulfill a law,
contract, or agreement
9. surrender(v)- to declare yourself defeated or give up
possession or control.
10. trance (n)- a state in which somebody is dazed or
stunned or in some other way unaware of the
environment and unable to respond to stimuli
Tuesday October 8th Pre-AP
9. sputter (v)- to make a popping, spitting sound
10. peripheral (adj)- at or relating to the edge of something,
as opposed to its center
11. infraction (n)- failure to obey or fulfill a law, contract, or
12. surrender(v)- to declare yourself defeated or give up
possession or control.
13. trance (n)- a state in which somebody is dazed or
stunned or in some other way unaware of the
environment and unable to respond to stimuli
14. exact rhyme is when two words sound the same.
15. blank verse- unrhymed verse having a regular meter,
usually of iambic pentameter.
Wednesday, Dec. 14
Complete the sentence fragment with the subject or
verb that is missing.
1. Sputtering out words angrily.
2. Surrendered to the opposing side after a fierce
3. The infraction.
Wednesday, October 9 Pre-AP
Complete the sentence fragment with the subject or
verb that is missing.
1. Sputtering out words angrily.
2. Surrendered to the opposing side after a fierce
3. The infraction for speeding.
4. The opposite of end rhyme is _________ rhyme.
Thursday, October 10th
Write out the complete sentence, choosing the correct
word to fit the meaning.
1. My peripheral vision (would/ wood) be better if I
was wearing my glasses.
2. During the 3D movie, the moviegoers
(we’re/were/where) in a trance.
3. We heard a rumble, (then/than) looked up to see
rocks falling from the cliff.
Thursday, October 10th Pre-AP
Write out the complete sentence, choosing the correct
word to fit the meaning.
1. My peripheral vision (would/ wood) be better if I
was wearing my glasses.
2. During the 3D movie, the moviegoers
(we’re/were/where) in a trance.
3. We heard a rumble, (then/than) looked up to see
rocks falling from the cliff.
4. The opposite of slant rhyme is ________ rhyme.
Friday, October 11th
Write out the sentence with the correct vocabulary
1. Paul’s dad ___________ly wanted to see the Erik
Fisher Football Dream come true.
2. Arthur Bauer’s ___________ is centered on how
he is Erik’s friend.
3. Mom and Dad __________ed the items Erik
stole to the police as evidence.