
Diagram Framework
Benny Koza, DMI
EGOWS 2004, Potsdam, Germany
• Diagram framework requirements
• Diagram framework design
• Current use and examples
EGOWS 2004: NinJo Diagram Framework, Slide 2
• Diagram framework requirements
• Diagram framework design
• Current use and examples
EGOWS 2004: NinJo Diagram Framework, Slide 3
The Diagram Framework Activity
• The activity started in the summer of 2002
• Main goal:
» Create a framework which forms the basis of all types of
diagrams in NinJo
» In other words: Provide the functional components that are
common to all diagram types and make them easily
• The types of diagrams to be supported by NinJo are the
union of all types of existing diagrams
• The following slides are examples of existing diagrams
EGOWS 2004: NinJo Diagram Framework, Slide 4
Example: Meteogram
EGOWS 2004: NinJo Diagram Framework, Slide 5
Example: Meteogram (different histogram orientations)
EGOWS 2004: NinJo Diagram Framework, Slide 6
Example: Thumbnail diagrams
EGOWS 2004: NinJo Diagram Framework, Slide 7
Example: Temp Diagram
EGOWS 2004: NinJo Diagram Framework, Slide 8
Example: NWP Cross Section
EGOWS 2004: NinJo Diagram Framework, Slide 9
Functional Requirements
• The requirements specification
» contains examples of approx. 40 different existing diagrams,
mostly meteograms in different incarnations
» contains approx. 200 requirements
EGOWS 2004: NinJo Diagram Framework, Slide 10
Brief Summary of Functional Requirements
• A diagram shall be capable of containing one or more charts
• A chart shall be capable of containing one or more data
series (from a single or more stations/model points)
• A data series shall be displayable in different views (curve,
histogram, symbol, iso areas etc.)
• A diagram shall be fully configurable
• A diagram shall be usable both in a secondary window and
as a thumbnail in a Layer
EGOWS 2004: NinJo Diagram Framework, Slide 11
Brief Summary of Functional Requirements (2)
• The user shall be able to customize the diagram
interactively and save it as a Favourite
• User customization of a diagram shall include:
» Addition/removal of charts and data series
» Customization of graphical attributes such as line styles,
colours, fonts etc.
» Customization of layout
» Changing station/model point
» Changing display time and period
EGOWS 2004: NinJo Diagram Framework, Slide 12
Technical Requirements
• Graphics to be produced using GOF such that diagrams are
reproducible on any media (screen, paper, graphics
• Reproducible in batch products without GUI
EGOWS 2004: NinJo Diagram Framework, Slide 13
• Diagram framework requirements
• Diagram framework design
• Current use and examples
EGOWS 2004: NinJo Diagram Framework, Slide 14
Framework design – Other Frameworks Used
• The diagram framework is based on the following NinJo
» PAC (see following slides)
» GOF, for the graphics
» Configuration
» Vislib, for symbol plot graphics
» Error/Logging
» I18n, for the language handling
EGOWS 2004: NinJo Diagram Framework, Slide 15
Framework Design - PAC
• The PAC MVC pattern was quickly adopted for the design
» MVC handles that
– There are different kinds of meteorological data and therefore
more data models and ways of obtaining the data exist
– There are many kinds of data views (curve, histogram etc.)
– Views shall be interchangeable also during run-time
» The PAC agent hierarchy reflects the hierarchical tree
diagram -- chart -- data series
of a diagram
EGOWS 2004: NinJo Diagram Framework, Slide 16
Diagram Framework PAC Hierarchy
• The diagram framework contains 4 base PAC agents
- Diagram container
- Diagram
- Chart
- Data series
Diagram container
Diagram 1
Chart 1
Diagram 2
Chart 1
Data series 1..n
Data series 1..n
Chart n
Data series 1..n
The diagram agent hierachy
EGOWS 2004: NinJo Diagram Framework, Slide 17
Diagram Framework PAC - Example
Diagram agent
Chart agents
Diagram container
EGOWS 2004: NinJo Diagram Framework, Slide 18
Data series
The DiagramContainer Agent
• Is used when displaying diagrams in secondary windows
• The role of the DiagramContainer agent is to act as the
toplevel agent of the secondary window, i.e.
» Control the global behaviour of the window
» Provide the general Swing GUI (undo/redo, print, favourite
handling etc.)
» Integrate the diagram(s), i.e.
– Arrange the layout of the diagrams
– Arrange the Swing GUI of the diagram(s) and its components
EGOWS 2004: NinJo Diagram Framework, Slide 19
The Diagram And The Chart agents
• The role of the Diagram agent is to:
» Arrange the charts using a specific layout
» Provide the Swing GUI of the diagram
• The role of the Chart agent is to:
» Manage the
– Axes
– Grids
– DataSeries agents
» Provide the Swing GUI of the chart
EGOWS 2004: NinJo Diagram Framework, Slide 20
The DataSeries Agent
• The role of the DataSeries agent is:
» Retrieve the data to be visualized
» Visualize the data
» Provide the Swing GUI of the data series
EGOWS 2004: NinJo Diagram Framework, Slide 21
New PAC Functionality
• New functionality introduced in the PAC by the diagram
» Layout
» Properties and PropertyGUIs
EGOWS 2004: NinJo Diagram Framework, Slide 22
• Since the graphics are to be reproducible on any supported
output media, Swing layout components cannot be used
• Therefore a layout mechanism which handles GOF layout
was introduced
• Different LayoutStrategies determine the layout behaviour
EGOWS 2004: NinJo Diagram Framework, Slide 23
Layout Examples
A vertical stack layout strategy
A vertical NinjoLayoutStrategy
EGOWS 2004: NinJo Diagram Framework, Slide 24
A BoxFlowLayoutStrategy with
3 columns
Layout Drag-and-Drop and Resize Support
Charts can be moved and swapped by
using the mouse
EGOWS 2004: NinJo Diagram Framework, Slide 25
Charts can be resized by using the mouse
• Properties serve the following purposes:
» They define the properties of a PAC agent that the user may
change during run-time. For diagrams these are e.g.
– visualization attributes (like colours, line styles, fonts etc.),
– the station or the period data is displayed for
» Provides the “glue” between the configuration and the GUI
used to change the configuration:
– Provides the Swing panel with the GUI components required to
change the configuration
– Holds a reference to the part of the agent configuration which it
EGOWS 2004: NinJo Diagram Framework, Slide 26
• Properties may be inherited by child agents from a parent
agent thus providing sharing of information between agents,
» e.g. the station property may be defined at the Diagram agent
and then be inherited by the DataSeries agents. In this way
the whole diagram displays data for a single station.
• If more agents have equal configuration parts, e.g. defining
visualization attributes, the same property class can be
used to provide the same GUI for changing the
EGOWS 2004: NinJo Diagram Framework, Slide 27
PropertyGUI and PropertyPanes
• PropertyGUI provides the Swing panel containing the GUI
components to be used to change the configuration which a
Property references
• PropertyPane layouts the PropertyGUIs of a collection of
• PropertyPanes may also contain PropertyPanes
• A PropertyPane may realize itself as a
» Dialog
» Pop-up menu
» Menu of a menu bar
EGOWS 2004: NinJo Diagram Framework, Slide 28
PropertyPane Example
The property pane for a meteogram chart has the below hierachy (not finished)
Data interval
obs step
for. step
Property GUI’s
EGOWS 2004: NinJo Diagram Framework, Slide 29
PropertyPane Example
Property panes
Selected property
Property name
Property inheritance
EGOWS 2004: NinJo Diagram Framework, Slide 30
• Diagram framework requirements
• Diagram framework design
• Current use and examples
EGOWS 2004: NinJo Diagram Framework, Slide 31
Current Use Of The Framework
• The diagram framework is currently used to provide
» Meteograms
» TEMP diagrams
• Is also to be used by
» Cross Sections (NWP, radar, TEMP etc.)
» Radar profiles
EGOWS 2004: NinJo Diagram Framework, Slide 32
Meteogram Example
Diagram menu bar
Chart menu bar
(active chart)
Diagram navigation bar
Chart Buttons
Data series buttons
EGOWS 2004: NinJo Diagram Framework, Slide 33
Meteogram Example
EGOWS 2004: NinJo Diagram Framework, Slide 34
Meteogram With Time Axis Slider
Data Slider
Display Slider
EGOWS 2004: NinJo Diagram Framework, Slide 35
TEMP Diagram Example (prototype)
EGOWS 2004: NinJo Diagram Framework, Slide 36