FOREBRAIN (TELENCEPHALON) Joel Havemann (from A Life Shaken, 2002) What seems astonishing is that a mere three-pound object, made of the same atoms that constitute everything else under the sun, is capable of directing virtually everything that humans have done: flying to the moon and hitting seventy home runs, writing Hamlet and building the Taj Mahal -- even unlocking the secrets of the brain itself. Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (1849-1936; in a lecture given in 1913 and published in Lectures on conditioned reflexes. Twenty-five year of objective study of the higher nervous activity [behavior] of animals, London: Martin Lawrence, 1928, p. 222.) If we could look through the skull into the brain of a consciously thinking person, and if the place of optimal excitability were luminous, then we should see playing over the cerebral surface, a bright spot with fantastic, waving borders constantly fluctuating in size and form, surrounded by a darkness more or less deep, covering the rest of the hemisphere. Georgia Bishop PhD OBJECTIVES Describe the Anatomical Organization of the Cerebral Cortex 1. Identify the lobes of the cerebral cortex and their borders including the frontal lobe, parietal lobe, temporal lobe, occipital lobe, cingulate lobe, and insula. 2. Describe the general function of each cortical lobe 3. Identify specific sulci in the cerebral cortex including the central sulcus, pre-central sulcus, post-central sulcus, lateral sulcus, calcarine sulcus, cingulate sulcus, and parieto-occipital suclus. 4. Identify specific gyri in the cerebral cortex including the precentral gyrus, postcentral gyrus, parahippocampal gyrus, superior temporal gyrus, inferior frontal gyrus and cingulate gyrus. 5. Recognize what is meant by Brodmann’s Areas. 6. Recognize the motor and sensory homunculi in the primary motor and sensory cortex 7. Differentiate between interhemispheric and intrahemispheric fiber tracts that link different regions of the cerebral cortex. 8. Differentiate between neocortex, archicortex and paleocortex, give examples of each. 9. Locate and describe the axons contained within the internal capsule 10. List the names of the major arterial branches arising from the internal carotid and vertebral arteries and the regions of the CNS that each vessel supplies DIVISIONS of the FOREBRAIN 3 DIVISIONS: 1. CORTICAL – Thin Outer Mantle ~1.5 – 4.5 Mm Thick 2. SUBCORTICAL – Collection Of Nuclei In Deep White Matter Below Cortex. Primarily These Consist Primarily Of Nuclei Called The Basal Ganglia (More Later). 3. LIMBIC – Hippocampus, Amygdala ASSOCIATED FIBER TRACTS: Internal Capsule Corpus Callosum Anterior Commissure Superior Longitudinal Fasciculus CORTEX SUBCORTICAL NUCLEI WM WM CORTEX CEREBRAL CORTEX The outer mantle, consisting of neurons that are distributed in 3-6 layers, is very thin measuring 1.5-4.5 mm. There are 10-15 billion neurons, 50 billion glial cells, 100,000 km of axons, and 1014 synapses in the cerebral cortex. Highly infolded. If laid out flat it would be ~ 2 square feet. About 1/3 of cortex is visible and 2/3 is located in sulci and fissures DIVISIONS OF THE CORTEX A. Isocortex (Homogeneous) Consisting Of: Neocortex Which Represents 90 -95% Of The Cortex In Humans. All Of The Cortex That Is Seen On Outside Of Brain. Most Recently Evolved Cortex - Plays A critical role in abilities and activities that reach highest level of development in humans B. Allocortex (Gr. “Other”) – Consisting Of: Archicortex (i.e., Hippocampus) Paleocortex (Parahippocampal Gyrus of Temporal Lobe, Olfactory Cortex, Cingulate Cortex). MAJOR SULCI OF LATERAL CORTEX Pre-central Sulcus Central Sulcus Post Central Sulcus ParietoOccipital Sulcus * Lateral Sulcus LATERAL CEREBRAL CORTEX - LOBES BORDERS: PARIETAL LOBE FRONTAL LOBE FRONTAL LOBE FRONTAL POLE OF BRAIN CENTRAL SULCUS LATERAL SULCUS PARIETAL LOBE CENTRAL SULCUS LINE BETWEEN BASE OF CORTEX AND PARIETO-OCCIPITAL SULCUS OCCIPITAL LOBE LINE BETWEEN BASE OF CORTEX AND PARIETO-OCCIPITAL SULCUS TEMPORAL LOBE OCCIPITAL LOBE TEMPORAL LOBE LATERAL SULCUS NO CLEAR DEMARCATION BETWEEN PARIETAL LOBE AND OCCIPITAL LOBE POSTERIORLY GYRI PRECENTRAL – PRIMARY MOTOR CORTEX. Gyri immediately anterior are supplementary motor areas PRECENTRAL POSTCENTRAL INFERIOR FRONTAL Including Broca’s area for motor control of language production (on left) INFERIOR FRONTAL ORBITAL PART Most anterior portion ORBITAL WERNICKE’S AREA BROCA’S AREA POSTCENTRAL- PRIMARY SENSORY CORTEX AUDITORY AREA SUPERIOR TEMPORAL More posterior gyri are sensory association areas – spatial orientation and directing attention. OCCIPITAL SUPERIOR TEMPORAL – Posterior part related to interpretation of language – Wernicke’s area LATERAL OCCIPITAL GYRI – Visual association areas INSULAR CORTEX BURIED DEEP IN THE LATERAL SULCUS. COVERED BY GYRI FROM THE TEMPORAL, PARIETAL AND FRONTAL LOBES. CONTAINS GUSTATORY, AUTONOMIC, PAIN, VESTIBULAR AREAS. MAJOR SULCI OF MEDIAL CORTEX Cingulate Sulcus Parieto-Occipital Sulcus Calcarine Sulcus GYRI – MEDIAL CEREBRAL CORTEX Cingulate (Limbic) Lobe (Gyrus) CINGULATE GYRUS – Related to limbic system Cuneus PARAHIPPOCAMPAL GYRUS - Overlies hippocampus. Is continuous with cingulate gyrus at posterior end of corpus callosum. UNCUS – Anterior End Parahippocampal Gyrus; Overlies Amygdala Uncus Lingual CUNEUS, LINGUAL – Visual association cortex Parahippocampal NOTE: Primary visual cortex is located on walls calcarine sulcus Histology CORTEX IS MADE UP OF PYRAMIDAL (RED ARROWS) AND NON-PYRAMIDAL CELLS (ORANGE ARROW) PYRAMIDAL CELL IS PRIMARY OUTPUT NEURON OF THE CORTEX LAMINATION IN NEOCORTEX AND ALLOCORTEX III – Intracortical Connections IV – Thalamic Input V – Cortical Output: Corticospinal Corticostriate Corticopontine Corticobulbar VI– Corticothalamic THERE ARE 6 LAYERS IN THE NEOCORTEX AND 3 LAYERS IN THE CORTEX RELATED TO THE LIMBIC SYSTEM THICKNESS OF CORTICAL LAYERS ACROSS THE CORTEX, LAYERS ARE NOT EQUAL IN SIZE. THIS LEADS TO CYTOLOGICAL DIFFERENCES. Korbinian Brodmann KORBINIAN BRODMANN 1868-1918 USED DIFFERENCES IN CYTOLOGICAL ORGANIZATION OF THE CORTEX TO DEFINE AREAS – BRODMANN AREAS BRODMANN’S CYTOARCHITECTURAL MAP Study this LOBE BRODMANN NUMBER LOCATION Frontal 4 Precentral gyrus (Primary Motor area) Frontal 6 Premotor,Supplementary Motor Frontal 44,45 Inferior frontal gyrus (Broca’s area for language) Parietal 3,1,2 Postcentral gyrus (Primary somatosensory area) Parietal 5,7 Somatosensory association area Occipital 17 Banks of calcarine sulcus (Primary visual area) Occipital 18,19 Surrounding 17 (Visual Association areas) Temporal 41 Primary auditory area Temporal 42 Auditory association area Temporal 22 Superior temporal gyrus (Wernicke’s area for language on left) SOMATOTOPIC MAP - HOMUNCULUS SOMATOSENSORY CORTEX MOTOR CORTEX MOTOR HOMUNCULUS FIBER TRACTS – CORTICO-CORTICAL CORPUS CALLOSUM – INTERHEMISPHERIC Links related areas of frontal, parietal , caudal temporal, and occipital lobes ANTERIOR COMMISSURE – INTERHEMISPHERIC Links related areas of inferior temporal lobe Corpus Callosum Fornix Anterior Commissure INTRAHEMISPHERIC TRACT Intrahemishperic tracts link cortical areas on the same side. SUPERIOR LONGITUDINAL FASCICULUS –INTRAHEMISHERIC Links Broca’s and Wernicke’s language areas INTERNAL CAPSULE AND CORONA RADIATA ALL AFFERENTS AND EFFERENTS RELATED TO THE CORTEX TRAVERSE THE INTERNAL CAPSULE . INTERNAL CAPSULE: BORDERS: Lateral: Putamen, Globus Pallidus Medial: Caudate Nucleus and Thalamus A INTERNAL CAPSULE: DESCENDING FIBERS INCLUDE: Corticobulbar Axons Corticopontine Corticospinal Corticostriatal ASCENDING FIBERS INCLUDE: Thalamocortical Axons Tracts Terminating In Thalamus G P R Blood Supply to the Cortex BLOOD SUPPLY TO THE CEREBRAL CORTEX 2 VESSELS SUPPLY MEDIAL ASPECT OF CORTEX: ANTERIOR CEREBRAL (BRANCH OF INTERNAL CAROTID ARTERY) POSTERIOR CEREBRAL (BRANCH OF BASILAR ARTERY) PARIETAL LOBE CINGULATE CORTEX CC FRONTAL LOBE OCCIPITAL LOBE POSTERIOR CEREBRAL A. ANTERIOR CEREBRAL A. BASILAR A. INTERNAL CAROTID A. BLOOD SUPPLY TO THE CEREBRAL CORTEX Major Blood Vessel To Lateral Cortex Is Middle Cerebral A. (Branch Of Internal Carotid A. Also See Terminal Branches Of Anterior and Posterior Cerebral Arteries ANTERIOR CEREBRAL A POSTERIOR CEREBRAL A MIDDLE CEREBRAL A Thank you for completing this module If you have any questions, please contact me: Survey We would appreciate your feedback on this module. Click on the button below to complete a brief survey. Your responses and comments will be shared with the module’s author, the LSI EdTech team, and LSI curriculum leaders. We will use your feedback to improve future versions of the module. The survey is both optional and anonymous and should take less than 5 minutes to complete. Survey