OFFICE OF THE CONTROLLER TRAINING PRESENTATION UPDATED JUNE 10, 2011 1 Have an introduction to the SPM System and recognize its relationship to FRS/DMAS screens Identify what SPM access allows users to do Recognize Sponsored Account Attributes Access and use the FRS 601 SPM level screens Recognize when to use Sponsored Programs screens while in the DMAS/FRS systems Use the Payment/Invoicing Screens Review FAQ’s about Award Reimbursement Method, Cost Share, Guarantee Data, Reconciliation 2 Additional Information Provided by System Access to 3 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR (PI) RECONCILES ACCOUNT BALANCE & DETAIL ON A MONTHLY BASIS EMPLOYEES ASSIGNED THE FOLLOWING: Responsibility for monitoring, reconciling and reporting for Sponsored proposals Awards Award budget period Sponsored accounts Billing and payments 4 Why would an FRS/DMAS user with access to Sponsored accounts need SPM access too? • DMAS access allows viewing account information and Sponsored Award image only (not Proposal image) • SPM allows users to view financial and other type information for sponsored proposals/awards on-line • On an award or budget period basis • On a project year basis • Helpful for multiple year awards • Access to Sponsored Award Menu screen on DMAS and additional screens in SPM 601 Menu (not on DMAS) may be needed to manage awards • Helpful for multiple sub-accounts 5 SCREENS USED FOR SPONSORED ACCOUNTS/AWARDS 6 7 DMAS ACCOUNT MENU HELPFUL SCREENS (REPORTS) FOR SPONSORED INFORMATION Account Summary Open Commitments Account Attributes Account Transactions by Month Revenue and Expense Summary Sponsored Accounts Summarized by Sponsored Budget Categories Sponsored Award Images 8 Sponsor Proposal Award Award Year Account Number 9 Award Summary Accounts for an Award Proposal Information 10 DMAS FAQ – ACCOUNT SUMMARY QUESTION: Why is the Sponsored Account budget total on a particular subobject not the same amount on the Award Summary and Account History Detail? •ANSWER: •Sponsored accounts are project accounts. • The Account Summary contains project to date information while the Detail is by fiscal year. • Go to prior fiscal years to find the remainder of the project to date balance. 11 DMAS FAQ – FUNDS RECEIVED QUESTION: How can I track funds received in Clinical Trials? • Start with Account Summary for (6) Sponsored Account • Click on Associated GL (03) account • Click on sub-object 1322 to get the Account History Detail screen which contains the amounts collected for the fiscal year • Also available on Sponsored Billing Menu – Browse Award Payments 12 SCREENS USED FOR SPONSORED ACCOUNT/AWARDS 13 SCREEN: SPONSOR INQ/MAINTENANCE 604 AGENCY PROFILE 605 SPONSOR PROFILE 606 SPONSOR NAME LIST 608 LOC DRAWDOWN REQUEST 609 LOC DRAWDOWN HISTORY PROPOSAL INQ/MAINTENANCE 610 PROPOSAL TRANSMITTAL 611 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGTRS 612 BUDGET SUMMARY 613 PROPOSAL CHECKLIST 615 LIST PROPOSALS 619 P.I. NAME LIST SYSTEM CONTROLS 657 BROWSE BDG RANGE CODE 658 UPDATE BDG RANGE CODE 691 CONTROL RECORD 692 IDC-BASE UPDATE 695 IDC-BASE LIST 696 STD EXCLUSIONS AWARD SETUP 620 AWARD MAINTENANCE 621 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGTRS 622 REIMBRSMT & REPORTING 623 CONTACT INFORMATION 624 SUB-CONTRACTS 640 RECORD AUTHORIZED AMT AWARD INQ/MAINTENANCE 625 COST SHARING 629 INCREMNTL FUNDING INQ 630 LIST AWARDS 631 AWARD STATUS 632 AWARD DETAIL 633 SUB-CONTRACT LIST 643 UNASSIGNED BUDGET DET 670 AWARD FUND BALANCE 674 AWD/DOCUMENT ACTIVITY 693 IDC BASE FOR AN AWARD BUDGET PREPARATION 642 BUDGET CREATE/REVISE ACCOUNT INQ/MAINTENANCE 626 ACCOUNT TRANSFER 650 SPONSORED ACCT CREATE 652 SPONSORED ACCT UPDATE 654 ADJUSTING ENTRIES 656 ADJUSTED ACCT BALANCE 694 IDC BASE FOR AN ACCT MESSAGE PROCESSING 660 ADD MESSAGE 661 MESSAGE INQUIRY RECONCILIATION 663 ACCOUNT SUMMARY 664 TRANSACTION SCREEN 665 CORRECTION SCREEN 667 ENCUMBRANCE SCREEN 668 INDIRECT COST SCREEN 669 AWARD SUMMARY 14 Multiple Budget Year Awards Single Budget Year Award with Single Account Single Budget Year award with Multiple Accounts 15 •FRS screen 019 totals will = DMAS Award Summary BBA If only one simple account is involved: •Award N000140610670 for Account 66264X (incremental funding) in this example Single Budget Year Award with Multiple • Award C0QJW-R3 for Account 66464M (Sub) Accounts: Multiple Budget Year AwardsMultiple Accounts • Award 1U01AI069451 for Account 66639C • Different accounts year to year • Screen 674 is useful to see various years 16 FRS Screen 605 Sponsor Profile FRS Screen 606 Sponsor Name List DMAS Account Attributes • Sponsor Number • Sponsor Name • Sponsor Classification • Dept, Division, Sub-Division •Displays a list of sponsors available •Enter the first initial (CAPITAL LETTERS) of the sponsor name •System will display all sponsors available under that letter •If you don’t know the Sponsor Number but know the Account Number •Click Sponsor Attributes at the top of Account Attribute page from the Account Menu option •Sponsor # is first attribute displayed 17 606 SPONSOR NAME LIST SCREEN: LINE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ENTER NAME: ENTER LINE: CO NEXT SCREEN: 001 SP NBR CLASS SPONSOR NAME 001916 OTH COALESCENT SURGICAL INC 002835 OTH COAXIA 001343 OTH COCA-COLA FND 002095 OTH COCHLEAR AMERICAS 003203 OTH CODMAN & SHURTLEFF, INC 001582 OTH COGNETIX INC 002354 OTH COLEY PHARMACEUTICAL GROUP INC 000656 OTH COLGATE PALMOLIVE CO 000450 OTH COLLAGEN CORP 001162 OTH COLLAGENESIS INC 000975 OTH COLLAGENEX INC 001353 OTH COLLEGE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 000451 OTH COLLIER ENTERPRISES 001937 OTH COLOPLAST A/S 001860 OTH COLORADO STATE UNIV 18 Fiscal year digits found in proposal # For example: M0900541 C0800052 Record that PreAward office creates In FRS screen 610 Award cannot be opened without a Proposal INFO ED nightly download of data to proposal record in SPM 19 Same general concepts of non-6 accounts but with additional attributes Unique Master Account Indicator Award year start and end date Budget Start Date/End Date Sponsor number Reimbursement Method 20 SL account number starts with a 6 and includes Budget, Actual and Encumbrance transactions Associated GL account number starts with an 03 and this is where you will find payments received Account Attributes include Award # and Master and Sub accounts Project accounts like (6) accounts carry the balances from year to year until the end of the project (AWARD) Sponsored Accounts are frozen 3 months after the account end date 21 SPM – Sponsored Program Budget PR 002, PR 003, PR 004 – Sponsored Rec./Rev Last 3 letters are tied to Sponsored employee Aurora Candelaria is the contact person on the FRS Batch Ref List PR 020 – Sponsored Cost Share Entry Aurora Candelaria is the contact person on the FRS Batch Ref List Individual ID’s belonging to Sponsored Programs staff MZQ (Marcia Quinta) BYP (Belkis Puerto) 22 There could be only one Budget Period even though Award may be for multiple years 23 Final reconciliation takes place 66X FRS Reconciliation Screens are Used Account year usually coincides with award year Cost Share? Overdraft? Central Office looks at account in greater detail Medical – Director Sponsored Programs Coral Gables – Director Sponsored Programs Aurora Candelaria Maria V. Ortiz 24 FRS/DMAS 25 DMAS has additional attributes over FRS when it comes to Billing Use screen 019 to locate Map Code (General Ledger account) on the 6 Master account Go to Screen 018 – GL to view 03xxxx account Sub-object 1323 (billed receivable) Sub-object 1322 (amount collected) No history available in FRS so use DMAS 26 DMAS has more billing detail than FRS does DMAS Billing Screens – Browse Sponsored Billing Menu includes Invoices and Payments All Awards are reimbursed but not all awards require Billing invoice 27 BROWSE SCREENS Browse Award Invoices Browse Adjustments Browse Sponsor Invoices Browse Award Payments CENTRAL OFFICE ONLY Billing Setup Billing Schedule Adjust Invoice Browse Sponsor Payments Manual Invoice Browse Payment Batches Record Payment 28 This is the method of reimbursement to the University by the sponsor, for expenses incurred relative to this award. Press F2 on Reimbursement & Reporting Method (Screen 622) Reimbursement Method value to get table of valid id’s per attached. BPP BILLED PROGRESS PMT CB CASH BASIS CRDEP COST REIMB – DEP - dept. does billing CRSTD COST REIMB – SPM – Central Office does billing FPDEP FIXED PRICE – DEP FPSTD FIXED PRICE – SPM LOC LETTER OF CREDIT – UM Bills in bulk so not on GL (NIH all LOC) OT OTHER PF PAID IN FULL PPDEP PROGRESS PYMT – DEP PPSTD PROGRESS PYMT – SPM RF RESIDUAL FUNDS SP SCHEDULED PAYMENTS 29 Finding Award # For An Account Finding The Cost Share Account Finding Information Regarding Guarantee Data Finding Reconciliation information Finding End Dates Finding ARRA information 30 QUESTION: •To access data in screen 622, you need the Award #; where do I find the award # of an account? ANSWER: •The Award # of an account is displayed in screen 652; you may copy and paste from 652 to 622. 31 SCREEN: S/L ACCOUNT NBR: 66529K AWARD NBR: C0900273 ACCOUNT TITLE: US DED PELL GRANT MASTER ACCOUNT IND: MT 0 0 0 0 0 LONG DESCRIPTION: US DED PELL GRANT FY 2009-2010 66417K MINORITY RPT: N RESP.PERSON SSN: C00021535 RESP PERSON NAME: BAUER J CAMPUS: 30 DIVISION: 20 SCHOOL: 87 DEPARTMENT: 28730 EXEC LEV: SUB-DEPT: 00 PURPOSE: SECURITY: IDC RATE: REIM METH: LOC FIN CLASS I&II: 5080 ON CAMPUS (Y/N): Y IDC STATUS: N RESRCH TYPE: FS GRNT RELATED INC: STATUS: STR DAT: 07/01/09 END DATE: 06/30/10 SUBCONTRACT NBR: PROJ TITLE: PELL PROJ END DATE: 063010 PROJECT YEAR: 01 DOC NUMBER: P063P091285 OLD ACCT: ACCT PREF CODE: F ACCT SUF CODE: A NET ASSET TYPE: U TAX CODE: P ARRA/Stimulus Funds: FUND GROUP: 30 SUB FUND CODE: 10 FED FLAG: Y G/C CODE: G QTD END MO: 1: 09 2: 12 3: 03 4: 06 ABR RULE: 0 CST STUDY CODE: X NCHEMS CODE: 8.2 LOC NUMBER: F MAJ FUND SRCE: 70 MIN FUND SRCE: 2 YR-END CODE: P BILL ACC: N ACCT CREATED: 02/04/09 LAST UPD: 10/05/09 USERID: SPM49P01 MAJ PROJ: N S MAP CODE: 3529K FLAGS: D F R D 32 SCREEN: TO: AMEND NBR: AWARD NUMBER: C0900273 BUDGET YEAR: 01 INCR FUNDNG AMT: PROJECT NBR: PRD: IDC STATUS: N IDC BASE: NO IDC RATES: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 REIMBURSEMENT METHOD: LOC FREQUENCY: OTH GRANT RELATED INC: N FOLLOW-UP PERIOD: 30 SPECIAL BILL PROCESSING: MAJ PROJ?: N G/L ACCT. NBR: 03529K FORFEIT PERIOD: 60 FORM NUMBER: FISCAL START MONTH: 07 FEDERAL DEMO PROJECT (Y/N): N FINAL BILLING (Y/N): N EQUIP TITLE HOLDER (Y/N): Y FINAL BILLING DATE: 00/00/00 BILL FLG: N AGENCY P.O #: MINORITY UTILIZATION REPORTING (Y/N): N GOAL AMOUNT: PERCENT: 0.0 QUARTERLY DUE DATES: SEMI-ANNUAL DUE DATES: REMINDER NOTICES: WHEN DUE(DAYS) RESPB DUE DATE SUBMITTED STATUS 33 Question: • How do I know if an Award has a Cost Share Account? Answer: • Go to FRS Screen 632 (Award Detail) to see if there is a CS next to the account. • Note that in DMAS, the Accounts for Award screen only shows the most current Budget Year while FRS shows all Budget Years • Cost Share done via automated Journal Entry to department account 34 632 AWARD DETAIL AWARD NBR: 1U01AI069451 PROJECT NBR: BUDGET YR: 03 SPONSOR: NATL INST OF ALLERGY & INFECTIOUS DISEASES TITLE: UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI PEDIATRIC/PERINATAL HIV/AIDS CLINICAL TR P.I.: GWENDOLYN B. SCOTT END DATE: 11/30/09 REIMBURSEMENT METHOD: LOC GUARANTEE AMT: 0.00 FEDERAL DEMO PROJECT: Y ADJUSTED FUNDS: 851,996.00 PAYMENTS RECEIVED: 0.00 MAST ACCT STAT BUDGET EXPENSES ENCUMBRANCES BBA MT 66514K 851,996.00 0.00 293,577.00 558,419.00 01 66514L 0.00 41,166.17 54,950.98 -96,117.15 02 66514M 0.00 103,223.09 136,574.99 -239,798.08 CS 66515G 0.00 0.00 818.20 -818.20 CS 66515K 0.00 0.00 737.90 -737.90 CS 66515L 0.00 0.00 1,584.28 -1,584.28 35 Where is the information FRS screen 620 Award Maintenance What should individual look for Award year attributes: Guarantee account, guaranteed amount fields How do you know when an Award is on guarantee Guarantee account, amount, and period are populated 36 Question: On what FRS screen can I see the reconciliation at the end of the Award and for each month? Answer: Go to FRS Reconciliation screens - 66* 663 ACCOUNT SUMMARY 664 TRANSACTION SCREEN 665 CORRECTION SCREEN 667 ENCUMBRANCE SCREEN 668 INDIRECT COST SCREEN 669 AWARD SUMMARY 37 Is there more than one FRS screen to find the end date? •Check in FRS screen 009 or SPM screen 652 •Account/award end dates are attributes 38 009 SL GRANT/CONTRACT ATTRIB SCREEN: FIU 12000059903 ACCT: 66302T RESEARCH TYPE: RESEARCH PURPOSE: PROJECT YEAR: STATUS: SPONSOR: CSFA: OVERHEAD BASE 1: AWARD NUMBER: GRANT NUMBER: LETTR OF CR NUM: CFDA: REPORTING FREQ: END DATE: FISCAL REPT DATE: RENWL REPT DATE: RS 01 N 12000059903 BFP O 093009 000000 000000 FUND TYPE: G/C CODE: RECONCILED: FEDERAL FLAG: ARRA/Stimulus Funds: SPONSOR AWARD: SPONSOR NUMBER: OVERHEAD RATE 1: TAX CODE: MAJOR PROJECT?: INST SUPRT RATE: S N N 000083 0050 P N START DATE: 010906 TECH REPT DATE: 000000 INV REPT DATE: 000000 AWARD END DATE: 093009 NEXT ID: 39 652 SPONSORED ACCOUNT UPDATE SCREEN: S/L ACCOUNT NBR: 66302T AWARD NBR: 12000059903 MAP CODE: 3302T FLAGS: D F R D S ACCOUNT TITLE: FIU 12000059903 MASTER ACCOUNT IND: 01 0 0 0 0 0 LONG DESCRIPTION: FIU SC*FSOIR 12000059903 FL OFFICE OF IN S REG 66216A HURRICANE LOSS/PROJECTION MINORITY RPT: N RESP.PERSON SSN: C00794804 RESP PERSON NAME: SHYU M CAMPUS: 30 DIVISION: 20 SCHOOL: 40 DEPARTMENT: 24030 EXEC LEV: SUB-DEPT: 00 PURPOSE: SECURITY: IDC RATE: 5.00 REIM METH: FPSTD FIN CLASS I&II: 5020 ON CAMPUS (Y/N): Y IDC STATUS: Y RESRCH TYPE: RS GRNT RELATED INC: STATUS: STR DAT: 01/09/06 END DATE: 09/30/09 SUBCONTRACT NBR: PROJ TITLE: HURRICANE LOSS AND PROJECTION MODEL PROJ END DATE: 093009 PROJECT YEAR: 01 DOC NUMBER: OLD ACCT: ACCT PREF CODE: B ACCT SUF CODE: R NET ASSET TYPE: U TAX CODE: P ARRA/Stimulus Funds: N FUND GROUP: 30 SUB FUND CODE: 20 FED FLAG: N G/C CODE: S QTD END MO: 1: 03 2: 06 3: 09 4: 12 ABR RULE: 0 CST STUDY CODE: R NCHEMS CODE: 2.1 LOC NUMBER: BFP MAJ FUND SRCE: 66 MIN FUND SRCE: 56 YR-END CODE: P BILL ACC: N ACCT CREATED: 01/12/07 LAST UPD: 10/05/09 USERID: SPM49P01 MAJ PROJ: N 40 Federal Government stimulus funding Quarterly reporting on a grant by grant basis – 10 days after ARRA field on FRS (N/A on DMAS) •Screen 610 •Screen 620 •Screen 652 Memo sent out August 3rd 2009 from the Controlleradditional info. available on UM Research web page 41 COMPLIANCE WITH UM POLICIES AND PROCEDURES 42 Funding Opportunities Reporting Cost Principles Account Maintenance Proposal Preparation Non-Financial Compliance Issues Award Acceptance 43 Effort Reporting Salary Transfers • Controller’s Office web site – Sponsored Programs - Education and Training • Effort Certification & Reporting (ECR) • Salary Transfers classes • Upcoming classes are open for registration on ULEARN • Contact Sponsored Programs at x83223 for additional information INFO ED •Proposal System •Feeds SPM system •Contact Research Administration for additional information Financial Data Warehouse •SPM Information available •Contact Marlena Diaz or Sheryl Borg 44 Medical Campus 305 243-4492 Coral Gables Campus 305-284-2375 RSMAS Team 305-421-4800 45 THANK YOU FOR REVIEWING the CONTROLLER’S OFFICE PRESENTATION 46