Table S1. Additional information about the antibodies used in this

Table S1. Additional information about the antibodies used in this study.
Primary Antibody (Catalog
number, Supplier)
Anti-Calbindin (AB1778,
This antibody does not cross react with calretinin by WB. WB data was presented by the manufacturer
( catalogue/item/ab1778#). Use for immunohistochemistry IHC was
previously reported [1].
Anti-Calbindin (C9848, Sigma)
This antibody does not react with other members of the EF-hand family such as calbindin-D-9K,
calretinin, myosin light chain, parvalbumin, S-100a, S-100b, S-100A2 (S100L) and S-100A6 (calcyclin)
( /Sigma/Datasheet/3/c9848dat.pdf). Use
for IHC was previously reported [2].
Anti-Cleaved Caspase-3
(#9664, Cell Signaling)
This antibody detects the large fragment (17/19 kDa) of activated caspase-3 resulting from cleavage
adjacent to Asp175. This antibody does not recognize full length caspase-3 or other cleaved caspases
( Use for WB and IHC was previously reported [3,4].
Anti-HSP70 (#4872, Cell
This antibody detects total HSP70 protein ( Use for WB was
previously reported [5].
Anti-NR2F2 (ab41859, Abcam)
This antibody does not recognize human NR2F1 and NR2F6 ( Use for WB and IHC was previously reported [6,7].
Anti-PAX6 (PAX6,
Developmental Studies
Hybridoma Bank)
Details about this antibody are available at Use for IHC was
previously reported [8].
Anti-Phosho-Histone H3
(#9701, Cell Signaling)
This antibody detects histone H3 only when phosphorylated at serine 10. This antibody does not crossreact with other phosphorylated histones or with acetylated histones
( Use for WB and IHC was previously reported [9].
Anti-RERE (sc-98415, Santa
Cruz Biotech.)
Details about this antibody are available at Use for WB and
IHC was previously reported [10]. Using this antibody, we found no discernible RERE protein in
Rereom/om embryos at E10.5 by WB [10].
Anti-SHH (sc-9024, Santa Cruz
Details about this antibody are available at Use for WB and IHC
was previously reported [11,12].
IHC = immunohistochemistry; WB = western blot
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