National Diet and Nutrition Survey: people aged 65 years and over. Published 1995 HMSO London An analysis by Dr Alan Stewart MRCP Purpose of the Study “This provides a sound basis for the development of future food and heath policies for this increasingly important group in our society“ Tessa Jowell Minister for Public health DoH Jeff Rooker Minister of State MAFF The NDNS are undertaken by the Department of Health and Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food with the support of outside agencies Important Note from Dr Alan Stewart • Dr Stewart took no part in the study and reports here as an independent physician with an interest in nutrition • The findings of this survey are not well-known and are not currently available at the Department of Health website nor the Office of National Statistics despite being listed on the latter site as available. The printed report can be purchased from The Stationery Office • The findings of this survey will be superseded by the NDNS Rolling Programme, which includes those aged over 65 yrs and is due to finish reporting years 1 and 2 of the three year programme toward the end of 2012 NDNS65+: Background • Part of a rolling programme of national nutritional surveys of different sectors of the British population • Previous study of a non-representative sample of 365 elderly >70 years showed: - malnutrition in 7%, anaemia in 12.5% - vitamin B12 deficiency 2.5%, folate deficiency 5.4% - vitamin B1 deficiency 8%, vitamin B12 deficiency 30% (DHSS 1979) • Risk of deficiency rose with increasing age, prevalence of chronic illness and socio-economic deprivation • Link between poor nutrition and common diseases; cardiovascular, poor immunity, osteoporosis and possibly mental illness and early dementia • A study of acutely ill geriatric patients in Leeds revealed a high incidence of nutritional deficiencies (next two slides) Nutritional Deficiencies in Acutely ill Geriatric Patients: Prevalence of Haematological Deficiencies 1973/75 100% Age 65-70yrs (n=16) 90% 70-79yrs (n=53) 80% 80+yrs (n=24) 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Anaemia RBC Folate Vitamin B12 % Low Iron Sat • • • 93 acutely ill patients >65yrs: male = 35, female = 58 in Yorkshire Folate and vitamin B12 were measured using micobiological assays 9/93 = plasma albumin ,<28g/l, 29/93 = plasma albumin 28-34g/l • Morgan AG et al. Int J Vit and Nut Res. 1973:43;46-471 & 1975:45:448-462 Vitamin Deficiencies in Acutely ill Geriatric Patients Prevalence of various vitamin deficiencies 1973/75 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Age 65-70yrs (n=16) 70-79yrs (n=53) 80+yrs (n=24) Vit A • • • PTT TPP Vit B2 Vit B3 WBC Vit C 93 acutely ill patients >65yrs: male = 35, female = 58 PTT = prothrombin time (Vit K), TPP = thiamin pyrophosphate effect (vit B1) Vit B2 = whole blood riboflavin, Vit B3 = urine n-methyl nicotinamide level Morgan AG et al. Int J Vit and Nut Res. 1975:45:448-462 NDNS65+: Methodology • Two nationally representative samples: - free-living - institutionalised • Individuals were identified by their postal addresses • Men equalled women except those aged 85+ (more women) • In each co-operating institution three residents were selected • Initial assessment by interview • Consent or proxy-consent obtained for participation and permission to flag the NHS Central Register of Births and Deaths to give future notice of death or cancer development • Payment of £10 on completion of dietary record • Survey completed between October 1994 to September 1995 • Acutely ill elderly are unlikely to have participated in NDNS 65+; prevalence of poor nutrition is thus likely to be at least as great in ill patients in the care of medical staff NDNS 65+: data collected • Interviewer-administered questionnaire about dietary habits, medication use, nutritional supplements, physical activity and health • Four-day weighed dietary record of all food and drink consumed in and out of the home • Seven-day record of bowel movements • Memory and depression questionnaires • Physical measurements: height, weight, mid-arm circumference, hand grip strength and visual acuity • Blood and urine (not 24 hours) tests • Dental examination (see separate report) NDNS65+: Response to the Survey - Free-living • 30, 546 sample addresses • 23, 486 positive responders • 6,445 eligible households • 2172 initially selected Eligible sample 100% • 1632 completed interview Responding sample 75% • 1275 completed dietary record Diary sample 59% • 986 provided blood sample 45% • 1115 provided urine sample 51% NDNS65+: Response to the Survey-Institutions • 454 initially identified Eligible sample 100% • 428 completed interview Responding sample 94% • 412 completed diet record Diary sample 91% • 290 provided blood sample 64% • 310 provided a urine sample 68% Some weighting for disproportionate sampling of sex, age, over-representation of people living alone and regional variations Defining Nutritional Deficiency • Nutritional deficiency can develop as a result of an inadequate intake, poor absorption, illness, alcohol excess & other factors • In the UK nutrient intake requirements are given in: Dietary Reference Values for Food Energy and Nutrients for the United Kingdom (1991 – TSO) • The report defines The Lower Reference Nutrient Intake, LRNI, for protein or a vitamin or mineral as “an amount of the nutrient that is enough for only a few people in a group who have low needs”. • In practice this means that if the percentage of a population with an intake below the LRNI for a particular nutrient exceeds 3% then it is likely that a percentage of the population will be deficient in the nutrient • Also deficiency is likely, but not certain, if, on testing its blood level is below the lower end of an accepted normal range. Distribution of Nutrient Requirements Assumes a Gaussian (normal) distribution Dietary Reference Values: Dept of Health 1991 • LRNI “An amount enough for only the few people in a group who have low needs” • EAR “About half will usually need more than the EAR and half less” • RNI “An amount of the nutrient that is enough, or more than enough, for about 97% of people in a group” What can Nutritional Surveys Tell Us? • Two main types of data: - dietary habits and intake of nutrients - test information on nutrient levels in blood and urine • Assess the prevalence of both types of malnutrition: - undernutrition - overnutrition • Data about social circumstances, alcohol and smoking that allows identification of those at risk of malnutrition • Data about the health of the survey group may examine the possible health consequences of malnutrition How Do Nutritional Deficiencies Develop? Develop over days to years in a logical and recognizable sequence • State of Adequacy • State of Negative Balance • Decline in Tissue Stores • Loss of Function: 1. Symptoms 2. Physical Signs 3. Organ Failure • Death What Components were Surveyed in NDNS? NDNS = National Diet and Nutrition Survey Stage NDNS 65+ Component • State of Adequacy • State of Negative Balance 1. Poor intake 2. Reduced absorption 3. Increased losses 4. Increased requirement 5. Altered metabolism • Decline in Tissue Stores Diet + Supplements Alcohol, drugs, liver and renal Tests – blood and urine • Loss of Function: 1. Symptoms 2. Physical Signs 3. Organ Failure • Death Depression BMI Renal and Liver Function Tests Collected 17 yrs later NDNS: Prevalence of Deficiency - Low Intake Total Intakes (Food and Supplements) below LRNI for males and females 39% 36% Calcium 33% Potassium 30% Magnesium 27% 24% Iron 21% Zinc 18% Vitamin A 15% Vitamin B12 12% 9% Folate 6% Vitamin C 3% 0% Fre e -living Elde rly • • Ins titution Elde rly “Lower Reference Nutrient Intake – an amount of the nutrient that is enough for only the few people in a group who have low needs” = 3% of the population Prevalence rates >3% suggest that a significant % of the population could be deficient Use of Nutritional Supplements – NDNS 65+ 50% Total 45% Multi Vit+Mins 40% Multivitamins 35% Vits A,C+D 30% Multivits+Iron 25% Vitamin C 20% Iron only 15% Minerals 10% CLO +Fish Oil EPO 5% 0% Adults • • F-L Elde rly Supplement categories have slight differences between the surveys Females are usually larger consumers of supplements than males Prevalence of low Potassium Intake <LRNI Male 60% Female 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 65-74yr • • • • 75-84yr 85+yr Institution 65-84yr Institution 85+yr Potassium content of the body is related to its water content and muscle bulk There are no differences in LRNI between the sexes despite physical differences The high LRNI for women results in a high percentage appearing deficient Plasma or serum potassium levels were not measured as part of any of the NDNS Prevalence of a low Body Mass Index - NDNS 20% Men <18.5kg/m2 18% Men 18.5-20.0kg/m2 16% Women <18.5kg/m2 14% Women 18.5-20.0kg/m2 12% 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% 65-74yrs • • 75-84yrs 85+yrs Inst 6584yrs Inst 85+yrs Percentages for age >65 years are the author’s estimates from presented data Underweight + ill individuals are likely to have been under-represented in NDNS Nutrition Support in Adults NICE Feb. 2006 Based on Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool - MUST • Underweight BMI >18.5kg/m2 • Unintentional weight loss Loss >10% within the last 3 – 6 months • Underweight + Unintentional Weight Loss BMI 18.5 - 20kg/m2 and Wt Loss >5% within the last 3 – 6 mo. • Others Risk Factors Eaten little or nothing or unlikely to for >5 days Poor absorptive capacity, high nutrient losses or increased needs Nutritional Assessment - Risk Factors NICE guidelines (2006) and others • • • • • • • • • • Fragile skin Poor wound healing Apathy Wasted muscles Poor appetite Altered taste sensation Impaired swallowing Altered bowel habit Loose fitting clothes Prolonged illness: chronic infection, chest disease, cardiac failure, cancer etc. Nutritional Assessment - Risk Factors NICE guidelines (2006) and others • • • • • • • • • • Fragile skin Poor wound healing Apathy Wasted muscles Poor appetite Altered taste sensation Impaired swallowing Altered bowel habit Loose fitting clothes Prolonged illness: chronic infection, chest disease, cardiac failure, cancer etc. • Life Stage: - extremes of age - infants, adolesence, pregnancy • Social Circumstances: - in receipt of benefits - living alone – especially men • Medical History: - loss: bleed, vomiting, diarrhoea - chronic illness/organ failure • Family History/Genetic Factors • Medical Drug Use • Poor mobility/lack of sun • Smoking • Symptoms and Physical Signs Influence of Household Income on Average Intake of Nutrients in Elderly Men [NDNS 1998] 160% <4K/yr 140% 4-6K/yr 120% 6-10K/yr 100% >10K/yr 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Energy • • Protein Vitamin C Vitamin B12 Folate Annual income in £000s; upper income bands are compared with lowest <4k/year Increasing income is associated with higher intake of protein and many nutrients Daily Alcohol Intake and Nutritional Status: NDNS 65+ % difference in status compared with non/low drinkers Males <10g Males 10-20g Males =/>20g Females <10g Females =/>10g 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% -10.00% -20.00% -30.00% Plasma Vitamin C • • • Plasma Vitamin D Red Cell Folate Serum Vitamin B12 Intake determined from 4 day diary Caution, no adjustment for age, health, diet or supplements was made Non-drinkers were more likely to be older and have abnormal liver test Diagnosing Malnutrition: Under and Overnutrition 1. History Intake: diet + supplements Risk Factors for deficiency/XS Symptoms of deficiency/XS 2. Physical Examination Anthropometric Measures (Body Mass Index - kg/m2) Signs of Deficiency Signs of Underlying Disease 3. Laboratory Investigation Blood and Urine Tests Bone Mineral Density X-Ray Making a Diagnosis: History is Paramount Nottingham 1975 W. Virginia 1992 History 82.5% 76% Examination 8.75% 12% Investigation 8.75% 11% • Both studies assessed new patients, with no clear diagnosis who were referred to a medical outpatient clinic • The percentages relate to the information that was required to reach the final diagnosis • References: Hampton JR et al. BMJ. 1975;2:486-9 Peterson MC et al. West Med J. 1992;156(2):163-5 NDNS65+: Prevalence of Anaemia Male 30% Female 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 65-74yr • • • 75-84yr 85+yr Institution Institution 65-84yr 85+yr World Health Organisation Normal Ranges were used; women >12.0g/dl, men >13.0g/dl. British laboratories often use a normal range of >11.5g/dl for women Levels of 11.5-11.9g/dl in women can result in symptomatic iron deficiency In the elderly anaemia results from: poor nutrient intake + bleeding, chronic illness and unknown factors in equal frequency NDNS65+: Prevalence of Iron Deficiency Low Plasma Ferritin: Range < 10-20ug/l Male 30% Female 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 65-74yr 75-84yr 85+yr Institution 65-84yr Institution 85+yr • Normal ranges: females > 15.0ug/l, males > 20.0ug/l • Plasma ferritin can be elevated by acute or chronic inflammation, infection or liver disease and may not be a reliable measure of iron status in ill and elderly people NDNS65+: Prevalence of Vitamin B12 Deficiency Plasma vitamin B12 <118 pmol/l (154pg/ml) Male 30% Female 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 65-74yr • • • 75-84yr 85+yr Institution 65-84yr Institution 85+yr Macrocytosis (MCV >101fl) was seen in: 2% of free-living elderly and 3% of elderly in institutions. Macrocytosis can be due to vit B12/folate deficiency or alcohol excess Only a minority of those with vitamin B12 deficiency also had macrocytosis NDNS65+: Prevalence of low Red Cell Folate 50% Male 45% Female 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 65-74yr • • 75-84yr 85+yr Institution Institution 65-84yr 85+yr The normal ranges for red cell folate and method of analysis varied from other NDNS Folate status is influenced by dietary intake, illness, alcohol excess and altered metabolism NDNS 65+: Prevalence of Vitamin D Deficiency Plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D <25nmol/l 50% Male 45% Female 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 65-74yr • • • 75-84yr 85+yr Institution 65-84yr Institution 85+yr Plasma 25-OHD levels show considerable seasonal variation with low levels being commonplace in late winter and spring. Dietary sources provide approximately 10% of intake of the vitamin. Preferred level for those with osteoporosis is >75 nmol/l NDNS65+: Prevalence of Vitamin C Deficiency plasma Vit. C<11.0umol/l - NDNS data 50% Male 45% Female 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 65-74yr • • • • 75-84yr 85+yr Institution Institution 65-84yr 85+yr Vitamin C status is adversely affected by smoking, use of aspirin and NSAIDS Approximately 12% of the elderly took supplements likely to contain vitamin C Approximately 28% of British adults smoke and less after the age of 65 years Aspirin was taken by 20% of free-living elderly and 24% of institutionalised NDNS65+: Prevalence of Vitamin A Deficiency Percentage of Population with a plasma Retinol < 0.7mmol/l Male 10% Female 9% 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% 65-74yr • • • 75-84yr 85+yr Institution 65-84yr Institution 85+yr WHO lower end of normality, plasma level < 0.7 mmol/ Plasma retinol levels may be temporarily lowered as a result of infection and the acute phase response Severe deficiency, plasma <0.35 mmol/l, is very rare Nutritional Supplements and the Elderly “Many would agree that iron, vitamin C, vitamin D and B complex vitamins should be given for three to four weeks to elderly patients recovering from a severe illness of any type ...” Editorial British Medical Journal. Nutrition in the Elderly 1974:1;212-3. Correlations between intake and blood levels • NDNS 65+ and other surveys calculated the correlation coefficients between the intake of many nutrients and it’s level in the blood • The degree of correlation between these two was often less than 50% and is usually best for the more watersoluble and better absorbed nutrients • The reason for low correlation are many and include: level of intake, limited or poor absorption, smoking and alcohol, and differences in metabolism/transport of the nutrient • In practice this means that clinicians should not rely too heavily on dietary assessment but consider many other risk factors for under and overnutrition Correlation Coefficients: Vitamin C Plasma Ascorbate and Total Intake 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Male Female 1.5-4.5 yrs 4-18 yrs 19-64 yrs 65+ yrs Correlation Coefficients: Folate Red Cell Folate and Total Intake 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Male Female 1.5-4.5 yrs 4-18 yrs 19-64 yrs 65+ yrs Correlation Coefficients: Retinol Plasma Retinol and Intake (Retinol Equivalents) 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Male Female 1.5-4.5 yrs 4-18 yrs 19-64 yrs 65+ yrs Correlation Coefficients Iron Haemoglobin and Total Intake of Iron 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 Male Female 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 1.5-4.5 yrs 4-18 yrs 19-64 yrs 65+ yrs Correlation Coefficients B Vitamins in Elderly NDNS 65+ Free-Living only 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Male Female Vitamin B2 • • • Folate Vitamin B1 Vitamin B12 Tests – red cell folate, serum vitamin B12; vitamins B1 & 2 by enzyme activation, which increase with increasing deficiency CCs for vitamins B1 & 2 are -ve but are presented as +ve All CCS are significant (p<0.01) except vitamin B12 in men NDNS 65+: What Have we Learnt so Far? • This important survey, though conducted 20 years ago reveals that: - poor intake of micronutrients is common - low BMI, anaemia and micronutrient deficiencies are common • Risk factors for undernutrition include: - low income – or being in receipt of benefits - increasing age - smoking - alcohol excess but not moderate intake - illness especially chronic illness - multiple drug therapy • Risk Factors for undernutriiton detailed by NICE are presented next Nutritional Assessment - Risk Factors NICE guidelines (2006) and others NICE Listed • • • • • • • • • • Fragile skin Poor wound healing Apathy Wasted muscles Poor appetite Altered taste sensation Impaired swallowing Altered bowel habit Loose fitting clothes Prolonged intercurrent illness: chronic infection, chest disease, cardiac failure, cancer etc. NDNS 65+: Prevalence of Overnutrition figures are for free-living • Obesity BMI >30 kg/m2 M - 17%, F – 23% • Alcohol excess >21/14 units/week ~ 10% • Dietary Salt Intake >6g/day estimated at ~80% risk of:hypertension, stroke, osteoporosis and heart failure • Retinol - elevated plasma level ~10% risk of:osteoporosis, hypercalcaemia (cc%) • Iron excess - haemochromatosis ~1.5% iron saturation >55% • Trace element excess - reduced excretion due to: renal disease (?<5%) – vitamin A and potassium liver disease (10-20%) – iron, manganese and copper • Excessive intake of nutrients from supplements retinol (5-10%) and possibly manganese (not assessed) Safety of Vitamin A: SACN Sept 2005 • • • • • • • • Total Safe Intake, TSI 1500 ug/day Diet provides average 700 ug/day Supplements limited to 800 ug/day % NDNS 65+ intakes >TSI - F-L Males 11%, Females 10% - Inst. Males 7%, Females 6% High intakes from: - food – liver, very high dairy - supplements high intake & overages Acute Toxicity: – rare >50,000ug/day - liver failure, death Chronic Toxicity: - osteoporosis (vit D antagonist) - hair loss, dry skin - hypercalcaemia (PTH excess) Risk increased by: renal impairment, alcohol excess and obesity Retinol Status of the British Population (estimates) Plasma Retinol Levels NDNS 65+ Data 90.00% Deficient <0.7/0.75 umol/l Borderline 0.75-1.0 umol/l Adequate 1.0-2.8 umol/l Mild Excess 2.8-3.5 umol/l Severe Excess >3.5 umol/l 80.00% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% Free-Living Institutionalised Renal Function and Plasma Retinol: NDNS 65+ Correlation between deteriorating renal function and plasma retinol UK Supplements – Retinol Content FSA (2003) and SACN (2005) - Safe Upper Level of 800 ug/day • • • • • • Cod Liver Oil 10 mls Holford Multivitamin HealthSpan Multi 50+ H and B ABC Plus Senior Solgar Solovit Biocare Adult Multi 1,800ug 1,200ug 1,000 ug 1,050 ug 750 ug 600 ug • According to industry overages are commonly 20% to 30% more than the label claim NDNS 65+ The Spread of Malnutrition • The following slides detail the spread and extremes of nutrient intake and laboratory findings from the free-living NDNS 65+ population • These show the means, 95% limits and highest and lowest values for a number of measures of nutrients • These findings make the point that both under and over nutrition occur • They help the practitioner put into perspective the results that they might obtain when assessing their own patients • Such data is unique and is unlikely to be reported in future survey The Spread of Malnutrition: Energy & BMI NDNS 65 + Free-living M = 538, F = 516 Bates CJ et al. Br. J. Nut. 2010 doi:10.1017/S0007114510003053 Parameter Lowest 2.5 pc Mean M 65 75.8 96 F 65 77.3 99 Energy Intake Kcal/day M 819 2101 1892 2838 4117 F 455 756 1416 2101 2325 Height m M 1.49 156.5 1.69 185.6 1.98 F 1.2 142.3 1.55 168.2 1.75 M 38.7 53.6 75.2 101 121 F 32.5 42.6 64 90.5 112.9 M 16.3 19.6 26.3 34.3 43.2 F 14.4 18.3 26.6 36.7 44.46 Age years Weight kg Body Mass Index kg/m2 97.5 pc Highest The Spread of Malnutrition: Iron and Anaemia NDNS 65 + Free-living M = 538, F = 516 Bates CJ et al. Br. J. Nut. 2010 doi:10.1017/S0007114510003053 Parameter and norm Lowest 2.5 pc Mean 97.5 pc Highest Total Iron Intake non-haem mg/day M 1.7 11.4 174.2 F 2.3 10.9 201.2 Iron Intake -haem mg/day M 0 0.72 4.83 F 0 0.53 4.8 Iron Saturation 15% - 55% M 4.1 11.6 28.1 53.4 91.2 F 4.0 7.0 24.2 46.9 82.7 Serum Ferritin ug/l M 20-300, F 15-150 M 4.0 120.9 420.5 F 9.0 90.2 376.4 Haemoglobin g/dl M 13-18, F 12-16.5 M 11.5 14.5 16.7 F 11 13.5 15.5 The Spread of Malnutrition: Retinol & Carotenoids NDNS 65 + Free-living M = 538, F = 516 Bates CJ et al. Br. J. Nut. 2010 doi:10.1017/S0007114510003053 Parameter and Normal Range Lowest 2.5 pc Mean 97.5 pc Highest Retinol Intake ug/day 300 – 1,500 M 10 161 940 5996 20,400 F 60 121 850 6068 18.800 Plasma retinol 1.0 – 2.8 umol/l M 0.85 1.25 2.21 3.54 5.55 F 0.42 1.17 2.18 3.56 6.8 Total carotenoids Intake mg/day M 0.1 222 1.97 5760 12,000 F 60 196 1.62 5367 9,970 Plasma betacarotene nmol/l M 8.0 54 323 828 F 37 79 405 1011 1,960 1,674 Renal Function and Plasma Retinol: NDNS 65+ Correlation between deteriorating renal function and plasma retinol The Spread of Malnutrition: Vitamins C and E NDNS 65 + Free-living M = 538, F = 516 Bates CJ et al. Br. J. Nut. 2010 doi:10.1017/S0007114510003053 Parameter Normal Range Lowest 2.5 pc Mean 97.5 pc Highest Total Intake Vitamin C mg/day M 4.9 12.1 71.1 196.1 1,023 F 1.0 12.4 65.4 223 601 Plasma vitamin C umol/l (>11.0) M <3 3.0 38.2 80.4 101.5 F <3 2.3 45.8 96 116.5 Total Intake Vitamin E mg/day M 0.8 2.7 9.51 24.4 114 F [0.06] 1.8 10.69 28.1 [18.8] Plasma alphatocopherol umol/l M [0.45] 18.9 35 57.3 [7.49] F 10.3 19.1 39.1 66.8 128 Plasma gammatocopherol umol/l M 0.45 0.82 2.24 5.02 7.49 F 0.57 0.78 2.53 5.53 8.65 The Spread of Malnutrition: Homocysteine Nutrients NDNS 65 + Free-living M = 538, F = 516 Bates CJ et al. Br. J. Nut. 2010 doi:10.1017/S0007114510003053 Parameter (norm or RNI) Lowest 2.5 pc Mean 97.5 pc Highest Pl. Homocysteine <12 umol/l M 5.8 16.3 95.6 F 4.4 15.2 54.9 Total Folate Intake ug/day (200) M 75 116 263.4 455 728 F 27 86 204 385 535 Red Cell Folate nmol/l (>350) M 60 155 496 1170 2216 F 78 139 507 1238 2357 Total Vitamin B12 Intake ug/day (1 ) M 0.55 1.8 5.9 19.5 87.2 F 0.66 1.2 4.3 17.9 42.8 Serum Vit. B12 pmol/l (>118) M 49 90 226 436 737 F 48 103 238 [728] [737] Folate/Folic Acid and Cancer Risk Ulrich CM. Editorial Am J Clin Nutr 2007;86:271-3 • Low intakes of folate increase the risk of alcohol-associated breast cancer • Moderate intakes have no effect on risk • High intakes of folic acid from supplements may increase the growth of an existing tumor • The effect of folate/folic acid may be influenced by other nutrients and genetic factors Problems with Folate and Vit. B12 in UK Elderly • Deficiencies of both are common in NDNS 65+ • Supplement use is associated with better folate status but only slightly better vit B12 status Dangour A et al J. Nutr. 2008 138;1121-1128 • US NHANES III: those with a serum B12 <148 pmol/l (~35% of UK elderly) increasing serum folate was associated with increased HCys and MMA levels Selhub J et al Am J Clin Nutr 2009;89(2):702S-706S • European EPIC no overall association of prostate cancer risk and the status of these nutrients However in those with a high vitamin B12 level there was an increased risk of more advanced disease. Johansson M et al Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2008;17(2):279-85 See also Hultdin J et al Int J Cancer 2004;113:819-24 Plasma Homocysteine and Mortality in UK Older People Dangour A et al J. Nutr. 2008 138;1121-1128 853 UK M + F >75 yrs. Median follow-up 7.6 yr. 50.3% died. Death rate 1000 per/year 120 100 80 Lowest 1/3 Middle 1/3 Highest 1/3 60 40 20 0 Pl. Folate Pl. Vit B12 Pl. Hcys Plasma Homocysteine and Mortality: Characteristics Dangour A et al J. Nutr. 2008 138;1121-1128 Measure Plasma HCys concentration P-trend Lowest 1/3 Middle 1/3 Highest 1/3 Age yrs 78.2 78.4 79.7 <0.001 Men % 35.5% 45.9% 50.1% <0.001 HDL Cholesterol mmol/l 1.23 1.27 1.17 0.026 Pl. Vit B12 pmol/l 290.1 264.4 238.3 <0.001 Pl. Folate nmol/l 27.9 21.9 17.4 <0.001 Chronic Kidney Dis. 3 or 4 2.6 9.5 25.3 <0.001 History of Cancer 13.7 5.2 5.4 0.007 Current Smoker % 5.1 7.7 17.2 <0.001 Activity Units/week 3.2 3.5 2.0 0.001 Supplement Use 52.9 45.2 28.6 <0.001 Green Veget. >1 portion/wk 56.4 50.5 42.6 <0.001 The Spread of Malnutrition: Zinc and Copper NDNS 65 + Free-living M = 538, F = 516 Bates CJ et al. Br. J. Nut. 2010 doi:10.1017/S0007114510003053 Parameter (and norm/RNI) Lowest 2.5 pc Mean 97.5 Highest pc Total Zinc Intake 4.5-40 mg/day M 1.86 4.2 8.81 14.7 27.1 F 1.65 3.4 6.96 11.8 23.3 Plasma zinc M 7.2 9.9 14.2 19.0 20.5 Fasting >10.71 umol/l Non-fast 9.95 – 20 umol/l F 8.2 10.0 14.2 19.1 24.2 Total Copper Intake M 1.0-10 mg/day F 0.29 0.46 1.1 3.37 6.72 0.19 0.35 0.88 2.3 Plasma copper umol/l M 10.4 17.4 31.5 F 8.4 19.5 38 5.87 Dietary Copper and Fats and Cognitive Decline Morris MC et al Arch Neurol. 2006;63(8):1085-8 • Dietary intake and cognitive function were assessed in 3,718 community-dwelling participants age 65 years and older living in Chicago over 6 years • Those with a high dietary intake of saturated or trans fats and a high copper intake had a greater rate of cognitive decline • Comparing the highest quintile 2.75 mg/day vs lowest quintile 0.88 mg/day the difference in decline was -6.14 units/yr or the equivalent of more than 19 yrs of age • There was a strong dose-response association with higher dose copper in supplements. • There was no association in those whose diets were not high in these fats. Iowa Women’s Health Study: Supplements & Mortality Mursu J et al. Arch Intern Med 2011;171(18):1625-33 • 38,772 women mean 61.6 yr in 1986; 40.2% died by end 2008 • Supplement use in 1986, 1997 and 2004 was associated with an increased mortality, which may have been due to pre-existing illness • Particular concerns about use of copper-containing products Nutrient(s) Provided by Supplement Hazard Ratio Confidence Intervals Absolute Risk Calcium 0.91 0.8 to 0.94 - 3.8% Multivitamins 1.06 1.02 to 1.1 + 2.4% Vit B6 1.1 1.01 to 1.21 + 4.1% Folic acid 1.15 1.00 to 1.32 + 5.9% Iron 1.1 1.03 to 1.17 + 3.9% Magnesium 1.08 1.01 to 1.15 + 3.6% Zinc 1.08 1.01 to 1.15 + 3.0% Copper 1.45 1.20 to 1.7 + 18% The Spread of Malnutrition: Selenium NDNS 65 + Free-living M = 538, F = 516 Bates CJ et al. Br. J. Nut. 2010 doi:10.1017/S0007114510003053 Parameter Normal Range Lowest 2.5 pc Mean 97.5 pc Highest Plasma selenium 1.0 – 1.8 umol/l M 0.375 0.95 2.376 F 0.461 0.924 1.786 Blood glutathione peroxidase nmol M 59 89 140 223 359 F 85 93 145 245 353 NADPH/mg Hb per min Serum Selenium and Mortality among US Adults Bleys J et al. Arch Intern Med 2008;188(4):404-410 • Serum Selenium was measured in 13,887 US adults • Follow-up mortality data over 12 years • Serum Selenium levels <130 ng/ml (1.6 umol/l) Associated with an inverse association between serum selenium and all-cause and cancer mortalities • Serum Selenium levels >150 ng/ml (1.9 umol/l) Associated with a modest increase in all-cause mortality • No association between serum Se and cardiovascular mortality • Normal Range: Serum or Plasma Selenium 80 -150 ng/ml 1.0 -1.85 umol/l NDNS 65+ Abnormal Liver Function Tests Prevalence of: Plasma Alkaline Phosphatase >110 IU/L Plasma Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase >50/32 IU/L • Abnormal LFTs in 10% - 30% of all UK adults • Elevated Alk. Phosphatase cholestatic liver disease - reduced excretion of: Copper and Manganese and increased mortality • Elevated Gamma GT - often alcohol excess - obesity – NAFLD, hepatitis and drug-induced • Chronic Liver Disease: - elevated plasma retinol - deficiencies of : vitamins D, B, - later vitamins A and K - zinc - iron accumulation 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 50% 40% Alk P Men Alk P Women 65-74 yrs 75-84 yrs 85+yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ yrs Inst Inst GGT Men GGT Women 30% 20% 10% 0% 65-74 yrs 75-84 yrs 85+yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ yrs Inst Inst Liver Disease: Brain Manganese Accumulation • Primary Biliary Cirrhosis is a not uncommon cause of chronic liver disease especially in women • Presents with fatigue and skin itching without jaundice • Tests reveal raised alkaline phosphatase • Studied 18 PBC patients 14 with early pre-cirrhotic • Blood manganese elevated - reduced ability to excrete excess • Accumulation of mineral in the brain (reduced magnetisation transfer ratio in the globus pallidus) similar to industrial manganese excess, which causes Parkinsonism • Similar changes may occur in infants with biliary atresia • Manganese accumulation can easily occur in those with cholestasis or raised alkaline phosphatase level • Reference: Fotron DM et al. Gut 2004;53:587-592. Fatigue and primary biliary cirrhosis: association of globus pallidus magnestisation transfer ratio measurements with fatigue severity and blood manganese levels. Manganese: UK Position Daily provision: Multivitamin mineral 0.5 mg Glucosamine + Chondroitin* 3.5 mg *2010 Tesco have agreed to reduce the Mn content to 0.5 mg • • • • Adult intakes average 2.77 – 3.42 [95% CI 1.05-8.11] mg/day Food sources: grains (50%), tea, beans, supplements 3% Deficiency rare but may occur in those fed parenterally 1.03% to 4.86% of dietary manganese is absorbed • • • • Absorption is increased in iron deficiency or by low intake Excess is excreted via the bile, if liver function is normal Safe Upper Level 4 mg but 0.5 mg/day for those aged >50 yrs Many UK preparations contain 1mg to 10 mg/day often with Glucosamine but up to 60 mg/day in US imports Definitions of Safe Levels • UK Safe Upper Levels (SULs) Guidance Levels (GLs) “are the doses of vitamins and minerals that susceptible individuals could take daily on a life-long basis, without medical supervision.” Single figure, applies to adults only, based on 60 kg female Total Safe Intakes (TSIs) are set for retinol and some trace elements • US Tolerable Upper Intake Levels (ULs) Range of figures depending upon age and sex “is the highest average daily nutrient intake level likely to pose no risk of adverse effects for nearly all people in a particular group” Based on total intake from food, water and supplements • EU Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) “the maximum level of total chronic daily intake of a nutrient (from all sources) judged to be unlikely to pose a risk of adverse effects”. ULs vary with age and sex and exclude “those under medical supervision and certain disease states” but includes “sensitive individuals” NDNS 65+ The Final Analysis What was surveyed in NDNS? Stage NDNS 65+ Component • State of Adequacy • State of Negative Balance 1. Poor intake 2. Reduced absorption 3. Increased losses 4. Increased requirement 5. Altered metabolism • Decline in Tissue Stores Diet + Supplements Alcohol, drugs, liver and renal Tests – blood and urine • Loss of Function: 1. Symptoms 2. Physical Signs 3. Organ Failure • Death Depression BMI Renal and Liver Function Tests Data Collected after 14yrs NDNS 65+: Determinants of Longevity • During 14 yrs of follow-up the causes of death were recorded for free-living people; 74% of men and 62% of women died • Mortality was predicted by baseline measures of: - poor grip strength (men) - low intakes of food and protein - poor renal function - raised plasma creatinine and homocysteine - raised Hb A1c - prediabetes/diabetes • Mortality also predicted by plasma levels of nutrients: - raised copper - infection, cancer, liver or inflammatory disease - raised plasma retinol – high intake, renal impairment, alcohol XS - low vitamin C - low alpha-carotene - low vitamin B6 - low vitamin D (men) - low zinc and selenium • Mortality was not predicted by: - dietary intakes of folate and vitamin B12 - haemoglobin, serum/plasma vitamin B12, folate and beta-carotene - serum cholesterol Physical Health: All-cause mortality NDN 65+ [Hazard Ratio <1.0 = Increased Survival with increased level] Men and Women 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 Grip Strength Mid-Arm Circumf. BMI Bates CJ et al Br. J Nutr. 104:893-9 & 105: and Osteop Int 2011 Nutrient Intake: All-Cause Mortality NDNS 65+ [Hazard Ratio <1.0 = Increased Survival with increased level] 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 Men and Women 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 Energy Protein Vit. C Phosph. Calcium Vit. D Bates CJ et al Br. J Nutr. 104:893-9 & 105: and Osteop Int 2011 Non-Haem Iron Plasma Mineral Level: All-cause mortality NDN 65+ [Hazard Ratio <1.0 = Increased Survival with increased level] 1.5 Men and Women 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 Selenium Zinc Iron Iron Sat Copper Bates CJ et al Br. J Nutr. 104:893-9 & 105: and Osteop Int 2011 Vitamin Test Status: All-cause mortality NDN 65+ Plasma Levels [Hazard Ratio <1.0 = Increased Survival] 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 Men and Women Vit. D Vit. B6 P5P Alpha- Lut. + Zx S. Folate Carot S. Vit. B12 Bates CJ et al Br. J Nutr. 104:893-9 & 105: and Osteop Int 2011 RBC Fol Laboratory Tests: All-Cause Mortality NDNS 65+ Plasma [Hazard Ratio <1.0 = Increased Survival with increased level] 1.5 Men and Women 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 Albumen T. Chol. Phos. Fibrinog. T. Hcys A1 Anti-T Hb A1C Bates CJ et al Br. J Nutr. 104:893-9 & 105: and Osteop Int 2011 Creatin. Mortality, Homocysteine and Related Nutrients: NDNS 65+ Bates CJ et al Br J Nutr. 2010;104:893-899 • • • n =1100, 50.2% Female. Baseline 1994/5; follow-up Sept 2008 Mortality data and cause were collected – related to baseline data Mortality predictable by; plasma tHcys, pyridoxal PO4, creatinine, Glyc Hb, alpha1-antichymotrypsin, fibrinogen, diet, but not folate/vit B12 intake/status Biochemical Measure or Dietary Factor All-cause Mortality died =749, alive =351 Vascular Disease Mortality died =199, alive =351 Hazard Ratio 95% CI Hazard Ratio 95% CI Pl. tHcys umol/l 1.19 1.11, 1.27 1.36 1.13, 1.63 Total Chol mmol/l 0.90 0.83, 0.99 0.89 0.73, 1.08 Blood HbAIc% 1.23 1.14, 1.32 1.32 1.11, 1.57 Pl. Creatinine 1.20 1.10, 1.31 1.25 1.05, 1.49 Energy KJ/day 0.87 0.8, 0.96 0.86 0.72, 1.02 Fat g/day 1.1 0.94, 1.29 0.92 0.79, 1.08 Protein g/day 0.86 0.77, 0.97 0.79 0.67, 0.94 Plasma Nutrient Levels and Specific Mortality: NDNS 65+ Age-and sex-adjusted ;l values outside of 0.9 to 1.1 are significant p<0.05 All Cause 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Vascular Cancer Respiratory Vit C Alpacarot Se Zn Cu Fe Undernutrition: Prevalence and Likely Significance Nutrient in NDNS65+ Free-Living Population % Pop. Clinical Significance Energy 1 - 5% Underweight, fatigue, poor immunity, fracture Protein 1 - 5% Fatigue, poor wound healing, infection Fibre >50% Constipation, colon cancer, vascular disease Water ? Dehydration Anaemia Due to deficiency, bleeding, chronic illness Folate 5 - 30% Depression, anaemia, vascular disease Vitamin B 10 - 20% Fatigue, neurological and vascular disease Vitamin D Osteoporosis, muscle pain/weak, infection Iron 1 - 25% Anaemia, fatigue, heart failure Calcium 10% Osteoporosis Trace elements 1 - 25% Poor immunity and reduced longevity; Zn – taste, vision, wound healing; Cu - anaemia Overnutrition: Prevalence and Likely Significance in NDNS65+ Free-Living Population Nutrient % Pop. Clinical Significance Energy 30% Obesity, vascular disease and cancer Saturated Fats Vascular disease, inflammation Protein animal 5% Obesity, osteoporosis ?renal impairment Sugar NMES 50% Dental caries, obesity, T2D Water Uncertain Hyponatraemia Sodium 80% Hypertension, strokes, fluid retention, heart failure, osteoporosis and fatigue Iron 0.6% Haemochromatosis – fatigue & arthritis Vitamin A 10-20% Birth defects, osteoporosis, liver disease Micronutrients Uncertain from food water or supplements Possible due to excessive intake, liver or renal disease; concerns about copper and manganese. Nutrition and Ageing: Conclusions from NDNS 65+ • Problems of nutritional deficiency and excess are common in ageing populations and frequently co-exist in patients • The commonest cause of undernutrition is poor dietary intake but alcohol excess, illness and medical drugs are also factors • Both types of problem are under-recognised • Both under and overnutrition can be detected by careful history (diet, risk factors and symptoms), examination and investigation • Many such problems are preventable & treatable but the value of treating and the best method of doing so are not clear • Nutrition decline and excess can also be part of the ageing process and may develop in terminal situations • Doctors, patients and society in general need to decide just how far they can go in assessing and managing these problems NDNS 65+: What has happened in last 20 yrs? • Current NDNS Rolling Programme includes >65 yrs data for years 1 and 2 (of 3) have reported on: - methodology and nutrient intake - blood data will be reported on in late 2012 • UK Population changes include: - small increase in fruit and vegetable consumption - continuing decline in saturate and trans-fats - increase in alcohol and excessive alcohol consumption continuing low levels of activity by many - increase in obesity - increased supplement use especially calcium and vit. D - increased use of medication • Increased longevity and increased disease - longevity improved mainly in non-deprived but more; T2D, liver/renal disease, cancer, dementia and osteoporosis Getting it right: what do patients need to know? Headstone 19th C St Andrews, Scotland - deaths at (M)76 & (F)93 yrs • Achieve food-based targets for: protein, fish/oily fish, dairy, nutritious carbohydrates and fruit & vegetables • Do not exceed limits for salt, sugar, alcohol and fats • Avoid obesity and underweight • Be active and get out of doors • Socialise, eat and be active with others and maintain interests • Have medical treatment when ill • Make use of supplements when necessary and avoid excess • Encourage others to do likewise NDNS 65+: The Last Word • Thank you for your attention • More information is available in lecture form on: - Nutritional Assessment - Low Income Diet and Nutrition Survey - Safety of Nutritional Supplements • I would welcome your feedback on this and other presentations • Dr Stewart is available to lecture on these topics