Conceptualization, Operationalization, and Measurement

Conceptualization, Operationalization,
and Measurement
Independent and Dependent Variables
• Independent variable
what is manipulated
• Dependent variable is what
independent variable
• a treatment or program or
• effects or outcomes
• ‘Factor’
• ‘Measure’
• ‘Explanatory Variable’
• ‘Response Variable’
Concept versus Construct
• Concept
1. Term (nominal definition) that represents an idea that you
wish to study;
2. Represents collections of seemingly related observations
and/or experiences
• Concepts as Constructs
– We refer to concepts as constructs to recognize their social
More on constructs
• Three classes of things that social scientists measure:
– Directly observable: # of people in a room
– Indirectly observable: income
– Constructs:
creations based on observations;
cannot themselves be directly or
indirectly observed
• Example; You can treat gender as
– directly observable (gender presentation)
– indirectly observable (check box)
– a construct where you develop dimensions and indicators of
gender (which then requires much more conceptualization)
The process of conceptualization includes coming to some agreement
about the meaning of the concept
In practice you often move back and forth between loose ideas of what
you are trying to study and searching for a word that best describes it.
Sometimes you have to “make up” a name to encompass your concept. If
you are interested in studying the extent to which people exhibit behaviors
that bring together groups, you might come up with the nominal definition
“bridge maker.”
As you form the aspects of a concept, you begin to see the dimensions;
terms that define subgroups of a concept.
With each dimension, you must decide on indicators; signs of the presence
or absence of that dimension. (Dimensions are usually concepts
Operationalizing Choices
• The process of creating a definition(s) for a concept
that can be observed and measured
• The development of specific research procedures that
will result in empirical observations
• Examples
– SES is defined as a combination of income and education
and I will measure each by…
– The development of questions (or characteristics of data in
qualitative work) that will indicate a concept
• See example about ‘looking for work’ on page 125
Variable Attribute Choices
• Variable attributes need to be exhaustive and
• Represent full range of possible variation
• Degree of Precision
– selection depends on your research interest, but if
you’re not sure, it’s better to include more detail
than too little
• Level of Measurement
Level of Measurement
• Nominal measures
– only offer a name or a label for a variable
– there is not ranking; they are not numerically related
– gender; race
• Ordinal measures
– Variables with attributes that can be rank ordered
– Can say one response is “more” or “less” than another
– Distance between does not have meaning
– Scales and indexes are ordinal measures, but conventions for
analysis allow us to assume equidistance between attributes.
Thus, they are often treated like “interval” measures.
• Interval Measures
• Distance separating attributes has meaning and is standardized
• “0” value does not mean that a variable is not present
• For example, elevation and temperature
• Ratio Measures
• attributes of a variable have a “true zero point” that means
• Height and Weight
• allows one to create ratios
Determining Quality of Measurement
• Reliability: The extent to which the same research
technique applied again to the same object/subject
will give you the same result
• Reliability does not ensure accuracy
– a measure can be reliable but inaccurate
– (invalid) because of bias in the measure or in data
Example of Reliability Problems
• Intercoder reliability
• Coders make subjective decision about the presence of violence
in a series of ads; “present” or “not present”
• We have a reliability problem when more than one coder looks at
the same ad and codes it differently.
• Solution: Operationalize specifically what “counts” as violence
Techniques for Confirming Reliability or
Discovering Problems
Split-half Method
Divide indicators into 2 groups and use 2 surveys
If random selection of respondents and indicators are
reliable, then there should be no significant differences
between the 2 groups from which data was collected
Use Established Measures
Reliability of data collectors/coders: training, follow
up checks, intercoder reliability checks
• Validity: The extent to which our measure
reflects what we think or want them to be
Face Validity
• The measure seems to be related to what we
are interested in finding out even if it does
not fully encompass the concept
Criterion-related Validity
Predictive Validity
The measure is predictive of some
external criterion
Criterion = Success in College
measure = ACT scores (high criterion validity?)
Construct Validity
• The measure is logically related to another
variable as you had conceptualized it to be
• Example:
– Construct = happiness
– Measure = financial stability
• (if not related to happiness, low construct validity)
Content Validity
How much a measure covers a range of
meanings? Did you cover the full range of
dimensions related to a concept?
You think that you’re measuring prejudice, but you
only ask questions about race.
What about sex, religion, etc.?
Internal Validity
• Internal validity addresses the "true" causes of the
outcomes that you observed in your study.
– Strong internal validity means that you not only have reliable
measures of your independent and dependent variables BUT a
strong justification that causally links your independent
variables to your dependent variables.
– At the same time, you are able to rule out extraneous variables,
or alternative, often unanticipated, causes for your dependent
External Validity
• External validity addresses the ability to generalize your
study to other people and other situations.
– To have strong external validity (ideally), you need a
probability sample of subjects or respondents drawn using
"chance methods" from a clearly defined population.
– Ideally, you will have a good sample of groups and a sample of
measurements and situations.
– When you have strong external validity, you can generalize to
other people and situations with confidence.