Payloads and Sensors Team 15-18 January 2002 Rules of Engagement We Are Time Constrained (35 Days Left in the Study) Focus on Military Utility—There is NO Business Case for MSP This is NOT EELV—We Aren’t Competing for Business This is a Joint Warfighting System This is Warfighting 101--Think Like a Warfighter (Dead Targets are the Product) What’s the Threat? What Effect Can I Create in Battle? This IS a Real Coercive Spacepower System Take the Initiative to Get the Information We Need to Be Thorough Major Chris Kinnan: Cell is 719-200-3514 or Work at 719-554-5233. Email is ONE.007-2 Original F-16 Had a Limited Mission Original F-16 was designed for an important, but limited role as an air-to-air fighter aircraft only ONE.007-3 F-16 Capabilities—Extended Significantly New Capabilities Continue to be Developed... ONE.007-4 Military Spaceplane Priorities Precision Strike Find Fix Track Target Engage Assess • • • • Predictive Battespace Awareness Combat Identification Precision Engagement-Maneuver Combat Effectiveness Assessment Space Superiority ISR Enhancement Spacelift ONE.007-5 Team Focus MSP Priorities Are Precision Strike, Space Superiority, ISR Enhancement and Space Support—We Are a Combat System First Threat Analysis Team GSTF Space Requirements Based on DIA Threat Assessment of 2009-2010 Anti-access Threats Military Utility Team Apportionment of Specialized Sensors (e.g. HSI, MSI, EO, IR, UV etc.) and Payloads (e.g. CAV with LOCASS, Unitary Penetrator, etc.) Assist ACC in Preparing a Comprehensive GSTF CONOPS Survey Team Given Operationally Responsive Spacelift . . . Develop a Comprehensive List of Industry, DoD and National Community Sensors and Payloads in 2007, 2012 and beyond Determine When the Technologies Mature Determine What Other Areas Must be Addressed if ORS and Responsive Sensors are Available (e.g. TPED, Bandwidth, Architecture, etc) ONE.007-6 Deliverables Threat Team 2010 Threat Analysis RT2 and RT4 Scenario Military Utility Team Propose Base, Enhanced and Execution Force Structure Combat Space Force Apportionment and Allocation Joint Fight Phasing Survey Team Populated Matrix Questions That Must be Answered ONE.007-7 MSP 2010 Generating and Executing Coercive Spacepower RLV Utility National Security Sector Implements QDR “transformation” and “space control” themes Space Commission objectives for RLV: short-notice call-up & lower cost Enables prompt global strike and ISR augmentation from space Enables “launch on demand” to augment, replenish, project, deploy and sustain U.S. space force structure Civil Sector--NASA Improves safety, reliability, availability, and lower cost compared to Shuttle Allows development paths for ISS crew rescue, other future missions U.S. Commercial Space Sector Enhances international competitiveness Stimulates U.S. space industrial base Enables revolution in space business— new markets, elastic demand Improves reliability, availability, flexibility—keys to launcher selection Aligns mission planning lead time with satellite manufacturing in <24 months All Sectors Enables new approaches to satellite design and constellation management On-orbit refueling could extend satellite operating life, improve maneuverability Enables technology insertion during operating life of a satellite block Reusable satellites could cost up to 2/3 less* to build, insure, and operate * 1998 NSSA Launch on Demand Study ONE.007-9 2010 Assumptions Anti-Access Political—Overflight and Troop Footprint Limitations; Restricted LOCs, SPODs and APODs; Geographical Barriers; Limited Forward Operating Bases Military—WMD/WME, Long Range SAMS w/Enhanced IADS, Cruise Missiles, Short to Intermediate Range Missiles Space Limited Number of Quick Response Payloads—Available for Use on Second Pass Political—Space Sanctuary Policy Restrictions, Consortia and Multi-national Space Dependence Sensitivities Military—Proliferation of Commercial Ultra High Resolution Imagery, CNO, Jammers, RFI Weapons, Laser Dazzlers and Limited Numbers of ASATs Tasking, Processing, Exploitation and Dissemination Communications Infrastructure Exists to Provide Space and UAV Imagery to AOCs and Cockpits Improved Data Fusion Capability ONE.007-10 2010 Joint Warfighting Challenges Precision Strike Payloads Against: Anti-access Threats Enemy Air Defenses C2 Nodes Leadership Hard and Deeply Buried Targets (HDBT) WMD and WME Other Time critical targets ISR Combat identification (Pre-, Trans-Hostilities, Emerging Threats) Predictive Battlespace awareness Battle Damage Assessment Cross Cueing of Space and Terrestrial Platforms and Sensors Combat Search and Rescue ONE.007-11 JWCA Precision Engagement Shortfalls INTELLIGENCE OPERATIONS Responsiveness (Re) Tasking Processing (Fusion) Exploration Dissemination Connectivity Need More Networked Systems ONA / IPB Sensor Capabilities Combat Identification Adverse Weather Defeat Countermeasures Predict/Maintain Target Track Determine Effects Broad Area Search BATTLE MANAGEMENT Responsiveness ATTACK EXECUTION Responsiveness Decision Process / Time Weapons Tasking TTP Connectivity Enhanced Joint C2 Networked Operations Consistent Relevant Operational Picture Multi-Nation / Coalition Operations Bandwidth Effects Assessment Capabilities and Procedures Cross Component Coordination Mission Planning Flight Time Connectivity Survivability Accuracy Non-Lethal Capabilities Affordability Source: DoD Precision Engagement Strategic Study ONE.007-12 ACC GSTF Requirements PAYLOAD REQUIREMENTS SENSOR REQUIREMENTS Integrate MSP Into CAOC Tasking Cycle Deliver Munitions Integrate MSP Into CAOC Tasking Cycle IMINT 250 lb – 2000 lb GP Warheads CAV Guided Munitions Cluster Munitions Directed Energy All Weather, Precision Attack Capable (GPS Independent/Dependent) Precision Weapon CEP (<3 m) Combat Identification (NIIRS 4-6) Rapid Retarget/Restrike (NIIRS 6-7) Continuous 24/7 Surveillance All Weather EO, IR, SAR, HIS, SIGINT, MASINT Syntetic Aperture Radar (SAR/MTI) SIGINT Multi-Spectral Camera ONE.007-13 Future Space Warfare Space basing advantages Reduced crisis-reaction timelines -- Schriever 2001 results Situational awareness cueing and support Persistent presence Defeat anti-access threat – overflight advantage Enabler for operations Enablers Responsive space access (Military Spaceplane) GMTI/AMTI (Space-Based Radar) Multi-phenomenology Vigilance, Reach, and Power ONE.007-14 Key Roles for MSP Deterrence, Presence, Power Projection and Coercion Space Superiority Theater Integration Enhanced ISR for Full Spectrum Predictive Battlespace Awareness Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses (SEAD) Rapid Strike -- Adversary Vital Interests Halt Phase Precision Strike for Global Strike Task Force Enable and Support Combat Search and Rescue Operations Support Homeland Defense Globally Integrated Air and Space Striking Power ONE.007-15 MSP Operational Tasks Conduct Offensive and Defensive Counterspace Operations Radio Frequency and Microwave Systems Jamming Deploy Systems for and Conduct Operations to Provide Space Situational Awareness Reachback and Covert Communications Tactical Reconnaissance Battle Management and Intercept (GMTI and AMTI) Immediate and Post-strike Battle Damage Assessment Deliver Decisive Precision Firepower Covert and Non-nuclear strike (Immediate Response Option) Halt Phase Time Critical and Hardened Targets ONE.007-16 Generating Space Power OPERATIONS • Space Superiority • Full Force Theater C2 • Responsive ISR • Global Strike Operations • Satellite Constellation Reconstitution ALERT ORDER • Generate Sorties, Conduct Mission Planning and Schedule ATO Sorties • Pre-position Payloads and Protection Assets • Deploy Payloads as Required • Confirm OPCON and TACON WARNING ORDER •EXECUTION ORDER • Complete All MSP Maintenance • Ready Quick-Launch and Strike Sorties • Recover and Replace Orbiting Systems • On-demand Augmentation • Maintain Sortie Turn Rate to Meet ATO Commitments • Deploy Additional Payloads • Recover and Replace Orbiting Systems as Required ONE.007-17 Base Force Strategic Space • Long duration, global mission • Responsiveness limited by fixed orbits and strategic tasking • Limited ability to replenish • Limited data direct to theater • No upgrades Crewed Aircraft • May require some air superiority • Significant forward support req’d • Somewhat limited coverage area • Highly responsive once deployed • Upgrade-able Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) • Forward support req’d • Limited area coverage • Highly responsive once deployed • Upgrade-able Area of Interest ONE.007-18 Enhanced and Execution Force Augmentation • Launched on need into tailored orbits • Mission-specific payloads (augment or replenish) • Direct tasking from theater (assured data receipt) • Upgrade-able until launched • Possibly recoverable or reusable Area of Interest ONE.007-19 Space Combat Power ONE.007-20 Military Spaceplane Combat Operations CONFLICT PHASE Pre-Hostility TASK Preemptive actions to mitigate conflict May include pre-emptive strikes Intelligence preparation of the battlespace ISR and space control constellation enhancement MSP TASKS Pre-emptive strike—produce desired operational effects as required with CAVs armed with unitary penetrators, small diameter bombs, general purpose weapons, LOCASS, etc ISR and space control—augment current IMINT, SIGINT, COMINT and MASINT sensors and space control constellations—generate on orbit systems from base force to enhanced and execution force levels as required TYPICAL GSTF TARGET SET MSP TARGET SET Long range surface-to-air missiles (SAMs) Hard and deeply buried targets IADS (command & control centers) Key nodes of C2 network Space control threats, Anti-access threats (WMD, ballistic and cruise missiles) and Red Force aircraft Storage facilities for conventional weapons and weapons of mass destruction Ready storage of ballistic and cruise missiles TARGET PRIORITIES C3I National level leadership control nodes Corps/Division control nodes Brigade level nodes and less important higher/cable bunkers IADS Sector and Intercept Operations Centers and National Headquarters Early Warning, Ground Control Intercept and SAMs Space Control Threats WMD and missile launch and storage sites COMPLIMENTARY PBA PRIORITIES HIGH THREAT ENVIRONMENT Space—Persistent Operations AMTI/GMTI IMINT—EO, IR, SAR, ISAR, MSI, HSI, UV ELINT SIGINT MASINT UAV—Passive Collection Operations IMINT—EO, IR, MSI, HSI, UV ELINT SIGNIT MASINT AIRBORNE—Peripheral Operations Only AWACS JSTARS Guardrail Rivet Joint MC2A ONE.007-21 Pre-Conflict GSTF Components Communications Warning Navigation ISR Surge ONE.007-22 Military Spaceplane Combat Operations CONFLICT PHASE Halt Invasion TASK Delay and if possible, halt hostile activities Force adversary to culminate so that he is incapable of offensive action Intelligence preparation of the battlespace ISR and space control constellation enhancement MSP TASKS TYPICAL GSTF TARGET SET MSP TARGET SET Strike—produce desired operational effects as required with CAVs armed with unitary penetrators, small diameter bombs, general purpose weapons, LOCASS, etc Long range surface-to-air missiles (SAMs) Hard and deeply buried targets IADS (command & control centers) Key nodes of C2 network ISR and space control—augment and replenish current IMINT, SIGINT, COMINT and MASINT sensors and space control constellations—generate on orbit systems from enhanced force to execution force levels Space control threats Anti-access threats (WMD, ballistic and cruise missiles) Lines of communication Advancing armor Military and Civil Infrastructure TARGET PRIORITIES COMPLIMENTARY PBA PRIORITIES C3I HIGH THREAT ENVIRONMENT National level leadership control nodes Space—Persistent Operations AMTI/GMTI IMINT—EO, IR, SAR, ISAR, MSI, HSI, UV ELINT SIGINT MASINT Storage facilities for conventional weapons and weapons of mass destruction Corps/Division control nodes Ready storage of ballistic and cruise missiles IADS Brigade level nodes and less important higher/cable bunkers Military and Civil Infrastructure Sector and Intercept Operations Centers and National Headquarters Large armor and troop concentrations Early Warning, Ground Control Intercept and SAMs Space Control Threats WMD and missile launch and storage sites Underground aircraft and industrial facilities UAV—Passive Collection Operations IMINT—EO, IR, MSI, HSI, UV ELINT SIGNIT MASINT AIRBORNE—Peripheral Operations Only AWACS JSTARS Guardrail Rivet Joint MC2A WMD production facilities POL production and storage Infrastructure Roads, railroad transloading areas, bridges and dams Energy and power generating systems ONE.007-23 Conflict GSTF Components Space Superiority Secure Comms Navigation NavWar Strike Precision Strike ISR Space/air/ground-launched CAV ONE.007-24 Military Spaceplane Combat Operations CONFLICT PHASE Blue Force Buildup TASK Create conditions to buildup Blue Force combat power Bring Red Force to the culmination point (no longer able to continue an offensive) MSP TASKS Strike—produce desired operational effects as required with CAVs armed with unitary penetrators, small diameter bombs, general purpose weapons, LOCASS, etc ISR and space control—augment and replenish current IMINT, SIGINT, COMINT and MASINT sensors and space control constellations maintain on orbit systems at execution force levels TYPICAL GSTF TARGET SET IADS Ballistic and cruise missiles WMD and industrial systems and production centers Military and Civil Infrastructure Lines of communication Advancing armor and infantry MSP TARGET SET Hard and deeply buried targets Key nodes of C2 network Storage facilities for conventional weapons and weapons of mass destruction Ready storage of ballistic and cruise missiles Military and Civil Infrastructure Large armor and troop concentrations TARGET PRIORITIES COMPLIMENTARY PBA PRIORITIES C3I HIGH THREAT ENVIRONMENT National level leadership control nodes Space—Persistent Operations AMTI/GMTI IMINT—EO, IR, SAR, ISAR, MSI, HSI, UV ELINT SIGINT MASINT Corps/Division control nodes Space Control Threats WMD and missile launch and storage sites Underground aircraft and industrial facilities WMD production facilities POL production and storage Naval storage facilities Hardened aircraft shelters UAV—Passive and Active Collection Operations IMINT—EO, IR, MSI, HSI, UV, SAR, ISAR ELINT SIGNIT MASINT AIRBORNE—Peripheral Operations Only AWACS JSTARS Guardrail Rivet Joint MC2A ONE.007-25 BDA GSTF Components Rapid Force Reconstitution Reconstitution ISR (BDA/PBA) Full force C2 ONE.007-26 Sustained Operations Strike Full force C2 ONE.007-27 Military Spaceplane Combat Operations CONFLICT PHASE Counterattack TASK Establish Blue Force control over entire area of operations Forcing Red Forces to retreat MSP TASKS Strike—produce desired operational effects as required with CAVs armed with unitary penetrators, small diameter bombs, general purpose weapons, LOCASS, etc ISR and space control—replenish current IMINT, SIGINT, COMINT and MASINT sensors and space control constellations—maintain on orbit systems at execution force levels TYPICAL GSTF TARGET SET IADS Ballistic and cruise missiles WMD and industrial systems and production centers Military and Civil Infrastructure Lines of communication Advancing armor and infantry MSP TARGET SET TARGET PRIORITIES COMPLIMENTARY PBA PRIORITIES Hard and deeply buried targets C3I—National level leadership control nodes LOWER THREAT ENVIRONMENT Key nodes of C2 network Space Control Threats Storage facilities for conventional weapons and weapons of mass destruction WMD and missile launch and storage sites UAV—Passive and Active Collection Operations IMINT—EO, IR, MSI, HSI, UV, SAR, ISAR ELINT SIGNIT MASINT Ready storage of ballistic and cruise missiles Underground aircraft and industrial facilities WMD production facilities POL production and storage AIRBORNE—Peripheral Operations Only AWACS JSTARS Guardrail Rivet Joint MC2A Space—Persistent Operations AMTI/GMTI IMINT—EO, IR, SAR, ISAR, MSI, HSI, UV ELINT SIGINT MASINT ONE.007-28 Military Spaceplane Combat Operations CONFLICT PHASE Post-Hostility TASK Create conditions to maintain Blue Force control Establish monitoring regime Create a better state of peace MSP TASKS TYPICAL GSTF TARGET SET MSP TARGET SET ISR and space control—return to base force levels as required for IMINT, SIGINT, COMINT and MASINT sensors and space control constellations Red Force compliance with treaty terms through coercive force Enforce Red Force compliance with treaty terms through coercive spacepower Provide operational support as required TARGET PRIORITIES COMPLIMENTARY PBA PRIORITIES MONITOR PERMISSIVE ENVIRONMENT National level leadership activities UAV—Passive and Active Collection Operations IMINT—EO, IR, MSI, HSI, UV, SAR, ISAR ELINT SIGNIT MASINT Defense force buildup Space Control Threats IADS Sector and Intercept Operations Centers Early Warning, Ground Control Intercept and SAMs WMD and missile production, launch and storage sites POL production and storage Naval storage facilities Humanitarian response Space—Persistent Operations AMTI/GMTI IMINT—EO, IR, SAR, ISAR, MSI, HSI, UV ELINT SIGINT MASINT AIRBORNE—Peripheral Operations Only AWACS JSTARS Guardrail Rivet Joint MC2A Opportunistic activities of malevolent non-governmental organizations ONE.007-29