Prepared By:
Eng. Mohannad Aqel
Palestinian Energy Authority
The power sector in Palestine has been severely neglected. Systems are old and inefficient; electricity supplies are unreliable; generation is highly dependent on Israeli sources; the institutional framework is weak and highly fragmented; and consumption is considerably below regional standards.
Present & Future
To develop the electricity sector in Palestine, the PNA and the PEA set out policy for the development of the sector, as outlined in the
Letter of Sector Policy (LSP), and the various reports and reviews – recently the World
Bank issued its review "West Bank and
Energy Sector Review, May 2007"-.
The PEA is committed to providing the citizens of the Palestinian with reliable electricity supplies, and is committed to doing so at a price that is affordable and that permits the efficient long term development of the sector and the economy as a whole.
Medium-term Strategy
To focus on rehabilitating existing networks and services and extend services to currently un-served communities;
To separate the ‘policy’ and ‘regulatory’ functions from the ‘commercial functions’ of power sector enterprises;
To refocus and reorganize the PEA to be the main policy making body for the sector;
Medium-term Strategy
To encourage maximum private sector participation in sector operations and development, particularly in generation and distribution, thus minimizing the need for government financial support;
To consolidate transmission networks, systems and functions in the a new transmission company;
Medium-term Strategy
To increase the operating/technical efficiency of the distribution utility companies through energy enduse efficiency, energy conservation and better load management; and
To develop pragmatic tariff setting guidelines that will permit full cost recovery and promote the commercial viability of sector enterprises while at the same time providing for ‘lifeline’ rates for needy consumers.
Developing of Power Supply
System Rehabilitation
Since its establishment, PEA has undertaken a number steps and programs to remedy critical network deficiencies to improving service reliability and efficiency, the main programs are:
Rehabilitation of Gaza network 1995-1997 with the assistance the government of Norway;
Rehabilitation of the networks in the major cities and town in the
Northern area of West Bank with the assistance the government of Norway;
Developing of Power Supply
System Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation of the networks in the central area and the southern area of West Bank with the assistance of Italy, EIB and the World Bank.
Rehabilitation of Bethlehem and surrounding area network with the assistance of Norway
Rehabilitation of many villages in the northern area of West
Bank with the assistance of Norway;
Replacement of damages occurred due to Israeli incursions in
Gaza and West Bank with the assistance of Norway and
Developing of Power Supply
Rural Electrification
Electrifying the Palestinian rural areas is a crucial function to develop the agricultural sector, water supply and other sector in the villages.
PEA will electrify all the un-electrified villages by the mid of year 2009.
The major electrification projects are done with the assistance of:
Czech Republic (22 villages Tubas area in the Northern area of West
Bank, completed in 2002)
Belgium (25 villages in the Northern area of West Bank in phase 1, completed in 2007 and 27 villages in Phase 2 to be finalized June
Developing of Power Supply
Rural Electrification
France (29 villages in the Northern area of West Bank, completed in 2007)
Norway (7 villages in the central and southern area of West
MOF ( for the remaining small localities scattered in the
Northern and southern area of West Bank to be finalized mid
Developing of Power Supply
Interconnection with neighboring countries
PEA has completed a small scale interconnection project
(supply projects), one between Egypt and Rafah with 17 MW capacity, and the other between Jordan and Jericho with 20
MW capacity.
In October 2008, PEA became a full member of the 7 countries interconnection project and become the country number eight; the countries are Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Libya,
Turkey and Palestine. This membership will allow Palestine to be connected to the grid of these countries at a large scale, specially connecting Gaza to Egypt and West Bank to Jordan.
Developing of Power Supply
The GPP Gaza Power Plant is the only significant generation capacity in the West Bank and Gaza with an installed capacity of 140 MW, and is the only major privately financed, developed and operated power facility from which power is provided to Gaza under a long term power purchase agreement. This plant has the capacity to supply only 20% of the combined needs of the West Bank and Gaza, but it can supply about two-thirds of the current maximum load on the Gaza electricity system (it is constrained to using 50% of capacity at present because of the limitations of the transmission network to take power from the plant). The plant generates electricity at high cost because it currently uses costly gasoil.
Developing of Power Supply
In order to increase system capacity and reduce supply dependency on Israel, PEA will encourage the creation of new generating capacity within Palestine. Two Power plants will be created in West Bank (One in the South and the other in the
North). In doing so, the PEA will encourage maximum participation by the private sector through independent power providers (IPPs). The PEA will also diversify the sources of supply by encouraging the purchases from neighboring countries while at the same time promoting regional interconnection, system stabilization and scale economies.
Developing of Power Supply
The transmission network is not yet fully in Palestinian hands.
Also it is a component of the system that can not be reasonably privatized.
PEA started to develop the transmission system in Gaza with the assistance of Sweden. PEA constructed two High voltage substations that both where partially or completely destroyed by
IDF. PEA with the assistance of Sweden could repair the main substation which is the central substation.
In addition PEA, will start soon the development of four substations in West Bank to be the core of the transmission system.
Developing of Power Supply
Also, PEA will establish a new, professionally managed and commercially - oriented company,
Palestine Energy Transmission Company Ltd.
(PETL) which would eventually own, operate and develop the network. PETL would enter into powerpurchase agreements with independent and semiindependent generating companies and from neighboring countries, and would sell power to regional distribution utilities
Developing of Power Supply
As indicated in the PA ’s “Letter of Sector Policy”, the
PA is consolidating power supply and distribution arrangements in the present situation of the energy sector in the West Bank into four power utilities by adding three utilities to the utility serving the central area around Jerusalem - the Jerusalem District
Electricity Company (JDECO)
Developing of Power Supply
The companies are:
Gaza Distribution Company (GEDCO), established in 1999 – with the assistance of Norway-;
Southern Electricity Company, established in 2002with the assistance of the World Bank-, and
Northern Electricity Distribution Company (NEDCO), established in 2008-with the assistance of Norway and Sweden.
Developing of Power Supply
Parallel with the institutional development of the distribution,
PEA plans to develop the distribution network to be connected to the new substations and have an integrated networks in the southern area and the northern area.
Developing of Power Supply
The Palestine Energy Regulation Commission (PERC) reporting to the PNA will be established pending the governmental approval. The PEA would establish the overall policy for sector development, tariffs would be set by PERC on the basis of commercial considerations with due regard to the needs of especially vulnerable segments of the population. The members of the Board of PERC would be appointed by the
PNA on the recommendation of the Board of PEA. PERC would include significant representation from the private sector.
As explained earlier, the power sector will be run by companies and monitored and regulated by PERC and PEA will set out policy for the development of the sector. The next figure represents the organization of the power sector.
Palestine Consumers
The pattern of electricity supply and characteristics of electricity consumption in the Gaza region are different from those in the West Bank. The difference stems mainly from the higher standard of living in the West
Bank compared to the Gaza area.
West Bank
The West Bank depends almost entirely on
IEC for electricity supply. It is mainly supplied by three 161/ 33 KV substations: one in the south in area C close to Hebron, a second in the north in the Ariel settlement
(area C) close to Nablus, and a third in Atarot industrial area (area C) near Jerusalem.
West Bank
West Bank consumption of electricity – as measured by purchases of bulk power from
IEC - increased at an average annual rate of
6.4% between 1999 and 2005 as shown in the following figure:
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Total purchases
Gaza receives electricity from IEC and from a gasoil
(diesel) based power plant with electricity generating capacity of some 140MW located inside Gaza
(GPP), which is the only major power generating facility in West Bank and Gaza. Gaza also receives a small power supply from Egypt (17MW). GEDCO distributes electricity within Gaza.
Gaza ’s total supply of power (purchased from
IEC and GPP) increased by 80% between
1999 and 2005 at about 10% average annual rate. Most of this growth took place from
2003 onwards, and it coincided with the advent of power from GPP
Year 1999 2000 2001 2002
Purchases from IEC
Total GEDCO Purchases
2003 2004 2005
Purchases from Gaza PP
Load Forecast
The following figure displays the growth pattern in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and total Palestine forecasts:
West Bank
Gaza Strip
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
Forecast Summary - Peak Demand (MW)
Year 2008 2009 2010 2015 2020 2025
1,059 1,347 1,714 Total
548 809 1,012
Gaza 303 320 336
413 538 701
Future Plans for Generation & Transmission supply strategy for West Bank & Gaza
The domestic power generation in Palestine should be minimum
50% of the total generation requirement. In addition to increasing the capacity of the existing power plant in Gaza, two new power plants in the West Bank will be constructed which are:
Jayyus Power Plant in the north, near Qalqiliya, and
Turqumia Power Plant in the south, west of Hebron
The other 50% of the supply requirements will be imported from the neighboring countries through the interconnection project (West Bank – Jordan) and
(Gaza – Egypt).
The following Single Line Diagram shows the future interconnection & transmission system for West
Bank & Gaza
West Bank SLD
Gaza SLD