Kindergarten through Second Grade Physical Education Learning

K -2ND Grade Physical Education Units and Learning Targets
Unit 1-Building Community… Walk, Run, Lead, Follow While Getting Moderate to Vigorous
Physical Activity (MVPA) ongoing
Essential Questions-How do we act in physical activity environment with our peers? What
should I do to become a physically active student? How do I walk and
Learning Targets
1. The students will get to know their classmates through active play experiences, such
that they know everyone’s name and can identify something special about each of
their classmates. (5)
2. The students will identify and recognize gymnasium protocols and expectations, and
will demonstrate these behaviors while being physically active (5)
3. The students will differentiate between the ideas of active versus sedentary. (4)
4. The students will define moderate to vigorous activity, will begin identifying
activities that add MVPA, and will begin recognizing when their bodies are working
hard. (4)
5. The students will demonstrate development of both walking and running, and will
identify critical elements used when walking and running. (1,2)
6. The students will adapt their waking and running form so they are able to lead and
follow a peer and maintain personal space while traveling through general space.
Unit 2-Building My Body And Exploring Space And Effort Awareness ongoing
Essential Questions-how does my body work when I am active? What can I learn about my
heart? Where and how can my body move? What can I do on the
Learning Targets
1. The students will continue to work on being able to sustain longer periods of MVPA,
and will continue exploring the importance of getting 60 minutes of MVPA every
day. (4)
2. The students will identify basic heart concepts including location of heart, finding
heart beat and what the beat means, purpose of heart, and ways to increase and
decrease heart rate. (4) (H7)
3. The students will demonstrate and understanding of and ability to perform concepts
related to shape awareness (pathways, directions, levels, sizes) and effort awareness
(time, force), while refining their ability to walk and run through shared space. (1,2)
4. The students will identify what movements can be used when playing on the
playground, both in the space and on the equipment. (2)
Unit 3-Throw It, Kick It, Strike It… With Force ongoing
Essential Questions-How can I use my body to throw, kick, and strike, while maintain a safe
playing environment? How can I use force to control the throw, kick, and
strike? How can I use these skills to increase my activity levels at home?
Learning Target
1. The students will demonstrate development of overhand and underhand throwing,
kicking, and striking, all for force, and will identify the critical elements of each skill.
2. The students will explore degrees of force exerted on an object when throwing,
kicking, and striking, and will figure out how to use the body to achieve different
force goals. (1,2)
3. The students will identify safety protocol when throwing, kicking and striking in a
large space with other students. (5)
4. The students will demonstrate using one of the skills from this unit to increase PA
time at home. (3)
Unit 4-Moving Through Space In Relationship to Others, While Exploring Balance and My
Muscles ongoing
Essential Questions-How can I gallop, slide, and skip through space, in different relationships?
What are the parts of my body and how can I use them to maintain a
balanced position? What do my muscles do for me?
Learning Targets
1. The students will demonstrate development of galloping, sliding, and skipping, and
will identify the critical elements of each skill. (1,2)
2. The students will identify and move in various relationships to others and object,
focusing on describing the location they are to the object or person. (1,2)
3. The students will identify a variety of body parts and will use them to balance. (1,2)
4. The students will identify ways to maintain balance, including contraction/relaxation
of muscles, using a visual focal point, and adjusting their center of gravity and base
of support. (1,2)
5. The students will identify basic muscle concepts. (4)
Unit 5-Roll And Collect, Self Toss/Bounce And Catch…All With Others ongoing
Essential Questions-How can I roll and collect, self-toss or bounce and catch? How can I work
with others to have fun and accomplish a task? How do I communicate
with my peers when working together? How do I resolve conflicts?
Learning Targets
1. The students will demonstrate development of rolling and collecting, self-tossing and
bouncing and catching, and will identify the critical elements of each skill. (1,2)
2. While working with partners the students will share, take turns, and respect
equipment. (5)
3. While working with a partner, the students will observe his/her peers movements and
will provide verbal and visual feedback, as well as positive praise phrases to help the
peer improve. (5)
4. The students will identify at least two strategies to resolve conflict. (5) (H4,H5)
5. The students will reflect on the enjoyment that comes when playing and moving with
their peers. (6)
Unit 6-Jump, Hop, Leap…Fluid Transitions… MVPA At Home…Compassion and Challenge
Essential Questions-How can I jump, hop and leap, and add these movements to the other
locomotor movements in a fluid manner? How can I get more MVA at
home? What does it mean to challenge myself and have compassion for
Learning Targets
1. The students will demonstrate development of jumping, hopping, and leaping, and
will identify critical elements of each skill? (1,2)
2. The students will demonstrate their ability to change form one locomotor movement
to the next using fluid, controlled and balanced transitions. (1)
3. The students will demonstrate using these sills at home to increase their MVPA. (3)
4. The students will describe what it means to be compassionate for others in a physical
activity environment. (5)
5. The students will demonstrate the willingness to challenge themselves by working to
achieve a goal. (6) (H6)
Unit 7-Jump Rope Helps My Heart When I Am Honest And Engaged ongoing
Essential Questions-What can I do with a jump rope? How can I use a jump rope to increase
MVPA and to work on staying engaged and being honest?
Learning Targets
1. The students will recognize a variety of shapes, and will be able to perform
movements on these shapes. (1,2)
2. The students will perform basic, single jump rope skills. (1)
3. The students will demonstrate using jump ropes to increase MVPA either on the
playground or at home. (3)
4. The students will demonstrate the ability to remain engaged in a task when working
individually and with others. (5)
5. The students will demonstrate the ability to honestly report outcomes. (5) (H4)
6. The students will continue working on enjoyment and challenge, while using jump
ropes. (6)
Unit 8-Let’s Get Rhythmical And Fit As We Explore How WE Use Our Bodies ongoing
Essential Questions-How can I use my body to be creative, rhythmical way to communicate and
have fun? How can I use non-locomotor movements in a rhythmical
manner? What effect do rhythmical movements have on my body’s
Learning Targets
1. The students will perform both non-locomotor and locomotor movements, while
exploring the spatial, rhythmical and dynamic components of educational dance.
2. The students will create and perform movement patterns, using various movements
and props. (1,2)
3. The students will use movements as a means of self-expression and communication
(1,2,6) (H4)
4. The students will recognize the connection these activities have to MVPA and the
impact they have on the body. (4,6)
Unit 9-Gymnastics ongoing
Essential Questions-How can I control my body in a safe manner when performing stunts and
tumbling activities? How do I learn to understand similarities and
differences, and continue to work on expressing compassion within a
movement based environment?
Learning Targets
1. The students will perform and identify a variety of gymnastic positions, animal
movements, tumbling, and balance stunts, while working individually and with
partner/small groups. (1,2)
2. The students will recognize how they are similar yet different from their peers when
it comes to movement choices and abilities, and will demonstrate acceptance and
compassion of others. (5)
3. The students will find enjoyment by working with others to accomplish a task. (6)
Unit 10-Contolling And Projecting Objects With hands, Feet, And Implements, While Exploring
Effort, Space, and Relationships ongoing
Essential Questions-How can I use my feet, my hands, and an implement to control and project a
ball? How can I use the concepts of effort, space, and relationships when
controlling and projecting objects? How can I use these sills to increase
MVPA at home?
Learning Targets
1. The students will control a ball using the following skills: dribbling with hands,
dribbling with feet, volleying with body parts, and will identify the critical elements
for these skills. (1,2)
2. The students will perform striking with implements, specifically focusing on the
concepts of space (direction, levels), effort (force), and relationships (body parts,
locations, opposite/same), and will identify the movement vocabulary associated with
these skills and concepts. (1,2)
3. The students will demonstrate using these skills to increase MVPA at home or on the
playground. (3)
Unit 11-Staying Healthy All Summer Long ongoing
Essential Questions-What can I do during the summer to stay healthy and happy and fit?
Learning Targets
1. The students will identify the five components of health related fitness. (4)
2. The students will identify and differentiate between healthy and unhealthy choices.
(4) (H1, H2, H5, H7)
3. The students will demonstrate and understanding that being active is good for both
body and mind, and can be very enjoyable. (6) (H5, H7)
4. The students will review all locomotor movements, and concepts related to space,
effort, and relationships. (1,2)