Extension Testing Service

Extension Diagnostic Services
What can the Gainesville campus
diagnostic labs do for a master gardener
volunteer client?
Anthony Camerino
Citrus County Extension
Master Gardener Volunteer Coordinator
How do you send a sample to Gainesville
and then comprehend the results?
Master Gardener
Volunteer Plant
Clinic/Phone Room
1. “Diagnostic labs in
Gainesville?? What
2. “Maybe if I put enough stuff
in this box, put a stamp on it,
and send to Gainesville
someone will tell me what’s
wrong with my plant??”
3. “ I can’t diagnosis your
problem here, but I can
get your sample to the
right lab for an accurate
and timely diagnosis.”
Plant Identification
Extension Soil
Testing Lab
Insect Identification Lab
Plant Disease Clinic
& Nematode Assay
Purpose of Extension Diagnostic
• Provide education to the public concerning
respective disciplines
• Not-for-profit
• Only samples collected in Florida
• The quality and accuracy of results are
directly related to how the samples are
collected, handled, and shipped
Extension Soil Testing Lab (ESTL)
• Not just pH and homeowner nutrient
analysis services
• Many services provided:
• Homeowner:
• Landscape and home vegetable gardens
• Irrigation water testing
• Commercial growers:
Plant tissue testing of specific crops
Container media testing
Producer soil testing
Pine seedling nursery
• Interpretation of data
• Nutrient recommendations and guidelines as
Soil Nutrient Analysis
• Cost
• pH $3.00
• Indication of general soil nutrient
• Lime recommendation when
appropriate for soil buffering
• Macro nutrients $7.00
• P, K, Ca, Mg
• Does not test for pathogens,
insects, nematodes, or soil N
• Does not make interpretation
for soil extractable Ca and Fe
• Does not estimate pollution
A soil nutrient analysis is a predictive estimation of
plant growth response to an applied nutrient #1
• Nutrient and lime recommendations
are based on plant growth responses
which have been correlated with the
levels of nutrient extracted in a soil
• The soil is not inert, it continuously
absorbs and releases nutrients
• The recommendation takes into
account these nutrients
A soil nutrient analysis is a predictive estimation of
plant growth response to an applied nutrient #2
• Probability of a
response to a
fertilizer application
if the nutrient level
• Low - 75%
• Medium – 50%
• High - unlikely
Master Gardener Volunteer Plant
Clinic Soil pH #1
• Test results can do the following
• Assist in plant selection (e.g. “acid loving
• Tells you if you may need to modify soil pH
• The analysis does not tell you how much to lime
• Indication of general soil fertility
Master Gardener
Volunteer Plant
Master Gardener Volunteer Plant
Clinic Soil pH #2
• Does not predict liming requirement
• Does not account for soil buffering capacity
• If a specific lime recommendation is needed you
must send the sample to the Extension Soil Testing
Lab in Gainesville
Master Gardener
Volunteer Plant
Irrigation water analysis
• Tests for
• Liming potential
• Salinity
• Suspended solids
• Cost $9.00 to $10.00
• Tests water for irrigation
quality, not a test for safety of
• Sample should be taken “midstream”
• Run water for several minutes
before collecting
• Collect nearest to irrigation
Insect Identification Services #1
• Gives written report of insect
diagnosis, you must decide if
the insect is the cause of the
• Cost $8.00
• Follow detailed packing
• Depends on type of insect
• Fill out form in pencil or ink
that will not run if wetted.
• Take special note of where the
insect was found and what
was infested
• The more specimens the
A sample packaged properly
Bad sample preparation
Ants on scotch tape
Spider in plastic bag
Insect Identification Services #2
Plant Identification #1
• A partnership between UF-IFAS
and the Florida Museum of
Natural History’s herbarium
• Cost $0.00
• Press plant between newspaper
and cardboard
• Not in plastic bag
• If the plant can not be identified
by available references at the
county office, then contact your
county agent to submit sample.
Plant Identification #2
Extension Plant Disease Clinic
• Diagnosis of pathogen isolated from the
submitted sample
• Use Plant Disease Diagnostic Form
• Cost
• Regular sample $20.00
• Lethal Yellowing $75.00, Fusarium Wilt
• Sample should include:
• Plant tissue reflective of the problem
• Roots, shoots, or leaves
• Transition zone between healthy and
diseased plant tissue
• Provide as much information as
• Plant species and cultivar submitted
• Pesticides or fertilizers applied recently
Extension Plant Disease Clinic
Additional Notes
• Only send root samples in plastic bag
• remove excess soil but leave enough to prevent
• Do not send leaves in plastic bag
• The accuracy of clinic results may be affected by
recently applied pesticides.
• When possible, sample before treatment
• New rapid turf diagnostic service for commercial
turf managers (e.g. golf courses, athletic fields,
• See your county agent if you have such a request
• $75.00
A sample packaged properly
• Roots in plastic bag,
entire sample wrapped
in dry paper towel
Bad sample preparation
Crushed sample packed in a
wet paper towel
Extension Plant Disease Clinic
Nematode Assay Lab
• Cost $20.00
• Estimation of the RISK to a specific
crop or plant based on the number and
type of nematodes present in the soil
• Sample soil from symptomatic area
If tree or shrub sample near drip line
Roots are important too
Use sample submission kit!!!
Place sample in plastic bag, then box
• If foliar nematodes are suspected,
send sample folded into a slightly
damped paper towel in a plastic bag
Where to sample turf
Nematode Assay Lab #1
• Bag should be filled with enough soil to about fill
the box
• Place roots in plastic bag with soil to keep moist
Nematode Assay Lab #2
What’s the difference between these
two panels
Don’t use soil nutrient analysis bag to package nematode samples!!!
Good sample collection,
packaging and handling
is important because:
A lot can happen between here
here !!