Senior English 11/28/11

Senior English 11/28/11
• We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We
read and write poetry because we are members of
the human race. … medicine, law, business,
engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary
to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love,
these are what we stay alive for.
-Dead Poet's Society
• What do you call an ant that skips school?
• Quisquillous- made of rubbish.
Goals –Begin study of the purpose of poetry.
Homework – Find three appropriate lines or phrases on the
Poetry Out Loud Web page that apply to any of the
situations we discussed in class today. (I will be assigning
points tomorrow)
Senior English 11/29/11
• A poem should be part of one’s sense of life.
Wallace Stevens
• Is sloppiness in speech caused by ignorance
or apathy? I don't know and I don't care. –
William Safire.
• Silurian – terribly old. Part of the paleozoic
Goals – Write a short piece using the quotes you found in your
homework last nignt.
Homework – Begin search for a poem that connects to you. If
you bring one to class and can demonstrate its connection to
you I will give you extra credit.
Senior English 11/30/11
• Proper words in proper places, make the
definition of style. -Jonathon Swift
• Did you hear about the Italian chef that
• Urbacity – excessive or foolish pride in
one’s city.
Goals –Analyze the tone of words in the handout.
Begin work on memorization and recitation if you
have selected it and I have approved it.
Homework – Complete your Tone worksheet. Don’t
forget to study for vocabulary quiz #14 tomorrow!.
Senior English 12/1/11
• Poetry is nearer to vital truth than
history. ~Plato, Ion
• What is a polygon?
• Withy – flexible and tough.
Goals –Begin memorization process. Write your
poem a line at a time from memory. Read poem
aloud focusing on the tone
Homework –Recite your poem before going to
bed. And when you wake up tomorrow
morning. Don’t forget to study for vocabulary
quiz #14 tomorrow!.
Senior English 12/2/11
• Five minutes to prepare for vocabulary quiz #14.
• Poetry is nearer to vital truth than history. ~Plato, Ion
• What do you call a bunch of chickens playing hide and
• Sanguisugent – bloodsucking
Goals –Complete Vocabulary quiz #14. Continue work on
memorization. Begin reciting practice.
Homework – Write your entire poem from memory on your
daily work paper. Recite it before going to bed. And when
you wake up each morning this weekend. Be prepared to
recite at least part of your first poem from memory on