Chapter 1: Ancestral genetics (3 pages)

American Staffordshire Terrier
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Your American Staffordshire Terrier’s Personalised Genetic Information Book
Personalised Genetic Vet Care is a program using the latest genetic information to personalise your pet’s
health care.
Your American Staffordshire Terrier’s personalised genetic information book forms the basis of your
pet’s health care and general wellness program. A summary of the book contents is provided below:
Chapter 1: Ancestral genetics (3 pages)
General Breed Description:
The American Staffordshire terrier, also known as the Am Staff here in Australia and in many other parts
of the world, is a stocky, muscular, powerful looking dog possessing great courage and strength for its
size. The head is broad and powerful, with a short to medium length muzzle and very strong jaw. The
ears are set high on the head and are either pricked, or half dropped...
The ancestors of the Am Staff were the “bull and terrier” breeds of 19th century England. The old English
bulldogs (now extinct) were used to fight bulls and bears for sport before the 19th century. These dogs
were not bred to be pets, but for “gameness”, when pitted against a bear or bull for strength and skill, as
well as courage. Bull baiting was also thought to tenderise the meat of bulls brought to market...
Breed Temperament and Behaviour:
The Am Staff is a friendly and loyal dog with its family and is loyal and affectionate with adults and
children. They are very trustworthy dogs, and enjoy having a job to do. They are also very protective of
their family, and will become aggressive if it appears the family is threatened...
The Am Staff needs daily exercise or may become unruly and destructive. They need to be part of the
family and, as a working dog, do best if they feels they have a job to do. A well secured yard is essential,
as many people are intimidated by the appearance of the Am Staff, and a roaming dog can cause
problems for you and for them...
Best Suited for:
The Am Staff is not a dog for the elderly or infirm. They are very active dogs indoors, but can be okay
without a yard if exercised sufficiently...
Chapter 2: Genetic Disease (7 pages)
This section contains a detailed description of the 10 most significant diseases particularly common to
the American Staffordshire Terrier. Information includes screening for, diagnosis and treatment of these
Cerebellar Ataxia (Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis)
This is a neurologic, inherited condition, also sometimes called cerebellar cortical abiotrophy. Affected Am
Staffs typically show symptoms between 3 – 5 years of age. A certain type of cell called the Purkinje cell in
the cerebellum is affected by this disease, with metabolic errors causing the build up of toxic substances in
the cells, eventually causing cell death...
Cataract (Cloudiness of the Lens of the Eye)
This typically inherited disease causes cloudiness in the lens of the eye. This cloudiness may be located
in the centre of the lens, or towards the front or the back of the lens. Inherited cataract is almost always
bilateral (that is, in both eyes)...
Chapter 3: Caring for your puppy (3 pages)
This chapter provides you with a lifetime personalised wellness program for your Am Staff with a
recommended vet visit schedule by age. Your vet can work through this schedule with you to create
the most appropriate preventative and protective approach specifically for your American
Staffordshire Terrier…
Chapter 4: Behaviour and training (4 pages)
Dogs are very social animals, and your Am Staff puppy needs to be indoors with the family from the start.
There is no such thing as a “good outdoor dog”. Am Staff puppies need to learn how to behave around
different animals and people from a young age. This is called socialisation, and it is essential to prevent
your puppy growing up to have problems with nervousness and aggression…
Chapter 5: Games (8 pages)
Just like us, puppies and dogs will get bored doing the same thing every day. You will soon learn that there
are certain types of games that your dog enjoys more than others – for example, terriers often love to dig,
while collies and working dogs will run all day…
Chapter 6: Nutrition (11 pages)
Good nutrition is essential for your dog to have a healthy, happy life. It is critical that your Am Staff receives
the correct amounts of energy, protein, fatty acids, carbohydrates and trace minerals and nutrients for
growth as well as maintenance of a healthy body and brain. Nutrition is also vital to a dog’s ability to think
clearly, as thinking requires mental energy and the correct amino acid balance for the maintenance of
normal brain chemistry...
Chapter 7: Dental health (1 page)
You may have heard some advice about keeping your dog’s teeth clean. Many people have many different
opinions on this topic. The best way to care for your Am Staff’s teeth and oral health is to manually clean his
teeth. This is not as weird as it sounds, and if you start when your puppy is young, is generally not hard to
Get your American Staffordshire Terrier’s genetic information book for only $ 00.00