IDB Private Sector- Structured and Corporate

Patrick Doyle
Senior Energy and Climate Officer
Structured and Corporate Finance Department
Private Sector with Purpose
We seek to create opportunities for
current and future generations in
Latin America and the Caribbean
through sustainable private sector
Through the Structured and
Corporate Finance Department (SCF),
IDB partners with private sector
stakeholders to achieve breakthrough
financial results with high
development impact.
Our expertise
and Services
IDB Private Sector- Structured and Corporate Finance Department
Our Clients
 Corporations, private utilities and infrastructure operators,
financial institutions, and state-owned entities without a
sovereign guarantee
Our Products and Services
 Loans (syndications and parallel)
 Project Finance and Public Private Partnerships
 Guarantees
 Technical cooperation
 Climate change concessional finance
 Clean energy audits
In 2011-2012, over $1 billion lent for over $6B in climate
 Renewables – solar, wind, biomass, hydro, biofuels
 planetBanking “Green lines” for banks and private equity funds
 Industrial, commercial building, hotel energy efficiency
 Agriculture methane capture and use
Directly financing large-scale renewable energy
US$108 million - El Libertador and Palmatir wind
farms in Uruguay 115 MW
US$ 40 million - 250 MW Eurus wind farm in Mexico
US$ 21 million - 67.5 MW La Ventosa wind farm in
US$ 78.3 million - Bani and Pecasa 80.6 MW wind
farms in the Dominican Republic
US$ 40 million - San Jacinto-Tizate 72 MW
renewable energy expansion in Nicaragua
US$ 6.5 million - 15.6 MW biomass cogeneration
plant in Chile
Pando Monte Lirio: 83.3 MW run of river hydro
power plants in Panama
Providing corporate loans for sustainable agriculture and
promoting renewable forestry with Nordic companies
Project Overview
 SCF is supporting Stora-Enso and the Montes del Plata
Group through a $200 million loan to build and operate
a eucalyptus pulp plant and bio-mass electricity plant.
 The largest private sector investment in Uruguay history
(approx. $2 billion), it follows IDB’s strict environmental
and social standards for renewable forestry
Development Impact
 Create 5,800 and 5,350 jobs during construction and
operations, respectively
 Forest Stewardship Certified plantations and carbon
credits produced
 160 MW of renewable energy (approx. 70 MW exceed
internal needs and will be supplied to the national grid
and other industrial entities)
 Contribute $750 million annually to GDP and generate
$700 million in exports per year
Mobilizing private capital
 We act as catalyst, leveraging our own investments (A loans) and mobilizing
other sources for co-financing through our B loans and parallel loans
 B lenders include commercial banks, institutions and impact investors
 Other financing partners include development finance institutions and
private equity investors
Number of B-Loans Closed: 90
Historical Results
Amount of B-Loan mobilized: $8.19 billion
Number of historical participants: 141 institutions
Greening SME’s through planetBanking loans and
Technical Assistance
Green Lines
A/B Loans
Technical Assistance
Financial Institution
Green Projects
-Energy efficiency
-Renewable energy
-Sustainable agriculture
-Cleaner production
Example planetBanking Greenline Projects Financed
Renewable Energy
Micro-hydro plant
Clean water
Water treatment plant
Cleaner Production
Bicycle manufacturing center
Energy Efficiency
LEED Gold certified buildings
including a new education center
agriculture and
water efficiency
Drip irrigation system
Mobilizing private capital
 We act as catalyst, leveraging our own investments (A loans) and mobilizing
other sources for co-financing through our B loans and parallel loans
 B lenders include commercial banks, institutions and impact investors
 Other financing partners include development finance institutions and
private equity investors
Number of B-Loans Closed: 90
Historical Results
Amount of B-Loan mobilized: $8.19 billion
Number of historical participants: 141 institutions
Promoting renewable forestry practices
Project Overview
 IDB is supporting Montes del Plata Group through a
$200 million loan to build and operate a eucalyptus pulp
plant and bio-mass electricity plant.
 The largest private sector investment in Uruguay history
(approx. $2 billion), it follows IDB’s strict environmental
and social standards for renewable forestry
Development Impact
 Create 5,800 and 5,350 jobs during construction and
operations, respectively
 Produce 160 MW of renewable energy (approx. 70 MW
exceed internal needs and will be supplied to the
national grid and other industrial entities)
 Contribute $750 million annually to GDP and
generate$700 million in exports per year
Structured and Corporate Finance
Department Tools for
Clean Technology Investment
Catalyzing climate investment
with public funds
Barriers to Clean Energy Investment by
the Private Sector
Information barriers
– Unaware /lack of confidence in savings and
performance predictions
– Projects require $20 to $200K in engineering
analysis to prove feasibility
Lack of finance
– High collateral requirements from banks and low
value to energy savings assets once installed
High transaction costs
– Project finance is costly and risky
– High engineering cost/project value ratio
– MM&V if required by financier
Resource risk - Production uncertainty
Offtaker/purchaser risk
– Long term contracts needed to recover upfront
capex/energy payments
Technology risks
– Uncertain installation and O&M costs and life of
project, warranties from new cleantech
companies less valuable
IDB Private Sector Tools
• Grants for technical assistance –
audits, feasibility studies, green
building analysis (NDF and SECCI)
• Energy Efficiency Finance Facility
for facilitated approval of $500K $5M loans – first loss guarantee
via donor funds in select
countries (NDF)
• Greenlines of credit and
Financial institution training and
market analyses (NDF&SECCI)
• Concessional loans via the
Canadian Climate Fund (C2F)
• Brazil Energy Efficiency credit
and savings contract
performance guarantees (GEF)
• High risk equity/subdebt funds?
IDB Concessional Loan
Donor Reimbursable Fund
SCF’s climate team manages the $250M Canadian Climate Fund for
the Private Sector in the Americas (C2F)
Co-financing with IDB Group loans for climate change mitigation and adaptation projects
No grant funding, no equity
Concessional loans to overcome barriers:
Risk barriers, e.g.:
Financial Tools
Technology risk (Output, costs, reliability)
Resource risk (Probability scenarios)
Payment terms
Offtaker risk (Credit or alternative purchasers)
Targeted risks
Local currency
Cost barriers, e.g.:
Subordinated loans, e.g.:
Bridge the gap between renewable energy
production costs and market prices
Reduce costs of “greening a project” – (e.g.
energy efficiency, methane capture,
reforestation) to meet corporate hurdle rates
Lower cost loans, e.g.:
Longer tenor
Lower interest rate
Lower fees
Local currency
Reducing initial costs or off-taker, resource or technology risks
Value Proposition/Need
 Wind, biomass, geothermal, biomass, reforestation
project with risks that can not be taken by lenders
 Equity unable to be raised or high equity
requirements make project uneconomical
Financial additionality
 Risk barrier – PPA or fuel sale agreement
insufficient to cover loan at DSCR required based on
resource assessment
 Cost barrier – Power price reduced by reducing
debt/equity ratio and reducing interest rate on debt
C2F Solution
 Provide C2F subordinated debt (at
below market rates if justified)
 Use barrier analysis to quantify the
amount of subordinated debt needed
to cover the default risk
Technical Assistance and the
IDB Private Sector
Technical Assistance Funding for Private Sector Project
Identification and Feasibility Analyses
Projects - 24 performed or in progress
 Energy efficiency - Investment Grade energy efficiency audits
 Renewable energy self-supply engineering analyses - methane, biomass, solar, cogeneration
 Green-building design value added engineering consulting
 Hospital, university, airport, commercial buildings
 Agroprocessors
• Beef, swine, chicken, fish and shrimp (aquaculture)
• Milk, sugar, wheat, rice, peanuts, fruit, palm oil
 Manufacturers
• Recycling centers, beverages, bottlers, snacks, textiles
 Financially viable investments
 Potential GHG reductions
SCF and Energy Efficiency
$10M NDF Energy Efficiency Guarantee Fund supporting
a $50M SCF Energy Efficiency Finance Facility
Eligible projects
 Energy efficiency and small-scale, self-supply renewable energy projects, including agricultural
methane, biomass, solar
Eligible countries
 Central America, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Jamaica and Bolivia
 Max Loan Size: $5M
Concessional finance
The Energy Efficiency Finance Facility will benefit from an €8 million contribution from the Nordic
Development Fund:
 €7M is reimbursable funding to provide up to 25% first-loss guarantees to SCF loans in NDF
eligible countries.
 The guarantees will enhance the credit profile and reduce the price of the IDB A loan
 €1 million is non-reimbursable grant funding critical to reduce the transaction costs – support
engineering feasibility and environmental impact analyses and legal costs as necessary to
make small loans economically viable
Consulting Procurement
Selection and Contracting Process for Private Sector Projects
 Responsible Officer (RO) prepares the terms of reference (TORs)
 RO prepares short list with at least three firms
 RO shares proposals submitted with partner co-financiers
 RO evaluates the proposals based on the TOR and the Evaluation Matrix
 Discusses with and recommends to Management a firm/individual
 RO notifies the winner via e-mail or fax and upon acceptance notifies the
 A Consultant Service Agreement (CSA) is negotiated between the client, the
firm and the Bank, with the assistance of legal
 Client pays for consulting services provided to the Bank
Our deal is with the future.
Patrick Doyle