
GAC013 Assessment Event 2: Case Study Investigation

Tsunami warning system and

Hair regrow hormone

Student’s Name:

Song Manuel

Student ID #:


Due Date:

Word Count:


Daniel Choi

17 July 2012

Table of contents

Abstract .................................................................................................................... 1

1.0 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 1


Methodology ....................................................................................................... 1

3.0 Finding ............................................................................................................... 2

4.0 Discussion .......................................................................................................... 3

5.0 Conclusions and Recommendations .................................................................. 4


............................................................................................................... 9

GAC013 AE#1 Song Manuel HUK21980


In modern society, Science quickly and wisely develop.I Especially research about RTerg and

Astressin-B give a lot of value to human by using varies internet search also organize and comprehensive the data deeply . RTerg is the warning system of tsunami and Astressin-B is the hormone to regrow the hair. RTerg can save many people’ life also Astressin-B can save the hair of people however I think RTerg is more important because it can save the big havoc.



Science advance faster in modern society than past. Also many of problem associated human are solved nowadays so purpose of this research is to exactly know also to compare and contrast the modern scientific advance especially new system to warn the tsunami and discovery of peptide that can hinder hair loss. Tsunami is one of the most dangerous disaster in the world that until recently hit the Japan and hair loss is big problem to citizen who live busy and stressful life. So this research can be helpful for making solution of natural problem especially tsunami and alopecia



Data Collection Methods


 Ess.Washinton



Addressing the Research Purpose

CNN – I could search very specific information about two topics because they have more interview about the scientist and inform more specific date and place

 Ess.Washinton– It helpful to finds some advanced information

Sentia-desc – It show more specific experiment of astressin-b

 hairloss-research – It show the experiment is more associated with human

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First, I read all of the contents and second, subtract the important information that is associated with the two of the subjects. Third, I organize all of data to fit the topics. Those search help me to understand deeper and exactly .

3.0 Finding


What is the main discovery

What problems does it solve

Which part of science

When and by whom was it discovered

Provide a historical perspective


Tsunami warning system Peptide that prevent hair loss

A new system of RTerg that astressin-B can can be useful possibility reduce the CRF to warn the tsunami only which produce minutes after the initial the hormone of earthquake.

New system “RTerg” can stress much astressin-B can reduce the death toll from make to regrow tsunami by warning to the bald mice’ avoid people earlier hair by controlling the


RTerg belongs to Health science

Seismology and Geology biochemistry because this system is Because associated with crust and associated hair earthquake and peptide

Leader Andrew Newman UCLA and VA and his team researchers on

It was recorded in the February 16, 2011

March 5 edition in 2001

Just use radar to detect the Many remedies earthquake to warn the have appeared to dangerousness of tsunami protect hair loss like minoxidil

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What is the contribution to human however have limitation they some avoid and prepare tsunami to protect the more exactly graying of hair but in hair loss as well


Those two of advance have helpful effect to prepare human to protect some problem

RTerg : Tsunami warning system

Leader Andrew Newman and his team advanced A new system of RTerg that can warn the tsunami. It is expected that can save many people who have risk to be hit by earthquake and tsunami. Before just used radar to detect and announce the crisis however RTerg calculate the algorithmic wave and warn it

Astressin-B : Peptide that prevent hair loss

UCLA and VA researchers find that astressin-B can helpful for hair loss by accident on February

16, 2011. It is expected that can protect the graying hair also alopecia people by reducing the

CRF which cause the stress hormone. Before there is a lot of pill existing however there is limitation

4.0 Discussion

There is two big advance that expect to bring the valuable life to human by avoiding natural disaster and biological problem. Natural disaster sometimes but periodically breaks out and bring the damage to people, especially tsunami is the most frequent disaster and dangerous havoc in the earth so It is very important to prepare and avoid it. Therefore RTerg that is the warning system of tsunami made by Leader Andrew Newman and his team have a big useful for human. It can save a lot of time to survive by calculating algorithmic wave and warning it only minutes after the initial earthquake, so It reduce the death toll. Before RTerg was made, what people could was just detected the earthquake and doubted the tsunami by radar. Those methods also had low accuracy, so many people did not believe. However RTerg system will give people exactitude information

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GAC013 AE#2 Song Manuel HUK21980 and it will be expected that a lot of people’ safe is proved in the future. Likewise discovery of good effect of Astressin-B have a lot of value to human. UCLA and VA researchers accidently find that Astressin-B can regrows the hair of mice also they expected that It can also apply the same effect to human normally. Principle of this effect is that the Astressin-B decrease the CRF which made a stress hormone and it help hair to regrow up. Before already a lot of medicine like minoxidil were produced to prevent the hair loss and regrow the hair, however there is limitation like low effect or thin hair and harmful for body. However astressin-B is natural method by decreasing the stress, so it can give hope to bald people and reduce the waste of dying in stressful society.

5.0 Conclusions and Recommendations

Both two advance that RTerg and Astressin-B is brought the surprising result to human

However I think RTerg is overweigh, Because Astressin-B is solution of the one part of body, but RTerg is the solution of all part of body include more bigger mental damage, in other wards

RTerg can save the life.


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“New system can warn of tsunamis within minutes.” e! Science News. e! Science News, 4 Mar

2011. Web. 18 Jul 2012.

“Regrowing hair: UCLA-VA researchers may have accidentally discovered a solution.” e!

Science News. e! Science News, 16 Feb 2011. Web. 15 Jul 2012.

“The Tsunami Warning System.” Ess.washington. Ess.washington, n.d. Web. 15 Jul 2012.

“New System Gives Tsunami Warnings In Real Time, Georgia Tech scientists say.” CNN. Cable

News Network, 5 Mar 2011. Web. 16 Jul 2012.

“Therapeutics For Stress-related Disorders.” Sentia-medsci. sentia-medsci, n.d. Web. 16 Jul


“Astressin-B Trial Status.” hairloss-research. Hair Loss Research, n.d. Web. 18 Jul 2012.

“Why Minoxidil is not Enough to Fight Hair Loss.” Selfgrowth. Selfgrowth, n.d. Web. 18 Jul


“Cumulative Energy Growth.” Geophysics.eas.gatech. geophysics.eas.gatech, n.d. Web. 18 Jul


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Image 2: The image of M. anisopliae

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“Nerve Ending.” The Free Dictionary By Farlex . Farlex, n.d. Web. 11 July 2012

“Sense of Touch.” Home Science Tools . Home Training Tools, n.d. Web. 11 July 2012

“Your Sense of Touch.” Oracle Education Foundation . Oracle Education Foundation, n.d. Web.

11 July 2012. http://bodyandhealth.canada.com/channel_condition_info_details.asp?channel_id=1

020&disease_id=85 http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/dis_tsu_dea_tol-disasters-tsunami-death-toll http://www.fas.org/irp/threat/nie99-17d.htm


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