File - Donna Harmon M.Ed. Adult Education and Training

Instructional Plan Cosmetology
Donna Harmon
Cosmotology and Salon Services (F)
Needs Assessment
What is the learning problem or opportunity? This learning opportunity provides
professional development for salon and spa employees and an opportunity for mentorship
and evaluation.
What is currently available? Currently there are no courses avaialable for salon and
spa services or professional development.
What should be available? There should be multiple courses available for the salon
and spa services ranging from professional development, policies and procedures,
sanitation, and customer service.
Explain the gap analysis between what is available and what should be
available. The gap between what is available and should be available is vast due to the
lack of course offerings for the salon and spa.
What is your recommended solution for filling the gap? Boardman Corporate
University should incorporate multiple courses to focus on the various aspects of running a successful salon
and spa. These courses should include professional development, policies and procedures, sanitation and
customer services.
Cosmotology and Salon Services (F)
Instructional Goal
Employees will learn Baderman Island Resort and Spa standard operating
policies and procedures.
Cosmotology and Salon Services (F)
Performance-Based Objectives
At the conclusion of this course Salon and Spa
Employees will use time management skills and
customer service skills obtained to maintain a
professional relationship with clients and to
effectively communicate to clients.
Cosmotology and Salon Services (F)
Summative Assessment and Learning Outcomes
Mentors will utilize a rubric and customer
service evaluation form to evaluation the
employee’s work.
Mentors will also provide additional training if
needed, and constructive critiques once the
evaluation is completed.
Cosmotology and Salon Services (F)
Learner Characteristics
The learner characteristics include information about your
target audience such as:
• Learners: First year employees of the Salon and Spa
Service 22 women
• Specific characteristics: Cosmetology Certification 100%
• Learning styles: Auditory and kinetic learning
environment, with role playing and assessments.
Cosmotology and Salon Services (F)
Learning Context
Instructional Setting: Salon and classroom working
• Students will be provided clients for salon services.
These clients will provide students with a problem
and the students will be assessed in the correction
of the problem and the service received.
• The clients will be given an evaluation form as well
as a verbal interview to assess the work of the
employee. The mentors will also assess the work
orally and manually.
Cosmotology and Salon Services (F)
Delivery Modality
Most effective method of delivery for this course is
verbal and instructor led, and hands on activities
(client observations), Role playing, note taking and
classroom discussions.
Cosmotology and Salon Services (F)
Instructional Strategies
Class lectures
Practical demonstrations
Role Playing
Customer Observations
Utilizing audio-visual materials
Leading group discussions and debates
Inviting guest speakers into the classroom
Testing student’s knowledge through written and practical
Cosmotology and Salon Services (F)
Plan for Implementation
The Cosmetology and Salon Service course will
be two weeks in length. The next session will
begin on April 1, 2014. The course class time
will be 1 hour in length.
Increase support of the program can be driven
by employee incentives. (Mentors)
Participation in the course is mandatory of all
new salon and spa employees
Cosmotology and Salon Services (F)
Plan for Implementation
Materials Needed:
• Writing Materials (notes)
• Classroom Discussion Scenarios (copied)
• Assessment Rubrics
• Clients for Hand on activities
• Role playing scripts
Individuals Involved:
• Facilitator
• Seasoned Workers (mentors)
• Clients
Students will begin with a common assessment on the Baderman Island Resorts
Salon and Spa polices and procedure requirements. The assessment will
provide the ground work for the facilitator to lead into the discussion/ lecture
over policies and procedures. Students will provide feedback on the outlined
topics of the course orally and with written assessments. Students will also be
paired with a mentor for a probationary period to assess customer service
and styling guidelines. This course will be mandatory to all new Salon and Spa
hires. Employee incentives will be provided upon completion for the mentor
and the new hires.
Cosmetology and Salon Services (F)
Instructional Resources
Materials Needed:
Computer Access
White Board
Cosmetology Utensils
Safety Utensils and products
Mannequin Heads
Cosmetology and Salon Services (F)
Formative Assessment
Performance Evaluation: Mentor would evaluate the students customer
relations, skill, time management ad technique.
Written Assessment: Students will provide and response to a series of
prompts concerning customer relations and evaluated on the proper use of
the Boardman Island Resort Procedures and policies.
Group Discussion: Students will utilize cooperative learning groups to
evaluate each others customer service, upselling and given skills.
Role Playing: Students will have to react in a classroom role playing
procedure utilizing the resorts guidelines.
Term Paper: Students will research methods and new techniques in order
to stay afloat of the ever changing trends.
Portfolio: collection of pieces of evidence of a student’s knowledge, skills,
and certifications
Cosmotology and Salon Services (F)
Evaluation Strategies
Describe strategies for evaluating your instructional plan. For example,
student surveys, follow-up with management staff, improvement in
performance, academic achievement, and other qualitative and
quantitative data as appropriate.
 Formative Assessment Strategies
Formal Written Assessments
Participation Requirement ( Classroom Discussion/Roleplay)
Rubric /Term Paper
Quantative Data: Collection of scored test, participation points, term
paper, certification of Baderman Policy and Procedures
Qualitative Data: “Look Book” of new techniques and a variety of styles
Cosmotology and Salon Services (F)
Outcome Review
Criteria for Design Goals, performance-based objectives, and learning
outcomes Performance Assessment Design
Project · hands-on demonstration of knowledge, skills and attitudes that reveals
a student’s ability to plan, organize, and create a product or an event.
documentation of process of development from initial steps to final
Portfolio ·
· showcase of best work, work in progress
· record of student’s progress over time
· content selection by student in collaboration with the teacher
· centerpiece for parent conferences
Cosmotology and Salon Services (F)
Outcome Review
· hands-on performance of student, which illustrates levels of
knowledge, skills, and attitudes
· typically involve a “real life” problem or situation to solve
· focus on the application of knowledge and skills learned in one
situation as it connects to a new and different one
Case Studies
· analysis of events and individuals in light of established criteria
· synthesis of evidence to support generalizations based on individual
Cosmotology and Salon Services (F)
Outcome Review
Paper/Pencil Tests
· multiple-choice, essay, true-false questions that rely on extended
responses to further clarify a student’s understanding of the
knowledge being assessed
· graphic representations that reveal a student’s understanding of
connections among ideas
Structured Observation · observation of events, groups, and individuals that
focuses on the salient traits of the skill or attitude being observed
Cosmotology and Salon Services (F)
Outcome Review
· a problematic or challenging situation presented in the context of a
career-technical context area
· required study to analyze or evaluate a situation
· apply relevant knowledge or skills
· prepare and justify a reasonable solutions
Cosmotology and Salon Services (F)
Outcome Review
hands-on performance of student, which illustrates levels of
knowledge, skills, and attitudes
typically involve a “real life” problem or situation to solve
focus on the application of knowledge and skills learned in one
situation as it connects to a new and different one
Case Studies · analysis of events and individuals in light of
established criteria
Cosmotology and Salon Services (F)
Outcome Review
Structured Observation · observation of events, groups,
and individuals that focuses on the
salient traits of the skill or attitude being observed
Scenarios · a problematic or challenging situation
presented in the context of a
career-technical context area
·students are required study to analyze or evaluate a
· apply relevant knowledge or skills
· prepare and justify a
Cosmotology and Salon Services (F)
Possible recommendations for future use would have
to incorporate the following:
Semi Annual evaluations
Cosmetology education courses to further the
employees ability offered
Mentorship probationary period needs to be
Cosmotology and Salon Services (F)
Retrieved April 5, 2014, from
ADDIE Model. (n.d.). Retrieved April 6, 2014, from
Cosmetology. (n.d.). Retrieved April 6, 2014, from
Hairdressers And Cosmetologists: Job, Salary, and School Information | Riley
Guide. (n.d.). Retrieved April 6, 2014, from
The Impact of Design and Aesthetics on Usability, Credibility, and Learning in an
Online Environment. (n.d.). Retrieved April 5, 2014, from
Program Disclosures | Keene Beauty Academy. (n.d.). Retrieved April 6, 2014, from
Cosmotology and Salon Services (F)