Chapter 3 Test Review What was the Mayflower Compact

Chapter 3 Test Review
1. What was the Mayflower Compact? document signed was 1st early gov
2. What ended the Powhatan Confederacy?
Virginian killed leader
3. What caused the population of Jamestown to plummet during 1609-1610? Famine
and disease
4. Why did Catholics leave Britain and come to America? For religious freedom
5. What was the Toleration Act? Allowed people to practice all religion – showed
individual rights
6. What was the headright system? Giving 50 acres of land in Virginia
7. What Native American group helped the Jamestown settlers? Powhatan
8. Why did people from Virginia use slave labor? Not enough indentured servants
9. Who was Thomas Hooker? Founder of Connecticut and “father of American
10. What event caused the Boston massacre? Soldier punched a colonist
11. Why were the colonists so upset with the Stamp Act? 1st direct tax
12. How did Colonists show they were upset with the new taxes? Protest, boycott and
13. Why did George Greenville pass the Sugar Act? Pay for French and Indian war
14. What were the results of the French and Indian War? France lost land in North
15. What event started the French and Indian War? George Washington losing battle
16. Who did the British battle over the Ohio River Valley? France
17. What was the Great Awakening? Religious movement that changed religion,
society and politics
18. How did the Great Awakening affect political life in the 1730’s? – spirituals that
led to equality
19. What was the purpose of the Navigation Acts? Only trade with Britain
20. What was mercantilism? Control trade to make more money
21. What did the English Bill of Rights do? Limited rights of king
22. What Political idea shaped the English Bill of Rights? Glorious Revolution
23. What caused the English monarchs to lose power? English Bill of RIghts
24. How did slaves help the economy in the middle colonies? Craftsmen
25. Why did Virginia decide to use slave labor? Not enough indentured servants
26. How did Britain enforce the stamp act? Sent customs officials
27. What is a staple crop and where were they grown? – food and middle colonies
28. What were the disadvantages of being a farmer in New England? Rocky soil – not
able to grow cash crops
29. Why did people in New England want their children educated? Ability to read
30. What is another name of the Coercive Acts? Intolerable Act
31. What was the Boston Tea Party? – protest of tea act – threw tea into Boston
32. Why did parliament get rid of the Townshend Acts? Ease tensions between
Britain and America
33. How did Lord North react to the Boston Tea Party? He was furious
34. Describe the Intolerable Act. Closed Boston harbor, cancelled charter, Quebec
Act, Quartering Act, General Thomas Gage is now governor
35. Who started the colony of Pennsylvania? William Penn
36. Define or identify
James Otis – No Taxation without representation
Boston Tea Party - protest of tea act – threw tea into Boston Harbor
Boston massacre – 5 colonists died when soldiers fired into crowd
Sugar Act – tax on sugar and mollassas
Stamp Act – tax on paper goods
Samuel Adams – started Sons of Liberty
Declaratory Act- parliament makes all laws in colonies
Townshend Act – tax on glass, lead and paint
Tea Act – tax on tea
Intolerable Act - Closed Boston harbor, cancelled charter, Quebec Act,
Quartering Act, General Thomas Gage is now governor