Nombre y Apellido_____________________________ Color

Nombre y Apellido_____________________________ Color __________________________
Examen Oral Benchmark de Capítulos 2AB
¡Ay Dios mío! Our Spanish class is having a terrible mouse problem! Two new students ask about each other, their
classes and where some mice are hiding in the classroom. You will be Person B, but you won’t know which scenario to
describe until the day of the oral exam. I will give you a random listing of the classroom objects, in Spanish, to refer to on
a piece of paper.
A ¡Hola! ¿Quién eres tú? ¿Cómo estás tú?
B Yo soy __________. Yo estoy _________. ¿Y tú?
A Yo soy __________. Yo estoy _________.
¿Estudias tú mucho para la clase de español?
B Sí, yo / No, yo no estudio mucho.
A ¿Trabajan Uds. mucho en la clase?
B Sí, nosotros / No, nosotros no trabajamos mucho.
Es una clase fácil/difícil.
A ¿Hay un ratón en tu sala de clases? ¿Dónde está?
B ¡Sí! ¡Yo lo veo! Está I - II - III - IV – V – VI.
está encima de la
mesa y delante
de la ventana.
está debajo de la
bandera y detrás
del basurero.
está delante de la
puerta y al lado
de la mochila.
está encima del
escritorio y al lado
de la computadora
está debajo del
reloj y detrás de
la silla
está entre el
cartel y el
Guía de Evaluación para el Examen Oral Benchmark de Capítulos 2AB
1st Try +1pt
2nd Try -10pts
3rd Try -20pts
Comunicación Total
Initial Stages
Approaching the Standard
You are able express some
ideas, but your listener would
likely get confused.
 You are required to make up
the test.
You can express many key ideas but make a
number of misstatements or omissions that
would likely confuse the listener. You might be
able to clarify your ideas with some prompting.
 It is highly recommended that you make up
the test.
Ways you can improve your communication of ideas:
Meeting the Standard
Exceeding the Standard
You are able to express the core meaning
of nearly everything you want to say, maybe
with some misstatements or omissions. You
might be able to clarify your ideas with
some prompting.
You are able to precisely express
what you want to say, maybe making
very minor misstatements or
 Make sure you spend more time memorizing your dialogue, memorizing your vocabulary in general, and that you are always participating fully in class and completing
all HW assignments..
Approaching the Standard
Initial Stages
Your grammar is quite
Your grammar is underdeveloped.
underdeveloped. You don’t yet
You do demonstrate some awareness of
demonstrate awarenesss of correct
correct word/phrase forms and order,
word/phrase forms or order.
but the errors frequently get in the way
Significant errors get in the way of
of being understood.
being understood.
Ways you can improve your grammar? (2AB) Make sure:
your adjectives always match/agree with the nouns they modify:
your descriptive adjectives go after the nouns they modify:
your verb’s conjugation or form is always correct.
you always put “no/don’t” before the verb.
you remember to say the words “am/is/are” when needed:
you are using the correct personal pronoun/adjective:
to pay attention to words that are especially confusing
between English and Spanish:
 Make sure you pay attention to the smaller details in grammar:
 Your dialogue was incomplete, so key grammar could not be assessed.
Meeting the Standard
Exceeding the Standard
Your grammar is fair, but inconsistent.
You likely demonstrate a general
awareness of patterns in word forms and
order, but there are errors. Your errors
seldom get in the way of being understood.
Your grammar is excellent, with few
or no errors. Your errors do not get in
the way of being understood.
el/un chico ordenado, la/una chica floja
Él es un chico trabajador. Ella es una chica simpática.
yo soy, tú eres, él/ella es; yo estudio, tú estudias, nosotros trabajamos
Ella no es alta, Yo no soy atrevido.
yo soy reservado, tú eres talentoso, ella es buena
me/yo/mi/mí, tú/te/ti/tu, ella/él/Ud./le/se/su, nosotros/as, Uds., ellos/ellas
es vs. está vs. hay; soy vs. estoy; Qué vs. Cómo vs. Cuál
en vs. a; muy vs. mucho; etc.
A Rosa le gusta leer, etc.; de + el = del; arte es más fácil que el inglés
Forma de Hablar y Pronunciación (Speech and Pronunciation)
Initial Stages
Weak speech hinders
 Pronunciation is difficult to
 Severly halting speech
 Voice difficult to hear
Fair, inconsistent speech somewhat
hinders communication.
 A number of mistakes in pronunciation
likely interfere with communication.
 Speaks with halting speech
 Voice frequently difficult to hear
Ways you can improve your pronunciation:
Approaching the Standard
“h” is always silent (not pronounced)
“ll” should be pronounced like “y”
“z” should be pronounced like “s”
pronounce crisp vowels: a,e,i,o,u
any “ge/gi” should be a soft “g” (like English “h”)
Meeting the Standard
Good speech supports communication
 Some minor mistakes in pronunciation,
which don’t interfere with
 Speaks at a mostly natural pace
 Voice can usually be heard from back
of classroom
Exceeding the Standard
Excellent speech in entire group
enhances communication
 Group has near-native pronunciation
 Group speaks at a smooth, natural
pace with expressive tone or actions.
 Voices can always be heard from
back of classroom