Cornerstones Long Term Curriculum Plan Class One CYCLE A Term 1 Term 2 EYFS: Why do you love me so much? Can I have a dog yet? SUBJECT FOCUS: SCIENCE Splendid Skies (Y1) Memorable Experience: Provocation: Love to read links: Love to Investigate: English: Art and Design: Computing: D & T: Geography: History: Mathematics: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: Term 3 EYFS: Why do leaves go crispy? How many colours in the rainbow? SUBJECT FOCUS: GEOGRAPHY Bright Lights, Big City (Y1) Memorable Experience: Provocation: Love to read links: Love to Investigate: English: Art and Design: Computing: D & T: Geography: History: Mathematics: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: Term 4 Nature’s treasure walk Balloon Launch The North Wind Doth Blow How big is a raindrop? How wild is the wind? Recounts: Poetry; Lists and Instructions; Postcards; Non-Chronological Reports Collage and Painting Discrete Discrete Seasonal and Daily Weather Patterns Significant Individuals – Sir Francis Beaufort Measurement Weather sounds and songs Dance Discrete Seasonal Changes EYFS: How does that building stay up? Paws, Claws and Whiskers (Y1) SUBJECT FOCUS: Memorable Experience: Provocation: Love to read links: Love to Investigate: English: Art and Design: Computing: D & T: Visit London or another city TBC Oranges and Lemons; Dick Whittington Coming Soon Character Study, Adventure narrative; Diary; email; labels and leaflets Printmaking – Iconic Images (London Buses, Union Jack and Big Ben) Logical Reasoning/Debug: Algorithms; Programmes and E-Safety Design and make vehicles and mechanisms Capital cities of the UK (London Focus) Significant Historical Events (Fire of London, Royal Wedding) Position and Direction; Sequencing events and Telling the Time Traditional Songs and Nursery Rhymes Simple Orienteering using maps and landmarks Travel Safety Identifying and Use of Everyday Materials; comparing the properties of everyday materials; working scientifically. ART & DESIGN Visit from an Animal Owner/ Visit to a Zoo / Local Wildlife Park / Animal Rescue Centre Pet Detectives Cats Sleep Anywhere – Eleanor Farjeon: Just So Stories Coming Soon Recounts: Fables; Booklets and Lists; Instructions; Nursery Rhymes and Poems Talking about Art; Drawing, Collage, Models Making; Painting; Sculpture; Animal Masks and Products. Retrieving Images; Photography; Using presentation software Designing Labels: Designing and Making animal enclosures Geography: Term 5 EYFS: Can we explore it? Superheroes (Y1) History: Mathematics: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: Using and Making Maps; Describing Physical Features Discrete Discrete Animal Songs Animal movement and dance Caring for animals Animals (including humans); working scientifically SUBJECT FOCUS: PE Memorable Experience: Provocation: Love to read links: Love to Investigate: English: Superhero Hunt in the School Grounds Superhero Recue Superkid – Claire Freedman Coming Soon Descriptive Sentences; Comic Strips; narrative; Fact Files; Labels and Captions. Drawing and modelling superheroes Downloading photographs and images; E-Safety; Animation Superfoods; Mask-making Discrete Historical heroes/Heroines Discrete Creating digital superhero sounds Superhero action movements; dance; agility and strength Recognising good and bad choices; keeping safe; making a positive contribution Human Body – parts and senses; eating healthy; working scientifically Art and Design: Computing: D & T: Geography: History: Mathematics: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: Term 6 EYFS: Am I the fastest? The Enchanted Woodland (Y1) SUBJECT FOCUS: SCIENCE Memorable Experience: Provocation: Love to read links: Love to Investigate: English: Geography: History: Mathematics: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: A walk in local woodland Woodland Party Trees – Sarah Coleridge; Hansel and Gretel Coming Soon Recounts; Information Books and letters; Lists and Instructions; Narrative; Recounts and Instructions Drawing; working with natural materials Sending an Email Building Structures; Making party food; Using natural materials Making Maps; following directions Discrete Measuring Length and Height; Using money Discrete Team Games Looking after the environment; feeling positive Plants and animals; identifying and classifying SUBJECT FOCUS: HISTORY Memorable Experience: Provocation: Love to read links: Love to Investigate: English: Teddy Bear’s Picnic Memory Box Hush little baby Coming Soon Recounts; Diary Writing; Rhymes and Mnemonics; Descriptions; Information Books Drawing and Painting; Collage; Family Portraits Discrete Making Picnic Food; Celebration cards; Making a memory box Fieldwork in the local area Changes within local memory Number and Shape patterns; Using calendars Art and Design: Computing: D & T: EYFS: Did dragons exist? CYCLE B Term 1 Memory Box (Y1) Art and Design: Computing: D & T: Geography: History: Mathematics: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: Term 2 EYFS: Why can’t I have chocolate for breakfast? SUBJECT FOCUS: Moon Zoom (Y1) Memorable Experience: Provocation: Love to read links: Love to Investigate: English: Art and Design: Computing: D & T: Geography: History: Mathematics: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: Term 3 Term 4 EYFS: What is a shadow? What is a reflection? EYFS: Why is water wet? Where does snow go? SUBJECT FOCUS: Dinosaur Planet (Y1) Memorable Experience: Provocation: Love to read links: Love to Investigate: English: Art and Design: Computing: D & T: Geography: History: Mathematics: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: Term 5 Term 6 EYFS: Which was the biggest dinosaur? EYFS: Are eggs alive? Why do spiders eat flies? SUBJECT FOCUS: Rio de Vida (Y1) Memorable Experience: Provocation: Love to read links: Love to Investigate: English: Art and Design: Computing: D & T: Geography: History: Mathematics: Music: Songs that help us remember; writing a class song Dance sequences; traditional games Caring for babies and toddlers; sharing memories; playing and working cooperatively; feeling positive Animals, including humans – parts and senses; working scientifically D&T Alien Spacecraft Landing in the School Grounds Finding the Alien Twinkle. Twinkle little star Coming Soon Chronological Report; Poster, Advert; Biography; Narrative; Science Fiction Fantasy drawings aliens Programming a spacecraft Design and make spacecraft mechanisms Satellite images Changes with living memory; space 3D shapes Space sounds Dance Aspirations and setting goals Properties of everyday materials; working scientifically HISTORY Visit a natural history museum/dinosaur hunt Dinosaur Museum Where The Wild Things Are – Maurice Sendak; Bumpus Jumpus Dinosaurumpus – Tony Mitton & Guy Parker Rees Whose poo? Fact files; Poetry and Riddles; Non-chronological reports; Narrative; Writing for different purposes Large and small scale modelling Programming a floor robot; Stop-Frame animation Designing and Making Locating continents and oceans Significant Individuals – Mary Anning Measurement Percussion Dance; Tactical games Discrete Plants and Animals MUSIC Brazilian Carnival Day in School/ Visit a Local Celebration Class Carnival Brazilian Myths and Legends Coming Soon Poetry; Myths and Legends; Information Texts; Instructions; Postcards Carnival Masks and Headdresses; Collage Digital Animations Carnival Instruments; Flag Making; Recipes Locating Countries and Cities; Comparing Areas of UK with Rio Discrete Recognising 2D shapes Carnival Music; Percussion; Song Lyrics PE: PSHE: Science: Dance; Football Athletics Special Times; Understanding Differences; What is Fair and Unfair? Discrete Class Two CYCLE A Term 1 Term 2 Scrumdiddlyumptious (Y3) Street Detectives (Y2) SUBJECT FOCUS: D&T Memorable Experience: Provocation: Love to read links: Love to Investigate: English: Art and Design: Computing: D & T: Geography: History: Mathematics: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: Visit a local shop or supermarket Invent a smoothie Charlie and the chocolate factory – Roald Dahl Can you see the C? How much H2O is hidden? Recounts; recipes and instructions; nonsense poetry; non-chronological reports; adverts Sculpture Web search; emails Cooking and nutrition Food miles and fair trade Significant individuals – James Lind Measures and Money Vegetable Orchestra Exercise Discrete Nutrition SUBJECT FOCUS: HISTORY Memorable Experience: Provocation: Love to read links: Love to Investigate: English: Walk around the local community Plan to improve the local area Old Mother Hubbard – Sarah Catherine Martin Coming Soon Recounts and captions; nursery rhymes; instructions; adverts; diary writing Famous local artists; drawing, painting or collaging views from the local area Photo stories; algorithms Selecting tools and materials; baking; sign making; designing buildings Fieldwork in the local area; human and physical features; using and making maps with keys; looking at aerial images Changes within living memory; significant people, places and events in local area Time; data handling discrete Keeping fit Belonging to a community; improving the local area Identifying and comparing everyday materials; identifying plants in the local area Art and Design: Computing: D & T: Geography: History: Mathematics: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: Term 3 Heroes and Villains (Y3) SUBJECT FOCUS: MUSIC Memorable Experience: Provocation: Love to read links: Art and Design: Computing: D & T: Geography: History: Mathematics: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: TBC Theme tune for a hero 101 Dalmatians – Dodie Smith; The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe – C.S. Lewis Coming Soon Biography; narrative dialogue; comic strips; fairy tales; riddles Big art sculpture Web searches; multimedia presentations Puppet making/flip books Discrete Significant individuals Measurement History of music; musical notation Discrete Right and wrong Discrete SUBJECT FOCUS: SCIENCE Love to Investigate: English: Term 4 The Scented Garden (Y2) Memorable Experience: Provocation: Love to read links: Love to Investigate: History: Mathematics: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: Visit to a garden centre or florist Make a fragranced gift Mary, Mary; Jack and the Beanstalk What’s on your willies; How does your garden grow? Recounts; non-chronological reports; instructions; narratives; information books Observational drawing; sculpture; flower pressing Presenting information Making fragrant products Plants in the local environment; plants of the world Discrete Measurement Action rhymes Discrete Discrete Plants SUBJECT FOCUS: GEOGRAPHY Memorable Experience: Provocation: Love to read links: Love to Investigate: English: History: Mathematics: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: Visit a local stream or river River pollution in the local area Swallows and Amazons - Arthur Ransome Can you make a soil sausage? Newspaper reports; poetry; journals; debate; instructions Painting Online research and communication Mechanical systems; structures Using maps; fieldwork; water cycle; human and physical features; rivers of the worlds; counties and cities of the UK Discrete Using data measuring length and water speed Discrete Team challenges Expressing opinions; feeling positive Soil; aquatic plants; working scientifically SUBJECT FOCUS: PE Memorable Experience: Visit to a soft play area/group play session with a local sports team Organise a sports fun day for grown ups Skipping rhymes ; The Princess and the Frog Do all balls bounce? Recounts; Information books; instructions; narratives; poetry Sculpture Digital Photography Materials and mechanisms Discrete Significant individuals – sporting heroes Measurement; properties of shapes Chants and rhymes Throwing and catching Teamwork; health and wellbeing Everyday materials; Forces; the importance of exercise English: Art and Design: Computing: D & T: Geography: Term 5 Flow (Y3) Art and Design: Computing: D & T: Geography: Term 6 Bounce (Y2) Provocation: Love to read links: Love to Investigate: English: Art and Design: Computing: D & T: Geography: History: Mathematics: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: CYCLE B Term 1 Towers, Tunnels and Turrets (Y2) SUBJECT FOCUS: D&T Memorable Experience: Provocation: Love to read links: Love to Investigate: English: Visit a local castle Make a fortress for the Three Little Pigs London Bridge; Rapunzel Coming Soon Recounts; Reported Speech; Narrative; Letters; Posters Sculpture using natural materials Drawing software Art and Design: Computing: D & T: Geography: History: Mathematics: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: Term 2 Mighty Metals (Y3) SUBJECT FOCUS: SCIENCE Memorable Experience: Provocation: Love to read links: Love to Investigate: English: Geography: History: Mathematics: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: Visit a local playground A friend for the Iron Man The Iron Man – Ted Hughes How mighty are your magnets? Non-chronological reports; explanations; instructions; list poetry; recounts Embossed pattern and pictures; making jewellery Creating spreadsheets; using presentation software Product evaluation; using research to inform design; selecting materials; making vehicles; building an iron man; using electrical circuits Discrete Discrete Measuring length Performing using metal objects for instruments Using PE equipment to explore forces Discrete Forces and magnets; working scientifically SUBJECT FOCUS: GEOGRAPHY Memorable Experience: Mathematics: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: Visit a marina/ boat yard / RNLI station / boating lake Find pirate treasure The Owl and the Pussycat; Sinbad the Sailor Coming Soon Narrative; information books; descriptions; poetry; postcards Observational drawing; printing Programming; using presentation software Mechanisms; structures Using and making maps; location knowledge; using and giving directions Significant historical people – Captain James Cook, Grace Darling; Famous Pirates Mass; Position; Direction and movement Sea shanties Discrete Feeling positive about themselves Everyday materials; working scientifically SUBJECT FOCUS: HISTORY Memorable Experience: Provocation: Love to read links: Love to Investigate: English: TBC TBC Stig of the Dump – Clive King Coming Soon Chronological reports, fact files; latters; adventure narrative, information books; labels Patterns and outdoor art Discrete Using and making tools Early settlements and civilisations Stone age to the iron age Discrete Discrete Improving performance: running, jumping and throwing Art and Design: Computing: D & T: Term 3 Land Army! (Y2) Provocation: Love to read links: Love to Investigate: English: Art and Design: Computing: D & T: Geography: History: Term 4 Tribal Tales (Y3) Model making; structures; towers, bridges and tunnels Towers and Tunnels around the world; amazing structures Castles and castle life Measures (height) Discrete Balance and travel; using equipment Dilemmas Tunnelling animals and their habitats; everyday materials; working scientifically Art and Design: Computing: D & T: Geography: History: Mathematics: Music: PE: Term 5 Urban Pioneers (Y3) PSHE: Science: Lives of people in different times Fossils and bones; plants to eat SUBJECT FOCUS: ART & DESIGN Memorable Experience: Provocation: Love to read links: Visit the local city or town on public transport Urban art piece Emil and the Detectives – Erich Kastner; The Family from One End Street – Eve Garnett Coming Soon Leaflets; Free Verse Poetry; Autobiography; Email; Signs and Slogans Photography; Graffiti Art; Observational Drawing Digital Maps; Programming; Audio Recording; Using Search Engines Effectively Discrete Geographical skills and fieldwork A local historical study Data handling Discrete Discrete Being safe; presenting own opinions Light and Dark; Sources and Reflectors; Shadows; Sun Safety; Working Scientifically Love to Investigate: English: Art and Design: Computing: D & T: Geography: History: Mathematics: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: Term 6 Beachcombers (Y2) SUBJECT FOCUS: SCIENCE Memorable Experience: Provocation: Love to read links: Love to Investigate: English: Visit a beach TBC She Sells Sea Shells Coming Soon Explanatory texts; labels; narrative; poetry; postcards Sculpture, Printmaking and drawing Real life uses of technology Fishing nets and crab pots Coastal region of the UK and beyond / basic coastal vocabulary / weather Discrete Data and statistics /money Sounds of the sea composition Swimming; team games Caring for the environment Sea and coastal animals; living things in their habitats; working scientifically Art and Design: Computing: D & T: Geography: History: Mathematics: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: CYCLE C Term 1 Term 2 Muck, Mess and Mixtures (Y2) Gods and Mortals ( Y3) SUBJECT FOCUS: ART & DESIGN Memorable Experience: Provocation: Love to read links: Love to Investigate: English: Art and Design: Computing: D & T: Geography: History: Mathematics: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: Messy Mixtures Day TBC Pop goes the Weasel; The Gingerbread Man Coming Soon Labels, Leaflets; narratives, play scripts; poetry Mixed Media and Messy Art Create, Organise and Store Food (Baking and Cooking); Food Origins Discrete Famous Artists Measures (Volume and Capacity); 3D shapes Mixed sounds Composition Dance Working Together Everyday Materials; Working Scientifically SUBJECT FOCUS: HISTORY Memorable Experience: Provocation: Love to read links: Meet Zeus Pandora’s Box Greek Myths and Legends; Wishful Thinking – Ali Sparks Coming Soon Character Profiles; Diary Writing; Instructions and Commands; Myths and Legends; Character Love to Investigate: English: History: Mathematics: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: Descriptions 3D Sculpture; Greek Art and Design Using Presentation Software Moving parts; Model making Ancient and modern da Greece; Geographical Features; Using Maps Ancient Greece Positional and Directional Language Discrete Athletics; Battle formation; Dance Resolving Differences Discrete SUBJECT FOCUS: MUSIC Memorable Experience: Provocation: Love to read links: Love to Investigate: English: Art and Design: Computing: D & T: Geography: History: Mathematics: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: Watch a brass/ Military band TBC This old Man; The Tinder Box Coming Soon Instructions, Labels and captions; Newspaper Reports; Narrative Lyrics; Invitations Large-Scale Painting Audio Recording Making Percussion Instruments Making Sketch Maps Discrete Songs to recall number facts Percussion, Listening, Improvising, Using Voices Dance Discrete Sound; Working Scientifically SUBJECT FOCUS: SCIENCE Memorable Experience: Provocation: Love to read links: Love to Investigate: English: TBC TBC The Sheep Pig – Dick King-Smith Coming Soon Dilemma Stories; Posters; Haiku, Speeches; Reports Textiles Programming Food (Grown, Reared, Caught or Processed) Geographical similarities and differences Discrete Discrete Composition; Musical notation Defend and Attack: Competitive Games Making Choices Skeletal System; Muscles; Need for Good Nutrition; Working Scientifically Art and Design: Computing: D & T: Geography: Term 3 Term 4 Beat Band Boogie! (Y2) Predator! (Y3) Art and Design: Computing: D & T: Geography: History: Mathematics: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: Term 5 Tremors (Y3) SUBJECT FOCUS: GEOGRAPHY Memorable Experience: Provocation: Love to read links: Art and Design: Computing: D & T: Geography: History: Mathematics: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: Visit a seashore, riverbed or rocky outcrop Emergency plan for volcano eruption Firework Maker’s Daughter – Philip Pullman; Secrets of Vesuvius – Caroline Lawrence What is Sand? Which Rock Erodes the Most? Recounts; historical narrative; narrative using personification; newspaper reports; poetry Sculpture; Photography Presenting Information Structures Volcanoes and Earthquakes Ancient Rome – Pompeii Discrete Composition Outdoor and Adventure Challenges Topical Issues Rocks SUBJECT FOCUS: SCIENCE Love to Investigate: English: Term 6 Wriggle and Crawl (Y2) Memorable Experience: Provocation: Love to read links: Love to Investigate: English: Art and Design: Computing: D & T: Geography: History: Mathematics: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: Visit a tropical house / Walk in Woodland TBC There was an Old Woman who Swallowed a Fly – Rose Bonne Do Insects have a favourite colour? Do slugs have noses? Comic Strips; Poetry; Chronological Reports; Fact Files; Traditional Tales 3D Textiles Digital Photography and Programming Robotic Animals Moving Models Creatures Fieldwork Extinction Data and Statistics Singing Dance Caring for Creatures Animal Offspring; Basic needs for animals and humans; habitats and micro-habitats; working scientifically. Class Three CYCLE A Term 1 Gallery Rebels (Y6) SUBJECT FOCUS: ART & DESIGN Memorable Experience: Provocation: Love to read links: Art and Design: Computing: D & T: Geography: History: Mathematics: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: Gallery visit Create gallery exhibits Dali and the Path of Dreams – Anna Obiofs; Willy’s Pictures – Anthony Browne What is in the colour green? Research; short narrative; expressionist poetry; surrealist narrative; explanatory text Great artists of the 19th and 20th centuries Collecting, evaluating and presenting information Selecting and using tools and materials Locational knowledge Discrete Discrete Listening, improvising and composing Dance Discrete Light SUBJECT FOCUS: MUSIC Memorable Experience: Provocation: Love to read links: Love to Investigate: Explore a fantasy landscape Create a computer generated fantasy world The Wizard of Earthsea – Ursula K. Le Guin Can you build a jelly tower? Can you separate oil and water? Lyrics; imaginative narrative; surrealist poetry; chronological reports; soliloquy Mixed media Algorithms; fantasy world; animation Fantasy structures Fantasy landscapes Discrete Measures; statistics and data Fantasy sounds Dance and movement patterns Discrete Properties and uses of materials; reversible and irreversible reactions; separating mixtures; working scientifically Love to Investigate: English: Term 2 Alchemy Island (Y5) English: Art and Design: Computing: D & T: Geography: History: Mathematics: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: Term 3 1066 (Y4) SUBJECT FOCUS: HISTORY Memorable Experience: Provocation: Love to read links: Love to Investigate: Meet Harold Godwinson A castle for King William The Striped Ships – Eloise Jarvis McGraw Coming Soon English: Geography: History: Mathematics: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: Job applications; Kennings; Diaries; Playscripts; letters The Bayeux Tapestry; Drawing; Embroidery Searching the Web; Online Maps; Creating Presentations; Creating Presentations Making Norman Helmets; Designing Drawbridges and Castles; Making a Domesday Book Human and physical features in the local area 1066 – the Norman Conquest Data Handling Discrete Target Games; Attacking and defending Games Dealing with conflict Discrete SUBJECT FOCUS: SCIENCE Memorable Experience: Provocation: Love to read links: Art and Design: Computing: D & T: Geography: History: Mathematics: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: Alice in Wonderland Discovery Trail Create a Potion Alice in Wonderland – Lewis Carroll; George’s Marvellous Medicine – Roald Dahl Does it Melt? Labels and Instructions; Letter Writing; Play Scripts; Poetry; Non-Chronological reports Design; Clay Work; Crayon Art; Photography Presenting Information Product Development Discrete Historic Use of potions Measurement Improvising Dance Discrete States of Matter SUBJECT FOCUS: GEOGRAPHY Memorable Experience: Provocation: Love to read links: Love to Investigate: English: TBC TBC The Secret Garden – Frances Hodgson Burnett How strong are snails? Non-Chronological reports; Instructions; Explanations; Narrative; Poetry Botanical Drawing and Painting; Wire Sculpture Using the Web; Word processing Cooking and Nutrition; Making planters; making structures for growing plants Land use; food origin; geographical skills and fieldwork; map work; climate Discrete Recording data; selling produce Discrete Discrete Taking responsibility Plant reproduction and lifecycles; lifecycles of mammals, amphibians, insects and birds; Working scientifically Art and Design: Computing: D & T: Term 4 Potions (Y4) Love to Investigate: English: Term 5 Allotment (Y5) Art and Design: Computing: D & T: Geography: History: Mathematics: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: Term 6 ID (Y6) SUBJECT FOCUS: SCIENCE Memorable Experience: Provocation: Love to read links: Love to Investigate: English: Meet John Doe and Help Build His Identity Forensic Crime Scene Bill’s New Frock – Anne fine Are we 50% banana? Descriptions/Narrative; Non-Chronological Reports; Adverts; Facts and Opinions/Tributes; Calligrams Portraiture and Figurines Select, Use and Combine a variety of software; Photo stories; E-safety Using tools; Design; Fashion and Clothing Local Community/Where I live Social Reformers Art and Design: Computing: D & T: Geography: History: Mathematics: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: Ratio and Percentages; Data and Statistics Appraising; Listening to Voices Physical Challenges Identity, personal views and opinions; My Place; Recognising Strengths Classification; Families and Inheritance; Working Scientifically CYCLE B Term 1 Term 2 Frozen Kingdom (Y6) Time Traveller (Y5) SUBJECT FOCUS: GEOGRAPHY Memorable Experience: Provocation: Love to read links: Love to Investigate: English: Art and Design: Computing: D & T: Geography: History: Mathematics: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: Make a giant iceberg! Polar expedition rescue mission The Call of the Wild – Jack London What is Blubber For? Can we Slow Cooling Down? Chronological Report; Short Narrative; Diaries; Haiku Poetry; Letter Writing Photography; Painting; Block Printing Collecting, Evaluating and presenting Information Building an igloo Features of the Polar regions Emigration and Exploration in the early 1900s Measurement (Temperature); Negative Numbers Soundscapes Outdoor Adventure; Orienteering Care of the environment Living things and their habitats SUBJECT FOCUS: ART & DESIGN Memorable Experience: Provocation: Love to read links: Interview people of different generations Build a time machine! Tom’s Midnight Garden – Phillipa Pearce; Frozen in Time – Ali Sparkes Coming Soon Character study; narrative – Adventure; leaflets; free verse poetry; quotations and poems Photography; great artists – Andy Warhol, Salvador Dali; Collage Digital Portraits; Data Logging; Online Research Selecting Materials Changes in the local community Changes over the last century Time; Interpreting Data Discrete Timing Physical Activity Body Changes Approaching Puberty; Meeting and Talking with People; reflecting on spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues; setting personal targets; feeling positive Animals Including humans); living things and their habitats; working scientifically Love to Investigate: English: Art and Design: Computing: D & T: Geography: History: Mathematics: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: Term 3 Term 4 Playlist (Y4) Revolution (Y6) SUBJECT FOCUS: MUSIC Memorable Experience: Provocation: Love to read links: Love to Investigate: English: Art and Design: Computing: D & T: Geography: History: Mathematics: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: Live musical performance Compete in Class Factor TBC What can you hear? Poetry; Short Narrative/Silent Movies; Song Lyrics; Posters; Information Leaflets Music-inspired art Digital recordings Making instruments Location of countries Discrete Discrete Music of the 20th century Dance Discrete Sound SUBJECT FOCUS: HISTORY Memorable Experience: Provocation: Love to read links: Art and Design: Computing: D & T: Geography: History: Mathematics: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: TBC TBC Black Beauty – Anna Sewell; A Christmas Carol – Charles Dickens; Wolves of Willoughby Chase – Joan Aiken Coming Soon Biography; Historical Fiction; Newspaper reports; Limericks; Recounts Drawing and printmaking Research and retrieve information Pattern and textiles Development of UK industry Queen Victoria; Victorian Life Patterns Victorian Songs and Rhymes Discrete Appreciating life in other times; child labour Discrete SUBJECT FOCUS: SCIENCE Memorable Experience: Provocation: Art and Design: Computing: D & T: Geography: History: Mathematics: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: Visit a butterfly, insect or tropical house Design a super-minibeast and present at a scientific convention Charlotte’s Web – E.B White Do worms have a favourite soil? Non-chronological reports; instructions and advertisements; comic strips; limericks and kennings; fantasy narrative Drawing; perspectives Research and presentation Model making Local fieldwork; contrasting locations Discrete Measurement; Statistics Discrete Discrete Debating ethical issues Living things and their habitats SUBJECT FOCUS: ART & DESIGN Memorable Experience: Provocation: Love to read links: Aquarium visit Bioluminescence Night time Gallery Treasure Island – Robert Louis Stevenson, Pirates ‘n’ Pistols – Chris Mould Coming Soon Biography: Dilemma Stories; Personification; Persuasive Texts and Adverts Watercolours, 3D sculpture, drawing and painting, printmaking Programming Submarines; Making Working Models Oceans of the World Ocean Explorers Data, Statistics, Volume and Capacity Discrete Discrete Conservation Food chains, Aquatic Habitats, Electrical circuits, Working Scientifically Love to Investigate: English: Term 5 Beast Creator (Y5) Love to read links: Love to Investigate: English: Term 6 Blue Abyss (Y4) Love to Investigate: English: Art and Design: Computing: D & T: Geography: History: Mathematics: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: CYCLE C Term 1 A Child’s War (Y6) SUBJECT FOCUS: HISTORY Memorable Experience: Provocation: Love to read links: Become an evacuee Organise a street party celebration Goodnight Mr Tom – Michelle Magorian; The Silver Sword – Ian Serrailler Coming Soon Letters; Diary Writing; Persuasive Writing; Narrative Dialogue; Speeches Love to Investigate: English: Art and Design: Computing: Term 2 Burps, Bottoms and Bile (Y4) D & T: Geography: History: Mathematics: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: Discrete Using search technologies; using presentation software Following Recipes; Building Structures Human Geography; cities of the UK The Second World War Discrete Listening, Performing and composing Games; Dance Empathising with people in different times Discrete SUBJECT FOCUS: SCIENCE Memorable Experience: Provocation: Love to read links: Love to Investigate: English: Visit a local dentist Make a model of the digestive system TBC Why do we use toothpaste? Fact files; explanatory texts using idioms; fantasy narrative; slogans; persuasive texts Discrete Video; algorithms; digital images Healthy foods; textiles; working models Discrete Discrete Weight; Measures, Money Composing Lyrics Discrete Healthy Bodies Teeth Types; Tooth Decay and Hygiene; The digestive system; working scientifically Art and Design: Computing: D & T: Geography: History: Mathematics: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: Term 3 Term 4 Hola Mexico! (Y6) Road Trip USA! (Y4) SUBJECT FOCUS: MUSIC Memorable Experience: Provocation: Love to read links: Love to Investigate: English: Art and Design: Computing: D & T: Geography: History: Mathematics: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: Mexican Party Mayan Festival Holes – Louis Sacher Coming Soon Invitations; postcards; Instructions; Myths and Legends; Poetry Sculpture, Mayan American Art; Carving Online research; digital presentations Food of Mexico Human and Physical Geography of Mexico Ancient Mayan Civilisation Discrete Mexican Music Mexican Dance Discrete Light and Shadows SUBJECT FOCUS: GEOGRAPHY Memorable Experience: Provocation: Love to read links: Love to Investigate: English: TBC TBC The Indian in the Cupboard – Lynne Reid Banks Coming Soon Postcards; Narrative Adventures; Myths and Legends; Email; Poetry Native American textile weaving/printmaking Digital Mapping and GPS Travel Equipment; Electrical models and moving parts USA Native Americans Position and Direction coordinates Challenging stereotypes and understanding difference Electrical appliances, simple circuits; conductors and insulators; working scientifically Art and Design: Computing: D & T: Geography: History: Mathematics: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: Term 5 Off with her Head! (Y5) SUBJECT FOCUS: HISTORY Memorable Experience: Provocation: Love to read links: Love to Investigate: English: Meet Elizabeth I The Trial of Anne Boleyn At the House of the Magician – Mary Hooper Coming Soon Biographies; Poetry and riddles; News reports; Persuasive Letters; Dialogue Portraits; Sketching Tudor Fashions, 3D Modelling Research; Data Handling; presentation Discrete Historic Maps The Tudors Discrete Tudor Music; Composition Tudor Dance Rules and consequence Discrete Art and Design: Computing: D & T: Geography: History: Mathematics: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: Term 6 Peasants, Princes & Pestilence SUBJECT FOCUS: Memorable Experience: (Y5) D & T: Geography: History: Mathematics: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: Meet the Character ‘Pestilence’ Take action to prevent a new Plague Outbreak Kiss of Death – Malcolm Rose; Titanic 2020 – Colin Bateman; At the Sign of the Sugared Plum – Mary Hooper How Clean are your Hands? What is the lifecycle of a mealworm? Narrative using personification; journals; English poetry; persuasive speech; letters Discrete Collecting, Evaluating and Presenting Data and information Sketch Books; Printmaking; Historical Recipes Using Maps 14th century England Position and direction Composing and Singing Dance; Historical Games; Battle Re-enactment Discrete Working scientifically; Living things SUBJECT FOCUS: SCIENCE Memorable Experience: Provocation: Love to read links: Mathematics: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: Visit an Observatory or Planetarium Design and Launch a Rocket Northern Lights – Philip Pullman; Cosmic – Frank Cottrell Boyce; Alone on a Wide, Wide Sea – Michael Morpurgo Coming Soon Mnemonics; Myths and Legends; Free Verse Poetry; Newspaper reports; Science Fiction/Graphic Narrative Printing; Design Programming; Stop-frame Animation Selecting materials; Design research; Structures; Evaluation Locating Physical Features Significant Individuals – Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton; 1960s Space Race Problem Solving Using Measures Space-Inspired Music and Lyrics Dance Discrete Earth and Space; Forces; Working Scientifically SUBJECT FOCUS: GEOGRAPHY Memorable Experience: Provocation: Love to read links: Love to Investigate: English: Visit a local hill or moor Plan a Mountaineering Holiday The Hobbit – J.R.R Tolkien Coming Soon Recounts and non-chronological reports; Calligrams; Explanations; Leaflets; narrative Provocation: Love to read links: Love to Investigate: English: Art and Design: Computing: Term 1 Stargazers (Y5) Love to Investigate: English: Art and Design: Computing: D & T: Geography: History: Term 2 Misty Mountain Sierra (Y4) HISTORY Art and Design: Computing: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: Clay Modelling; Weaving Satellite Mapping; Using GPS Devices; 2D Animation; Online Research Discrete Using maps; Human and Physical Geography Discrete Presenting Data; Converting Between Units of Measure Writing Song Lyrics Orienteering Facing new challenges; Mountain Safety States of Matter; Working Scientifically SUBJECT FOCUS: COMPUTING Memorable Experience: Provocation: Love to read links: Love to Investigate: English: TBC TBC Stormbreaker – Anthony Horowitz Coming Soon Science-Fiction Narrative; Instructions; Recount; Email Digital Art Programming Design; Write and Debug Programmes Robotics China; Development of Industry History of the World Wide Web Discrete Sound: Digital Technologies; Recordings Robotics; Dance The future; My future How Light travels; shadows; electrical circuits; using circuit symbols; working scientifically D & T: Geography: History: Mathematics: Term 3 Tomorrow’s World (Y6) Art and Design: Computing: D & T: Geography: History: Mathematics: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: Term 4 I am Warrior! (Y4) SUBJECT FOCUS: HISTORY Memorable Experience: Provocation: Love to read links: Love to Investigate: English: History: Mathematics: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: Battle Re-enactment Become a Roman Soldier Roman Myths and Legends Coming Soon Soliloquies; Historical Narrative; Play Scripts; Instructions, Invitations and Menus; Letters Drawing; Sculpture; Mosaic, Jewellery Making Discrete Shields and Helmets; Roman Food; Roman Design Comparing Britain and Italy; Using Maps; Locational Knowledge; Human and Physical Geography The Roman Empire and its Impact on Britain Reading Roman Numerals Discrete Competitive Games; Building Strength and Agility Recognising Achievements Discrete SUBJECT FOCUS: SCIENCE Memorable Experience: Provocation: Love to read links: Love to Investigate: English: Specimen Observations TBC Lost Worlds – Andrew Lane, Sky Hawk – Gill Lewis Coming Soon Biography; Information Books; Labels and leaflets; Narrative Dialogue; Non-chronological reports; Myths and Legends Pattern Printmaking; Natural Forms Algorithms Discrete Islands of the World Darwin: A significant Turning Point in British History Data and Statistics Discrete Discrete Art and Design: Computing: D & T: Geography: Term 5 Darwin’s Delights (Y6) Art and Design: Computing: D & T: Geography: History: Mathematics: Music: PE: Term 6 Pharaohs (Y5) PSHE: Science: Evolution Issues Evidence from Fossils; Inheritance; Evolution of Species; Working Scientifically SUBJECT FOCUS: HISTORY Memorable Experience: Provocation: Love to read links: Love to Investigate: English: Mathematics: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: TBC TBC Stories from Egyptian Culture Coming Soon Play Scripts; Mystery Narrative; Fact-files; Historical Fiction; Explanatory Texts Decorative Art; Headdresses; Jewellery; Papyrus and Hieroglyphics; Drawing Artefacts Discrete Models (Pyramid Structures); Canopic Jars Identify key places and cities of Egypt; Farming, Weather, Climate, Landscape Achievements of the earliest civilisations (Egyptian Timeline, Tutankhamun, Archaeological Dig) Discrete Professional Music Discrete Beliefs and Rituals; Values and Customs Discrete SUBJECT FOCUS: SCIENCE Art and Design: Computing: D & T: Geography: History: UNCOVERED UNCOVERED Blood Heart (Y6) Memorable Experience: Provocation: Love to read links: Love to Investigate: English: Art and Design: Computing: D & T: Geography: History: Mathematics: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: UNCOVERED Scream Machine (Y5) Organise a heart awareness day Pig Heart Boy – Malorie Blackman Co Soon Non-chronological reports; shape poetry; slogans and adverts; biography; narrative using personification Modelling and Sculpture; Abstract Art Using Websites – Flow Diagrams Selecting Tools and Equipment; Healthy Recipes; Product Packaging; Working Models Discrete Discrete Pie Charts Pulse; Heart raps Cardiovascular Exercise Harmful Substances; Caring about others Human Circulatory System; Measuring Heart Rate; History of Blood Groups; Lifestyle Effects; Working Scientifically SUBJECT FOCUS: SCIENCE Memorable Experience: Provocation: Love to read links: TBC TBC The Fun Fair of Fear – Ian Ogilvy; The Invention of Hugo Cabaret – Brian Selznick Coming Soon Poetry, Email/letter; Narrative Dialogue; Signage; Persuasive Posters Discrete Design, Write and Debug Programmes Mechanisms (toys with moving parts) World maps History of the fairground Measurement (Interpret data from Speed Distance) Fairground Sounds Distance and Movement Patterns Extreme Emotion Contact and non-contact forces; mechanisms; working scientifically. Love to Investigate: English: Art and Design: Computing: D & T: Geography: History: Mathematics: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: UNCOVERED Traders and Raiders (Y4) SUBJECT FOCUS: HISTORY Memorable Experience: Provocation: Love to read links: Love to Investigate: English: Build a Saxon Boat TBC The Saga of Eric the Viking – Terry Jones Coming Soon Myths and Legends; Chronological Reports; Poetry Vows; Newspaper reports; Character Studies Patterns and Print Making Digital Images; Animation Jewellery and Weapon Making Europe Anglo Saxons and Vikings Shape Pattern; Geometry Traditional Songs Competitive Games War and Conflict Discrete Art and Design: Computing: D & T: Geography: History: Mathematics: Music: PE: PSHE: Science: