lymph nodes...inflammation

the hematopoietic and
lymphoid systems
• blood
• lymphoid organs
– central:
• bone marrow
• thymus
– peripheral:
• lymph nodes
• MALT (Waldeyer´s ring,
• splenic white pulp
• leukaemia = neoplastic cells in peripheral
• lymphoma = tumour of the lymph node
• hemoblastosis
– primary bone marrow
– leukaemia + tumoriform
• lymphomas
– primary lymph nodes
– lymphoma + leukemic phase
bone marrow
bone marrow
• weight cca 1,5kg
• red (hematopoietic) x yellow (adipose)
• structure:
– hematopoietic cells: granulopoiesis
peritrabecular, erytropoiesis a
megakaryocytes intertrabecular and
– corroborative elements: makrophages,
fibroblasts, mastocytes, plazmocytes,
– blood sinuses
– bone trabeculas
diminished hematopoiesis
A) total diminution
aplastic anemia (panmyelophtisis)
• hereditary:
– Fanconi anemia
• AR
• death because of infectious and bleeding
• +/- turn into AML
• acquired:
– infectious, irradiation, use of some drugs
diminished hematopoiesis
B) selective
• one or more of hematopoietic lineages
critical is peripheral blood – marrow could
be hypercelular = „ineffective
1) anemia
• ↓ total circulating RBC volume, +/- ↓Hb
and ↓O2
• hypoxia of tissues = clinical symptoms
anemia...loss of RBC
a) hemorrhage: blood loss anemia
• hypovolemia → normocytic
normochromic anemia → ↑ erytropoiesis
(bone marrow) → reticulocytosis,
hypochromic anemia
b) increased rate of RBC destruction: the
hemolytic anemias
• anemia + reactive hyperplastic
• bm: ↑erytropoiesis/myelopoiesis,
gaucheroid cells
• +/- extramedullary hematopoiesis
• Hb -emia, -uria
I) intrinsic (intracorpuscular)
abnormalities of RBC
 hereditary:
 1) disorders of RBC membrane cytoskeleton
– erythrocytes spheroidal, less deformable and
vulnerable to splenic sequestration and
– AD
– anemia, splenomegalia a hemolytic icterus
RBC enzyme deficiencies
3) disorders of Hb synthesis: hem+globin
deficient globin synthesis: thalassemia
– lack of or decreased synthesis of globin chains:
α chains = α thalassemia
β chains = β thalassemia
– ↓ synthesis of Hb → anemia (microcytic hypochromic)
+ excess of α chains in β thalassemia → insoluble
aggregats → damage RBC membrane → reduction of
plasticity → phagocytosis, inefective erytropoiesis
– heterozygous = thalassemia minor
homozygous = thalassemia major
structurally abnormal globin synthesis
(hemoglobinopathies): sickle cell anemia
– structurally abnormal Hb S – on
deoxygenation polymerization = gelation or
crystallization → microvascular obstruction
→ ischemic tissue damage + ↑ removing in
the spleen = „autosplenectomy“
 acquired
membrane defect: paroxysmal nocturnal
– ↓resistance against C3
– granulocytes and plateles affected too →
hemolysis, +/- trombotic complications and
↑ susceptibility to infections
II) extrinsic (extracorpuscular)
1) antibody mediated
 isohemagglutinins
erythroblastosis fetalis
– Rh (mother Rh-, father and child Rh+)
– antibodies against fetal RBC
– hydrops fetus universalis, mental retardation,
↑extramedulary hematopoiesis
 autoantibodies
– idiopathic (primary), drug associated, SLE
– Coombs tests
mechanical trauma to RBCs
 mikroangiopathic hemolytic anemias
 mechanic traumatization of
– dialysis, valves prosthesis
infections (malaria)
anemia...impaired RBC production
c) diminished erythropoiesis
1) combination with the others in aplastic
2) pure „erytroblastophtisis“
Blackfan-Diamond syndrom
• children
• + thymomas and T-CLL
3) myelophtisic anemia
• extensive replacement of the marrow by
tumours or other lesions → extramedullary
hematopoiesis, leukoerythroblastosis
anemia...impaired RBC production
iron deficiency anemia
most common
mikrocytar hypochromic
↓low intake (diets, malabsorptions) x
↑ demands (pregnancy, infancy, chronic
blood loss)
gross: hypoxic myocardial steatosis
marrow normal or hyperplastic
erythropoiesis, decline in serrum ferritin
and depletion of stainable iron in the bone
anemia...impaired RBC production
megaloblastic anemia
disturbance of proliferation and
differentiation of erythroblasts →
megaloblasts, megakaryocytes
nuclear-cytoplasmic asynchrony
giant metamyelocytes → hypersegmented
ineffektive erythropoiesis
folate (folic acid) deficiency anemia
neurologic abnormalities do not occur
anemia...impaired RBC production
 pernicious anemia
• vitamin B12 (cobalamin) deficiency
• diet, ↓intrinsic faktor (parietal gastric
cells), terminal ileum
• gross: atrophic glossitis, gastritis,
anemia...impaired RBC production
lack of erythropoietin
• kidney failure, parvovirosis (B19)
diminished hematopoiesis...
2) leukopenia
a) lymfopenia
• hereditary immunity disorders,
infections(viral), chronical diseases,
steroid therapy
b) neutropenia (granulocytopenia)
• increased susceptibility to infections
• marrow failure (aplastic anemia) →
• inadequate or ineffective granulopoiesis: certain
drugs: benzen, purin and pyrimidin analogs,
anthracyklin x idiosyncrastic reaction
(chloramfenikol, chlorpromazin, fenylbutazon)
• accelerated removal or destruction of
neutrophils: hypersplenism, certain drugs
• bm: depend on the underlying basis: ↑ or ↓
granulopoiesis and +/- reaction to infection
increased hematopoiesis
• transitory increasing of hematopoiesis
1) ↑erythropoiesis = polycythemia
• increased erythropoietin levels:
– appropriate: lung disease, high-altitude living,
cyanotic heart disease
– inappropriate: erythropoietin-secreting
tumours, „doping“
• bm hypercellular, inappropriate increasing
of erythropoiesis
• no extramedullary hematopoiesis!
increased hematopoiesis
2) leukocytosis
a) lymfocytosis: chronical infections (IM)
b) granulocytosis: acute bacterial infections
(pyogenic organisms), sterile inflammation
(tissue necrosis, burns) → leukemoid
reaction (like in CML)
c) eosinophilia: allergic disorders, parasitic
infestation, drug reaction, certain mlg
3) thrombocytosis: infections, chronical
bleeding, tumours, iron deficiency
myelodysplastic syndromes
• heterogeneous group of disorders
• some evidence of bone marrow failure and
dysplasia in one or more myeloid cell
• may evolve to AML
• chromosomal aberrations
• primary x secondary (radiotherapy,
alkylating agent therapy)
• bm hypercellular, ↑ erythropoiesis,
morphological changes, +/- fibrosis
 refractory anemia (RA)
 refractory anemia with ring sideroblasts
 refractory cytopenia with multilineage
 refractory anemia with excess blasts
 MDS, unclassifiable
chronic myeloproliferative diseases
• CMPDs: clonal haematopoietic stem cell
disorders characterised by proliferation
in the bone marrow of one or more of the
myeloid (i.e. granulocytic, erythroid and
megakaryocytic) lineages
A) chronic myelogenous leukaemia
• most common
• adults, 30-60eyars
• neutrophilic leukocytosis in peripheral
• Ph+ = t(9;22) = Philadelphia chr.
• bm: hypercellular (↑granulopoiesis,
↑megakaryocytes), +/- fibrosis
• extramedullary leukaemic infiltration:
spleen, liver
• → accelerated phase → blast phase
B) polycythaemia vera (polycythaemia
rubra vera, m. Vaquez-Osler)
• ↑ erythropoiesis
• hypertension, thrombosis, haemorrhage
• bm:
– initial phase: hypercellular, with increased
erythropoiesis + extramedullar infiltration →
– +/- blast phase or „spent“ phase
C) essential thrombocythaemia
• proliferation primarly magakaryocytic
• sustained thrombocytosis in the blood
• bm: large, mature megakaryocytes
D) chronic idiopathic myelofibrosis
• proliferation of mainly megakaryocytes,
associated with reactive deposition of
bone marrow connective tissue and
extramedullary hematopoiesis
acute leukaemias
• causes:
– complication of certain chromosomal diseases (m.
Down, Fanconi anemia, Klinefelter´s syndroma...)
– radiation
– chemicals (benzen, alkylating agents, drugs)
– viruses (HTLV-1)
• symptoms: combination of aplastic anemia and
• bm: leukaemic infiltration, +/- extramedullar
infiltration (liver, spleen, kidney, CNS)
• myelosarcoma („chloroma“)
acute myeloid leukaemias...
histological classification
 M0...acute myeloblastic l. minimally
 M1...acute myeloblastic l. without
 M2...acute myeloblastic l. with maturation
 M3...acute promyelocytic l.
 M4...acute myelomonocytic l.
 M5...acute monocytic l.
 M6...acute erythroid l.
 M7...acute megakaryoblastic l.
acute lymphoblastic leukaemias...
histological classification
 precursor B- and T- cell lymphoblastic
leukaemia/lymphoblastic lymphoma
proliferation of macrophages,
A) reactive proliferation of macrophages
• bone marrow, many causes (hemosiderosis,
aiha, viral infections)
• lysosomal storage diseases (m. Gaucher,
proliferation of macrophages,
B) hemofagocytic syndroma
• ↑ proliferation of macrophages or
histiocytic precursores →
haemofagocytosis → cytopenia
• + hepatosplenomegaly, fever
• proliferating macrophages: clonal (mlg
histiocytosis) x reaction (infection,
Kawasaki, T lymphomas)
• fatal haemofagocytosis
proliferation of macrophages,
C) histiocytosis X (Langerhans cells
1) solitary eosinophilic granuloma
– bng
– bones (unifocal lytic lesion), skin, lymph nodes,
– Langerhans cells (Birbeck granules) +
eosinophils, +/- plasma cells and lymphocytes
2) m. Hand-Schüler-Christian
– trias: multifocal lytic lesions of bone +
exophtalamus + diabetes insipidus
proliferation of macrophages,
3) m. Abt-Letterer-Siwe
– mlg
– children before 2 years of age
– cutaneous lesions resembling seborrheic skin
eruptions + hepatosplenomegaly,
lymphadenopathy, pulmonary lesions,
osteolytic bone lesions → anemia and
thrombocytopenia, reccurent infections
• osteolytic x osteoplastic
• prostate, breast, stomach, lung cancer
bone marrow necrosis
• ischemia:
– vascular collaps in hypercellular marrow
– metastatic obstruction
– sickle cell disease, DIC...
• symptoms: pain, fever, hematopoietic
precursors in peripheral blood
• transplantation: bone marrow, peripheral
stem cells
• autologous x allogenneous (relatives, nonrelatives)
• indications:
– hematological: tumours, immunodeficiency,
anemias, b.m. aplasia
– non-hematological: tumour metastasis
bone marrow suppression → graft
hypocellularity → proliferation
GvHD acute x chronic:
– skin, intestine, liver
Bleeding disorders
defect in the vessel wall
platelet deficiency or dysfunction
coagulation factors disorder
bleeding disorders...vascular
A) defects in the vessel wall
1) hereditary
a) m. Osler-Rendu-Weber (hereditary
hemorhagic teleangiektasias)
– capillary aneurysms in the skin and mucous
b) connective tissue disorders
 m. Ehlers-Danlos
 Marfan´s syndrome
bleeding disorders...vascular
2) acquired
a) avitaminosis C, ↑ corticosteroids
– cutaneous, intramuscular, mucosal bleeding
b) purpura Henoch-Schönlein
– circulating IC → skin, kidney
bleeding disorders...plateles
B) plateles deficiency or dysfunction
1) thrombocytopenia
a) decresed production
 aplastic anemia
 hereditary disorders (sy BernardSoulier, grey-plateles sy, m. WiskottAldrich)
bleeding disorders...plateles
b) increased destruction
 splenomegaly, arteficial valves,...
DIC (disseminated intravascular
– activation of the coagulation sequence, leading
to formation of thrombi throughout the
microcirculation → consumption of plateles
and coagulation factors and secondarily
activation of fibrinolysis
bleeding disorders...plateles
thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
– thrombocytopenia, fever, microvessel
obstruction symptoms
– → microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
– hyaline thrombi in the microcirculation
hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS)
– E.coli
– kidney cortex necrosis, intestinal bleeding
bleeding disorders...plateles
idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)
– autoimmune origin
– destruction in the spleen → splenectomy
– bm +/- increased megakaryopoiesis
bleeding disorders...plateles
2) platelet dysfunction
 adhesion disorder (Bernard-Soulier, m. von
 aggregation disorder (thrombasthenia
 secretion disorder: tromboxan A2
inhibition (aspirin)
bleeding disorders...
coagulation factors
C) coagulation disorders
1) hereditary deficiencies
a) hemophilia A (classic hemophilia)
– f VIII (severe = activity < 1%!)
– X chromosoma (new mutation x familiar)
– easy bruising and massive hemorrhage after
trauma or operative procedures,
„spontaneous“ hemorrhages – joints
(hemarthroses) → progressive deformities
b) hemophilia B (Christmas disease)
– f IX
bleeding disorders...
coagulation factors
2) acquired
a) DIC
b) liver diseases
• synthesis of coagulation factors
(fibrinogen, prothrombin, fV, VII, IX-XI)
+ anticoagulation and fibrinolytic factors
c) vitamin K
• food, synthesis in the large intestine
d) anticoagulation therapy
lymph vessels and nodes
lymphatic vessels
A) lymphoedema
• lymph is protein-rich → lymphostasis leads
to fibroproduction, +/- infectious and
ulcerative complications
1) hereditary = Milroy´s disease
• valvular disorder
2) acquired lymphoedema
• lymphoedema praecox
• secondary lymphoedema: obstruction and
lymphostasis (mlg, inflammatory changes)
lymphatic vessels
B) lymphangiectasia
• focal extension of lymphatic vessels
• skin, small intestine (chylangiectasia)
• → lymforhea (chylothorax...)
lymphatic vessels
C) lymphangiitis
• lymph vessels draining the primary
(infectious) focus
• β hemolytic streptococci
• + regional lymphadenitis
• clinical: red subcutaneous line
• histology:
– lymphangiitis simplex
– lymphangiitis purulenta: pus + fibrin →
spreading → abscesses, trombophlebitis
lymfatic nodes...structure
• cells: lymphocytes, dendritic cells (FDRC,
IDRC), macrophages with apoptotic bodies,
NK cells
• follicles = B zone
– lymphocytes from the bm → primary follicle
→ immunity stimulation → germinal centres =
secondary follicle, immunity answer →
polarization of germinal centres
– germinal centres: B cells augmentation,
selection Ag high affinity clones → plasma
cells differentiation → migration into medulla,
waiting to secondary immunity answer
lymph nodes...structure
• medulla
– lymphatic tissue between medullar sinuses
– small lymphocytes, plasma cells
• paracortex = T zone
– mainly CD4 T cells, small venules
– T lymphocytes 70% of lymphocytes in lymph
node and 80-90% in blood
• sinuses
– incoming lymph vessels → subcapsular
(marginal) sinus → interfollicular → medulla →
outgoing vessels
lymph nodes...regressive changes
A) regressive changes and circulatory
1) infarction
• vasculitis
• tumorous infiltration
 vascular transformation of sinuses
2) atrophy
• lipomatous
• hyalin
3) pigmentation
4) amyloidosis
5) storage diseases
lymph nodes...inflammation
B) lymphadenitis
1) acute nonspecific
• inflammation of regional lymph node
• clinicaly: enlarged, erythematous lymph
• histology: ↑ follicles, mitoses, sinuses
filled with granulocytes, histiocytes
• +/- healing with fibrous scarse
lymph nodes...inflammation
2) chronic nonspecific lymphadenitis
• etiology:
a) follicular hyperplasia
• etio: tonsillitis, respiratory infections,
RA, syphilis, AIDS
• histology: ↑ germinal centers, fanciful
shapes, many mitoses, blastic forms of
cells – could be misinterpreted like mlg
lymph nodes...inflammation
progressive transformation of germinal
– connection with HD (paragranuloma)
m. Castleman (angiofollicular hyperplasia)
– „lolly pops“ follicles
– unifocal bng x multifocal fatal
lymph nodes...inflammation
b) paracortical hyperplasia
• etio: viruses (IM, HSV), inoculation, some
• histology: enlarged paracortex, with many
IDRC, small follicles in the periphery of
the lymph node, T imunoblasts
c) reactive sinusoidal histiocytosis
• etio: reactive (different Ag)
• histology: dilated sinuses filled with
lymph nodes...inflammation
m. Rosai-Dorfman (masive sinusoidal
– intrasinusoidal macrophages with
d) mixed reactive hyperplasia
• etio: toxoplasmosis (epitheloid granulomas)
lymph nodes...inflammation
3) granulomatus purulent
• epitheloid granulomas with central
necrosis with accumulation of neutrophils
cat scratch disease
veneric lymphogranuloma (Chl.trachomatis)
mesenterial lymphadenitis
ulcus molle (H. ducreyi)
lymph nodes...inflammation
4) granulomatous necrotic
tularemia (Fr. tularensis)
plague (Y. pestis)
anthrax (B. antracis)
5) granulomatous
• tuberculoid granulomas without central
sarcoidosis, m. Crohn...
6) TBC lymphadenitis
• miliary x caseous productive
lymph nodes...inflammation
7) granulomatous reaction to lipid
m. Whipple
– lipid vacuoles, around epitheloid
histiocytes, intracytoplasmic PAS+ material
8) granulomatous reaction to foreign
• silicic material in prosthesis
lymph nodes...neoplasms
lymph nodes...neoplasms
C) neoplasms, malignant lymphomas
1) m. Hodgkin (HD)
• group of disesases
• presence of distinctive neoplastic giant
cells: Reed-Sternberg cells, Hodgkin cells,
admixed with a variable infiltrate of
reactive, nonmalignant inflammatory cells
• young people
lymph nodes...neoplasms...HD
• classification:
 nodular lymphocytic predominance
Hodgkin lymphoma
• „classic“:
 lymphocyte rich HL (LR-CHL)
 nodular sclerosis (NS-CHL)
 mixed cellularity (MC-CHL)
 lymfocyte depleted (LD-CHL)
lymp nodes...neoplasms...NHL
2) non Hodgkin lymphomas
• predominance of neoplastic cells
• elder patients
• B and T cells
lymph nodes...neoplasms...B-NHL
a) B-NHL
 chronic lymphocytic leukaemia/small
lymphocytic lymphoma (CLL/SLL)
 follicular lymphoma (FCL)
 mantle cell lymphoma (MCL)
 marginal zone lymphoma (MZL): SMZL,
 hairy cell leukaemia (HCL)
 diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL)
 Burkitt lymphoma
chronic lymphocytic
leukaemia/small lymphocytic
lymphoma (CLL/SLL)
• elderly patients
• naive lymphocytes
• indolent type of lymphoma
follicular lymphoma (FCL)
• middle aged patients
• centrocytes and centroblasts
• indolent course but rellapsing!
mantle cell lymphoma (MCL)
• „diffuse centrocytoma“
• agressive type of lymphoma
• t(11;14) – cyklin D1
marginal zone lymphoma (MZL)
• mucosa associated lymphoid tissue
(MALT) – GIT, bronchi…
• association with chronic inflammation
diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
• „waste basket“
• transformation of small cell
• aggresive course x good reaction to
Burkitt lymphoma
• endemic x sporadic
• younger patients
• association with EBV infection
lymph nodes...neoplasms...B-NHL
• plasma cell neoplasms:
 monoclonal gammopathy of
undetermined significance (MGUS)
 lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma (LPL), m.
 plasmacytoma
 multiple myeloma
lymph nodes...neoplasms...T-NHL
b) T-NHL
 peripheral T cell lymphoma (PTL)
 anaplastic large T cell lymphoma (ALCL)
 angioimmunoblastic T cell lymphoma
 adult T cell leukaemia
 mycosis fungoides/Sezary syndrom
anaplastic large T cell
lymphoma (ALCL)
• young patients
• typical translocation t(2;5)
mycosis fungoides/Sezary
• primary skin lymphoma →
generalisation = Sezary syndrom
• structure:
– white pulp: lymphoid tissue
– red pulp: venous sinuses → hilus
• splenomegaly: venosthasis, inflammation,
• hypersplenism = increased function →
• hyposplenism → susceptibility to certain
bacterial infections
spleen...regressive changes,
circulatory disorders
A) inborn anomalies
• accessory spleens = spleniculi
B) regressive changes and circulatory
1) amyloidosis
• secondary (AA)
• +/- hyposplenism
spleen...regressive changes,
circulatory disorders
2) storage diseases
3) hemolytic anemias
• ↑ splenic function → splenomegaly
• hereditary spherocytosis
4) chronic perisplenitis
5) splenic infarction
• white (embolization, vasculitis)
• red (thrombosis of lienal vein)
spleen...regressive changes,
circulatory disorders
6) chronic venosthasis
7) splenic rupture, bleeding
• traumatic
A) inflammation
1) acute septic tumour
• reaction to general infection x tumour
• clinically: tense capsula, soft tissue
• histology: red pulp cellular, small
abscesses (central pyemia)
2) chronic inflammatory tumour
• chronic infections (IE)
• histology: red pulp hyperemia, reactive
hyperplasia of the white pulp
• malaria
• TBC, histoplasmosis, leishmaniosis,
D) tumours and pseudotumours
1) cystic formations
• posttraumatic pseudocysts
• parasitary cysts
2) hamartoma (splenoma)
• nodule
• histology: chaotic sinuses a fibrous tissue =
incorrect arrangement of the red pulp
• +/- hypersplenism
3) hemangioma
• histology: cavernous blood spaces,
4) littoral cell angioma
• phagocytosis → pancytopenia
5) inflammatory pseudotumour
• histology: inflammatory cells +
6) malignant lymphomas
• primary: SMZL
• secondary:
• more often
• secondary infiltration by NHL, HD, CML,
7) epithelial metastasis
• microscopically
• structure:
• lobulus
• cortex and medulla mixture of T
lymphocytes and a epithelial cells =
lymphoepithelial organ
• cortex: mainly T lymphocytes
• lymphatic follicles without germinal
• medulla: thymocytes, Hassal bodies
• function:
– production of small lymphocytes with cellular
– TdT a CD1 → maturation → CD4 a CD8 →
postthymic lymfocytes in medulla: CD4
(helpers/inducers), CD8
(suppressor/cytotoxic), loss of TdT a CD1 →
blood, peripheral lymphatic organs
• main role intrauterine and in childhood
A) thymic dysgenesis
• primary immunodeficiency syndromes
(diGeorge, Nezelof...)
thymus...regressive changes
B) regressive changes
1) lipomatous atrophy (involution)
• puberty – involution with increase of
adipous tissue = ↓ thymocytes,
calcification of Hassal bodies...
2) acute (accidental) involution
• etio: corticosteroids – stress
• histology: fragmentation of cortical
thymocytes, cystic transformation of
Hassal bodies, lymfocytes disappeared, in
cortex only spindle epithelial cells
C) thymic hyperplasia
primary hyperplasia
myasthenia gravis
• histology: lymphoid hyperplasia, lymphatic
follicles with germinal centres
• Ab anti acetylcholin-receptors
D) neoplasms
1) thymomas
• epithelial thymic cells + lymphocytes
• local manifestation
• association with myasthenia gravis
2) neuroendocrinne tumors
3) germinal cells tumours (teratoma,
• bng, cystic
4) malignant lymphoma