Ancient China Exam /70 /2= /35 Name : Dynasties /26 Shang

Ancient China Exam
Shang Dynasty
/70 /2=
Name : _______________________
1. How many kings did the kings did the Shang Dynasty have?
2. The Shang had an unique form of descent. How would the next king be chosen in this Shang Dynasty?
3. What dynasty invented writing?
4. What is an oracle bone?
5. Explain how an oracle bone is used/what it is used for?
6. When the king died, who was buried with him and why?
Zhou Dynasty
7. Where did this dynasty obtain their writing, rituals and administrative techniques from?
8. What type of Government did they have?
9. Why was their capital divided into two sections?
10. Explain the difference between the Western and Eastern
11. Name 2 advancements that were made during the Warring States
Qin Dynasty
12. When did they come into power?
13. How did they obtain their power and unify China?
14. Name 3 accomplishments this Dynasty had
Han Dynasty
15. Whose main ideas did this dynasty adapt?
16. What is the silk road?
17. What is the difference between the first and second Han Dynasty?
Timeline and Web quest
How many years did humans live in ancient China before they learned how to farm?
2. How many years did farmers exist in China before the Xia dynasty?
3. Which dynasty ruled for the longest period of time?
4. Which dynasty was Confucius born?
5. Name the first dynasty/ruler and the last according to your order.
6. What are China’s two important rivers?
7. Where does the Yellow River get its name?
8. China is the world’s fourth largest country and is home to approximately how many people? (A Quarter of the
world’s population)
_______ Oracle bone
_______ Shang Ti
_______ Qin
_______ Zhou
_______ Shi Huangdi
_______ Han
_______ Confucianism
_______ Xia
_______ Logograms
_______ Shi Huang Di
_______ Tang
_______ Palaeography
a. Bones used for divination
b. Used to make mirrors, weapons, pots and
c. The dynasty where paper was invented
d. Ethical and philosophical system
developed by Confucius
e. Nobility disliked him, and he was not a
popular leader
f. Gun powder was invented during this
g. No written records of this dynasty
h. 1040 B.C. defeated the Shang Dynasty in
i. Created a unified empire with a
centralized government and currency
j. Shang worshipped this God who ruled
over lesser gods such as the sun, moon
and rain
k. A symbol that represents a word or
l. Dynasty that ruled for the shortest time
m. Study of writing and documents of the
Put one important fact in each box that describes the Shang Dynasty (7 marks)
Homes and Cities
Put a minimum of fourteen things you learned beside any of the following presentations.
Foot binding:
Zodiac signs:
Forbidden City:
The Grand Canal: