Arbonne Presentation Notes

Discover Arbonne – Amy Powers
(utilizing ENVP Sarah Morrison Slides 2014)
Slide -Arbonne Logo
Hi everyone! I’m Amy Powers, Independent Consultant and Regional Vice
President with Arbonne International. Welcome! Thank you so much for
coming. I am truly excited to share the Arbonne business opportunity with
you. It’s been literally life changing for me, and it might be for you, or
for someone you know.
I’m going to keep this as short as I can, but I want to give you a real
window of insight into why so many successful people from so many walks
of life are fitting this opportunity into their busy lives. In my group alone,
we have doctors, attorneys, financial planners, professors, real estate
agents, caterers, event planners, personal chefs, college students, TV
and film producers, actors, opera singers, and writers.
Arbonne is booming, and my nation is part of one of the highest earning
lines in the entire company. I’m going to explain why so many people
feel we are the right choice, at the right time. To do that, I’m going to
touch on four things: our company, our industry, our business model, and
of course our fabulous products. Taken together, they add up to a
powerful opportunity for anyone who is looking to add a substantial
income stream to their financial portfolio.
Our business isn’t for everyone. However, the products are for ANYONE.
And we are a 100% word of mouth, referral business. So as I’m going
through this presentation, I’d love for you to listen with an open mind,
and think about who in your life might be a great referral to us, either for
business, or product purposes.
We all have different reasons for adding an opportunity like this to our lives.
However, they tend to revolve around the same basic desires - more
wealth, more security, more freedom.
Modern life is not working out exactly like many of us had imagined. People
are looking to get their bank accounts back, their control back, their dreams
back. They want to stop trading time for money.
Arbonne is designed to help us do all of these things.
I have some notes that I may be referring to from time to time. First, to
make sure I don’t leave anything out. And second, because I want to show
you that if you can read, you can do this business.
Slide – Discover Arbonne – The Next Generation Income Opportunity
(Tell your WHY Story).
My WHY story: I joined Arbonne because of a feeling. And that feeling
was.... worry. Panic, actually. I was peering over the edge of my very
own fiscal cliff. Here’s the story that led up to that feeling, and what’s
happened since.
I started my career as a lawyer. I graduated from Harvard Law School,
with an MBA from Columbia University, and went to work at White and
Case, a major firm in New York. But I gave up being a lawyer... also
because of a feeling I follow my heart, and be a songwriter.
For the past 20 years I’ve been a freelance lyricist. Very creative. Very
exciting. Very unpredictable.
In 2010, my personal equation for panic was : Freelance songwriting +
marriage to a freelance film producer + two young sons... + plus one
And it wasn’t as if I could put my world on hold to retool, or retrain, or
regroup, or even relax. Because I was 49 years old, with no plan B and no
time to create one.
I knew that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and
over, expecting a different result. But I didn’t know there was an
alternative. And I certainly never thought that I was about to find my
perfect solution building a global health and wellness business!
However, I was lucky. Lucky because despite my inner panic, I wasn’t
walking around with a sign on my head blinking ‘freaking out approaching fiscal cliff.” What we present on the outside and what is
going on on the inside are often very different.
And yet... ‘out of the blue’- a successful, savvy friend of mine passed on
a Facebook post from her successful, savvy friend - Arbonne Executive
National Vice President Linda Blum Huntington. Linda was looking for
business partners.
When Linda explained the Arbonne business opportunity, I immediately
recognized that there was something simple and brilliant about it. And I
knew of Linda from the music business - she owned and ran a quite
successful music publishing company. So I trusted her business instincts.
Moreover, she was already earning 6 figures a year with Arbonne.
Nevertheless, I grilled her for four months with questions, which wasn’t
surprising considering my law and business background. But mostly it’s
because I couldn’t wrap my head around the idea that I could actually
start a serious business - a potentially multi million dollar global
distribution hub - from home, while continuing to be a hands-on mom
and songwriter.
I checked out everything about this new “21st century” style of doing
business -- about the industry, about the products, about the executive
team, about the corporate culture. Happily, Arbonne passed even my
rigorous personal due diligence, and I say YES .
Which is why now, I wake up with very different feelings.
I feel relaxed – because I know I am following a proven system for
financial success.
I feel relieved – because I still get to write songs, without worrying how much
they pay - or when.
I feel excited – because I get to share this simple, life changing system.
And I feel happy - because I’ve been making money in my sleep!
- So I invite you to ask yourself a question. It’s a question we use to help
people think about what they want…. or maybe what they don’t want
anymore. If you keep doing exactly what you’re doing right now, where will
you be in five years time? And how will that FEEL?
Slide – The Arbonne Story
I like to think in headlines, and the headline for this slide would be:
“The right company at the right time.”
Arbonne has been in business since 1980 – over 35 years. We have a
Swiss heritage, though we’re currently based in Irvine, CA.
Total sales last year were $500 million dollars. Financially, that’s
approximately the size of Clinique, a company that relies heavily on
advertising and is offered in 40 countries. Arbonne does not advertise ever ! - and currently we are only in 5 countries: US, UK, Canada, Poland
and Australia.
We are just going global. Taiwan is next – in 2016- followed by Korea. And
of the top 20 companies in our industry – we are the only one still to
globalize. So even though we are large, with a long term proven track
record, Arbonne truly is in some ways a ground floor business opportunity.
We were founded by Petter Morck, a Norwegian botanist who had a vision to create pure, safe, high-performance products that families like his own
could use, trust, and afford.
He reached out to a renowned cell rejuvenation scientist working in
Switzerland named Pierre Botiglierri (who also formulated for the luxury
brand La Prairie). Together they created a powerful yet safe line of
products that rivals or exceeds the most exclusive and expensive brands in
quality, yet made it available and affordable to mostly anyone.
-Today Petter’s vision is carried out by a great product development team
headed by Dr. Peter Matravers and a powerful executive team headed by
CEO Kay Napier.
Dr. Matravers has more skincare patents than any individual in the world.
He was formerly with Neutrogena – where he invented the clear soap bar and then he spent ten years heading research and development at Aveda where his natural formulations helped take them from a $50 to $700 million
Before joining Arbonne, Kay Napier headed the North American
Pharmaceutical division of Proctor & Gamble, the world’s largest consumer
goods company. Then she joined McDonald’s and - thankfully spearheaded their healthy lifestyles initiative. I think she’s uniquely
positioned to bring us through our global expansion.
Our team of corporate leaders also includes executives previously at
L’Oreal, Unilever, Donna Karan, philosophy, Inc., Bally Fitness, and
Herbalife, among other major corporations.
For me, understanding who was at the helm of Arbonne, and knowing their
expertise, was very important when deciding to join this company and
being comfortable recommending that others do so as well.
Slide – The Arbonne Product Advantage –
My headline for this is “Everything you want, nothing you don’t.”
-This business wouldn’t be a viable option for me if the products weren’t as
terrific as they are. We call this The Arbonne Difference. Everything we
offer aligns with Peter Morck’s original vison: Pure – Safe – Beneficial.
Highest performance, highest quality. In other words, everything you want,
and nothing you don’t.
– We are botanically based…and certified organic where available.
-- We abide by Swiss Standards. Switzerland is part of the European Union,
whose consumer protection standards are much higher than ours. Whereas
the European Union has banned over 1000 toxic or carcinogenic
ingredients in their personal care products, the FDA has banned fewer than
In the US it is perfectly legal to sell products with mineral oil, a derivative
of the petroleum distillation process; with phthalates –endocrine disruptors
linked to reproductive cancers, genital malformation in male babies,
ADD/ADHD, early menopause and diabetes, among other dangers; and
with parabens, a common preservative found, according to one study, in
99% of breast cancer tissue. Arbonne products contain none of these.
Our products are never animal tested, and contain no animal products ...or
byproducts - another perfectly legal, and potentially lethal ingredient in U.S
goods. (Google ‘animal rendering ‘for more info). We are certified Vegan &
PETA approved, gluten free, with no GMOs. We are PH correct,
Hypoallergenic and Dermatologist Tested.
Safety is a critical Arbonne difference. Whereas the last generation
recognized the value of organic foods, this generation is realizing that
personal care products affect our health equally, and faster.
Everything that we put ON our skin – which is actually our largest organ goes into our bloodstreams rapidly, and without going through the filtering
organs of the liver and kidneys. So yes, “You are what you eat.” But also,
“You are what you absorb.” Little by little, day by day.
People are connecting the dots between their products and their health,
between their products and rising cancer rates, between their products and
immune system illnesses. They are looking for products that aren’t just
excellent, but aren’t dangerous. We have what people are looking for.
-And we have cutting edge formulations. We not only guarantee they’re
pure and safe…but that they actually work! People see amazing results.
Slide – Wide Range of Daily Consumable Products
The headline for this would be, “Everything you need every day” or
“Everybody washes.”
-We have over 200 products! Something for everyone…from a baby line, to
an anti-aging line, to cosmetics, to shampoo… to products for teens, adults,
men, women.... nutritional products, vitamins, supplements, aromatherapy,
and spa products.
Very importantly: every product we have is a daily consumable something people use every day. We don’t all use the exact same
products – ‘personal care’ is personal - but EVERYONE uses SOME of
these on a daily basis.
And when we run out, we will always get more. No one runs out of soap
and says, well, I am never washing again. No one ever decides this is the
last day they wll ever brush their teeth… and so on. This is the key to long
term profitability for those of us who introduce others to Arbonne as a brand.
So when I introduce people to Arbonne once, I’m introducing them to
products that they will use over and over and over. Very likely for years and
years. And that is part of what helps me, and anyone on my team, build a
passive, residual income.
Slide – So Why Arbonne Now?
The headline here is “We have what people want.”
- Why Arbonne now? Because Big Trends are Big Business. And
Arbonne doesn’t just tap into one or two trends…it taps into many. We
offer a possible solution to the challenges people face, in every
-Health & Wellness – on the tipping point of becoming a trillion dollar
industry. Thirty years ago, this business sector barely existed. Now,
it’s a major market. Seems like there’s a Whole Foods every mile and
a gym on every corner. Arbonne offers Daily Health and Wellness
-The Baby Boomers drive everything in our economy –they control
2/3 of every dollar spent in this country. Another Boomer is turning
60 every 7 seconds, and that trend will continue for the next 10 years.
And what do boomers want? They want to look young, and feel good,
for as long as they can. They want Health & Wellness. They want
Anti-Aging – our flagship line (50% of our sales is the RE9 anti aging
set). They also want an exit strategy so they don’t have to stay and
compete in the workforce with people half their age, or wait to be
outsourced or forced to step down. They want to enjoy themselves.
And they want to replace retirement income lost in the 2008 crash.
We can help them do that.
-Green is trendy and timely – especially for Gen Xers. Today, people
want not only great products, but products that are produced
responsibly, in recyclable packaging, from companies with
commitments to lowering their carbon footprint. Arbonne has always
had a green commitment. Arbonne practices responsible harvesting,
have a Forestry Stewardship Certification, and we the only ones in
our industry to be certified Carbon Neutral by UPS. And Gen Xers are
the people most likely to be raising families, which is often a two
working parent situation. They are often cash rich but time poor. We
offer them a way off the corporate treadmill.
-Internet Shopping –Internet shopping has now exceeded retail
shopping, and we are an internet-based company. More people
would rather sit and shop in their pajamas than get in the car, pay for
gas, fight for parking and deal with sales staff. With Arbonne,
consumers simply shop online, and products are delivered to their
Millennials and Digital Generation kids grew up with this - it’s the
norm for them. Millennials – many of whom are graduating college
six figures in debt – with fewer job opportunities than ever as older
generations cling to their gigs, need a solution – a way out. They’ve
watched their parents suffer with trusting the old model of commerce,
and many are not interested in the same path. (They are also are the
most overeducated group of live at home baristas and waiters ever.)
We offer something different.
-Ownership. I touched on this before, but it’s worth reiterating:
people are looking for something they have more control of. A ‘Plan
B’… control over their time, control over what they get paid…and
something that nobody can take away from them …unlike what they
face in the job market. We offer this in a low cost, low risk way.
-Globalization – Arbonne is a mobile, global business. All you need
is a laptop, a phone and a mouth. If you live in any of the countries
we do business in, you can have a business in all of them – on line.
Slide - What Is Network Marketing
Headline here is, “Getting paid to do what you already do.”
Our business model is network marketing. OK, so what is that?
Network Marketing is simply word of mouth marketing. It’s just another way
of moving products from a Manufacturer to a Consumer.
Network marketing is a powerful and rapidly growing alternative to
traditional retail marketing. As brick and mortar stores fade in popularity,
network marketing is on the rise.
There are currently over 2,000 network marketing companies, in a variety
of industries, everything from technology - like Donald Trump’s ACN - to
Jewelry - like Stella and Dot - to clothing - like Cabi, or Jockey Person To
Person - to the world’s largest cosmetics company, Avon. A number of
network marketing companies are publically traded. Worldwide, network
marketing is a $178 billion a year business, and growing.
Here’s how it works. Traditional retail utilizes many middlemen along the
way from manufacturer to consumer. Wholesalers, warehousers,
advertisers, retailers. And each of them makes a profit.
This inflates prices by up to 50 -80% - and who pays for that? The
consumer. Beyonce is a Pepsi’s brand ambassador - for $50 million. And
who is paying for that? People who drink Pepsi.
Network marketing companies all have one thing in common: they cut out
the middlemen. Products go directly from the manufacturer to the
consumer via us, the Independent Consultants. The money saved allows
consumers to pay far less, with far more left over for research and
development, and an excellent compensation plan for us - the consultants
out there connecting people to products by word of mouth recommendation.
Word of mouth recommendation is something people do naturally, all the
time. We just don’t get paid for it. If I tell a friend how much I loved dinner at
Spago, or watching Game of Thrones, they may go to Spago, or watch
Game of Thrones. However, Spago won’t send me a thank you check, and
neither will HBO. But Arbonne will. Every month!
-Network marketing is a powerful way to create wealth is through business
ownership. Here, what we “own” is a virtual franchise. People are looking
to own their own businesses - and own their own lives. Fifty one percent of
all businesses in the US are home-based businesses.
Yet ownership of a company normally requires large startup costs, both
financially and timewise, and great risk. Even a brick and mortar franchise
can cost between $50,000 and $300,000 to begin - not to mention net
worth requirements of up to a million dollars or more. Network marketing
startup costs are nominal, and so is risk; it’s a turnkey business, and you
can build it part time, on your own time, but build a full time income.
I am an INTRAPRENEUR: an entrepreneur within an established larger
company. With little investment, and little risk, I tap into the resources of a
huge, well-oiled machine.
There’s a word for this new system: intellectual distribution. It’s the
inverse of the old, pre-internet, physical distribution system.
I DO NOT stock product or touch people’s money. I don’t have to create
marketing materials, do scientific research or accounting. I have my
business tools and let people sample them…but when they love them, they
pay Arbonne and Arbonne ships to them. Then Arbonne pays ME. Easy!
Slide - Why Arbonne: It’s So Much More than a Business.
Two Headlines Here: “We’ve got you covered”, and “Arbonne is a
personal growth company disguised as a personal care company.”
Two things distinguish Arbonne here – our extraordinarily supportive
consultant community, and the amount of information and assistance we
get from the corporate side. Petter Morck set up a culture of support and
integrity, and all of us who are committed to the company, whether on the
corporate or the consultant side, embrace it. This is a non-competitive,
100% cooperative environment. Arbonne and its leaders understand that
to have your best business you must become your best self, and they
consistently offer training to help you do that.
So whether you have ever owned your own business before or not, you can
succeed if you follow our system and utilize our resources.
Slide - Experience and Share Better Products
Headline: “Stop-Start-Share - a Simple System that works. ”
People often ask me if this is a sales position. It isn’t. What I do is teach
and train people in a simple system.
This is all I do:
I STOP buying inferior products with dangerous ingredients from brands
that don’t pay me to recommend them. I START buying purer, safer, higher
quality products, at a wholesale discount. And I SHARE this system with
others who want to do the same thing.
I simply REDIRECT SPENDING I was already making …on stuff I was
already buying! I switch my personal care brand to Arbonne… and turn an
expense into an income stream.
…I actually get a commission on the products I purchase for my own
family! And on the things I personally use every day... like soap, shampoo,
moisturizer, and mascara, vitamins, the whole 9.
And because I show other people what I do… on top of getting better
products…at a discount…and getting paid for using them, I now write them
off on my tax return. And that includes other purchases I redirect, like
birthday gifts, baby gifts, housewarming gifts. I buy Arbonne…at a discount,
get a commission and write it off!!!
And it’s easy because I don’t do anything I wasn’t already doing. I was
already buying all these products – from other places. And I was already in
the habit of recommending things I like to people I like. I do that all the time.
I’m a very busy person. I love that I can do this in the nooks and crannies
over coffee, and still grow a massive business.
For the most part I just tell people how I get paid for taking a shower! And
most people I know are taking a shower, and they are at least interested in
hearing more.
If so, I sit down and share what I’ve just shared with you…how our products
are different, what’s great about our business model and our company, and
how simple the business is. I lend them products that they can try for a few
days – or try out on the spot if we are at an event that featuring products. If
they like the products, I show them how to get them on line - at a discount,
if they’d like. If they like the business opportunity, I show them how to start
their own business, set them up for success, and guide and coach them
every step of the way.
(I have to say here that I personally do not do home parties or product
events. Some people do though, and if this is something you like, we can
show you how. But I prefer simply to talk to people.)
Slide – It Starts with You
My Headline: Your Network is your Net Worth
Arbonne is basically a volunteer army of consumers. First you decide to
make Arbonne your brand of choice. Then you find few people who are
interested in doing the same. They find a few people, who find a few people.
And you get paid on not only your own efforts, but on the efforts of those
you share this with, and those THEY share it with.
Alone, if I work for an hour, I have one work- hour’s worth of value. But if I
show others how to do what I do, I build value for them and for me, and I
benefit financially from their work as well as my own.
Thatʼs what I do. I simply find people who want to build a residual income
stream by redirecting the money they spend every month, and I help them
build a team of people who are looking to do the same.
I redirect my personal care spending, and I teach other people to do the
same thing. My goal is create an enormous consumer network of
people who are redirecting their spending.
Want 1000’s in network – don’t know thousands! Good news – for
success, I only need to know a few.
As an example, if I spend an hour a day on my Arbonne business. I speak
to a number of people, and a few of them, in this slide 7 other people in my
network, are interested in doing the same, and devote one hour a day to
their business. I will get paid on 8 hours of effort, while still only working
one hour myself.
And when each of these people find their own small group…. The result is
Exponential Growth.
Some of the people who I speak to will not be interested in the business,
but will be interested in the product, and since we get paid when products
are purchased, more income accrues from this.
Slide – Four Ways to Earn an Income
Headline: “How We Earn An Income”
Multiple streams of income are available monthly. (1) When people
purchase because you directly recommended products, you get
commissions from 15-35% of our retail prices – ‘Commissions’. PLUS, (2)
When people join your team and you train them how to present the
business and the products to others, you get a percentage of the wholesale
price on their -and your -volume – ‘Overrides’. (3) Regional and National
Vice Presidents get 800 or $1000 Mercedes-Benz Cash Bonus monthly if
they drive our company car, a white Mercedes. (4) Monthly Cash Bonuses
are available at every level of “management” of the company – of which
there are four.
Slide – A Generous Compensation Plan
Headline “ Show me the money”.
These are the four levels of “management”. However these are not
geographical, they simply relate to the volume of products purchased that
are connected to your ID. In other words, how much is purchased because
you opened your mouth
Our team is part of one of the most successful lines of the company, and
often people move through these levels faster than the averages here.
However, everyone is on their own journey and their own timeline.
I won’t go into too much detail, but I will say that this chart only represents
overrides - which are one of four streams of income that are available to us
as consultants.
This presentation used 2014 income… 2015 National Vice Presidents
averaged over $21,000 a month. However, there is no ceiling to our
compensation plan.
I like to point out that at the Area manager level, your business is willable;
you are given a $100 life insurance policy at ERVP, and beginning at the
Regional Vice President level , Arbonne pays you ($800 – $1000 a month)
a month to drive a white Mercedes. Which seems fitting. Because Arbonne
is kind of like a Mercedes. It’s a high performance, luxury vehicle that can
take you anywhere you want to go.
Important Note: There are no guarantees of income here. Arbonne is an
effort based business, and you will get out as much as you put in.
Successful consultants are willing teachers and trainers who are willing to
be taught and trained themselves.
Slide – Where Do You See Yourself
Headline: What’s next?
-95% of people with Arbonne IDs are simply consumers. If you haven’t tried
our products, I highly recommend that you do. You can become a Client
and enjoy great products at our catalog prices.
-Most people I know also love a discount, and we can show you how to get
that with our Preferred Client option if you’d like. And/or Host an in person
or on line event which can get you products free, or 50-80% off.
-And some of us really want more and see the benefit of turning an
expense into an income.
And… if this business is NOT for you….who do you know who this might be
a great fit for, either businesswise or simply product-wise? We are a
completely word of mouth business, so we value your recommendations.
Slide 20 Dream Big
Headline: What are you ready to say YES to?
So …if you keep doing exactly what you’re doing right now, what will your
life look like in five years? Does does it make you feel ?
And what would you REALLY be doing right, now if time and money were
not issues?
At Arbonne we like to say you’re in business for yourself, but not by
yourself. We have a simple system, we teach it to you, and we help you
every step of the way. Change your brand, change your life.
So - thank you so much for your time.
Speak to the person who brought you here. They obviously thought
something about this might resonate for you or someone you know!
If they gave you a form to fill out, please get it back to them. If we have
products here, please try them. I highly recommend you make Arbonne
your brand of choice – and consider whether this could be your business of