

Study Guide:

1.) List 4-5 components of a good experiment?

 Question/ or problem

 Hypothesis (if, then because)

Independent and dependent variables

Constants (things that stay the same through whole experiment)

 Large sample size

 Control

2.) Difference between Qualitative (quality) and Quantitative (quantity) data?

Qualitative data – description or can be observed (red flower, blue sky)

QuaNtitative – N= number (the flower is 5 inches tall, we did 3mins of exercise in feel the beat)

3.) Using Feel the beat identify the IV, DV and Constants

In the feel beat exp. independent variable- was the exercise dependent variable- was pulse rate constant – amount time you did the exercise for

the exercise

sample size

4.) Main ideas/results from Dr. Goldbergers exp on pellagra

Nutritional Deficiency. Their diet was lacking in vitamins which lead them to become sick with pellagra. (poor diet)

** developed a good experimental method to test his ideas

5.) Function of sensory neurons

Neurons that gather (sense) information from the environment around you

You touch a hot stove, sensory neurons send the signal of “hot” to your brain and then motor neurons move your hand away from the stove

6.) Four main functions of skeletal system

Bone marrow produces red/white blood cells, stores minerals

Protection (protects your soft and squishy organs)

Support (gives you shape- no skeleton = blob)

 Movement

7.) Compare/contrast ligaments and tendons

Tendons muscle to bone

Ligaments –bone to bone

8.) 3 types of muscles

Smooth- found in organs (involuntary)

Cardiac-found only in heart (involuntary)

Skeletal – moves us (arms, legs)

9.) Main function of circulatory system

To transport oxygen (nutrients) around body and pick up carbon dioxide (waste) to be exhaled. Heart pumps blood around body.

Right side Left side

To body (O2) to lungs (co2

10.) 3 types of blood vessels

Arteries carry blood Away from heart

Veins – blood back IN to heart

Capillaries- smallest blood vessels, where gas exchange takes place.

11.) Organs in respiratory system

Nose/ mouth

Trachea (wind pipe) lungs

Bronchi tubes


Alveoli (capillaries wrapped around)

12.) Gas exchange in respiratory system…

Breathe in air (oxygen) goes down trachea to lungs into alveoli where it diffuses into the capillaries so oxygen can get into the blood then the heart pumps the oxygen rich blood around the body. Blood picks up co2 (waste) and it diffuses back across capillaries and you breathe it out.

13 & 14.) What is the order of organs in digestive system and chemical/ mechanical breakdown

Mouth (chemical: saliva or mechanical -teeth breakdown), down esophagus (muscles= mechanical), Stomach (chemical –acid, mechanical-muscles squeeze), small intestine

(absorbs nutrients), large intestine (remove water to produce solid waste), rectum, anus

15.) Order of organization in human body

Organelle---cell--- tissue---organ--- organ system--- organism

16.) what is pulse? How does it change during exercise?

Pulse is the number of times your heart beats in a period of time (BPM’s). When you exercise your muscles need more oxygen (and to remove more co2) so your heart beats faster and you breath increases to help send oxygen around your body.

17.) trade off with microscopes

As you increase magnification you have more detail BUT you can only see a smaller area of the object and it may be harder to find microbes

18.) Four common organelles

Nucleus: Control center of cell, contains DNA or genetic information

Mitochondria: power house of cell, makes energy

Cell wall: found only in plant cells, provides support for cell (square shape)

Cell membrane: selectively permeable, controls what goes in and out of cell

19.) compare and contrast animals vs bacteria

Animal: Eukaryotes (have a nucleus and organelles) round shape, more complex , specialized cells bacteria : prokaryotes, no nucleus, free floating dna simple, small, individualized cells

both: have cell membranes and cytoplasm

20.) single cell vs multi cell

Single : bacteria, amoeba, yeast,

Multi cell: human, plant, animals larger, more complex,

** review old study guides!!
