Of Mice and Men Novel Test Review

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Of Mice and Men Test Review
For each character, describe their appearance, something significant for that character and an
important quote.
The boss-
Curley’s Wife-
1. Who wrote Of Mice and Men?
2. Why does Lennie have a dead mouse in his pocket?
3. When George gets angry with all the trouble Lennie causes, what does Lennie say he will do?
4. What is George and Lennie’s dream?
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5. What are the instructions for Lennie if he gets in trouble at the new job site?
6. How old is Lennie physically?
7. How old is he mentally?
8. Why does George feel responsible for Lennie?
9. What is George upset about at the beginning of Chapter 2? (Before seeing the boss)
10. Why is the boss suspicious of Lennie and George?
11. What explanation given for Lennie’s mental condition?
12. Who is Curly?
13. Explain Candy’s quote, “Seems like Curley ain’t given nobody a chance.”
14. Describe Slim’s personality.
15. What does Slim have that Lennie wants?
16. What word does Candy use to describe how Curly’s wife behaves on the ranch?
17. Who does George briefly suspect that Curley’s wife is having an affair with?
18. Who initially suggests that Candy should shoot his dog?
19. What do we know about Lennie’s childhood?
20. What was the last joke George played on Lennie as a child?
21. What card game does George play?
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22. What does George tell Slim happened in Weed?
23. What reasons does Carlson give for wanting Candy’s dog shot?
24. The shooting of Candy’s dog foreshadows what event?
25. Curley is always looking for whom?
26. What does Curley think Slim is doing in the barn?
27. What is he actually doing in the barn?
28. How did Candy get $250?
29. Why does George let Candy be a part of their dream?
30. Why is Lennie smiling at the end of Chapter 3?
31. What happens between Curley and Lennie?
32. What does Slim tell Curley about his hand injury?
33. According to Crooks, why does a person need a companion?
34. Why does Crooks think Lennie is crazy?
35. What does Crooks say to scare Lennie?
36. What is Crook’s initial response to Candy’s account of the dream farm?
37. Why doesn’t Curley’s wife like talking about her husband?
38. Why did Curley’s wife marry Curley?
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39. How does Candy finally make Curley’s wife leave the barn?
40. In chapter 5, where are most of the men?
41. What has happened to Lennie’s puppy?
42. What two pieces of information does Curley’s wife share with Lennie in the barn?
43. Why does Curley’s wife get angry at Lennie?
44. Why does Curley’s wife offer to let Lennie caress her hair?
45. What does Lennie do to Curley’s wife?
46. Why is Candy so upset about Curley’s wife’s death?
47. Where does Curley plan to aim if he shoots Lennie?
48. What two imaginary visitors does Lennie have while sitting on the river bank?
49. Who tells Lennie that he will not get to tend rabbits and that George will beat him with a stick?
50. Where does George get the gun that he takes from his pocket while sitting on the river bank?
51. What evidence is there that George is having a terrible time bringing himself to shoot Lennie?
52. What lie does George tell about the way Lennie died?
53. What evidence is there that Slim understands what had really happened on the river bank?
54. What happens at the end of the story?
55. Why does George shoot Lennie in the middle of their imagining the farm one last time?