
What to include in your essay…
Historical context question (10 Marks)
Almost anything could be relevant in this section but focus on aspects of the piece that hall mark it as
being from a particular period rather than writing down everything you know about the piece.
For example the instruments that are used or even the instruments that are missing could indicate that
it is from a particular period.
Areas that could be important might include:
 Structure
 Harmony – i.e the treatment of
 Instruments and instrumental roles
 Phrasing
 Texture
 Genre or style
 Tonality
 Dynamics
 Relationship between voice and
Comparison Question (18 Marks)
Actual structure including bar numbers and names of sections where appropriate
Cadence points and why they are important
Phrasing – periodic etc. and examples
Diatonic harmony and anywhere it differs
Tierce de Picardie - with location
Cadences - with location
Interesting chords e.g. Neopolitan 6ths etc. with locations
Cycle of fifths - with location
Modulations - with location
Chromaticism - with location
Pedal notes – with location
Key – even if specified in the title of the piece
Tonality – if it is not conventional tonality e.g polytonal
Tierce de Picardie - with location
Cadences – with location and purpose (to establish tonality)
Modulations – with location and relationship where appropriate
Pedal notes – with location
Phrasing – e.g. periodic or uneven phrase lengths
Melodic devices e.g. sequence, imitation etc. and location (including which part)
Text setting – where does the music link to the text and give a detailed description
Chromaticism – and location
Details of subjects/themes including locations
Instrumental forces for particular melodies and why they may have been chosen
Instrumental ranges specifying extremities of the ranges with locations
Detailed outline of textures including examples – terms to include Coupling, Doubling,
Monophony/Homophony/Polyphony, Counterpoint (including imitative), Melody Dominated
Homophony and Tutti sections
Time signature plus any changes
Hemiola including location
Rhythmic changes to melodies
Harmonic rhythm – how often it the harmony changes
Complex rhythm – e.g. scotch snaps, tuplets, anacrusis etc.
Tempo marking – including any changes to tempo
Instrumentation (sometimes referred to as forces)
Keyboard instruments e.g. Continuo
Outline main instruments
Instrumental ranges specifying extremities of the ranges with locations