Ear System

Ear System
Austin Johnson
Special Senses-Ears
The Ear system contains the organs that allow
humans to detect sound. The Ear system is
made up of the Outer Ear, Middle Ear, and
the Inner Ear.
How does the system
Ear Vocabulary
auditory canal
Channel that leads from outside the ear to the eardrum.
auditory meatus
Another name for auditory canal
auditory nerve fibers
Sends signals from the inner ear to the brain
auditory tube
Channel between the middle ear and the nasopharynx.
Flap of the ear, or the outside part of the external ear.
Ear wax
Snail shaped receptor in the inner ear
Inner ear fluid
eustachian tube
another name for Auditory tube.
Second (bone) in the middle ear. incus means anvil.
system of canals of the inner ear. Named because it is maze like
Ear Vocab cont.
First bone in the middle ear. malleus means hammer.
organ of Corti
very Sensitive receptor in the cochlea of the inner ear.
Very small bone in the ear. Stapes, Incus and Malleus are ossicles.
oval window
Membrane between the middle ear and inner ear.
Fluid in the labyrinth.
Another name for auricle
semicircular canals
Passages in inner ear that maintaining equilibrium (or balance). Also called labyrinth
Third bone in the middle ear.
tympanic membrane
Eardrum. Membrane between outer and the middle ear.
Central cavity of labyrinth, connecting semicircular canals and cochlea.
Teen Diseases/Injuries
Trauma: A fall or a forceful blow to the side of the head
can rupture the eardrum or damage the tiny bones in the
inner ear that send sound to the brain.
Noise: Loud noises, explosions, loud machinery, or
gunshots. Most common problems in teenagers are
hearing loss due to loud music. This is called acoustic
loss. It happens because the eardrum is damaged.
Other Diseases/Injuries
Hearing Loss is a common problem as people get older. It can be for many
Hereditary problems
Buildup of Earwax
Exposure to loud noise over time
Skin reactions in and around the ear
Diseases such as Méniére’s disease or acoustic neuroma.
Keep the System Healthy
Ear protection: when doing loud activities (shooting,
using heavy machinery) wear ear protection like
earplugs. Prevention is the best cure.
Don’t use Q-tips! Q-tips are bad for your ears, especially
when used incorrectly. They can damage your middle
and inner ear. Only use them to clean your outer ears
and be very gentle.
Interaction with other Systems
The labyrinth (or semicircular canals) in the ear contains fluid, which rolls
around and affects cells which tells us our sense of balance and which
direction we may be tilting or leaning. This is called maintaining
This operation coordinates with our Visual System and helps tell our brain
whether or not we are standing up straight or at an angle.
This operation also coordinates with our Muscular System by automatically
adjusting our balance to make sure we are operating correctly.
Finally, our auditory nerve fibers are special nerve cells. These cells are part
of the Nervous System and send the signals of what we hear to our brain.
Trivia Questions
What are the three small bones in
your ear called?
A. Hammer, Nail, and Ossicle bones
B. Socket, Holster, and Signal bones
C. Hammer, Anvil, and Stirrup bones
D. Ossicle, Balcius, and Andin bones
What are the three small bones in
your ear called?
C. Hammer, Anvil, and Stirrup bones
What is the name of the outer flap
that we commonly call the ear?
A. Auricle
B. Ear Flap
C. Pinna
D. Auditory Chamber
What is the name of the outer flap
that we commonly call the ear?
A. Auricle
What is another name for
the labyrinth?
A. Maze
B. Cochlea
C. Pinna
D. Semicircular canals
What is another name for
the labyrinth?
D. Semicircular canals
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