Manage Enlisted Promotions Through Skill Level III 1 Terminal Learning Objective Action: Manage Enlisted Promotions through Skill Level III. Conditions: Given access to AR 600-8-19, MILPER Promotion Messages, Enlisted Promotion Handouts Forms and Reports, Practical Exercises, and class notes Standards: Identify the basic concepts enlisted promotions through skill level III; Accurately determine waiver allocation and review the advancement eligibility for soldiers under the decentralized enlisted promotion system; and accurately review promotions of soldiers under the semi-centralized promotion system IAW AR 600-8-19. 2 ELO A ACTION: Review enlisted promotion. CONDITIONS: Given AR 600-8-19, Chapter 1-4. STANDARDS: Identify the basic components of the enlisted promotions through skill level III IAW AR 600-8-19. 3 System Objectives Promote the best qualified soldiers to fill authorized enlisted spaces. Provide for career progression. Recognize and retain the best-qualified soldiers. Preclude promotion of unproductive or not best qualified soldiers. Provide an equitable system for all soldiers. 4 References Active Duty: AR 600-8-19; 10 Jan 2006 National Guard: NGR 600-200 Reserve Component: AR 140-158 5 System Overview DECENTRALIZED: (Chapter 2) Advancements to PV2 thru SPC/CPL Promotion Authority: Unit Cdr SEMI-CENTRALIZED: (Chapter 3) Promotions to SGT thru SSG Promotion Authority: Bn Cdr CENTRALIZED: (Chapter 4) Promotions to SFC thru CSM Promotion Authority: HQDA 6 Check on Learning 7 ELO B ACTION: Process soldiers for advancement under the de-centralized system. CONDITIONS: Given AR 600-8-19, Unit Authorization documents, Unit Manning Documents and a AAA-117 Enlisted Advancement Report. STANDARDS: Accurately compute the waiver allocations for advancement to private second class through specialist/corporal and review the Enlisted Advancement Report for completeness and accuracy IAW AR 600-8-19. 8 Decentralized System Advance to Normal TIS TIMIG Accelerated TIS Limit TIMIG PV2 6 PFC 12 4 6 2 20% CPL/SPC 24 6 18 3 Published monthly by HQDA 20% 4 TIS: Time in service (months) TIMIG: Time in grade (months) 9 Determine Automatic Eligibility TIS/TIMIG (PFC) TIS 03 01 15 BASD + 12 _ 03 13 15 TIMIG 03 07 15 DOR + 04 _ 03 11 15 04 01 15 NOTE: Take the later date as both TIS and TIMIG requirements must be met 10 Determine Waiver Eligibility TIS/TIMIG (PFC) TIS TIMIG 09 31 Promotion month 03 10 01 - 03 01 15 BASD 08 16 +1 08 17 = 8 MOS 09 31 03 10 01 - 03 07 15 DOR 02 16 +1 2 17 =2 MOS Waivers may only be used on the 1st day of the month, therefore, always 11 use the first day of the promotion month when calculating eligibility Calculate Waiver Allocations PFC Demonstration 13 Calculate Waiver Allocations PFC 26 Total Assigned PFC Strength x .20 Limit 5.2 maximum total waivers in unit 5 round down always -2 # currently advanced w/waiver 3 number of waivers this month 14 Calculate Waiver Allocations SPC/CPL Demonstration 15 Calculate Waiver Allocations SPC/CPL 48 Authorized Strength x .10 DA imposed limit this month 4.8 maximum total waivers in unit 4 round down always -3 # currently advanced w/waiver 1 number of waivers this month 16 Decentralized Timeline JUNE JULY Beginning of the month the AAA-117 is run at the Bn S1 1st of month begin advancement of recommended soldiers Reviewed by unit Cdr Waivers will only be used on 1st of the month After completion is sent to PSB 17 Reviewing The Enlisted Advancement Report Part 1 Eligible 2 Need Waiver 3 Not Eligible Recommend Advancement YES NO YES NO YES NO Advance to PV2, PFC, SPC, CPL Automatic Circle & Initial submit 4187 Circle & Initial Submit 4187 and GRCH if waiver available No action required No action required 18 CHECK ON LEARNING 19 PRACTICAL EXERCISE 20 ELO C ACTION: Process soldiers for promotion under the semi-centralized system. CONDITIONS: Given AR 600-8-19, Chapter 3, DA Form 3355, and appropriate source documentation. STANDARDS: Define the semi-centralized promotion system; identify the components of the semi-centralized promotion system; compute time in service and time in grade to determine eligibility; and verify data on the Promotion Point Worksheet (DA Form 3355) IAW AR 600-8-19. 21 Point System Semi-centralized ITEM MAX POINTS Duty Performance 150 Awards, Decorations, and Achievements 100 Military Education 200 Civilian Education 100 Military Training (APFT and Marksmanship) 100 Total Board Points 150 Total Promotion Points 800 22 Board Appearance Criteria CRITERIA To SGT To SSG TIS 34 (16) 82 (46) TIMIG 6 (4) 8 (5) MIL ED NONE PLDC CIV ED HS, GED, COL DEGREE Points 350 450 23 Promotion Eligibility CRITERIA To SGT To SSG TIS 36 (18) 84 (48) TIMIG 8 (4) 10 (5) MIL ED None* CIV ED HS, GED, COL DEGREE Service Remaining 0 mos PLDC* 12 mos *Conditional Promotions suspended 04-037 24 Promotion Boards REFERENCE: Ch 3, Sec V, Para 3-15 BOARDS: • Once a month (NLT 15th) • Appointed by Promo Authority • Can be mixed (off/enlisted) or not (odd#) • Voting members at least 1 grade senior • Gender/ethnic representation PAPERWORK: • DA Form 3356 (Member) • DA Form 3357 (Recorder) 25 Memorandum of Board Proceedings REFERENCE: Ch 3, Sec VI, Para 3-17 (Also Fig 3-4 for sample) SUBSTANCE: Where and when board was conducted Membership of the board Alpha recommended (RMOS, SSN) by grade Alpha not recommended (SSN) by grade Signed by board president PROMO AUTHORITY: Approval/Disapproval all within 3 duty days. 26 Promotion Timeline JAN FEB MAR APR Prepare initial board packets Promotion board 1-15th HQDA processes promotion points 1st of month promotions become effective FWD NLT than 10th to PSB Results Sent to PSB Input into automated systems NLT 27 of month Promotion Point Model created 27 Promotion Worksheets Initial - First board appearance Reevaluation Administrative - At least 20 points to add Total reevaluation – complete process with board appearance 28 Section A-Recommendation 1. MILITARY TRAINING (Maximum 100 Points) A. LATEST APFT DATE (YYYYMMDD) B. SCORES PUSH-UPS D. LATEST WEAPONS UALIFICATIONS DATE (YYYYMMDD) SITUPS RUN E. DA FORM USED: C. POINTS AWARDED TOTAL F. TOTAL HITS G. POINTS AWARDED H. TOTAL POINTS AWARDED 2. DUTY PERFORMANCE EVALUATION (Maximum 150 Points Award 1-30 Points For Each Category) CATEGIRY POINTS AWARDED A. COMPETENCE: Proficient, Knowledgeable, Communicates effectively B. MILITARY LEADERSHIP: Role Model, Appearance, Confidence C. LEADERSHIP: Motivates Soldiers, Sets Standards, Mission, Concern D. TRAINING: Individual and Team, Shares Knowledge and Experience, Teaching E. RESPONSIBILITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY: Equipment, Facilities, Safety, Conservation F. TOTAL POINTS AWARDED I certify that the above APFT and weapons qualification sores shown have been extracted from appropriate records and the latest valid scores are in accordance with Army Training Regulations and Army Field Manual. 3.SIGNATURE OF COMMANDER 4, TYPED OR PRINTED NAME AND GRADE DATE (YYYYMMDD) 29 Section B-Administrative Points SECTION B - ADMINISTRATIVE POINTS 1. AWARDS, DECORATIONS AND ACHIEVEMENTS (Maximum 100 Points. List all awards individually. Include award number (I.e 3rd OLC and the order number) 1. TOTAL POINTS AWARDED 30 Section B-Administrative Points Page 2 SECTION B - ADMINISTRATIVE POINTS (Continued) 2. MILITARY EDUCATION (Maximum 200 Points. List all military Education.\ TOTAL POINTS AWARDED 3. CIVILIAN EDUCATION (Maximum 100 Points. List all Civilian Education.\ TOTAL POINTS AWARDED I certify that the above administrative points shown have been accurately extracted from appropriate records and that the promotion points indicated are correct. 4. TYPED OR PRINTED NAME OF RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL 5. DATE (YYYYMMDD) 6. SIGNATURE OF RECOMMENDED INDIVIDUAL (Required) 7. DATE (YYYYMMDD) 31 Section C-Totals SECTION C - TOTALS Only whole numbers will be used in awarding promotion points for all sections (drop fractions). Only initial and total reevaluations require submission of Da Form 3355. Administrative reevaluations and adjustments are submitted on DA Form 4187 and annotated in the Eval/Adj Column. 1. POINTS GRANTED ITEM INITIAL (Date) EVAL/ADJ (Date) EVAL/ADJ (Date) EVAL/ADJ (Date) EVAL/ADJ (Date) EVAL/ADJ (Date) A.TOTAL PERFORMANC EVALUATION AND MILITARY TRAINING POINTS - SECTION A (Maximum 250 Points) B.TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE POINTS - SECTION B (Max imum 400 points) C.TOTAL BOARD POINTS (Maximum 150 points) D,TOTAL PROMOTION POINTS (Maximum 800 points) 2. INITIALS OF RESPONSIBLE PSB OFFICAL 32 Section D-Certification SECTION D - CERTIFICATION I certify that the above total points shown have been accurately extracted form appropriate records and promotion list points indicated are correct. 1. RECOMMENDED BY BOARD YES 2. ATTAINED MINIMUM POINTS NO YES 3. TYPED OR PRINTED NAME AND SIGNATURE OF BOARD RECORDER 4. GRADE NO 5. DATE (YYYYMMDD) I certify that the soldier has been recommended for promotion by a valid promotion board. 6. TYPED OR PRINTED NAME OF PROMOTION AUTHORITY 7. SIGNATURE 8. DATE PROCEEDINGS WERE APPROVED (YYYYMMDD) Counseling statement: I have been counseled on my promotion status and deficiencies. (Use only when recommendation is disapproved, when a soldier is not selected by a board, or when a soldier cannot be added to the recommended list due to not attaining the minimum required points). 9. SIGNATURE OF SOLDIER 10. DATE (YYYYMMDD 11. TYPED OR PRINTED NAME AND SIGNATURE OF COUNSELOR. 33 PRACTICAL EXERCISE 34 Terminal Learning Objective Action: Manage Enlisted Promotions through Skill Level III. Conditions: Given access to AR 600-8-19, MILPER Promotion Messages, Enlisted Promotion Handouts Forms and Reports, Practical Exercises, and class notes Standards: Identify the basic concepts enlisted promotions through skill level III; Accurately determine waiver allocation and review the advancement eligibility for soldiers under the decentralized enlisted promotion system; and accurately review promotions of soldiers under the semi-centralized promotion system IAW AR 600-8-19. 35