SAIGONTECH Course Syllabus ECON2302 - Principles of Microeconomics 1. Class :ECON2 Semester : Fall 2014 2. Instructors Instructor: Office: Tel: Mobile: Email: Lâm Hữu Hoàng Phúc Room 104 – SaigonTech Tower (08) 3715 5033 (ext. ) 0943 77 83 86 3. Campus and Room Location with Days and Times Venue:Room 202 – SaigonTech Tower Time: Tue 13:00 – 16:10 4. Course Semester Credit Hours (SCH): 3 5. Total Course Contact Hours: 48 6. Type of Instruction: Lectures 7. Course Description ECON 2302 is an introductory course in microeconomics, which examines the fundamental theories of the consumer, the firm, and markets. It is a required course for any student wishing to take major or minor in business or economics, and it is recommended for any student who would like to understand the American, Vietnamese and world economy as it relates to businessand individual welfare. This course also meets the social science requirements of the core curriculum, since you will be exposed to major questions concerning human and institutional behavior, and you will be encouraged to develop your skills in critical analysis, mathematics, and/or writing clarity. 8. Course Prerequisite(s): ESL level 4 No previous economic study is required 9. Course Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Students’ learning Outcomes Learning Objectives 1. Understand the basic economic terms 2. Can define the different economic concepts 3. Provide in-depth, typical examples to each of the concepts and models 4. Be able to interpret clearly most of the economic problems 5. Can clarify principles and concepts by applicable evidences in real life I. Be able to understand the basic economic principles and concepts: 1. Scarcity, choice and opportunity cost 2. PPF, comparative advantage, specialization, and trade 3. Economic systems 4. The role of incentives 1 5. Marginal analysis II. Recognize the nature and functions of product markets: 1. Supply and demand. Market equilibrium 2. Determinant of supply and demand. Price and quantity controls 3. Elasticity, price, income, and cross price elasticity of demand 4. Price elasticity of supply. Consumer surplus, producer surplus and market efficiency 5. Tax incidence and deadweight loss III. Theory of consumer choice: 1. Total utility and marginal utility 2. Utility maximization: equalizing marginal utility per dollar 3. Individual and market demand curves 4. Income and substitution effects IV. Production and costs 1. Production functions: short and long run 2. Marginal product and diminishing returns 3. Short run costs 4. Long run costs and economies of scale 5. Cost minimizing input combination V. Firm behavior and market structure 1. Profit Accounting versus Economic profit. Normal profit 2. Profit maximization : MR=MC rule 3. Perfect competition. Monopoly. Oligopoly. Monopolistic competition 4. Short run and long run equilibrium 10. Textbook Economics, 3rd edition, P. Krugman and R. Wells (2013). Worth Publishers. For the best use of the textbook, take some time to read Tools for Learning, pp.xi-xii For student resources, go to URL: 11. Course Requirements Make-up policy Make-up test is not allowed. If any class session is canceled, the instructor will discuss with the students to arrange a make-up class. Attendance and Withdrawal Policies Please read information about attendance and withdrawal policies on SaigonTech website: 12. Instructor’s Requirements Classroom policy Please be seated before lecture begins, and don't leave early without prior permission since it is very distracting to me and your classmates. Arriving late or leaving early will count as half of an absence. Because it is distracting to other students and to me, you should keep mobile phones off/silent, and not carry on private conversations. Being active in class discussions and asking questions are highly encouraged. To make best use of our scarce time, do NOT study for another exam, work for another class, play games, or surf the Internet. If you are caught red-handed, you will be dismissed from the class and your attendance for that class will be ABSENT. It also reduces your participation grade. 2 Do not close your books or rustle your papers to signal the end of class. Pack up only when I say I have done. Academic Honesty Students are responsible for conducting themselves with honor and integrity in fulfilling course requirements. Penalties and/or disciplinary proceedings may be initiated by SaigonTech officials against a student accused of scholastic dishonesty. Please visit this site for more details about Academic Dishonesty Policy: Other Student Information: Refer to SaigonTech’s website at www. other students rights and responsibilities at the school 13. Grading Policies An Incomplete may be given only for extenuating circumstances (i.e. family illness, accident, and an unforeseen event occurring at exam time). The grading policy is summarized below: Course Grading 1) Quiz & Problem (quantity: 2, mode: individual) 2) Presentation (quantity: 1, mode: group) 3) Mid-term exam 4) Final exam 5) Participation Total 20% 10% 25% 35% 10% 100% Grading Scale A 90 – 100 B 80 – 89 C 70 – 79 0 – 69 F The passing grade of this course is C. 1) Quiz & Problem (individual, closed book, no electronic devices) Each student must attend the class to take the quizzes. If he/she is absent, there is no other opportunity to make up. Mark of 0 will be given if not taking the quiz. Specific time and date for the quizzes are specified in the course calendar. The duration of each test is 60 minutes. They will be hold during the second half of the class. There are 2 quizzes in total. The quizzes will be provided in order to test students’ knowledge about the materials provided in the previous lectures and to help students be preparedbefore mid-term and final examinations. Each quiz includes 10 multiple-choice questions, 1 short question, and 1 problem: MCQ Short question Problem Total 30% 10% 60% 100% The results and feedbacks will be received at the next class. 2) Presentation (group) Each group (max of 4students) is required to do 1 presentation. Each presentation will last about 20 minutes(excluding questions and answers). Everyone in the group has to present. Those who do not present with the group at the presentation date will receive only 50% of the mark given to the group. The presentations will be held in week 11, 13, 14 and 15. 3 The topics for the presentation will be diccussed on week 7 and decided on week 8. The groups have to hand in their power point slides to the instructor on Nov 25th, 2014. The feedbacks will be received immediately after the presentation. Below is the list of presentation marking criteria: Criteria Speaking speed Slide hand-in Time management Power point slides Pronunciation Professional Manner Content Total Standards Not too fast, not too slow On time (on Nov 25th, 2014) 20 minutes for presentation (excluding questions & answers section) Good design & layout Accurate, clear, loud enough Proper gesture, face expression, eye contact, audience control Quality of the content presented, quality of the answers % 5 5 5 5 20 30 30 100 3) Examination Format (individual, no electronic devices) Exam Midterm Endterm Type MCT Short question Problems MCT Short question Problems No. of questions 30 1 2 30 1 2 Points 30 10 60 30 20 50 Chapters Mode Duratio n Reading time 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 &9 Closed -book 120 mins 5 mins 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 & 15 Closed -book 120 mins 5 mins 4) Participation (individual): Participation mark depends on your diligence and activeness. To get full mark (10%), you have to attend all 24 class-sessions and be very active in the class. 14. Course Calendar:Lectures and tutorials will follow the order of the Krugman and Wells textbook Week 1 Date Tue Sep 23 2014 Item/Description - Introduction - Syllabus Clarification - Lecture: Chapter 1 First Principles 2 Tue Sep 30 2014 Lecture: Chapter 2 Economic Models: TradeOffs and Trade 3 Tue Oct 7 2014 Lecture: Chapter 3 Supply and Demand Pre-class Reading - Chapter 1 Opening Story, pp.5-6 - Definition of Key Terms of Introduction & Chapter 1 (see the list of Key Terms on pp. 4, 22) - Chapter 2 Opening Story, p.25 - Definition of Key Terms of Chapter 2 (see the list of Key Terms on p.45) After-Classs Homework - Check Your Understanding 11 (p.11), 1-2 (p.17) - Economics in Action (pp.1011) - Summary, pp.22 - Chapter 3 Opening Story, pp.65 - Definition of Key Terms of - Check Your Understanding 31 (p.74), 3-2 (pp.83), 3-3 (p.88), 3-4 (p.94) - Check Your Understanding 21 (p.39), 2-2 (p.43) - Summary, p.45 4 Chapter 3 (see the list of Key Terms on p.96) - Chapter 4 Opening Story, pp.83-84 - Economics in action (p.89) - Definition of Key Terms of Chapter 4 (see the list of Key Terms on p.105) - Chapter 6 Opening Story, p.109 - Economics in action (p.120) - Definition of Key Terms of Chapter 5 (see the list of Key Terms on p.131) - Summary, pp.96 - Chapter 9 Opening Story, p.135 - Economics in action (pp.151-152) - Definition of Key Terms of Chapter 6 (see the list of Key Terms on p.157) - Check Your Understanding 91 (p.142), 9-2 (p.146), 9-3 (p.152), 9-4 (p.156) - Summary, p.157 4 Tue - Lecture: Chapter 4 Oct 14 2014 Consumer and Producer Surplus - Quiz 1 (Chapters: 1, 2 & 3) 5 Tue Oct 21 2014 6 Tue Lecture: Chapter 9 Oct 28 2014 Decision Making by Individuals and Firms 7 Tue Nov 4 2014 Lecture: Chapter 9 Decision Making by Individuals and Firms (cont.) - Revision for Mid–term examination - Discuss about topics for presentation 8 Tue Nov 11 2014 Mid-term examination - Decide topics 11 Tue Dec 2 2014 Lecture: Chapter 10 The Rational Consumer -Chapter 10 Opening Story, pp.230-231 -Economics in action (pp.233-234) -Key Terms of Chapter 10 (see the list of Key Terms on p.250) -Check Your Understanding 10-1 (p.234), 10-2 (p.241), 10-3 (p.245), 10-4 (p.249) -Summary, p.249 9 Tue Nov 18 2014 Lecture: Chapter 11 Behind the Supply Curve: Input and Costs -Check Your Understanding 11-1 (p.189), 11-2 (p.197), 11-3 (p.202) -Summary, pp.202-203 10 Tue Nov 25 2014 Lecture: Chapter 12 Perfect Competition and the Supply Curve - Presentations - Chapter 11 Opening Story, pp.181-182 - For Inquiring Mind (p.186) - Definition of Key Terms of Chapter 8 (see the list of Key Terms on p.203) - Chapter 12 Opening Story, p.206 - Economics in action (p.220) - Definition of Key Terms of Chapter 9 (see the list of Key Terms on p.227) - Lecture: Chapter 6 Elasticity - Check Your Understanding 41 (p.90), 4-2 (p.94), 4-3 (p.99), 4-4 (p.104) - Summary, pp.104-105 - Check Your Understanding 61 (p.113), 6-2 (pp.120-121), 6-3 (p.123), 6-4 (p.126) - Summary, pp.130-131 - Check Your Understanding 12-1 (p.210), 12-2 (p.220), 12-3 (p.226) - Summary, p.227 5 12 Tue Dec 9 2014 - Lecture: Chapter 13 Monopoly - Quiz 2 (Chapters: 8, 9 & 10) 13 Tue Dec 16 2014 - Lecture: Chapter 14 Oligopoly - Presentations 14 Tue Dec 23 2014 - Lecture: Chapter 15 Monopolistic Competition and Consumer Choice - Presentations 15 Tue Dec 30 2014 - Lecture: Chapter 15 Monopolistic Competition and Consumer Choice (cont.) - Revision for Final examination 16 Tue Jan 6 2014 - Chapter 13 Opening Story, p.333 - For Inquiring Mind (p.345) - Definition of Key Terms of Chapter 13 (see the list of Key Terms on p.359) - Chapter 14 Opening Story, pp.363-364 - Economics in action (pp.377-378) - Definition of Key Terms of Chapter 14 (see the list of Key Terms on p.384) -Check Your Understanding 13-1 (p.339), 13-2 (p.347), 13-3 (p.352), 13-4 (p.358) -Summary, pp.358-359 -Check Your Understanding 14-1 (p.366), 14-2 (p.370), 14-3 (p.378), 14-4 (p. 383) -Summary, p.384 - Chapter 15 Opening Story, pp.388-389 - Economics in action (p.392) - Definition of Key Terms of Chapter 15 (see the list of Key Terms on p.404) - Check Your Understanding 15-1 (p.393), 15-2 (p.398), 15-3 (p.400), 15-4 (p. 403) - Summary, p.403 - Presentations Final examination 6