FRAME THE LESSON TEACHER: CLASS: ELA LESSON DATE: 10/5-9/15 M T W TH F Teaching Points & Activities Engage: Student Expectations Bundled in Lesson Noun=Underline Verb=Italicize See grid below Explore: Saxon III.B.1 Child separates a normally spoken four-word sentence into individual words. III.C.1 Child names at least 20 upper and at least 20 lowercase letters. III.C.2 Child recognizes at least 20 letter sounds. III.C.3 Child produces the correct sound for at least 10 letters. IV.B.1 Child independently uses letters or symbols to make words or parts of words. Resources/Materials: Required: Saxon Lessons 25-28 DLM Oral Language Card 15 or 16 Lakeshore Alphabet Tubs Explain: DLM Big Book: Eyes, Nose, Fingers, Toes Elaborate: Nursery Rhyme: Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes Optional: Evaluate: III.B.10 Child recognizes and blends two phonemes into real words with pictorial support. Frogstreet Letter Song Aa Havefun teaching Storybots Literacy II.D.4 Child uses a large speaking vocabulary, adding several new words daily. III.A.2 Child uses books and other written materials to engage in prereading behaviors. III.D.2 Child uses information learned from books by describing, relating, categorizing, or comparing and contrasting. III.D.3 Child asks and answers appropriate questions about the book. III.B.6. Child can produce a word that rhymes with a given word. Phonics Letter A-Z Songs: Kid TV Magnet letters and other alphabet manipulatives Book: Theme Book Library about Five Senses; The Listening Walk; Brown Bear, Brown Bear What do You Hear; Polar Bear, Polar Bear… Objective/Key Understanding: Saxon I can match capital and lowercase letters. I can identify and recognize the letter Aa and the sound it makes. I can identify the initial sound in words. Literacy I can identify body parts and the sound that each part starts with. I can identify the parts of a book and hold the book the correct way. I can take care of books. Closing Product/ Question/ Informal Assessment: Saxon Students will sort pictures/objects based on the initial sound of Aa or not Aa. Literacy Students practice retelling the story to their partner during turn and talk. (Nursery Rhyme) Students will be able to point to the different parts of a book and demonstrate how to properly care for a book. Stop & Check for Understanding—High Level Questions Saxon What is a letter? Where can we find letters? In your name? What is a vowel? Consonant? Literacy Who writes the words in a story? Who draws the pictures? Can you tell me some body parts that were named in the story? Critical Writing Prompt: Saxon How to form the letter Aa Pictures/Words that start with Aa Literacy Use a body cutout and let students decorate it and then label it using a book to help. Small Group Purposeful Talk Question Stems: Saxon What is a word that starts with Aa? What is a word that does not start with Aa? Literacy Why do we take care of books? How do we take care of them? Vocabulary: Saxon Vowel, consonant, letter, alphabet, uppercase, lowercase, Aa vocabulary words Literacy Author, illustrator, pages, cover, spine, title Rigor & Relevance: (Real World Connection) Saxon Find the letter Aa in the classroom. Literacy Why do we need to learn about our body? Is it important to take care of our body? Why? What happens if we don’t take care of our books? Engage/Explore/ Explain Monday Tuesday Engage We are going to read a story about things we can do with parts of our bodies. What is a body part you can name? What is something you do with that body part? Explore & Explain Read the Big Book: Eyes, Nose, Fingers, Toes. Read the book emphasizing the rhyming words. Engage Remind the students we read the book Eyes, Nose… yesterday. Ask what they remember from the book. Explore & Explain Read the book. Have students ask questions about anything they do not understand. What do the children use their legs for? How do they use their backs? What is this child doing? Wednesday Thursday Friday Engage We are going to read a story about a woman and a visitor. A visitor is a person who comes to spend time in a place that is not their own. (Use an example of someone who has visited your class before) Have you ever had visitors at your house? Explore & Explain Read the Strange Visitor (TTB 203). Read the title and talka bout the word strange and why the visitor might be strange. Engage Eyes, Nose.. What are some of the characters in this book? What are some things the children do? Explore & Explain Re read the story and ask what the students are blowing, sniffing, etc. Why do you think the visitor is visiting the old lady? Who was the visitor? Was the visitor real or make believe? Elaborate/Evaluate (center ideas) Aa is for Airplane Aa is for Alligator Aa is for Ant Jello dig (put letters in a bowl of jello and they have to dig them out) Letter Memory Labeling and decorating a body to look like us Aa is for Airplane Aa is for Alligator Aa is for Ant Jello dig (put letters in a bowl of jello and they have to dig them out) Letter Memory Labeling and decorating a body to look like us Aa is for Airplane Aa is for Alligator Aa is for Ant Jello dig (put letters in a bowl of jello and they have to dig them out) Letter Memory Labeling and decorating a body to look like us Aa is for Airplane Aa is for Alligator Aa is for Ant Jello dig (put letters in a bowl of jello and they have to dig them out) Letter Memory Labeling and decorating a body to look like us Aa is for Airplane Aa is for Alligator Aa is for Ant Jello dig (put letters in a bowl of jello and they have to dig them out) Letter Memory Labeling and decorating a body to look like us