Lesson 4 Building Health Skills

Chapter 1
Lesson 4: Building Health Skills
List as many health skills as you can.
Taking Charge of Your
Own Health
Making a personal wellness contract is
the first step in taking charge of your
own health.
The next step is to follow the plan.
To do that, you will need to
understand and practice specific skills.
Think back to your health
Some skills are important for your
physical health.
Others will help improve your
mental/emotional health.
Still others will enhance your social
Skills for Building
Physical Health
Eating well and staying fit
Getting enough rest
Staying safe
Hygiene: Cleanliness
Skills for Building Mental
and Emotional Health
Knowing your self… Get into the habit
of HONEST self-assessment.
Understand that everyone – including
you, makes mistakes!
Use those mistakes in a positive way –
to learn, grow, and change.
How to Find the Facts…
Refer to Figure 1.6 on page 21.
Healthy Attitude
Self-management skill: the ability to
take care of your overall health and to
take control of your behavior and
Start building self-management skills
by learning to like and accept yourself.
Take Responsibility! P. 22
Being responsible means taking
It also means making decisions that
uphold your values.
Values: the beliefs that guide the way
a person lives, such as beliefs about
what is right and wrong and what is
most important.
Skills for Building Social
Do you stop and think about how
important your family and friends are?
They are the people you spend time
with and who share your interests and
Listening and Talking
Communication skills involve much
more than being able to speak clearly.
People also get their messages across
by facial expressions, tone of voice,
and choice of words.
“Stop looking at me in that tone of
Refusal Skills
Refusal Skills: Ways to effectively say
What’s right? What’s wrong? What’s
important to you?
Making a Difference
Learning how to be a positive, reliable
influence on someone else’s life is
extremely valuable.
Helping someone else makes you feel
good about yourself.
Healthy life
Aaron's Health Goals
Inactive kids become inactive adults
Physical activity helps with academic
Online PE classes??!
Define hygiene.
List 3 reliable sources for factual
information related to health.
Explain what values are.