Name Date UNIT 2 EXAM POST-REVIEW 1. Identify the functions of

Name ______________________________________________________
Date ____________________________
1. Identify the functions of each of the following cellular organelles:
A. Nucleus - _________________________________________________________________________________
B. Nucleolus - _______________________________________________________________________________
C. Mitochondria - ____________________________________________________________________________
D. Ribosomes - ______________________________________________________________________________
E. Endoplasmic Reticullum - ____________________________________________________________________
F. Golgi Apparatus - ___________________________________________________________________________
G. Vacuoles - ________________________________________________________________________________
H. Centrioles - _______________________________________________________________________________
I. Lysosomes - _______________________________________________________________________________
J. Cytoskeleton - _____________________________________________________________________________
K. Cell Membrane - ___________________________________________________________________________
What is the correct answer for #1? _____________________________________________________________________
2. Compare and contrast the two modes of viral replication:
Key Events:
Onset of symptoms QUICK or SLOW (circle one)?
Onset of symptoms QUICK or SLOW (circle one)?
What is the correct answer for #2? _____________________________________________________________________
3. Identify the two energy organelles and briefly describe the energy process that occurs in each.
Energy Organelle 1:
Energy Process:
Energy Organelle 2:
Energy Process:
What is the correct answer for #3? _____________________________________________________________________
4. Answer the following questions to help you figure out what the correct answer should be:
A. Is a herpes virus even remotely related to a cold virus? YES
NO (circle one)
B. What is a virus completely dependent upon for metabolic and genetic functions? _______________________
C. Meiosis occurs in gametes, which are the sex cells, of eukaryotic organisms. Is a virus a eukaryote? YES
NO (circle one)
D. Does a virus have gametes? YES
NO (circle one)
E. Explain what the correct answer should be for #4:________________________________________________
5. Write the definition of ACTIVE TRANSPORT [include in your definition what is needed for active transport to occur
and describe how molecules move along the concentration gradient] __________________________________________________________________________________________________
What is the correct answer for #5? _____________________________________________________________________
6. Provide definitions for the following 2 types of active transport:
A. Endocytosis - ______________________________________________________________________________
B. Exocytosis - _______________________________________________________________________________
C. What are the 2 types of endocytosis?
1.) Phagocytosis - ______________________________________________________________________;
What is needed for a cell to perform phagocytosis? ___________________________________________
2.) Pinocytosis - _______________________________________________________________________;
What is needed for a cell to perform pinocytosis? ____________________________________________
What is the correct answer for #6? _____________________________________________________________________
7. Write the definitions for the following cellular processes [include in your definition how molecules are moving along
the concentration gradient]:
A. Osmosis - _________________________________________________________________________________
B. Endocytosis - ______________________________________________________________________________
C. Diffusion - ________________________________________________________________________________
D. Phagocytosis - _____________________________________________________________________________
What is the correct answer for #7? _____________________________________________________________________
8. Write the definition of FACILITATED DIFFUSION [include in your definition what is needed for facilitated diffusion to
occur and describe how molecules move along the concentration gradient] __________________________________________________________________________________________________
What is the correct answer for #8? _____________________________________________________________________
A. What elements do you see in the monomer? ____________________________________________________
B. What biomolecule is made up of the elements in A? ______________________________________________
C. Where are the biomolecules in B found in a cell? _________________________________________________
What is the correct answer for #9? _____________________________________________________________________
10. Write the definitions for the following:
A. Impermeable - ____________________________________________________________________________
B. Homeostasis - _____________________________________________________________________________
C. Osmosis - _________________________________________________________________________________
D. Selectively Permeable - _____________________________________________________________________
What is the correct answer for #10? ____________________________________________________________________
11. In order for the Golgi to ship molecules OUT of a cell, it must use active transport.
A. How do molecules from the Golgi move along the concentration gradient? ____________________________
B. What structure does the Golgi package the molecules in? PROTEINS or VESICLES (circle one)
What is the correct answer for #11? ____________________________________________________________________
12. Compare and contrast prokaryotes and eukaryotes. On the first line, write the key difference between them:
What is the correct answer for #12? ____________________________________________________________________
13. Identify each structure in the diagram:
A. Structure A - ______________________________________________________________________________
B. Structure B - ______________________________________________________________________________
C. Structure C - ______________________________________________________________________________
D. Structure D - ______________________________________________________________________________
E. What kind of “information” gets passed from parent cell to daughter cell? _____________________________
E. Which structure contains the information that gets passed from parent cell to daughter cell? _____________
What is the correct answer for #13? ____________________________________________________________________
14. In the space below, DRAW and LABEL the fluid mosaic model.
What is the correct answer for #14? ____________________________________________________________________
A. Explain the differences between plant and animal cells.
B. Now look at your answer choices. Of those choices, which one is found only in the organisms in the chart?
What is the correct answer for #15? ____________________________________________________________________
A. In the spaces below, write the three principles of the Cell Theory.
1. __________________________________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________________________________
B. Do all cells have the same size? YES or NO (circle one)
C. Do all cells have the same shape? YES or NO (circle one)
What is the correct answer for #16? ____________________________________________________________________
17. Write the definition of DIFFUSION [include in your definition how the molecules move along the concentration
gradient]. __________________________________________________________________________________________
What is the correct answer for #17? ____________________________________________________________________
18. Define the following [include in your definition how the molecules move along the concentration gradient]:
A. Phagocytosis - _____________________________________________________________________________
B. Pinocytosis - ______________________________________________________________________________
What is the correct answer for #18? ____________________________________________________________________
19. Define the following [include in your definition how the molecules move along the concentration gradient and what
the cell uses to move those molecules, e.g. proteins, vesicles, no help, etc.]:
A. Facilitated Transport - ______________________________________________________________________
B. Diffusion - ________________________________________________________________________________
C. Active Transport - __________________________________________________________________________
D. Osmosis - _________________________________________________________________________________
What is the correct answer for #19? ____________________________________________________________________
20. Define the following:
A. Isotonic - _________________________________________________________________________________
B. Hypotonic - _______________________________________________________________________________
C. Hypertonic - ______________________________________________________________________________
What is the correct answer for #20? ____________________________________________________________________
21. Water is a small enough molecule to permeate the cell membrane. However, it is polar. Define the following:
A. Polar - ___________________________________________________________________________________
B. Non-polar - _______________________________________________________________________________
C. Since water is small but polar, it needs the help of a protein. What is the name of the protein used to
transport water through the cell membrane? ____________________________________________________
D. Is energy required to move water molecules though the membrane? YES or NO (circle one)
E. Osmosis needs a protein but no energy. What type of process is this? _______________________________
What is the correct answer for #21? ____________________________________________________________________
A. What are the 2 energy organelles? ____________________________________________________________
B. Which one makes and releases energy from sugars (glucose)? ______________________________________
1.) What is this process called? ___________________________________________________________
C. Which one stores energy to make sugars (glucose)? ______________________________________________
2.) What is this process called? ___________________________________________________________
What is the correct answer for #22? ____________________________________________________________________
23. Read your answers to the previous question (#22). If you missed this question but not #22, go to #22 and answer all
of it. What is the correct answer for #23? _______________________________________________________________
24. Define the following:
A. Solute - __________________________________________________________________________________
B. Solvent - _________________________________________________________________________________
C. Which one – solute or solvent – is entering the cell and making it change size? _________________________
What is the correct answer for #24? ____________________________________________________________________
A. What structure on a virus is the same as a “surface projection”? _____________________________________
B. What is the function of that viral structure in A? __________________________________________________
What is the correct answer for #25? ____________________________________________________________________