SCIENCE OF BREAD Shigehisa Riiko Sawazaki Tomoki Kobayashi Mai Syuri Teruyuki RESEARCH MOTIVE We doubted why there would not almost be any bread of the main ingredients except wheat. →Can the bread of the main ingredients be made except wheat? We think that, if we can make of from grain other than wheat, It is useful for an improvement of the eating habits of people with wheat allergy. CONTENTS ①How to make basic bread ②Improve ③Is fresh baked bread delicious? ④Addition and extraction of gluten ⑤Future subject 1.BASIC KNOWLEDGE ABOUT BREAD (1)BREAD IS… ①leavened bread ・・・Made by adding water, yeast, salt, etc. to normal flour or rye flour. ②unleavened bread ・・・ Made without adding yeast. For example, nan. 1.BASIC KNOWLEDGE ABOUT BREAD (2)Flour is… Fat Protein 1% Etc. 1% 10% Flour ・Strong flour ・・・it that the protein rate is 12% or more. ・Medium-strength flour ・・・it that the protein rate is just over or below 9%. Moisture 12% Carbohydrate 76% ・Weak flour ・・・it that the protein rate is is 8.5% or less. etc… Flour, Additive-free(100g) 1.BASIC KNOWLEDGE ABOUT BREAD (3)ABOUT GLUTEN Gliadin It will spread, if it kneads. Glutenin 1.BACIC KNOWLEDGE ABOUT BREAD (4)EXTRACTION OF GLUTEN Gluten of flour 2.MAKE BREADⅠ *ingredients ・flour(weak one・strong one)・barley ・water ・sugar ・salt ・dry yeast *fermentation time 1hour ‥各40g ‥各30g ‥各5g ‥各5g ‥各3g (2)EXPERIMENT DESCRIPTION Sugar, salt, and water put into a ball. It is mixed and melted by a fingertip. Powder and dry yeast are added. Cloth is mixed with collected. it put dough in order and shaped. 40℃ 1 hour After fermentation Before fermentation (3)EXPERIMENTAL RESULT after baking barley Strong flour Weak flour *The noticed point ・The crack of barley is conspicuous. ・There is no great difference in a size of bread. ・It is becoming brown in order of strong one>weak one>barley. ▼If a sectional view compares 2.THE TRIAL PRODUCTION OF BARLEY BREADⅠ (5) SUBJECT POINT ①It seldom swells at the time of fermentation and air bubbles cannot see. ②A crack is conspicuous. the quantity of bread ingredients or how to make it is not right? 3.PRODUCTION OF STRONG FLOUR BREAD (1)IT PRODUCES BASED ON A RECIPE BOOK *ingredients strong flour water (room temperature) sugar shortening salt dry yeast ‥300g ‥200g (66%) ‥10g ‥10g ‥ 5g ‥ 5g 3.PRODUCTION OF STRONG FLOUR BREAD (1)IT PRODUCES BASED ON A RECIPE BOOK *ingredients strong flour water (room temperature) sugar shortening salt dry yeast It doesn’t swell well ‥300g ‥200g ‥10g ‥10g ・・5g ・・3g THE QUANTITY OF INGREDIENTS AND FERMENTATION TIME IS CHANGED. 3.PRODUCTION OF STRONG FLOUR BREAD (2)MADE NEW RECIPE OF STRONG FLOUR BREAD *ingredients strong flour water (30℃) sugar shortening salt dry yeast ‥300g ‥219g (73%) ‥10g ‥10g ‥5g ‥3g *RECIPE① Flower ,salt and dry yeast is put in and mixes lightly Water put in in the center. And it is mixed and melted sugar by a fingertip. Mixes adding water little by little After fermentation After it Before kneads fermentation 15 minutes or A shortening is added more, it is moved to the bowl and mixes well. which applied a little oil. And do the primary fermentation *RECIPE② we carved it after fermentation. The air of bread is extracted by tap. dough is kept for 20 minutes.(Bench time) The form of dough is fabricated again. It bake bread at 200 degrees for 40 minutes. And, It is made to ferment for 40 minutes as secondary fermentation. 3.PRODUCTION OF BREAD (4)BREAD OF STRONG FLOUR WHICH BAKED we can see many air bubbles in the section of dough. 4.THE TRIAL PRODUCTION OF BARLEY BREADⅡ (1) EXPERIMENTAL MATERIAL Barley Gluten Sugar Water Salt shortening Dry yeast Barley only 100 0 4 65 1.7 4 1.67 Gluten 5% 95 5 4 65 1.7 4 1.67 Gluten 10% 90 10 4 65 1.7 4 1.67 Unit(g) Gluten and barley unified at 100 g in all. We compare each dough how to swell without change other ingredients. 4.THE TRIAL PRODUCTION OF BARLEY BREADⅡ (2)THE SITUATION OF KNEADED DOUGH Barley only Gluten 5% addition Gluten 10% addition The feature of dough The feature of dough The feature of dough ・Watery ・We can easily put dough in order. ・Elastic. The rate of expansion measured in before or after fermentation . Before fermentation After fermentation RESULT The size of dough (cm) Time (minutes) 5.IS FRESH BAKED BREAD DELICIOUS? (1) THE DELICIOUS INDEX OF BREAD fulffy 3 2 1 crisp 0 -3 -2 -1 soft 0 -1 -2 -3 watery 1 2 3 3 15minutes 2 1 0 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 -1 Inconsis-tent… -2 3-3 3 30minutes 45minutes 2 2 1 1 0 -3 0 -3 -2 -1 0 -1 -2 -3 1 2 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 3 -1 -2 -3 As time is formed, fluffy admiration increased!! 40 THE MOST DELICIOUS ONE IS… 35 Ten people evaluate these breads. 10 9 It was referred to as 4, 8 3, 2, and 1 at delicious 7 order. 30 25 6 20 5 4 15 3 2 10 1 5 0 0 15 30 45 Bread placed for 45 minutes is the most delicious! CONSIDERATION Fresh baked is not necessarily delicious. The feel made into fluffy increases as time is formed because moisture in dough flies. We cannot be asserted bread placed for 45 minutes is the most delicious. CONSIDERATION The dough swells easily has been confirmed if it contain gluten. It is not exact if a cup in which the memory was entered is used. 6.THE FURTHER PROBLEM *The device for making better bread *Substances other than gluten add on bread. And comparison of how to swell . *Evaluation of the delicacy of bread Thank you for listening