Wes, The Shadow Man?

Readers, beware as you pass
As you are now, so once was I.
As I am now, so you will be.
Therefore, prepare to follow
I want to dedicate my first book I’d finally
written who I’m blessedly got in my life and
that is Ruth and Junior. If it weren’t for them,
I wouldn’t have pushed myself this far and
accomplish a goal I sadly ignored. They are the
light of my life, and the reason I’ve became a
better person. I love you with all my heart and
soul my beautiful brats. Thank you so much for
supporting me through thick and thin. This one
is for the both of you.
As for Wes…this is his story.
Chapter one
What if I told you, wishes were all an illusion?
Wishes were an urban legend, made up by people
who stared at the skies above, gazing on a star that
twinkled brightly and whispered a wish granting
what you desired the most in life. What if I told you
wishes could be granted….but, with a price? A price
that you’ll have to pay to get what you want. For
example, throughout my life I've been told by
wishing upon a star will come true. Any child will
wish for anything from being a superhero to wanting
a brand new bike. My wishes came to light when I
asked for a new friend. I cherished to have a friend
who I could be by my side forever, a friend to tell
secrets too and share my life with him or her. My
wish came with the last price that’ll haunt me
I thought he was the one and all I ever needed. What
could I possibly ask for? He was the one that I
cherished and loved more than anyone on this earth.
Little did I come to find out, he would overtake my
life. Could it even be possible? Could it be one
person to take full control over your mind? I’ve
asked myself for the millionth time, getting no
precise answer to seek out my questions.
It started on October twenty-ninth, a life changing
experience of true horrors because I asked for one
single wish I’d soon regretted. Sadly, I’m stuck with
it forever….unless…I take my ticket out. The issue
is, can I really go through with it and end my life to
rid the utmost creature that lives inside me? Am I
capable to die with him? I had mentioned; I do love
him more than anyone on this earth, right?
Allow me to take you on a journey beginning the day
of October twenty-ninth, 2015. The day my wish
became granted with suppressed torments I
gradually took up on to get hold of nightmares that
hasn’t ceased. Before I tell you my tale, I’ll introduce
myself. My name is Justin Collins. I was born on
October thirty-first of 1981. Born in Dublin, Ireland,
later raised on the outskirts of London, United
Kingdom where I lived with my aunt at the time until
her tragic death. Cancer took over her entire lungs,
leaving me to defend on my own. I managed to
succeed in life without family and friends. I’d moved
from London to Brooklyn, New York. Bought a house
and continued my studies of science. I graduated
college, got a successful job at accounting and soon
after, partnered with a good fellow at a nightclub.
I’m tall as a Viking yet my height is only 6’3, I weigh
a good 200 pounds, very athletic build. I work out
seven days a week at night. I had natural blonde
hair till I’ve changed to dark brown, and combed my
hair back. I have a trim facial beard I take extra care
of, sharp nose and a very strong jaw line I got from
my brother…a brother who I truly missed, but, we’ll
speak of him later on. My eye color is a nice ocean
blue mixed with green, resembling the clovers that
grows out on the hills of Ireland. I always dress in an
organized fashion of fine tailor suits, ironed formal
dress shirts and clean shiny black shoes I shine to
perfection. All my suits are black along with my
dress shirts. Why just black you might ponder?
Because I love the color black, though I do own other
colors I wear from time to time. Depends on my
mood and hey, I do look amazing in black. Now you
have my description and know my name.
October twenty-ninth, I decided to call my ex-fiancé
Elizabeth of three years. I met her where I worked;
she was a regular costumer who stopped by every
Friday when she got off work. She was a local
lawyer. She’d always entered the club dressed in her
fine skirt suits carrying a briefcase, ordering whiskey
on the rocks. With her brown curling hair layered
over her shoulders and chocolate eyes, I found her
attractive. I asked her out, dated for two years and I
proposed to her. For one year being engaged, she’d
called it off and we went our separate ways. We’ve
been a year separated and she lingers on my mind
when I felt lonely. Hoping she’ll take me back and
start anew, if her new fiancé backs off, I dialed her
number. She picked up after the fourth ring.
“Elizabeth….it’s me, Justin. How are you?” I asked.
Justin…what do you want? She asked with a sigh of
I closed my eyes, leaning against the kitchen wall. “I
just wanted to hear your voice Liz.” I said sounding
We’ve been over this Justin. I’m engaged now and it’s
time to let go. Why can’t you do that for me? She
asked agitation in her voice.
“Liz…” I sighed, trying to find the right words. “I
missed you so much and I need your help.”
I’m sorry Justin but, I can’t do this anymore…I’m
truly sorry. Goodbye Justin. She said softly as she
hung up the phone.
My hand tightened the receiver and I flung it across
the room. Our breakup dreadfully came to a close
when she found out how I obsessively I wanted a
child. To her misfortune, she couldn’t conceive due
to infertility problems. She’d taken treatments for a
few months and her body failed. Depression
overshadowed her and she walked out of my life for
good. I lost the first love of my life.
I controlled my emotions and went for a stroll. I
inhaled fresh air and pushed Elizabeth aside for the
meantime. Taking care of a house I live in, dealing a
busy job five days a week and pursuing Lilith, worn
my mind and body.
I walked the streets of Bushwick and Gardens,
colorful leafs burnt of orange and reds were
scattering with high crisp winds of autumn. Rain
drizzle the empty streets. The sun was setting and
clouds floating in the skies causing darkness to set
in, giving the day a gloomy feel.
Memorizing the evening to cherish, I’d first seen him
when I looked down the block. He dressed like me,
all in black, wearing an ankle length trench coat. His
face hidden in shadow, sharp outlined features
noticed. Catching his attention, he slowly turned
and disappeared around the corner. I shuttered a
breath I didn’t realize I was holding and started to
walk down the block after him. A sense of calm over
rode me and I didn’t know why, it just did. He’d
piqué my interest instantly by one look he’d given
before vanishing.
As I finally reached down the street and peak around
the corner, no one was in sight. I stood alone as I
was before during my stroll. I walked a bit further,
hoping to see him again, just for a quick
second…nothing. For awhile, I compelled myself not
to move. I didn’t care how long I’ve stood there. I
snapped out of my trance and checked my watch, it
was 8 p.m. I’d lost three hours of my time and
couldn’t recall anything, only the shadow of a man
emerges before my very own eyes.
I blinked the water out my eyes, shook my head to
wake and headed back home. The rain had taken on
a heavier downfall and I was completely soaked from
head to toe. Did it bother me? Not one bit. What
bothered me the most is why I stood frozen to the
spot for three hours, waiting to see him reappeared?
Who was he? Why did he dress like me? What was it
about him that I became fond of? The most
important question is…what the hell gotten into me?
The questions swirling inside my head were soon to
find out and I wished I’ve hadn’t.
Chapter TWO
Thirty minutes later after that brief encounter from
my short walk, I stood before my door, and leaned
my forehead on the cold wood. I got enthralled by
the pounding rain pattering loudly on the wooden
porch. The pleasure of the roaring rain relaxed me
instantly and my mind relieved itself. I inhaled
through my nose and exhaled slowly out my mouth.
Entering inside my house to a warm climate, my
soaked clothes made my body shiver.
I struggled out of my black coat and hung it on a
hook to air dry. I removed my shoes dripping with
water, putting them on the floor by the umbrella I
never take with me. An old habit I had of never
carrying around on weather like this. Trudging my
way tiredly to the bathroom, I stripped off my clothes
letting them fall to the bedroom floor. I sat on the
edge of the tub, turning on the water with a twist of
the knob to semi-hot, the tub filling rapidly. I lazily
stripped the socks off my feet and tossed them to the
hamper. I slipped into the hot steaming bath, closing
my eyes, drifting into a calmed state of relaxation.
To estimate how long I’d lied in the bathtub, I
couldn’t tell. I dreamed about the man who’d taken
me by surprise on my walk. This time he had spoken
to me and we held a long conversation. His face had
absolutely no features, face-less and unrecognizable.
My eyes flashed open; the dream fading. The water
got cold and my body trembled uncontrollably. I
emptied the tub and stepped out, wrapping a towel
over me. I vowed to find him one way or another. A
determination I had to honor.
I settled in bed, staring up at the ceiling, blanking
out. Retaining no memory of getting dressed and not
even know how I got into my bedroom. I was losing
time, memory and…myself. I can’t explain what was
happening to me. Unexplained notable questions
climbed up in my mind but, what? My entire mind
fixated on him and it was him who hadn’t left me
enough space to think among other personal matters
I considered more importantly than this.
The phone on the bedside table rang, stirring me
from a dreamless sleep. I was unaware I drifted off
again. I read the clock which blinked 3 a.m. I let the
phone ring a few times and slowly picked up. I put
the receiver on my ear and gave a sluggish voice that
was deep. I had to cough to make myself sound
clearer. “Hello?”
Hello, Mr. Collins. A whispered voice replied.
I sat up in bed and leaned my head on the
headboard, holding the phone tightly within my
hand. “Who’s this?” I asked, heart speeding up.
The voice took long to reply till finally it whispered
back but, sounded far. It is I…the man you’ve met
earlier in the day.
That stopped me from breathing. Was it really him
or was this some sort of prank?
Are you still there Mr. Collins? The whispered voiced
I nodded, knowing he couldn’t see me, I replied in
my own whispered voice. “I’m here. What do you
A long pause before he answered again. I want to get
to know you Mr. Justin Collins. I found you quite
interesting from our quick encounter.
“How do you know my name?” I asked out of
He chuckled lightly, sounding very masculine. Have
you forgotten, Mr. Collins? He asked and then said. I
would like for you to join me for dinner tomorrow.
I began to smile, marveling the idea of meeting him
face to face. I didn’t feel afraid nor discomfort, as I
should had. I really wanted to take advantage of
actually being right in front of him and quitting the
obsessions I brought on to myself, an
almost overpowered, by the mysteriousness of him.
“When can I see you then?” I asked and this time,
shocked at how bluntly it came out.
Soon…soon we’ll meet again, Justin. He whispered as
I heard the click on the other end and knew he had
hung up.
I shut my eyes tight and placed the receiver back on
its cradle. I wanted to speak with him more. Hear his
whispered voice in my ear. Hear more of that
chuckle of his….I just wanted him. To fantasize in
meeting him soon, has given me confidence, with
unknowing fear that crept up my spine.
I settled back in bed, gently snuggling my head on
the pillow. I stared at the phone where he’d called
me. Repeating every word he spoke of, even
rehearing his masculine chuckle, my smile
brightened. How will it be like when we finally meet?
Will I be nervous? Will I stay silent? Is it a mistake to
dine with him because I had no clue to who he was?
What if he’s changed his mind? How will I react to
I stopped asking myself these questions and calmed
down. What had me back into a deep sleep was
hearing: “Soon…soon we’ll meet again.”
Chapter Three
October thirtieth, Hallows Eve on a Friday, I decided
to take a day off work. The sound of thunder struck
the sky with full force and echoed loudly over the
cascading rain, waking me from a restless sleep. I
reluctantly got out of bed and approached the
bathroom to take care of the necessities we all
generally do. I made fresh coffee and seated myself
at the kitchen table, facing the window above my
kitchen sink. Dark skies clouded out the sun,
making it seem as if it was night than morning and
the rain streamed down in thick drops against the
I had nothing to do and no one to see. I’m basically a
loner where I had trust issues most of my life,
thanks to being betrayed from people who’d I’d
became closed to through the years, thinking they
were friends. Turns out, I’ve always been used. My
employees respected me enough and had no other
choice because I was their boss. Though, I prefer
being alone then be with anyone. No sweat off my
I drank the rest of my coffee and went over to the
sink to rinse the mug when I heard a soft tap at my
front door. Rarely anyone ever stopped by my house
unless it’s the mailman or one of my employees to
hand off a package for work or the delivery man to
drop off a package I had ordered. This time, no
deliveries marked on my calendar. I set the mug on
the rack to dry and headed towards the front of the
house. Before opening, I peered through the
peephole to find no one was standing there. I quietly
unlatched the door and opened it a crack, slipped
my head out and glanced around. Shrugging, an
envelope caught my eye, taped on the outside of the
door, just above the door handle. I snatched it off
and shut the door, puzzled by who would leave me a
I looked it over, hoping to see an address, holding
the envelope like it was the last thing I could ever
touch, I carefully read my name. Written in black
scripted letters were the words: Mr. Collins
I tear the corner of the envelope and opened it,
pulling out a simple square card which read:
Mr. Collins,
Please meet me at 896 Lakeview Drive at 6 o’clock
p.m. tonight.
Wes, The Shadow Man.
Frowning at the name, ‘Wes, The Shadow Man?’
confused me. Could this be him? Wes was his real
name? Why didn’t he just hand the invitation
himself then taping it on my front door? Why did he
leave in a rush?
Amused, I stared at his writing, feeling overcome by
him thinking about me, and not forgetting me all
together. The thought of him being on his mind had
felt complacent. I’d feared how obnoxious I’ve
become, obsessing over a stranger. Is it an
obsession? For me, it was more and words couldn’t
describe exactly how I started to feel and to meet the
man who I momentarily seen down the block during
my long lonely walks was a miracle.
Ecstatic to meet him tonight, I laughed delightfully
and held the letter tightly. I made my way back into
the bedroom, opened the closet doors and checked
through my clothing, finding a suit I planned to wear
on our first dinner. The one piece suit I owned that
wasn’t in black but, a heavy navy blue with a white
dress shirt and a navy blue tie. I wanted to present
myself and get a satisfaction by him.
What? You must think I’m gay. I promise you I’m
not, even though I do find some men attractive and
I’m not against homosexuality. I respect all no
matter what gender they might prefer to have as a
partner. I love all, and I mean all. It’s only him who’d
caught me off guard. This is what I’ve wanted and
will get.
Remembering my damaged shoes I left by the
entrance door from the rain, I pulled out another
pair of black dressing shoes from the bottom of my
closet and began making sure they were shining to
perfection as I’ve had done of my shoes and laid out
my evening wear on the bed, which I had no
recollection of making up. Even recalling my
scattered clothes I dropped on the floor were not
there. They were inside my laundry basket as I went
ahead and checked. Frowning by memory lost, I
shook my head trying to quit my mind from spacing
out. I tried retracing my steps of yesterday. I
remember taking a walk, having a quick glance of
the shadowed man, took off my clothes, taking a hot
bath, lay in bed, and got a phone call from him and
waking to have coffee were what replayed in mind.
The blank spaces between, I couldn’t decipher what
transpired. It felt like my memories were erased.
Sitting at the edge of the bed, I forced myself to think
thoroughly. I started from the beginning to the end
where I was in the kitchen having my cup of Joe
every morning as scheduled. I rubbed my temples in
a circular motion, tension bringing a headache.
Nothing came about, as if I came down with
I lay across the bed and stared up at the ceiling
again, cradling my left arm behind my head like a
pillow and my other arm beside me, tapping my
fingers on the comforter in a smooth piano play.
‘What is happening to me?’ I asked aloud to an
empty room. Talking to myself helped in a certain
way, unfortunately, not a drop of it consoled me. I
grunted in anger and sat back up, interlacing my
fingers together and gave out a sigh, wondering
where I’ve placed the letter and seen it by the phone
on the night table. I picked up the letter and with my
thumb, smooth across my name where he had
written in such fine script.
I pocketed the invitation inside my suit jacket so I
won’t forget it when I left for our meeting and know
where I was going without missing any directions.
My chance had finally come. Would I enjoy this first
insight of the shadow man or would I wish that I’d
never begged for it to happen? Either way, it was a
one shot deal. I wasn’t going to skip on an
opportunity like this.
Chapter Four
I gotten disturb sleeping the day away, waking up at
five in the evening. I’ve decided I was losing my mind
and will go see a doctor the next morning. That’s
after I have met the shadow man. He was a riddle
and a mysterious man. First thing first, rush to get
dressed, the time was shortening.
I ran in the bathroom and took the quickest shower I
could muster. Got dressed steadfast, combed my wet
hair back and sprayed about a half of bottle of
cologne. Last but not least, I slipped into my shoes
and made sure my tie was well-arranged before
leaving. I checked myself swiftly at the mirror,
smoothing out my suit and checked my face to see a
wonderful cheerful smile I normally don’t do. I
usually looked grumpy and sour but today, I looked
handsomely well.
In the foyer, I took my other coat off the hook and
slipped it on. Funny thing, my other coat
disappeared where I left it yesterday. I thought about
searching for it and I was already making myself
late, I pushed it aside for later. I wanted to present
myself to the shadow man I was always on time. I
grabbed the door knob and scanned the area,
noticing that my shoes weren’t there. Curious, I’ve
taken note my foyer certainty weren’t arranged as
earlier. My umbrella missing from its usual spot by
the door, the mirror I had hung on my wall, now a
blank space. Knowing something wasn’t right began
troubling me, I decided it’ll have to wait after I came
back home. Checking the time on watch, it was fivethirty p.m. and I had thirty minutes to arrive at
Lakeview Drive.
I opened the door; the rain must have stopped
sometime while I slept. The outside became crisper
cold winds with black skies that held no stars, only
a full white moon that cast brightness through the
quiet neighborhood. I locked the door behind me and
began my walk down west of Gardens Ave, walking
in a fast pace. No, I didn’t own a car, nor I liked to
take buses and trains unless it’s really far from
where I lived. Lakeview Drive was a twenty-minute
walk and I much-needed the exercise.
At the last corner, I made a right turn and found the
right addressed house. It seemed eerie and yet
comfortable. The house was a two-floor and very
vacant as if no one had resided here in a very long
time. One driveway, no porch, not even a lawn nor
flowers were about, just a big rectangle house
painted all in white with one large window and one
black door for an entrance. To me, it looked more of
a matchbox house then a regular standard home
that held no more of a welcoming then a dump.
Throughout the years, my aunt taught me that: “As
long as you have a roof over your head to keep you
warm and secured, you shouldn’t complain but, be
thankful you have a place to live in then suffering
the violent streets.”
“Indeed my dear aunt.” I said to myself as I stood in
front of the door.
No doorbell to buzz, I knocked three times and
waited. Standing there for two minutes, I was about
to knock again when a man opened the door and
found me waiting patiently on his doorstep. He was
a white male with startling blue eyes that matched
nearly mine.
“Wes? I asked, starting to worry and wondered why I
came here in the first place. Haven’t I been taught
from my aunt to never speak to strangers and
especially never to go to a stranger’s house when I
was a child? I, being stupid and doing the opposite
came to a stranger’s house. I didn’t care, I HAD to
see him and meet him, even though dangers might
lay beyond this point after I enter into his home.
He opened the door wider. “Please, come in.”
I entered inside and he was my excite height of 6’3.
His hair was neatly parted and matched the skies
that hung above us, black as night that glint a shine
where the moon hit. His brows were slightly thick
and lowered over his eyes, nose sharp to perfection,
jaws stronger than mine and his skin pale as snow.
He worn a navy blue sweater and black dressing
pants along with shiny dressing shoes. Through the
clothing, you could tell he was well-built and must
had worked out more than me even though I worked
out seven days a week; he looked to have worked out
three times a day.
A gave a curt nod and I said in a voice that seemed
shaky. “My name is Justin Collins. I received an
invitation to meet…I think, here.” Taking the
envelope out from inside my suit jacket, I hand it
over out with a shaky hand.
He looked at my hand shaking and finally, he
reached up and taken the envelope from me. He read
my name written and cast a shimmered look back at
me. “We finally meet again face to face.” He said with
a strong masculine deep tone then the whispering
voice over the phone.
I quivered a smile. “I think I over dressed myself.” I
chuckled lightly out of nerves.
A smile curled at the end of his perfect shaped
mouth. “You do look dashing Mr. Collins.”
Standing in his foyer, the house was dark with no
lights on which I found it kind of weird.
“May I take your coat? He asked closing the door
behind him. He held his hand out and his other still
holding the letter.
“Ah, yes….uhm, I’m sorry…” I shrugged off my coat
and then placed it on his outstretched hand.
He took the coat and hung it on the hook next to the
door. He smiled putting his attention back towards
me. “Please forgive my rudeness. My name is Wes
Azazel.” He introduced himself.
I nod again and gave a kind smile in return. “It’s a
real pleasure to meet you Mr. Azazel.”
“Please, call me Wes.” He said.
“Call me Justin.” I replied, unable to stop myself
from smiling shyly.
Wes, with a prescient smile tickling the corners of
his mouth. “Please, follow me.” He began walking
down the foyer towards a candle lit living room. I
surveyed the room, a huge collection of boos filled
the wall in alphabetical order, an oversized black
sofa lay in front of a fire place and a coffee table that
held red roses in a clear ‘V’ shape vase.
“May I offer you a drink? He asked as I stood beside
the sofas armchair.
“Thank you, I would like some.” I said, continuing
being nervous.
“Please, sit down Justin.” He politely offered, making
his way out of the living room to disappear through a
solid oak door.
I unbuttoned my suit jacket and sat down, mostly at
the edge, not feeling fully comfortable and surveyed
the large living area. No picture frames were hung on
the wall, only bare beige walls that were freshly
painted. The sofa turned out suede material and new
since the smell came lingering off of it. The books
were of history and science by reading some of the
titles and the coffee table match the wooden bookcase. The floor carpeted in black. Apparently
everything was new unless he was a cleaner such as
me. The only difference was the roses that were
beginning to die slowly. I guess he didn’t have time
nor remembered to buy fresh flowers. All in all, the
room looked simple and refreshing with its warm
He came back from the other side of the room
holding two glasses and a bottle of whiskey. He
poured each glass and handed one over to me whom
I took gracefully. He sat himself down in the middle
of the sofa, unlike me on the edge, readying to get up
quickly and run for the front door for when
something might get out of hand. I was very
I sniffed the liquid inside my glass and recognized it
as Irish whiskey that I occasionally drank on
holidays. “You do have wonderful taste, Wes.” I
complimented as I took a small sip.
He gave the same chuckle I heard on the phone
taking a long swig of his drink. “I am Irish and I do
need the right whiskey.” He said, taking a quick
glance at me and then settled his eyes on the fire
that was burning.
“I’m Irish too, Wes. We have something in common.
Nothing is more comforting then having something
from Ireland to bring along with you in another
state.” I smiled lightly, taking another drink and
savoring the flavor.
“Nothing is better than Ireland. That I agree with
you.” He said in a low voice.
I forced myself to sit back and be more comfortable
on the sofa, crossing my left leg over the other. I
swirled the whiskey inside the glass. “Tell me…how
did you know my name and where I lived?” It wasn’t
what I wanted to ask him. I wanted to ask who HE is
and what HE wanted but, the question piqued my
His eyes slowly drew away from the fire and he
glanced at me. “Straight to point…”
“I don’t mean any disrespect.” I said apologetically.
“It’s just…” I gave a nervures laugh. “What I’m trying
to say is…we’ve met yesterday and not fully met and
somehow...” I stopped myself from explaining
because I didn’t want him to find me rude and throw
me out of his house.
He turned on the sofa facing me, furrowing his
brows in confusion. “You aren’t disrespecting. You
don’t even have to apologize. Your curious, is all.” He
said with a kind smile though something was off
about that smile. His smile didn’t match him but I
kept my cool.
I studied the suede material of the sofa and began
again. “We met very briefly yesterday, though you
know my name and knew where I lived, knew my
phone number…and I feel like if somehow we have
met before or not…and yes, I’m very curious and
very overwhelmed about what is happening…” I said
in a low tone, looking up back at him and hoped he
understood. I couldn’t even understand what I said.
He laid his right arm on top of the sofa and smiled
so beautifully, I was in awe. I never looked at a man
and admire a smile as I did at that very second.
“Seeing you for the first time, Justin, I couldn’t stop
thinking of you. I followed you to your home. I’ve
seen that your mailbox had your name and looked
you up in the phone book. I know it sounds sick…I
wanted to get to know you very well and not miss a
moment in doing so.” He looked away blushing. “I’m
sorry about that…” He emptied his glass of whiskey
and avoided eye contact.
Astonished and a bit skeptical, I finished my own
whiskey and held the empty glass in my hand
tapping my forefinger on the top of the rim. “Don’t be
sorry. I couldn’t stop thinking of you either.” I
honestly replied without feeling embarrassed.
He gave me a quick glance and nodded. “Then I’m
glad I did this. Not that I do this at all. This is my
first time, truthfully.”
He stood up and held his hand out to give over my
empty glass in which I did. “Come, I prepared us a
nice dinner.”
I stood up and followed him throughout the door
where he’d entered earlier. I still had many
questions that went unanswered. Questions on what
he wasn’t telling me. Especially with the lies he just
told me far from truth. Cause for one, he didn’t
follow me home. Two, my mailbox only had my last
name, not my first. Three, my number isn’t in the
phone book. This time, I was going to play along
with his scheme and seek the truth out of him.
Chapter Five
Before I continue on with my story, please note I’ve
never in my life thought to give a strange person my
full attention. I have said that I mostly liked being
alone, a pure loner. No matter how much I tried to
make friends or even set myself into any kind of
relationship, I get back stabbed pretty quickly once I
appeared kind-hearted with a loving soul.
You may even theorize I get umpteen attentions at
my job as a partner with my boss when in fact, I
don’t. I tend to my job, favoring the costumers along
with giving a great deal of charm. Woman come to
me in all shapes and sizes asking for a measure of
my time to get only one thing, and that is a quick
easy intimacy that lasts about thirty minutes to an
hour tops. I obliged because I have needs as much
as they do. When it’s all done and the woman had
piles of orgasms let out, they turn away and forget
what we did behind closed curtains. Its fine by me,
I’m not looking for any long term with these women.
As for friends, I am a comedian, enjoying the
laughter from many makes me smile. Though
sometimes, stuck in the back of my mind, I’m not
laughing at all. I do love to see smiles, tears of joy
from their eyes and let them have great vibes that
lingers for a while. The problem is, it gets old after
some time and they begin to drift away, literally
humorless. They become cold and force a smile with
a laugh. I know when to keep my trap shut and am
in a peaceful state. They even stop speaking to you
and make up stories behind your back, adding
extras to make it look like you are the main problem.
People do love drama. I’d learned that lesson over
time and essentially knew how to keep boundaries
by not stepping over. I, stay to myself and guarded
at all cost, my emotions safely tucked and cradled so
it won’t get damaged by anyone.
Then why am I putting myself on the line with Wes?
Because being alone is maddening and I secretly
needed a friend to talk to…
I shall continue to tell you my story….
On the other side of the door led us directly into the
kitchen. Once more, the kitchen was freshly painted,
the color of off white, black cabinets lined on the
high wall and even below where the counters were
gray marble that glimmered and the low setting
kitchen lighting in the middle of the ceiling, black
shiny floors polished lavishly. No decorations
anywhere but a simple kitchen that was easily
cleaned. Funny thing is; it was almost a match of my
very own kitchen, though my cabinets were cherry
wood and floors white. A long black table nestled in
the middle, with white plates and a vase-shaped
letter ‘V’ that held white roses that were dying as the
other ones were. I wondered what the ‘V’ stood for.
He pulled out the chair for me, putting me at the
head of the table and I sat, giving my thanks as he
took the other chair out sitting himself opposite of
me. I scanned what was on my plate and admired
the art of food he cooked. I pulled the napkin out
that was beside my plate and applied it over my lap.
“You cooked this yourself?” I asked politely.
He duplicated what I did with his own napkin and
peered across the table at me. “Yes, I cooked this all
by myself.” He smiled.
I returned a smile. “Could you please tell me what
we are having? I asked, inhaling the aroma that
watered my mouth. Have I eaten yesterday…even
today? I asked myself and realized I haven’t eaten
but drank coffee early this morning.
“We are eating fresh pork braised in red wine and
baked in the oven with roasted potatoes and
carrots.” He said, appearing proud.
I started cutting small slices of pork. Sniffed the
aroma of seasonings he used and then placed it in
my mouth, letting my palette to embrace the flavor.
“This is absolutely delicious, Wes.” I complimented
slicing a piece of the carrot.
Content with my response, he began eating his meal.
“So tell me Justin, how old are you? He asked taking
a sip of his wine.
I set my fork and knife down, not wanting to eat
while talking. “I am thirty-three and looked older
than I am.” I said jokingly.
He brought his wineglass up to his lips again and
took a small sip of wine. “You are the same age as
me and you don’t look old at all, Justin. You look
more in your early twenties.” He winked setting his
glass back down.
I got to say, I blushed like an idiot. Something I
never forethought before but, it was a real praise.
“Thank you, Wes. So, we are the same age…when is
your birthday? I decided to ask.
He sliced a piece of pork and answered. “I was born
on October thirty-first, in Dublin, Ireland….just like
I lost my appetite, an uneasy feeling took over me I
hadn’t anticipated, the real discomfort clutched and
I wanted to leave but by doing so will show
I put up a smile and hoped it looked positive. “That’s
funny…I was born at the same place as you and my
birthday is the same.”
He leaned back in his chair; laughing and the sound
of his laugh broke out goosebumps through my
body. “Wow, Justin! We do have much in common,
don’t you think? He lifts his wineglass and drank the
rest of the wine in one shot and gave his own
positive smile unlike my own.
I leaned back in my chair and clasped my hands
together, placing them in front of my abdomen. “We
certainly do….yet; it is very difficult to maneuver in
what we have on each other. Like for one, we share
almost the same style, taste, even our own birth
rights but one thing doesn’t stand out right, Wes.”
He tilted his head a little to the side pretending being
very confused. “And what will that be, Justin? He
asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
I leaned forward, still keeping my hands clasped as I
placed them on the edge of the table. I didn’t
respond...but, something flits across my expression,
that he take notice.
Wes leans forward acting as a friend consoling
another. “Tell me, Justin, what’s the matter?
“I want the truth Wes, no more games and no more
lies. You claim that you followed me home, read my
name on my mail box and found me in the phone
He frowned, watching me carefully. He heaves an
exasperated sigh. “That’s what I’ve said. Is there
something wrong? He asked.
A slight grin began to curl on my lips. “There is
Wes.” I said, giving him a meaningful distrustful
stare. “See, what’s wrong with your story is; my full
name isn’t on the mail box, only my last name,
unless you checked any mail that was inside.
Unfortunately, no mail been delivered, I barely get
any and it was empty. I’m nowhere found in a
phonebook since I’d paid to not be published and
lastly, you didn’t follow me home because it’s
impossible that you waited three hours in the
pouring rain just to trail right behind me…”
A fleeting alarm went through his eyes that I caught
a glimpse of till he shut them, not giving a reply.
“Which is it, Wes? I asked. “Is your story real or just
a playful game you have ready for me?
He reopened his eyes that now glared as he sat up
straight, placing both arms on each side of the dish.
No smile, no humor but pure hostility. “I’d invited
you into my home, given you a chance to get to know
me, and served you a meal that I barely make for
anyone, to try being your friend….” He gripped the
table-cloth into clenched, strong fists that began to
tremble. “And this is what I get in return? He asked,
face tight and firmed.
I unclasped my hands and set them on each side of
the kitchen table’s edge, tilting my head slightly to
the side and given off my own firm, serious
expression. “You tell me.” I said; a defiant tone in my
voice, holding his gaze.
“I’m telling you the truth.” He insisted, not budging.
“Then I’m afraid this dinner and discussion is over.”
I said, scooting myself out of the chair, throwing my
napkin on the plate, buttoning my dressing jacket.
“I’m afraid not…” He smirked and that’s when it all
went down in a blink of an eye. Trouble always
seemed to find its way with me.
Chapter six
I would have thought only him and I were alone in
his house, a foolish act on my part for not paying
full attention. As I was about to turn around to exit
myself, his words stopped me: ‘I’m afraid not,’ little
did I expect someone standing behind me.
I glance sideways and seen a man who was taller
than me, probably 6’7 to 6’8, all dressed in black.
Black tight jeans, black under t-shirt, black denim
jacket, black combat boots, a whole black attire
ready for a battle. His hair was black and cropped to
his skull, eyes a startling green that pierced into
your soul, pale skin, strong tight features that
masculine his face, which looked more of a porcelain
statue in an art museum. He was even wearing tight
leather bikers gloves.
I smiled, and looked back to where Wes was now
sitting back with a wide grin, fully entertained. “I
didn’t expect any guests, Wes.” I said my tone
“Oh, he isn’t a guest. He is more like my….pet
animal.” He winked and given a sly smile to the man
behind me.
I took careful steps away from the man and the table
unbuttoning my jacket once again. “So, you’re
animal to call and to do what? Harm me? I asked,
looking between the two.
He laughed aloud, clapping his hands together as if
the show he’d desperately wanted to see had just
begun. “Now to answer that question, you’ll have to
tell me yourself. Is there going to, be any problems?
Or you are going to sit back down, eat the food that I
cooked and have us a lovely chat like we were doing
and not get stupid with me? It’s your choice, Justin.”
I rolled my eyes of impatience, removed my jacket
and placed it over the kitchen counter, clasped both
my hands behind my back, walked over towards the
strange man and stared into his eyes showing no
fear but interest. “What is your name? I asked him
He eyes flicked to Wes, who shrugged at the man
and averted his eyes back to me. “My name…my
name is…Michael.” He said in a lifeless grunted
To me, he sounded as if he had speech impairment
and was just learning how to speak.
“Michael…Michael what? I asked of him.
He flicked his eyes again towards Wes and brought
his attention back. “My name is Michael….Michael
Belial.” He said slowly.
“Michael Belial, a pleasure to meet you. I’m Justin
Collins. I will ask you this one question and I expect
it answered truthfully. Are you and I, going to have a
His left side of his face twitched. “I…I…” and he
didn’t finish when he threw up his right arm that
held a knife, swiping it towards my neck to slice
Time suddenly slowed and my rapid heartbeat
become dreamlike and methodical as my reflection
on the blade of the knife passes across my face. I
backed up and Michael slashes the air with the
sharp knife, I raised my forearm to block it and it
shredded my shirt sleeve arm. I dropped low;
thrusting an open palm towards Michael’s midsection and allowed my hand to glide up his chest
toward his vulnerable chin in a perfectly punchstrike technique.
Michael deflects the death-blow at the last second
and locked my arm in an arm bar. But, I used my
weight to take advantage of him and tossed Michael
over the kitchen counter, slamming him hard. I
yanked my tie off and wrapped it around his neck,
with the crook of my arm around Michael’s throat, I
pulled tight.
He fought through consciousness, the blade whisks
through the air, narrowly missing my face. I backed
off and grabbed a knife from the counter and swung
it in a deadly arc. Michael jackknife his torso to
avoid the blade, slashing back at me with quick
swipes. I deflected his knife with my own and we
dodged, parrying and blocking each other’s blades.
He dropped his knife and grabbed a heavy solid pot
smashing the side of my head, knocking me offbalance but, not fully. I thrust the knife, eventually
opening Michael's forearm from elbow to wrist with
the tip of the blade leaving a jagged, bloody wound.
He cried out in pain. I moved in tight wanting to
finish this quickly. As I was about to thrust the knife
towards his throat, I became surprised by a sharp
blow to my carotid artery and stumbled back, my
blood pressure momentarily dropping as my brain
tried to reboot. Michael lunges; about to tackle me, I
twirled the knife once and took a better hold that it
made my hand pale. My eyelids flutter and pinch as
I tried to focus and stay conscious. I plunged the
knife into the top of Michael’s skull. The tip of the
blade embedded into the middle of his skull, slicing
right through bone as his eyes rolled up, knees
buckled and collapsed on the kitchen floor for the
last time.
I wiped the blood from the corner of my mouth with
the sleeve of my shirt and smirked. “Hey Wes, like
what you see? I asked, adrenaline pumping through
my veins.
Wes was no longer seated at the table, but standing
against the far wall, watching everything that had
happened between Michael and I. “That did give me
a major hard on that I seemingly wanted to join in.
You made this night something that I’ll remember for
a life time.” He chuckled.
“You are being very naughty now Wes.”
I’ve became weary, and breathing heavily, though
not all spent. The fight was over with Michael and
even as my adrenaline faltered, I still had Wes to
deal with. I moved away from the counter and let my
eyes look down where Michael laid. Lifeless, blood
seeping out from his arm, even from his skull,
covering the floor, making two round circles against
the tiles, overtaking the blackness for a maroon.
Satisfied, I raised my eyes to where Wes was
standing, now empty. Readying to get myself in a
fighting stance for Wes, a hard sharp blow hit the
back of my head. My legs gave way as another hard
thump caused me to fall into a black sleep.
Chapter seven
Fading in and out of consciousness, I struggle with
my eyes to open, my vision blurred, unable to see.
Sharp pains struck, feeling the aches down my neck.
My mouth felt dried, more like cotton. I fought my
with my eyes, clearing the fog that had taken over
my mind. I had to know where I was and what has
become of Wes. I sat up, taking my time to not make
the pain more agonizing then it already is.
Once my vision adjusted and began getting sharp, I
was in my bedroom, at home and I hadn’t the
foggiest idea of how I got there. One moment I was in
Wes’s house, having the biggest fight with his pet
Michael and remembering how I was hit from
behind. I did however kill Michael. The real question
is where did Wes go?
I tried sitting myself in a comfortably, even though
the room was tilting, vertigo clashing in and I came
into senses that I was completely stripped naked.
The only clothing I had on was my boxers covering
my junk; other than that, my clothes were nowhere
seen in my bedroom that I previously worn last
I shut my eyes to calm the vertigo and dizziness. I
reopened my eyes staring at the dresser mirror,
seeing how I had dark shadows underneath my eyes
as if I hadn’t slept in a long while. I did notice a
swollen lip and a little bruising on my cheek bone,
nothing too serious to worry about. I tried turning
my head to the side and couldn’t. Excruciating pain
lodged itself, having me to groan and have shortness
of breath. I didn’t bother to move one more inch but
massaged the pain and needless to say, I needed
I surveyed my room, seeing all is normal and not
out-of-place, I proceeded to get up, keeping my neck
still and went straight for the bathroom. I turned on
the faucet, letting cold water pour out. Cupping my
hands together to take hold of the running water
and leaned down as best I could, splashing my face
to help me wake fully. I tilted my head carefully up
to look at the mirror and just stared at myself.
What was I thinking? What was I thinking of
accepting an invitation to a strangers house? What
was wrong with me to think everything will be dandy
when it turned in the opposite direction?
“More like a disaster is the correct answer…“ I told
myself, looking away from the mirror.
I opened the cabinet door and found my bottle of
aspirin. I grabbed it, turn the lid, shaking out four
pills on my hand. I shoved them in my mouth and
chewed since it worked faster than swallowing them.
I turned the knob to stop the water from running
and slammed the bottle on the counter top in
frustration. Heated anger surged itself in me and
worries about what will happen to me once anyone
finds out that I’d murdered someone. A murder I’ve
never done before.
What made me do it? Why couldn’t I just beat the
guy till he passed out? What drove me to kill him
like that? What was wrong with me?! I slammed a
fist on the side of the mirror wall, hating myself for
my actions.
I knew one thing I had to find out, who brought me
back home? Where the hell was Wes? Is Michael still
lying on the kitchen floor? If not, where was his
body? Why did Wes trick me and have me to believe I
made a friend? What was going on?
I have to sneak my way over there again. I must find
out what have become of the dead man Michael and
where Wes ran off to. What was all this about?
Wes…I wanted to deal with him by myself and I will
do so.
“Happy birthday, dear Justin.” I greeted to myself. “A
very happy birthday to me and may all my wishes
finally come out true.” Some wish I got granted of
and that one wish will get its full meaning.
I took a long hot shower to dull the aches.
Attentively massaging the area as the water beaded
down. My headache began fading slowly and I felt
better than when I woke up. My mind kept
wondering off to the fight with Michael and how I
killed him instantly really bothered me emotionally. I
had no intention to murder him but, my whole
physical state being run by some possession. Like I
was some sort of puppet being pulled on invisible
strings. I had no control and it scared me half to
I searched the pantry to cook myself breakfast. The
cabinets were bare and the fridge empty, I made
coffee and toasted some bread smeared with
strawberry jam. I wasn’t hungry but, needing energy
was a must.
I turned on the television, scanning through
channels to check if any news about a male body
found murdered, instead newscasters were speaking
about the price being raised on milk because the
cows became sick with bacteria. I shut the TV off
and sat for a moment on the couch and begun to
day-dream, day-dream that was nothing.
Usually I’ll throw on my dressing clothes when I
decided to go out, even for a short walk. Especially
that today was October thirty-first, my very own
birthday. Instead, I put on a regular black t-shirt,
black tight jeans and my own black combat boots I
only wear when I wasn’t in my brightest moods. I
didn’t bother to fix my hair, I left it tousled and all
over the place. It was a style that I mainly seen on
people so why did I have to keep myself wellgroomed? Who was I pleasing anyway? I only
pleased myself most of my life and this time, I was
too angry and didn’t give a damn.
I slipped on my long black trench coat that magically
had itself hooked on the wall, I pulled the collar up
went outside of my home, swirling winds that sent
chills down my spine. Today was the coldest day,
yet, I was burning with rage inside. Rage of being
deceived by Wes, at myself for making a tremendous
mistake of allowing myself become so arrogant,
thinking I had finally found someone who I’ve
became utterly fascinated with. Have I been
Chapter eight
I’ve taken the twenty-minute walk again to Lakeview
Drive in a fast pace, keeping myself mentally alerted.
I turned the corner of Lakeview Drive; the house that
now stood boarded up with wood and vacant. It
looked as if no one has lived there for many years
and there was a pole with a hanging sign that read:
Getting closer to the sign, it had a number at the
bottom. I took out my cell phone and began
punching in the numbers and pressed the call icon.
The number was no longer in service as the operator
machine clearly said in a robotic tone. I pressed the
end icon button and just stared into nothing but, fell
into a daze.
I turned my attention towards the house, dead and
not alive as it did last night. I pocketed my cell
phone and began my way. I stood in front of the
wooden board that now covered the front door.
Hoping I could move the wood with no success
thanks to it being nailed shut, I decided to look for
an opening I could enter inside the vacant home.
Windows were nailed from the boarded wood with no
crack that I could see through. I walked around the
side of the house and seen a window that hadn’t
been bothered to board up.
I had no choice but, to climb through the window
and if I were to get caught, I’ll just claim I thought of
seeing a cat inside or some made up story to get
away with. Luckily the window a crack open and it
was easy for me to get in. Lifting the window wider, I
held on the ledge and lifted up, falling right through,
which what appeared to being the kitchen area. I
landed on the floor caked with dirt that and dusted
my hands as I stood upright.
The whole kitchen was the same as I seen it last
night. The differences were; the walls weren’t freshly
painted but molding with jagged cracks here and
there. The counters were falling apart from the mold
that now took its place and the kitchen table stood
on its last leg but powdered with dust.
That very instant, overwhelming emotion of anger,
and hatred, caused me to breathe fast and getting
light-headed. “This can’t be happening. This isn’t
real…” I said aloud.
I took the liberty to investigate the next room.
Slamming to open the door that cut off the living
room, the door fell off its hinges and landed on the
floor, dust showering the air causing me to sneeze. I
covered my nose and mouth with the sleeve of my
coat and wanted to scream as all came into view of
the living room. The walls weren’t freshly painted
but had the same molding and jagged cracks on the
wall as the kitchen. The furniture lay rotten. A few
mice scattered around, heading directly to the
fireplace that once held fire, now caked with burnt
out wood that hadn’t been cleaned.
I briefly scanned the sofa where Wes and I sat
talking over drinks and my peripheral vision caught
something. Taking small steps towards the object
wedged between the cushions, my hands slightly
trembling as I reached what appeared a white square
note. Picking it up by the edge, I pulled it out from
the cushion and brought it closely for me to read. It
was the note that Wes had written in meeting him
here for dinner. I raised my eyes up and gave on
more look over the living room. I hit the jack pot
because I had solid proof. The question is, why the
house was badly deteriorated when the house held
everything newly renovated.
“What’s happening here? I whispered, asking myself
a question that can’t be answered.
Peering once more at the now ruins of the living
room, I went back towards the kitchen. Letting my
eyes survey every part of the kitchen until I noticed,
blood stains dried on the kitchen floor where
Michael had laid. I crept closer and bend down on
my knees, letting my hand touch the spot where he
was. Miraculously, the blood was a little damp in the
middle and dried on the outer surface. I smeared the
blood between my fingers and smelled the copper
scent that rafted off. Confused, I stood up and stared
down at the blood, trailing my eyes to see if there
were any smudges by moving the body and seen
none. I cleaned my fingers using my coat and
inclined I had enough. Suffocation inside this house
triggered an uneasy feeling I didn’t like.
Still holding the note, I jammed it in my pocket and
went for the window. I needed air and I needed it
fast before I begun hyperventilating and pass out. I
climbed out the window and landed easily on the
soiled ground. I took a last glimpse at the window
and walked away, not bothering to even look at the
front of the house. I kept walking, more like jogging
away from this nightmare and before I even knew
what I was doing, I ran as fast as I could right
towards home where I felt more sane and safe. But
was it safe now? Was I really sane? Have I become
insane over night and thought all of this as an
illusion? The note I found and now in possession
wasn’t fake. The blood stains of Michael were still
there where I murdered him. Loads of questions
crossed my mind and I had no suitable answers.
I made it home, ran up the porch, jammed the keys
to unlock the door and once I was inside my house, I
closed the door shut, locked it and dragged a small
stand where I put my keys on and barricaded the
door. Out of breath and feeling my calves’ burned
from the run; I yanked the coat off me and flung it
on the floor, felling absolute madness.
I didn’t even notice that I began crying. I fell to the
floor, in a fetal position and covered my head with
my hands, letting the tears flow, tears that hadn’t
been let out in a long time. Just as I was about to
pass out into darkness, a voice spoke soothingly
near my ear.
“There, there Justin. Everything will be alright.
Besides, it’s our birthday.” To my response to Wes’s
words, were nothing but blacking out from a total
breakdown and drifted off into a dark sleep.
Chapter Nine
Lining off facts, I had no wish to place myself in this
drastic situation. Honestly, all I wished for was a
true soul mate, a friend where I could share my life
with. One who could understand me and share the
same scars and pain that I held inside for many long
years. Someone to see what I see, someone to feel
what I felt, someone who could generally
comprehend all as I compromise most of my own
hidden secret agenda that I never shown to anyone.
When I wished upon the dark skies that hovered in
the sky, and seen that single shining star that
twinkled ever so brightly before my eyes, I whispered
gently on having a life time friend, a true companion.
Haven’t we all wished that with a wonderful
outcome? Then why was my wish granted in a
nightmarish way? Why did I get the punishment that
I now faced?
My brother had always warned me when he was
alive that wishes weren’t always granted in the exact
wanting. It may lead you to make the right turns in
a path that might be in the wrong. It depends on you
to make it right and you to make it how it’s
supposed to start to the end.
If he were alive today and seen how my path is being
destroyed over a wish I terribly needed, a wish that
don’t deserve to even exist. To lose a brother you
held deeply within your heart and killed off by a
motorcycle accident wasn’t what I imagined. I’d
craved to not be alone anymore. My brother William
was all I ever truly had in my life and since his
death, all I had left was just me. Becoming the lonely
man as I am now, or so I thought…
I woke up in bed again, not where I passed out on
my foyer’s floor. Still clothed from when I went out
earlier, I glanced at the clock that read: 6:00 p.m.
Hearing noises from my kitchen of pots and dishes
being moved, I jolted into a sitting posture and held
myself together, searching for a weapon nearby and
seen none.
Quietly, I got up from bed and went for the kitchen.
Lucky I had no boots on; no sounds came from my
socked feet. Peaking around the corner of my
kitchen, a man in a red long sleeve sweater, navy
blue cargo pants and brown loafers stood right in
front of the stove stirring in the pot.
A warm scent rafted throughout the kitchen which
smelled of roasted winter squash and a hint of
nutmeg that made my stomach open. I know I
hadn’t been eating well but I had to concentrate on
the now, with this stranger inside my house, cooking
over my stove.
Seeing my knife holder on the counter to use as a
weapon made me frown. No knifes were there as I
had them. Only weapons left to fight this intruder
was with myself. Not that I couldn’t handle a freehanded fight, I just didn’t trust whoever he was and
might be holding his own weapon, such as, a gun.
I crept inside, getting myself ready for anything that
might need to fight this man. Barely near him when
he abruptly turned around with a huge smile and
eyes that looked happy to see me.
“Justin…you finally woke! I made us a dinner, nice
hot soup of squash….your favorite.” He turned back
to the stove dealing with the meal.
“Wes…” I whispered in shock.
“Who you think it’s gonna be in your kitchen,
Justin? He laughed, shaking his head. “You are
being silly.” He wagged his finger at me, still smiling.
I couldn’t move nor speak as I froze there in the
middle of the kitchen, staring at him, alarmingly
“What’s the matter Justin? You look like you’ve seen
a ghost! He glanced back at me while stirring the
soup. “Oh!” He set the spoon on the side and
clapped his hand together, turning around fully.
“Where are my manners? Happy birthday my dear
old pal! He greeted, smiling warmly.
I still couldn’t mutter a sound nor move an inch,
only glare coldly.
“Aren’t you going to wish me a happy birthday? He
asked, furrowing his brows. “Remember, we share
the same birthday together. It’s OUR special day
I shook my head, hoping this was a dream and not
real. It had to somehow be inside my head, an
illusion. Wes wasn’t real; he is a figment in my
imagination. That’s what it was, all pretend. I
laughed, laughed like a madman.
I pulled out the chair and sat myself down giving my
own warm smile at Wes who was looking at me as if
my reaction were unknown to him. “Wes…..Wes
Wes, in my kitchen and making me a birthday
dinner…how fucking weird! I said as I slammed my
hand on the kitchen table. “You know what’s funny
Wes? I asked in a sly tone.
His smile faded. “What will that be? He asked,
keeping his face neutral.
“How you are full of shit! I shouted at him.
He tilted his head a bit. “Are you alright Justin? He
asked, sounding concerned.
I erupted into another laughing fit. “Now, you are
being funny Wes…real funny.” I cut off my laugh
and knew that my face no longer had that glint of
humor but, hatred. “You are a fucking liar and a
fucking fake.” I said through clenched teeth.
His eyes flashed in anger then vanished to normal
loving eyes. “I don’t seem to understand where this
is coming from. You aren’t like this at all. Please, tell
me what I did so we could work this out, Justin.” He
I snorted, looking away from him. “You act like you
are innocent but I have full proof.” I said,
remembering the note I found wedged in the sofa
where ‘Wes’ claimed to have lived.
I got up from the chair and went for my coat that
was hanging on the hook then being on the floor.
Went into my pockets and came out empty-handed. I
glanced to the side seeing Wes leaning himself on
the wall, staring at me, his brows furrowed. I’d taken
notice how my foyer was back to normal. Mirror
hanged on the wall, umbrella next to the door and
my extra coat on the hook.
“You’re playing games with me…” I said in a low
He sighed, going back into the kitchen while I
checked in both pockets, even the coat that was
missing, to find nothing but my cell phone. It came
to mind to check the number I had dialed earlier
from the post outside of Wes’s house and regretfully,
no numbers were found. I shut my eyes tight,
grinding my teeth in defeat until another reminder of
what I’d forgotten.
I went back to where Wes stood, near the stove,
frowning at me. “I fought your pet Michael, killed
him in a fight. I was at your house that is now
boarded up and vacant, even a sale sign that I
called….I have bruises on my face! I yelled the last.
He arched a brow. “Justin….there’s no bruises on
your face and my house is not what you are
describing. Who’s Michael? He asked, taking a few
steps my way.
“Ha, ha Wes, you think I’ll be that fooled? I asked.
“Stop fucking with me! I yelled, taking steps back.
“Take it easy Justin, I think you’re stressed out. Sit
down with me and we’ll have a little talk over dinner.
What do you say? He asked, seeming a bit frightened
by my behavior.
I snorted and turned around to get inside my
bedroom to prove I wasn’t lying by checking myself
in the mirror. Startled, my face held no bruising. I
appeared fine, only shadowed marks that circled
around my eyes. My hand hesitating touched the
back of my neck, no pain, nothing.
“This isn’t real…this is all a dream. This is a dream
that I’m still dreaming of and can’t wake up.” I
chanted over and over.
“You aren’t dreaming. You are fully aware. I think
you need a night out and relieve some of the stress
you are putting yourself into.” Wes said, having me
to flinch by his voice.
“Where’s Michael? What have you done to his body?
I asked, my voice edging to hysterics.
“There isn’t a Michael and there isn’t a body, Justin.
Please, come sit down with me and we’ll discuss this
together over some dinner. You haven’t eaten well.”
He advised.
I nodded in agreement, forcing myself to stay calmed
and collected. I sat down again and rubbed my face
with my hands. He placed a bowl of soup before me
as he sat on the opposite side, keeping a studied eye
on me.
“Now tell me, Justin. What has been troubling you?
He asked, folding his arms on the table.
“What, you’re my psychiatrist? I asked sarcastically,
lifting the spoon, blowing the orange liquid to cool,
breathing in the aroma of sweet autumn and spices.
I gave him a brief summary of what’s been
happening to the time we met and up till now. I set
down the spoon, unable to taste the soup, losing the
craving of food.
“Wow…. That is some adventure.” He replied, looking
I rubbed my forehead as I said. “I’m not lying to you.
I’m telling you everything that happened. I’m not
crazy! My voice began to rise at the end that I had to
calm or else I'll lose it again.
He took in a deep breath and plastered a smile on
his face. “You didn’t lose three hours. We started
talking and before my departure, you gave me your
number and full name, even your home address. I
called you that night, talking for almost an hour.
The next day when I stopped by, I rang your doorbell
and you didn’t answer. I left you a voice mail with
directions to come to my house and have a meal
with me. I thought you didn’t get it until you showed
up at my door.” He was about to reach for my hand
then thought better not to as he continued on. “We
talked for a while, mainly about each other. We ate,
though you ate very little. You drank a whole bottle
of wine and I had to take you back home because I
didn’t want anything to happen on your way since
you got drunk. You even told me to come over today
since we shared the same birthright and we could
celebrate….” He said, pulling out a cell phone from
his front pocket, handing it over to me.
I obtained the cell from his hand and seen that a
photo of just blood-red color with only one letter in
black script ‘V’ as his background. I smirked,
thinking of the vase he had in his home from that
night. I opened the contacts icon and scrolled down
to the letter ‘J’ and read my full contact. My name,
phone number, address and even my e-mail were all
saved. A picture of myself in the rain smiled out to
me. I appeared happy and not at all dazed.
I slid the cell across the table back to him, not
wanting any contact from his touch and felt defeated
of my own insane state.
“Do you believe me now, Justin? He asked in a
Ashamed, I nodded as I said in a choke voice. “I
believe you…”
“I’m glad we got this all cleared.” He said, sighing in
relief. “We better get ready for our party we’re
attending tonight.”
“What party? I asked quizzically.
“The Halloween fest that will begin about…” He
checked his wristwatch. “two hours.”
I frowned. “I don’t…” He cut me off.
“No worries, I already got your costumed.” He
winked. “Finish your soup and then we’ll get
ourselves ready for a Halloween bash! He enthused.
“Yeah…” Is what I could think to say.
Rather to feel misinterpreted on both of our behalf’s;
it still didn’t explain much to have me grasp on the
truth. Was he lying and trying to deceive me like I
lost my mind or is he really telling me the facts?
Either way, it will change everything during that
Halloween party.
Chapter Ten
Halloween is my favorite holiday that came in once a
year. It has become the celebration ghosts and
ghouls, joined by wearing costumes and receiving
candy. The old days used to believe that this holiday
was a bridge to the world of the dead. The holiday
transitioned from a somber pagan ritual to a day of
merriment, costumes, parades and sweet treats for
children and adults. I treated myself to sweets to
relive my childhood and dressed up as a vampire to
show off my childhood horror actor, Bela Lugosi.
Dracula is the first black and film I’d seen when I
was three with my brother William. I became
fascinated with Bela that day and dressed like him
every year. In my heart, Bela Lugosi will always be
the King of Vampires, don’t you agree?
I hadn’t cared my birthday landed on this day
because I’ve always taken comfort in seeing everyone
dressed up in who they wanted to portray
themselves as and have a fun festive time is pretty
awesome. It’s not like we could dress like this all the
time. We only get this opportunity on Halloween.
Kids dressed in Star Wars characters to princesses
of Disney of their choice, to babies wearing monkey
and kitty outfits brought me happiness. Who
wouldn’t enjoy such a holiday like this? I know I do
every a year.
Children at young ages, even teens roam the
crowded streets at night, knocking on doors to
strangers homes, yelling, “Trick r’ Treat” as they’re
filled with candy by adults, had made me smile and
warm inside, making me feel like a kid again.
Today, I didn’t smile nor felt warm. I was cold to the
touch and playing along with Wes’s sick game until I
come to the truth. I knew he was lying but, my solid
evidence couldn’t be mastered, only to tag along for
the ride.
He dressed me up in my own black suit, with
exception of wearing a dressing shirt that he
purchased, the color of red, red as the blood surging
in our veins. He painted my face into a skull mask,
casting me as the Grim reapers helper. He had on
his own black suit, with a white dressing shirt, black
ankle length cape and covering his face with the
same skull makeup, disguising himself inside the
hood to appear spooky. No vampire for me this
When we arrived at the Halloween festival he wanted
to celebrate at, was located in Brooklyn heights. The
party had already began before hand and the
building was an old abandon warehouse at the far
corner of a dead-end street which used to be a sugar
company till the rent went to high and they had to
shut it down, moving elsewhere. Instead of the
factory closed and forgotten, it became a Halloween
haunted factory club for the day.
Wes and I entered inside, the music blared through
large speakers, vibrating the floor and echoing loudly
as black, orange and white streams of light flashed
rapidly, making it strikingly beautiful. People were
dancing in all sorts of costumes from clowns to
zombies, drinking and dancing while an Irish band
named U2 sang out ‘Mofo’ the D.J. had playing.
Wes ushered me to the bar stand, getting us shots of
tequila. He handed one to me as he gulped down
another shot asking the bartender for more rounds. I
swallowed down the hot liquid, feeling the burn in
my chest. He handed me the extra which I drank
down more easily.
He leaned in to shout over my ear to be heard
through the music. “Isn’t this fucking great Justin?
I half-heartedly shrugged my shoulders and gave a
nod, showing off my skeleton smile.
He handed me a glass that was almost filled to the
top of some red substance I didn’t recognized. “You
are going to love this drink.” He shouted again.
I took a long swig and almost spit it out but, forced
myself to swallow it down. It was blood mixed with
whiskey. I put the glass down on the table and
glared at Wes.
“What? It’s what you lust after.” He laughed aloud. “I
know you love blood. Don’t have to hide that secret
from me.”
I tightened my jaw, fighting not to say anything that
might lead us into an argument. How did he know I
lusted for blood? Was he really proving he is a liar?
Or trying to make it seem that I’ve told him about it?
Either way, I never spoke of a secret I kept to myself.
I ignored him and stared out into the crowd,
watching everyone having a great time unlike me
who stood next to a man where I felt like a captive
prisoner. For some apparent reason, I felt off edged. I
started feeling as if I were in a trance by the lights
flickering, while everyone was dancing in slow
motion. I shook the feeling away, turning my
attention back to Wes to realize I was alone. I
scanned around the crowd and caught Wes dancing
through the crowd, making his way out the back.
I moved away from the bar to get to Wes and
stopped, dizziness hitting with a strong impact. I
closed my eyes to let it pass because I didn’t want to
faint. I hadn’t noticed the music changed. The D.J.
blared Rob Zombie’s ‘Electric Head’ that made the
crowd move fast, catching up with the beats.
I stared out stuck in a trance, the reflective lights
flashing brightly as it lightened my eyes in colors.
The music became dull as my ears blocked out any
sounds and I could hear my heart pounding in soft
rhythmic thumps inside my chest. I was forcefully
controlled, unable to stop it from taking over. I felt
changed and I couldn’t break out of it.
I stood in the middle of the dance floor, watching
from afar, thinking unpredictable thoughts that
played inside my mind of sadistic acts. The music
blared out a song that I loved by Korn. I could finally
hear the words that described what I was feeling. I
still couldn’t move. I can't move. I guess wearing this
skull makeup was the right one. I felt different from
the rest of the people. It was who I was and always
will be, a broken man behind the mask of his real
identity. Losing all I ever loved. My heart shattering
into a million pieces out to the floor.
Wait! Why had these certain emotions come to light?
These were my secrets, secrets that I kept mentally
locked. Why the sudden change?
I covered my ears and shut my eyes tight to rid the
feelings and images that I felt and played in my
mind. This wasn’t me unless…I allowed the sick
thoughts play its game I hadn’t brought up in a long
time. A game I wanted to play. A play I wanted in
action. Could I be able to let this happen? Of course
I can. I wanted blood and I will get blood. I wanted to
savor that smooth, hot liquid in my mouth and feel it
drip out of my mouth, falling on my bare chest. It’s
been so long, to long without blood. I've been a good
boy. I deserve a taste but.....will I get in trouble? It’s
not like anyone cares if I did. I am alone now. I have
no one. Who's going to stop me?
I tried fighting my way out of this, it wasn’t my
thoughts. Or could it be my thoughts? I uncovered
my ears and opened my eyes to stare at the ground.
I took deep breaths and looked up across the crowd.
I finally moved, keeping my focus on a female I liked,
getting closer to her. A woman who was alone at the
far wall, having her cocktail, wearing a red shoulderless dress, showing off her pale soft skin. She took
notice by my presence and gave a flirty smile. I
leaned my shoulder against the wall opposite of her,
giving her my best charming smile. She blushed and
looked away.
I leaned in close, whispering in her ear lightly, "Care
for a nice chat alone?" I asked. I leaned back,
admiring her, appreciating her so she could fall into
my trap.
She lifted her face to gaze at me, shyly smiling as
she agrees. I put my hand out for her to take. She
takes my hand and I lead her away from all the
noise, to a secluded area where no one was around.
Once outside, into an empty alley that smelled of
piss and rotten garbage, I walked her further ahead
where the smells weren’t overwhelming. I leaned her
back against the wall. She leans forward and kisses
me gently. I let her. And then I returned the kiss,
passionate, alive, lifting her left leg to wrap around
my waist. I began to roughly kiss her as she kisses
back in desperate need. Her arms wrap around my
back, crawling up into my hair as I trailed my fingers
up her leg, slipping my hand under her dress to tear
her panties off. She clawed my back with aggression.
I unbuckled my belt, unzipped my pants, entering
inside her, thrusting in deep, feeling her wetness.
She moans in my right ear as I kept moving my hips.
I put my hand around her neck, forcing her to look
into my eyes. I wanted her to see who she was
having sex with. She stared into my eyes intently,
enjoying what she was getting. The look on her face
said it all. I leaned forward, kissing her lips for the
last time; she throws her head back in ecstasy
moving my mouth down towards her neck. Could I
do it? I might as well. We were alone and no one is
here to catch me. I had no one.
As I gave her my last thrust, I bit down on her neck,
sharp fangs appeared, sinking deep into her skin,
fangs that I never had. She gasped in surprise. She
didn't get a chance to scream. I took a chunk of her
meat into my mouth, tearing it away from her neck,
spitting it out on the ground. She looked at me in
shock and confusion. I grinned as the blood squirted
out in a stream. I placed my mouth back over the
wound and drank in her hot blood with such delight.
My heart raced with excitement causing me to
ejaculate inside her, getting the pleasure I deserved.
She tasted so good.
She became weak in my arms, her life fading. I
swallowed the last of her blood, looking up at the
sparkling stars in the dark sky, full moon
shimmering in a red gloom. I felt alive again. It has
been so long. I let out a soft groan, treasuring the
sacrament she gave had given me a chance to keep
living. I held her face, smiling with admiration as her
pupils begun to dilate.
I whispered. "Thank you." I snapped her head to the
side with a twist, breaking her neck and dropping
her lifeless body to the ground.
Taking a few steps back, while her body lay there,
motionless, I zipped up my pants and buckled my
belt. I wiped her cold blood that was dripping from
my mouth on the cuff of my jacket. Utterly pleased, I
turned and started walking away into the night,
smiling without any remorse, and feeling liberated.
Wes emerged from the shadows, removing his hood
that covered his face in darkness. “Tell me, do you
feel her life living inside your black soul? Do you feel
her as you both become as one? He asked in a low
tone that echoed out over the empty alley.
I stopped dead on my tracks and peered into his
eyes that shined with glee, grinning maliciously as I
said in a normal tone that didn’t sound like me. “I
don’t feel her much. I feel alone. I have no one in my
life. Not even you who care for me. I am now in
control, Wes. I am finally....me.”
With that being said, I felt my eyes glazed over, my
head spinning uncontrollably, causing me to tilt
back. I grabbed hold of the garbage bin, arching over
as my stomach began to churn in pain. My knees
gave out, striking them on the concrete ground. I
glimpsed up to see Wes bending down, watching me
closely, fascinated.
“Help me…please….” I said my voice choked and
He lifted my head with his finger underneath my
chin, meeting my eyes. “Sleep Justin….close your
eyes and sleep.” He whispered.
I did as he ordered, closing my eyes as a tear slid
down my cheek. I was drowning in deep dark cold
water, not being able to swim up to the surface. I fell
deeper and deeper into the ocean, having the abyss
swallow me whole.
Chapter eleven
A light brightened the darkness I was drowning in
from above. My body slowly floated near the surface.
The water ran red, instead of clear blue and I woke
which had me gasping for air, bringing back to
reality. In my dream, I was drowning and
unfortunately, dying in the dark waters below, the
light brought me hope. When my adjusted from
sleep, I wasn’t in my bedroom. I was lying on
another person’s bed. The room was similar to mine,
everything inside the room was black, along with the
curtains that hid the sun from entering.
My head throbbed; weakness taken its toll from head
down to my knees. I yanked the covers off and sat,
placing my hands over my face to calm the bile from
escaping, taking short even breaths. The feeling
subsided in a while and I got up, taking notice I had
on a pair of grey jogging pants and a white t-shirt
that weren’t mine. My clothes were neatly folded on
a chair next to the door where I seen them as I
exited the bedroom.
The house was dim, barely any lights shimmered in
due to the curtains closed, and I went down the
stairs, observing the main floor. I couldn’t believe my
eyes when they came into focus. The house, I had
taken the liberty of entering through the window on
my last visit wasn’t in ruins. Here lay a beautiful
place when I first came here to dine with Wes. I
blinked a few times; making sure my eyes weren’t
playing tricks, nonetheless, the house remained the
Wes came out from the other side of the room,
holding two cups of coffee. “Good morning Justin. I
was just about to wake you up.” He greeted, handing
me a hot steaming cup.
The aroma helped to awake fully. “Thank you,” I said
as I took hold of the cup, taking few sips which
made me feel warm and relaxed. “Coffee tastes
great.” I appraised.
“It comes from Colombia. A strong cup of coffee will
have a strong boost to your mood.” He smiled,
sitting down on the sofa that wasn’t rotting with
mold as I’d seen.
I sat down myself, enjoying the flavor from the coffee
beans when it hit my tongue. “Mmmmm, I guess I
need to buy this to make at home.”
“In that, you need to do, Justin.” He chuckled.
I became aware of yesterday’s Halloween party we
went to, recalling Wes leaving and blank images
after. I steadied my rhythm heartbeat, exhaled a very
calm observation. “What am I missing from last
night? I can’t seem to remember anything, only you
disappearing from the club.”
Wes’s nostrils flared and his eyes came unfocused,
as he avoided eye contact. “You really don’t
remember anything?” He asked, taking a sip of his
“No, I don’t. Please, tell me the truth and not play
any games with me.” I strongly begged him.
He took a breath, exhaled, and then closed his eyes.
“Are you really ready to handle an answer of your
own question? He asked with a flat smile.
“Yes, I am capable to handle a lot of answers if you
tell me the truth.” I replied with a cold tone.
“Very well…you got wasted and…did a hanky panky
with a chick in the alley.” He said simply with a
“Hanky panky? I asked, confused by the words he
“You did the wild thing, you screwed a chick
outside.” He chuckled softly.
I raised an eyebrow. “I did what?
“You heard correctly. I didn’t disappear from the
club. I had to use the bathroom and when I came
back, you were nowhere around. I checked outside,
still nothing until I checked out back and there you
were, screwing a chick on the alley wall.” His grin
widen, glimpsing my way. “I got to say, you are
“Hardcore….yeah.” I said, my mouth tightening and
contemptuously shut.
“Oh, don’t be upset. You had a great time, got laid
and I brought you here to sleep it off.” He shrugged
his shoulders again, closing the subject.
“What did she look like? I asked in spite of Wes
ending our conversation. Seeing Wes isn’t about to
budge, I bowed my head, staring at the cup that was
now empty in my hand. “I need to know what she
looked like for when I see her again and tell her I
didn’t mean anything by my behavior.”
Wes’s face cracks into a warm grin. “Blonde, creamy
soft delicate skin, blue eyes that sparkled, red strapless dress….very slim with nice thick curves…you’ve
picked out a beauty.”
I wilted under Wes’s dark gaze. “You took time to
memorize her description.”
“Who wouldn’t? He enthused.
I considered that a moment, then. “What went next
after that?
“You came to me and I took you home.” He looked
closely at me.
I stared at Wes, studying him. “Then I don’t have to
worry much…”
“No you don’t.” He winked.
I hated when he winked. It felt like he was hiding a
lot from me. Who was I to judge and make criticisms
when I, myself failed to recollect my actions? I had
the feeling that I might have amnesia problems.
I handed Wes the empty cup and got off the sofa. “I
think I’m going to head on home and rest some
more. Thank you for you’re hospitably.” I curt a
stern nod.
I abruptly turned and began my way up the stairs to
change out of the clothes that I might have put on
myself last night or Wes took the opportunity to
dress me. It didn’t matter because I wanted out of
his house and be in mine to erase the uncomfortable
feeling he produced on our short talk.
I dressed very quickly and folded the pants and
shirt, placing them on the dresser top. I hurriedly jet
down the stairs and wanted to say my farewells to
Wes where he was nowhere present. Aware that I
was alone, I stepped out of the house and down the
walkway, my eyes searching the street for any sign
of Wes. Just a young woman in workout clothes,
jogging up the street, holding a leash as her dog
jogged along her side.
It was better off without Wes; I required the fresh air
alone. Things went wrong last night and the feeling
lingered. One of many I quite rationalized to exploit
Chapter Twelve
I entered in a small shop ten minutes later to pick
up milk and bread before heading the rest of the way
home. I approached the counter with my items and
out of the corner of my eye, a stack of newspapers
piled next to the cash register. I plunked one up
from the top and seen in thick bold letters with the
A photo of the victim stood out, smiling happily in
front of a building wearing concretive clothes. It was
the same girl in the picture that Wes had described
moments ago.
“Said news eh? The old man behind the counter
snapped me out of my daze. “She was only nineteen.
The bastard dried her up, barely any blood to find! I
hope they catch him and kill him! He said angrily.
“Sick world we live in.” He shook his head
I pulled out a twenty from my pocket and placed it
on the counter, grabbing my bag and the newspaper.
“Keep the change.” I said rushing out the door before
the old man could make another comment.
I hesitantly thought about going back to Wes’s house
and changed my mind. What could he do for me
anyway? Besides, my gut feelings told me that he
was lying a lot. I walked up the streets with my head
down, petrified of being caught if the police told of
who the suspect might look like. I was stressing out
and began to sweat profusely.
When I got to my house, I ran inside and locked the
door behind me. I gripped the newspaper tightly, not
letting go as I put the milk in the fridge and threw
the bread on the kitchen counter. I sat down,
shaking with fear, scanning through the article and
read the first paragraph:
The woman identified as 19-year-old Debra
Whitman of New York City, Manhattan.
Whitman’s body was found behind an alley at
Brooklyn Heights outside of an old sugar factory
that been shut down for quite some time until
used as a Halloween party. She’s been discovered
at 5 a.m. Officials said the body been drained of
blood; open wounds on the side of her neck been
torn out by human teeth.
So far, the autopsy revealed she’s been killed
seven hours before, meeting her own death due
to large amounts of blood lost. State troopers had
questioned many participants who attended the
party and their whereabouts to no avail. The
police are looking into the case and will do a
thorough investigation. If you have any
information, please contact the nearest police
I pushed the paper away in disgust by what I’d read.
Is she really dead? Did I murder her? Is she the one
I was with last night? If so, will the autopsy show
that she had intercourse and find my semen?
Stricken at the thought, I lowered my face in my
hands and absorbed what the reporter wrote in the
newspaper but, I kept rejecting the reality on being
true. It couldn’t be true; it has to come to a false…
I listened to the sounds of birds chirping out in the
open window until it dulled as my ears blocked out
the noises, the ambient noise of my circulatory
system providing a hum. I stared numbly at the
clipping, rattled. Wes had lied to me and I was in
serious trouble. Why would he lie? What is he hiding
from me?
To get the answers to my own questions, a knock
from the door stirred me from thought. I took the
newspaper as I got up and shoved it in the counters
drawer. I shrugged out of my dressing jacket and
hung it on the back seat of the chair. Before opening
the door, I inhaled to cool my nerves and exhaled
once I opened the door to see Wes standing there.
“Hey there stranger, you didn’t say your farewells.”
He said with his hands behind his back as his grin
Dumbfounded, I stepped back. “Come in, we need to
Wes stands there a moment and came inside the
house. “What’s up? He asked, appearing calmed.
“You lied to me, Wes. Why would you lie to me? I
asked upfront.
He surveyed the room with his back turned. “Lie
about what, Justin?
“About the girl I was with! I shouted, my body
“The girl you were with last night? He asked, turning
around studying my reactions.
“Yes! You told me I had sex with her in the alley and
that was it because you brought me to your house to
rest. Well, guess what, Wes? She’s dead! They found
her in the alley this morning dead as a door nail! My
voice strained from the yelling, I asked. “What did I
do to her Wes that you aren’t telling me?
Wes considers how to answer. “I’m trying to protect
you but, you aren’t letting me.”
I stared numbly at him, rattled at something horrible
he might say next. “Protect me from what?
Wes allows himself a small smile, and then quickly
fades. “You did kill her…and I took you away from
there before you would’ve been caught. I went back
to the crime scene while you slept, removing any
trace that’ll lead back to you…” He said in a low
voice, avoiding eye contact.
I shook my head, refusing to believe him. “No…no I
didn’t, I couldn’t had done that Wes. I’m not a
murderer! I shouted in his face.
He took a step back, still avoiding eye contact. “I’m
sorry Justin… could you forgive me?
I braced myself for what he asked of me. “Forgive
you for what?
He stepped up close and said in a whisper. “It’s
Chapter Thirteen
Wes’s gaze and expression become steely and
inscrutable as he got close, caressing the side of my
face, causing me to blank out. He took possession
over my body, using me as his own host; I had no
strength to fight him. No way in knowing how it
happened because he took me by surprise as he
stepped forward and held me against my will,
blacking out my vision. The next thing I came to
present, we were kidnapping a woman who worked
as a waitress at the club we both worked in.
"Please don't do this! Please!" She pleaded in tears.
Did I care? Nope, not at all and these were just
Wes’s feelings, not mine. "Just shut up and relax!" I
said through clenched teeth. I kept my hand gripped
into her hair tightly, holding the surgical knife on
her face as she lay inside the trunk of my car.
"Why are you doing this to me Justin? Why? What
had I done wrong? Please Justin....tell me." She
continued pleading.
I looked into her eyes feeling the adrenaline rush
coursing through my veins. "Cause...if I don't....I
will….just bare with me. It'll be all over." I said in a
calm cold tone, trying my hardest not to lose control.
I let go of her, standing straight as I looked at her
before closing the trunk of the car. She pounds
aggressively inside, screaming for me to let her out. I
breathed in a sigh to calm, surveying the parking
area. Making sure no one else was around. Seeing
all is safe, I got inside the car Wes had stolen.
Turned the ignition on and started driving out to the
city's night life. Turning the volume up to full blast
to drown out her voice, I kept driving.
My heart stammered badly, I felt my chest dance
along with the rhythm it brought. My head was
aching from all the blood rush I caused myself. Eyes
looked back at me in the rear view mirror and I knew
it wasn't me. It was Wes staring in return, enjoying
what he was doing with my body. I focused on the
road to get to where I needed to go, a secret
warehouse that no one knew about.
I’ve mentioned I don’t drive, nor take the train and
bus. Here I was in a stolen car, kidnapping a
defenseless woman Wes wanted badly. This time, my
mind registered everything. Wes lied to me and he
was the one forcing me to do his deeds.
Arriving at the warehouse, I’d never seen before, I
parked inside. I got out of the car to bring down the
gates to hide from any unknown stranger from
looking in if they decide to pass by. Hearing silence
since she quieted herself, I opened the trunk to see
her sleeping with dried tears. As I was about to pick
her up, she screamed and lashed at me, stabbing me
with a screwdriver right into my left shoulder-blade.
I groaned in pain pulling out the screwdriver as she
hopped out of the trunk and ran off. I chased after
her, grabbing her on time around the waist. We both
fell to the ground while she slapped me around
screaming out for help.
"NO ONE IS GOING TO HEAR YOU!" I shouted in her
face, landing a strong blow with my fist to the side of
her face, knocking her out cold.
I got off her by rolling to the side. Laying down,
catching my rushed breath, trying to keep up the
pain where she stabbed me. "Fucking bitch." I
breathed out.
I forced myself to stand. Blood kept seeping out of
the wound. It wasn't easy doing this but I had no
choice but to do Wes’s bidding before I'll regret it.
Wes’s voice in my head asked, "But isn't this what
you really wanted, Justin?
I rolled my eyes and replied out loud. "You wanted
this, not me! Why are you doing this to me?
His laughter echoed inside my head, making me
become raged. "SHUT UP! JUST SHUT THE FUCK
UP!" His voice died down.
"Let’s continue this Justin. I do love a show." His
voice whispered in my mind.
“Why are you making me do this? I whimpered.
“Because, you wished for a friend to share what you
truly wanted in life and that’s murder. Here I am
and I’m giving you what you want….buddy.
Remember, they always say wishes come true, you
know.” He sneered.
“This is not what I asked for! I shouted but he
ignored me. “For me, it’s no longer a wish. It’s an
opportunity to kill you myself once you are out of my
“I would love to see you do that.” He roared in
laughter. “Let’s get back to work.”
I growled in anger, bending down to take a firmer
hold of her ankles, dragging her body across the
floor to an office in the far back of the building. She
moaned very lightly. Lifting her up was a struggle,
the wound on my arm spasm in pain. I sat her
upright on the chair, strapping her in so she
couldn't escape again.
I ripped apart my red dressing shirt from last night
and took a closer look at the wound by the mirror
that hung on the wall above a messy desk. She
stabbed me pretty deep though nothing was going to
stop me from what I was going to do. I went to the
sink and turned on the cold water, drenching dirty
towels as I placed it on the wound causing me even
more pain. I banged my head on the wall to stop me
from shouting out. I tied the towel as best I could to
calm the constant bleeding. I put my hands under
the running water, splashing my face to relax the
ache I had from a headache kicking in.
"Why.......why are you doing this to me?" She spoke
softly, moaning.
I stopped washing my face and turned the water off.
"I'm sorry. I just....you can’t understand." I said, not
knowing how to explain.
"Justin?" She called in a whisper, beginning to cry
I went over to her, stroking her hair to give her my
comfort. Instead she flinched from my touch. "Let
me go and I promise....I won't tell no one. Please
Justin?" She asked in a low voice.
"I can't. Again....I'm sorry." I said, somewhat feeling
remorse and guilty.
She screams out struggling to get out of the straps.
I tried not to ignore her pleas but Wes really had
enough. I picked up a scalpel from the table where I
left it and walked back to her, only to stand before
her. She went silent, staring at the knife in my hand.
"Justin? Don't." Her voice shaking as fear took over
I leaned down, putting my lower half of my body
between her legs, laying my upper torso on her as I
whispered against her lips. "This will be all over
Her soft whimper brought tears to my eyes. I
grabbed her face to make her look at me. Wes’s cold
dead eyes stared back at her. "Sssshhhhhhh, you'll
love it like I will." I said, smiling lightly.
"Justin....." Her voice sounded sad.
"Justin isn't here. My name is Wes. The real me...." I
plunged the scalpel in her neck. Her eyes going wide
in shock. I stared into them as she choked on her
own blood. Hot blood gushing on my hand, I pressed
in deeper. "You look beautiful like this." A small
laughter escaped from my lips.
She coughed up blood that hit me on the face, her
life fading. I whispered, "See you soon."
Her eyes dilated, letting out her last breath, she dies
on the chair and soon I felt myself again.
“Wasn’t that exquisite? Wes’s voice said from behind.
I swirled around, grabbing the front of his shirt,
shoving him hard against the wall. “Why? Why did
you do this to me? Who are you?! I yelled in his face,
“Relax buddy will ya? He began laughing.
“You made me kill an innocent woman! I said
through tears.
“There, there Justin.” He tsked. “It’s not like you
didn’t want to do it. You had it in you and I made it
happen. What’s the big deal? He asked, amused.
“What are you? I asked, letting go of him, backing
“Let’s just say….I’m a real closed friend.” He said
“You’re not my friend, you’re a monster.” I said in
disgust. “You used me!
“I may be a monster, but I’ve seen evilness inside
your soul and granted your wishes.” He said boldly.
“I didn’t wish for this. All I wished for was a God
damn friend! Not this! I covered my face, crying
“Well…” He thought. “To late for that, don’t you
agree.” He perked a smile.
“You’ll regret this Wes, which I can assure you.” I
“Have a look at what beauty you created through art,
and then later, we’ll discuss whatever you want.” He
said, smile broadening.
I tighten my eyes shut, and then took a peak at what
I done. A gasp escaped my lips. I pulled the blade
out from her neck, covering her wound with my
hand to stop the bleeding. "Don't die on me! Please,
I'm sorry! Oh my God! I cried out. “Why did I let you
take over me? I asked in a low voice.
“No point in stopping her bleeding, she’s already
dead.” Wes remarked.
I leaned my head against hers and continued to cry.
I kissed her cold lips. "I know....I'm a dark soul, Wes.
She didn’t deserve this.” I kissed her lips once more
and whispered. “I'm so sorry." I held her body in my
arms, un-strapping her from the chair. I dropped us
down on the ground, rocking her back and forth,
chanting words that were unrecognizable, and
pouring all my tears out. Wishing this were a dream
and not real.
Wes woke me up some time later, not remembering
of passing out. I rubbed my eyes and I felt someone
next to me, her ice cold skin against my hot body. I
looked over and seen her corpse and realized what
I've done…again.
“It's time to bury her and get on home pal.” He said,
exiting the office.
“I’m not burying shit for you.” I said with anger.
“Justin, you will bury her and clean up because if
you don’t…you’ll regret it.” He said, warningly.
Shaken with fear, I took my time digging her grave at
the back of the lot, hidden by trees that no one could
ever see over from the outside. I dug a good six feet,
only keeping it eye leveled so I could look out and
really make sure I was alone. I pulled her body to fall
into the ground. I wrapped her in a carpet from the
office before bringing her out in the lot. I covered her
face up, even though I’ll have nightmares of her face
for the rest of my life. I pulled myself out from the
deep ground, looked at her for the last time before
shoveling the dirt back in.
Finally back at home, I took the longest hot shower,
cleaning the dirt that caked into my skin. I placed
my hands on the shower wall, letting the hot water
run down my body. Tears took over me again and I
wept alone. Regret taking control.
I said to myself: “All will be alright. Nothing will go
wrong.” I for sure was fooling myself.
Sitting on my recliner in my bedroom, fully dressed,
wound taken cared of, I was never gonna be safe
with Wes. Alone and tired, clearing my head, I knew
this was just the beginning and soon more will
come. It was nothing I could do about it.
Besides....it’s what Wes wanted.
This won't and will never end. It’s just the
Chapter fourteen
I trapped myself in my room, wreathed in darkness,
my face lit by a flickering glow of a candle. I thought
of everything. Suffering in remorse of what’s been
done to my employee. The shades drawn down,
curtains shut tightly, I resented the sun; darkness
was a necessity in recovering my mind from
breaking down. I desperately pleaded my mind to
clear. I’d sedated to calm the aches. I closed my
eyes, exhaled and there her face came to
focus....appearing before me. Her beautiful face,
those innocent green eyes, her perfect shaped lips,
and that wonderful smile she gave off every chance
she had to greet me in the morning when she came
to work. I reopened my eyes, and she faded away.
"Let her go. This is what Wes intended from the
beginning. You fought hard and he made you kill by
no choice, only fierce force. Amanda died from your
hands; you have to handle this, and really end Wes
before it’s too late. Let Amanda be for now." I said,
staring off into the distance in front of me. The
rhythm of my breathing kept in steady paces.
Inhaling, exhaling.
I watched the clock blink, shell-shocked. My breath
is all I heard. Inhaling, exhaling, and inhaling. The
numbers began to blur, some tears welled up,
dripping down along my cheeks. I had to pull myself
together. Wiping the tears off with my hand, my
environment had changed. Wes now sat on the edge
of my bed, opposite of me.
"You have to start being the real you, not the kind
who puts on a mask every single day, pretending on
being someone else. It’s awful to tell a lie in this life."
Listening to him was like taking advice from an evil
devil on your shoulder.
"So, if I remove my mask and keep picking up your
mess every time you make me murder innocent
people, it shows the real me? I whispered in the
dark. “Is that what you truly want?
"I won't leave you again, Justin. You are my other
half. And it’s mostly ‘our’ mess." He said in a low
voice. “Yes, I want you to see how you keep yourself
locked and you need to come to light of who you
really are.”
Getting my bearings together, Wes materializes in
front of me, his face hovering, glaring into my eyes
as he said. "When you hid your face beneath the
mask, you shut out the world, blinding your truer
self. That night in the alley, you threw off your mask
and discovered the demon inside you. You allowed
the demon to savor a lost soul from hurting. You’ve
taken her in and brought her life to shimmer into
the darkness where she was let free from her doom.
How many times you need to comprehend of being
who you really are?
Did I have an answer? No, I did not.
Wes studies me intently; a dawning concern is
washing over him, his eyes turning darker, carefully
speaking each word. "Heed my warning my dear
friend, Justin. The longer you hide, the more you lie.
Keep me around and let ME make you stronger and
no longer weak."
His words hung in the air for a moment. A peaceful
expression on my face revealed gratitude, if only he
knew what’s coming for him at the end.
"I think your right. Maybe I do need to keep you
around." I lied, fixing Wes with an intimidating stare.
Wes arches his brow, smiled at me, nodding proudly.
"I see.....then we might have another fun outing."
My eyes followed Wes’s movements in the dark. The
outline of his body showed he was sitting on the bed
again. Amused eyes glinted at me with a polite smile.
I smiled back, trying to, be of some comfort and not
disclosing my scam, holding my facial expressions
steadied. Persuading him to think I agreed with him,
though it was a lie.
I stared past Wes, silent. After a long beat, I asked.
“Who are you Wes?
He considered the question. “I was once a man who
was loved…until I became a murder victim.”
I didn’t move my eyes, waiting for him to continue.
When he did, sadness escaped him. “I was born in
the early 1800’s on October 31st, like you in Dublin,
Ireland. At the age of 33, I roamed the streets at
night and alone because I had no one but myself. On
the very night of December 21st, I had a date with a
young lady that I met in the shop earlier that day
and there she stood as promised, awaiting me.
Happy to see her there, I went up to her, placed a
kiss upon her palm and looked into her eyes to
capture fear. Concerned, I asked her if anything
were wrong, she kept darting her eyes behind me.
When I turned around, three men held weapons at
gun point.” He shivered, closing his eyes. “They
demanded I give them my wallet. Foolish, I refused.
One of the men came forward and hit me across the
face with the bud of his gun. I fell to the ground,
hands over my face to stop from getting hit again.”
He gets up, pacing the room back and forth.
“And then? I asked, wanting him to tell me more.
He stopped in the middle of the room and faced me.
“My worries was on that woman because I didn’t
want those slimy men to act on her sexually. Her
safety was all that mattered. I pulled out my wallet
from inside my coat and handed it to them. Telling
them it only had twenty dollars. In those days,
twenty was a lot of money. They took it from my
hand and checked to make sure I wasn’t lying.
Satisfied, one of the men said: ‘Hurry here Scarlet,
we got what we’d come for.’ I lowered my hand and
Scarlet went to them, smiling ever so pleasantly.
Betrayed and convulsed with rage, I got up and
called her a two-faced whore! It was the biggest
mistake on my part for not staying in silence. I
should have kept my mouth shut. The third man
came forward and pointed the gun in the middle of
my forehead. He pulled the trigger…” He’d struggled
to finish. He paced back and forth thoughtfully. “The
bullet went right through my skull, killing me
instantly. The next moment, I woke up in a cave
where a man hidden in a black cloak staring down
on me. He had shown only his eyes….eyes that was
of fire. He gave me a chance to live again.” He
laughed lightly.
Wes chews on his words before muttering. “He also
hated me after a while and….” Wes hangs his head,
trying to contain his emotions. “Banished me to live
on earth…disowning me forever until I heard your
call in needing a friend.” He'd finally overcome the
emotions and can no longer hold back the tears now
running down his cheeks in blood.
I smiled faintly, something clearly on my mind.
“You’re telling me, you are a ghost from the past life?
I asked.
“Yes and no! He whispered.
“Hearing my wish, you came to me, granting what I’d
Wes opens his mouth to answer, but before he
could, I said. “Shut up Wes. How low and ugly your
soul is. My own soul isn’t that black. My soul is
tainted from all the hate I got from others, even from
my dead parents. From abuse to torture I’d suffered,
it’s what made me into a better man I am today or so
I thought till you had to come in my life and piss it
all away because you are a fucking killer! I shouted
in his face. I snorted in disbelief. “Get real Wes.”
He’d watched me, absorbing everything I’ve said. Not
intimidated, he responds evenly. “You may think I’m
lying because it’s unreal for you. If I’m lying, how am
I able to tear blood and take over you?
I heaved a deep sigh and gathered my thoughts.
“You’re a ghost or….some vampire.”
Wes laughed at the remark. “No, I’m neither of those.
He made me into a demon. A demon that is able to
walk upon earth, in sunlight.”
I stared at Wes, curious what game he's playing.
“Then prove to me, you are a demon and not some
funny alien from outer space.”
Wes holds my gaze, smirking. “I will.”
“And how will you show me? I asked, fearing at my
own words.
Wes draws closely, almost like a father figure. “As
you wish…”
If only I knew what I was asking.
Chapter fifteen
I can’t clarify anything when Wes leaned closely to
me. I was aware being in my room. Now I was sitting
at the end of a table that was neither mine, nor
Wes’s. I sat at a table that belonged to someone
else’s, an elaborate feast of meats and fruits
overflowed from dishes. Sitting directly across the
table was Wes. We looked at one another for a tense
Wes looms in and out of focus, his voice slow and
low. “I injected you with morphine to relax your
nerves. Taking over your body made a slight
“Where am I? I asked even though my voice gave off
an echo tone.
“We’re at a guests home and I cooked us a lavishly
meal. You have to eat Justin, that’s why your body
given me a hard time to enter. Not good.” He shook
his head disapprovingly.
Doped up, I noticed my wrists strapped to the chair.
Drugged and bound, my head kept dropping, my
eyes fluttering and my pulse loud in my ears. “What
you going to do to me now?
“Well, you did ask me to prove I’m a demon. I’m
going to show you that I am.” Wes pours himself a
glass of wine and takes a leisurely sip.
“Okay…then prove it.” I said, straightening up in the
chair, controlling the heavy drug to focus on Wes,
the room blurring around me.
Putting down his wine, he rubbed both hands
together, as Wes’s grin starts to dawn. “With
pleasure, Justin!
Wes slips out of his chair and addresses a man who
was also drugged and bound on a chair. “I swear,
where are my manners? Justin, this here is, Daniel
Green. Daniel? He slapped the guy across the face to
wake him. The man jolted from the slap and fear
took place. “There we are, Daniel, this here is my
best friend, Justin.” He introduced us with a bright
The man looked to be in his late forties, lean and
tall, sporting a fine academic’s beard but, somewhat
slouched-looking with expensive clothes on though
worn to the brim. His eyes were of chocolate-brown
that showed fear and panic, darting between Wes
and myself. His mouth covered with duct tape, he
muffled sounds, nervously shaking his head. Wes
caressed the man’s balding scalp and smiled
I stared at Wes for a moment... “You’re going to kill
Wes’s eyes narrowed, not giving any satisfaction of
being impressed. “Are you trying to spoil our fun,
“A demon doesn’t need to kill a person. Demons
posses a body and tortures them. Unlike you who’s
trying to play off human and murder another
innocent person. This is proving nothing.” I said,
being smug.
His eyes go dead for a second at the insult before he
smiles. “Then….if I do this,” He snapped his fingers,
displaying Mr. Green laying on top of the dinner
table, ankles and wrists bound in barbed wires,
stripped naked. “Doesn’t prove anything?
I went still, a quiet moment to curb my emotions. I
gulped in fear and said. “This is only an illusion.”
For a second, Wes’s eyes threatening violence. “You
are really pushing my buttons Justin….”
“Am I? I asked sarcastically.
Wes beams with pleasure. He looks at Mr. Green
displayed on the table. “Maybe I ought to drink his
blood….by my teeth.”
“Are you a vampire now? Which is it, demon or
vampire? I asked amusement in my voice.
Wes notes my tone. “I’ll show you.”
He removed his dressing jacket and threw it on the
chair that Mr. Green was bound to. He loosens his
tie and leaned down, lifting the man’s chin up,
revealing his neck. Wes’s eyes changed, shimmering
ice-cold stare, bright yellow eyes looking into mine.
He smiled, baring sharp teeth that looked of tiny
thin needles. Wes’s mouth opened wide, Daniel’s
eyes widening with more fear, struggling with the
barb wires that held him against his will.
Nearly touching Daniel’s neck, I shouted. “Don’t!
Please….no need to prove it to me.” I said breathing
heavily, trembling.
Wes stares at me, seeing right through me. “It’s a
little too late for that request.”
He plunges his jagged pointed teeth into the man’s
flesh. The man screamed, Wes’s jaw working,
drinking in the blood that gushed over his mouth. I
panicked, trembling worse, my eyes locked, unable
to look away. Wes groans; suckling sounds from his
lips made me cringe. The man’s scream ceased, a
faint gurgling, choking sound that slowly begins to
register through my conscious mind. The man
became dazed, choking on his own blood that
overflowed from his mouth, eyes rolling back until
only the whites were visible. He stiffens, after a long,
horrible moment, he dies.
Wes disengaged his teeth from the man’s flesh,
licking up the blood on his lips as they drip down his
chin to his sweater. His eyes still in demon form,
fluttered closed, falling down on the chair as he sat,
savoring the blood that lingers in his mouth.
The corners of Wes’s lips curled ever so slightly,
meeting my eyes that were back to normal.
“That….was delicious.”
Still stunned by what I had seen, I closed my eyes,
not wanting to see Mr. Green’s dead corpse. “I’m
glad you’d enjoyed yourself.” I said, calming the
“Do you believe me now? He whispered.
I nodded my head profusely, keeping my eyes shut.
“I believe you. I shouldn’t have doubted you. Just,
remove my restraints and let me go.”
I heard him leaving his chair, felt his hand running
throw my hair, wet lips kissing my temple and I
fought not to tremble worse. “Oh Justin, did I
frightened you? He asked in a soothing voice.
“Please…let me go.” I pleaded, tears streaming down
my face.
He sighed, removing the straps one by one from my
wrists. Hands shaking as I rubbed my wrists and
opened my eyes, glimpsing a quick look at Mr. Green
and averted my eyes to the front door.
“Go ahead and leave Justin. I’m not going to stop
you.” Wes said; his voice tired.
Reluctant to obliged, fearing what he would do next,
he shouted. “Go! I jumped out of my chair, morphine
rushing over my adrenaline; I ran for the front door
and unlocked it. I turned the knob and jetted
outside to a snow storm that washed out the streets.
Not knowing where I was, I kept running, moving
into a snow-filled street, staggering across it. The
snow showered with each step I took. I hung my
head down so the snow won’t blind my eyes. A car
honked behind me, startling me as I looked up. The
driver cursed and drove off.
I shaded my eyes to read the name of the street.
Sumner Ave was what I made out through the snow.
I was forty-five minutes away from my house. Pulling
my jacket tightly around me, keeping the cold from
seeping in, I dredged myself in the storm. Turning in
all the right directions, shivering from the icy winds.
Seeing my house up the block, I quicken my pace
and glad to stand in front of my door. Struggling in
my pocket to remove the keys with numb hands, I
finally unlocked my door and closed it behind me.
Sliding down on the closed-door, the warmth of the
house burning my skin from the cold, I howled a cry.
A cry of relief by being alive and not dead as that
poor man Mr. Green who lie on his table where he
must’ve had many dinners to celebrate with people
he loved. Now, he would no longer able to do that.
My teeth chattered, my body cold to the bone, I
numbly got up and went straight for my bedroom. I
pulled off the covers, yanked my shoes off and lay
down, wrapping the covers around me. I shut my
eyes, body still twitching, I prayed for the first time
in my life. Pleading who ever maybe listening to
make it go away, including Wes. I drifted to a
dreamless sleep.
Chapter sixteen
The following morning, I called in work to tell my
boss that I came down with the flu. Last night’s
event with Wes, I had no strength to attend my job,
not even to see anyone. My boss yelled on the other
line that deafened me and alerting about Amanda’s
What was I to tell him? That I killed our employee
because a psycho demon forced me too? That her
body is buried behind a factory and then what? I
could turn myself in and spend the rest of my
remaining life in prison or get the death penalty. It
seems like the right choice to pick. Then, why I am
being a wuss, withholding information on Amanda’s
whereabouts? Her family has the rights to know
where she is. Could I be able to do it? Turn myself
in? Will the police believe me if I tell them about
My boss’s voice snapped me out of my daze while I
was asking myself these questions. “Justin, are you
there? He asked; his voice agitated hinting off his
Italian accent.
“I’m here.” I replied, blinking my eyes to come back
to reality.
“Did you hear anything I said? He asked, sounding
“I’m sorry, I didn’t catch anything. I think my fever is
rising.” And it was because I felt very hot and damp.
He gave a deep sigh. “What I was telling you, the
police showed up questioning the last time I’d seen
Amanda. Her parents filed a missing report. I told
them I’d seen her last Friday leaving work and after
that, she didn’t show up on Monday. They even
asked the other employees without any good leads.
Have you seen her, Justin?
Of course I did, I’ve murdered her. I said to myself,
but, instead I said. “I haven’t seen her in a while; I
hope she’s alright…”
“Same here. Look, if you happened to see her or any
information on her, call me up so we could tell the
police. You take care of that cold, you hear?
“I will, Russell.” I said and hung up without another
I took a moment to let it all sink in. The alley girl,
Amanda and now, Mr. Green, all dead and here I
stood, in the kitchen by the phone, getting away with
murder in the meantime. Why couldn’t I pick up the
phone, dial 911 and give myself up? What was
stopping me? Those innocent people deserved
justice. Problem is, Wes will get away with it and
leave it all to bring down on me. No way the police,
lawyers, judge, their families and the jury to believe
a demon took over me and had me to commit
murder, no way.
I went ahead and showered, keeping my mind busy
away from all that has fallen on me for the past
weeks. I cleaned up my bedroom and applied clean
sheets along with curtains. Started cleaning the
bathroom, scrubbing every surface from top to
bottom, and placing fresh towels. Bleached out the
kitchen counters and hand mopped the floor, went
to the living room and polished the furniture, and
even my leather couches. Vacuumed the carpets,
wiped the windows clean, started doing laundry,
ironing clothes, taking out the trash and by the time
I finished, exhaustion took place.
I decided to head out and take a quick jog. The snow
proceeded to fall, whiting out the streets and I didn’t
care. I jogged twenty blocks away from my house,
managed my body to go around and jog back home.
Out of breath, I went back inside my house and
passed by my mirror, seeing I didn’t change into my
workout clothes, I had my pajamas still on.
Feeling stupid, I’d taken another shower and dressed
in my black jeans, black shirt and put on a pair of
black loafers. Black was my attire to mourn over
Debra and Amanda. Mr. Green wasn’t murdered by
my hands, but Wes’s, still, I mourned over him as
I clicked on the television for a moment to see a
reporter announcing Debra’s findings to rule out foul
play but, no further information been released. I
flipped the channel and Amanda’s face appeared onscreen for missing person’s alert. I closed my eyes
and flipped on another channel that showed a
cartoon of SpongeBob working on a grill at Krusty
Krab. I scanned through channels and nothing but
Amanda and Debra being talked about. As for Mr.
Green, nothing.
I wondered what Wes done with Mr. Green’s body.
Better yet, was he still inside his home, displayed on
his dinner table for the police to find? Did I want to
know? Yes, but, did I have the balls to check? Fuck
no, I didn’t.
I took the rest of the day lying on my couch,
watching classic movies. Who doesn’t love the old
classic black and white horror films? I watched The
Wolfman, Dracula, Frankenstein, The Invisible Man
and fell asleep watching The Mummy. A sleep
without dreams, peaceful rest that I haven’t had
when Wes showed up in my life.
Waking up the next morning, the sun beaming in
from the window, I felt refreshed and renewed. At the
back of my mind, I still mourned for them. Curious
about Mr. Green. If I go back to the crime scene to
see what had become of him, I could get caught so I
stood home. I made myself a full breakfast. I cooked
up scrambled eggs, sausage, toast and jam. Eating a
breakfast fit for a king. Wes hasn’t contacted me
which brought me some luck. Maybe I’ll be able to
live normal.
Three months had past and no sign of Wes. The
reporters on TV stopped mentioning Debra and
Amanda. No reports on Mr. Green. What really
happened to him? I wasn’t going to find out. All
these months have been fantastic! Thanksgiving
passed by and on that day, I made a home cooked
meal for one, listening to nice comforting music.
Christmas time came around; I decorated my living
room and put up a tree by the fireplace. I spent it in
the club where my boss celebrated Christmas for all
the employees and exchanged gifts with one another.
We also celebrated New Years Eve at the club. 2015
left and 2016 came and I have to say, it was
beautiful. Life was moving on peacefully and I got
away with murder. Everything went quiet and
everyone went on with their lives…or so I thought.
Chapter seventeen
The month of February had shown how cold it really
got. Snow kept on through the days I attended to
work; making it complicated to arrive on time. The
eight hours I’d worked went by in a breeze, to sit at
home watching the snow fall as I sat by the window
over hot chocolate. Sleep became easier each time
and waking up each morning with a smile on my
face has begun to feel blessed. This was the life I
enjoyed and to think I needed a friend caused me to
Saturday morning, not opening my eyes, snuggling
under my blanket happily, I hadn’t expected to feel
movement on the other side of the bed.
“Enjoyed your festive holidays? A voice whispered
My eyes snapped open with alarm at the sound of
his voice. I flung myself out of bed, wrapping a robe
around myself, wiping the fresh sleep out of my eyes.
There he sat at the top of the bed, dressed in full
black attire, hair neatly combed back and appeared
paler than before. His skin looked more translucent,
his eyes fiercer, resembling a dead fresh corpse from
the morgue.
I stared at him. “How did you get inside my house?
Wes, genuinely amused by the question which he
successfully hides it. “Haven’t I said over and over
again that I am a demon and I could just show up?
He sighed. “Guess you aren’t happy to see me…”
“Get out of my house and my life, Wes.” I uttered
Wes slowly rises from my bed, folding his arms
across his chest, an inscrutable expression suddenly
registering genuine pity and regret seeing how
distant I’d become towards him. “I thought with my
absence, you would be honored to see me
again…has it changed?
Avoiding eye contact, I nodded without saying a
“Our friendship….died, I suppose.” He grunted.
“What did you do with Mr. Green’s body? I asked,
not meaning to talk to him, though I wanted to know
the answer.
He chuckled. “He’s safely placed next to Amanda
where he won’t be found. Why?
I shrugged my shoulders. “I don’t have to explain
myself to you anymore Wes.”
Wes allows himself to smile, but not too big. “I guess
we have a problem, don’t we Justin?
I stood there a moment, Wes studying me. He quietly
crosses to me, puts his arm around my shoulder,
holding tight. Still avoiding eye contact, I slipped
myself away from his hold and backed up to the
bathroom door, leaning against the frame. Wes
doesn’t move but his senses are on high alert now.
“I think you should leave and never come back
here.” I stated firmly.
Wes goes tense, looking angry. “Are you sure about
that Justin? He asked in a warning tone.
“Yes…” I simply said.
And suddenly the threat is huge in the room. I
finally looked at him by the bedroom door; Wes
stared at me until our eyes finally met. Red flags
rose to alarm by that one look. I shied away from his
gaze, knowing how dangerous this will turn out.
“I hope you understand what you’re asking.” He
said, leaving the bedroom, vanishing out of view.
I quietly breathe in and out, struggling to stop the
fear Wes had warned. It was his way, or no way for
anyone. Immobile and paralyzed, I didn’t move from
where I stood for an hour, thinking Wes were still
inside the house.
What did that threat mean? Will he hand me over to
the police? Will he make sure that I get convicted?
These months with his disappearance and to have
him show up today, raises suspicions. He had
something planned and I won’t find out, even if I
have to leave from here and move to an isolated
I stepped into the dark room of my kitchen because
the curtains cut off the light from outside. I moved
towards the refrigerator and stopped. A rotten smell
hit my nose that retch through the air. I opened the
refrigerator door and the light illuminates a white
rectangle box lying inside the shelf with a red bow on
top. I left the refrigerator door open and carefully
lifted up the box. A tiny greeting card tapped at the
far corner, written in fine script, my name.
My hands quivered as I turned from the fridge to the
kitchen table. I sat the box down and reached for the
lid, pulling it back to see, freshly cut clean, my
boss’s hand inside, lying over a black satin clothe.
How I know it’s my boss’s hand? His wedding ring
was still placed on his finger, and his pinky ring of
an Italian flag was still intact. He’d always worn that
ring when we first met each other and he’d never
taken it off.
I recoiled from the sight and staggered back a few
steps to bump into someone. When I turned around,
Wes was behind me. “That’s lesson number one.
Ready for lesson number two? He asked, grinning.
His shadow steps forward into the light revealing a
promised violence as he took hold of my throat and
shoved me backwards, hitting the table’s end. The
box fell over to the floor and I didn’t care. I held on
his arms, hoping he wouldn’t kill me on the spot
with the pressure of his fingers tightening around
my throat.
“What do you want? I struggled out the words with
little air I had left.
“What do I want Justin? You ask me the silliest
question. You know what I want! He yelled into my
Tiny dark specks paraded my vision and my body
felt faint from lack of oxygen. “Let…me…go…” I
whispered each word with the last of my breath.
He loosens his grip. “It is time for lesson number
two, Justin.” He hissed, eyes changing into his
demon yellow color, hypnotizing me as my body went
slack. My mind became clouded and I was once
again in his control.
Chapter eighteen
As you well know, there were times where I walked
alone in the dead of night, seeking for something to
keep my mind in a place such as looking at
sceneries where beauty and life come to lighten my
day. For those three months, I left those awful
memories, making my life new for the 2016 year. I
know by deserting Debra and Amanda is the cruelest
decision and not locked up behind bars as I shouldbe but, I just wanted a second chance. We all need a
second chance, even if I didn’t earn one. I guess; I’m
a selfish man.
Sadly, he'd entered inside my body to get his needs
and waste mine, the need that he thirsts for due to
his hunger. I dreaded that he'll take over me more
often and have myself disappear; never be known
again and that depressed me even worse.
There were times that I’d thought I fought against it,
but, little did I know he had more power in taking
control over me, even my mind power failed, literally
letting him win as he usually did. It angered me,
what could I do? This is what he had wanted in the
first place. This is the reason I was here. He had it
all planned out. He wanted to live again then roam
alone for all eternity with a body to call his own.
My body walked on, leaving me to sit at the back of
my mind, watching through his eyes in what he
required. Searching for the perfect victim to kill and
treasure their life source through the blood that
came from their veins, carrying them with him so
they could be a part of his collection when he
finished. That’s what he loved, keeping ones soul
forever damned as he was damned himself.
I didn’t enjoyed it as he would drink there velvety
blood when it burst into his mouth, making me taste
it with him. I thought as a child when I first drank
blood from an animal’s corpse was delicious and it
really was. Human blood didn’t drive me to want
more. To Wes, human blood was pure fine wine that
fills your cravings and exciting. You actually feel
them become alive inside you, letting their soul enter
yours. They had no choice anyway. There last dying
breath and all they could think of is stopping the
pain he was giving. Once entered inside between him
and I, we live out their time being of an existence
they can no longer have as they thought they would.
They will never see their family, friends, and lover,
not even being able to do their dreams and goals as
they've planned. We all get together as one is what
Wes reminded me.
Blood and death was his arousal. Made him yearn
with urges and pleasure himself while he would look
into their eyes, see their life fade in a blink of an eye.
He would…ejaculate, heart beating rapidly and
groan out while looking up at the dark clear sky and
smile wide, knowing his deed had accomplished and
allowed me to take over my body naturally.
This time, it went differently. He found a girl sitting
alone at the park bench, waiting for someone who
didn't seem to show up as she expected. She was
wearing a long white dress covered in an old fashion
skirted coat to match her dress, making her skin
paler from the over head light post that was
encircling her, making her look like an Angel. The
lamp-post put her at center stage, shining ever so
brightly. Wes had me appear from behind the tree,
walking straight towards where she sat. He’d
dressed me in black jeans, tight long sleeve shirt and
a black pea coat. My dirty blonde hair looked darker
in the night as he made my eyes brighten innocently.
He knew she noticed my presence as she looked at
me, entranced by the way I looked. She seemed to
forgotten that she was waiting for someone. He had
me walked towards her with a smile on my face and
sat down beside her, a few inches apart from each
She looked away, her cheeks blushing pink but he
didn't care. He found what he wanted and he was
going to get it, no matter how much I refused.
"Lovely night, don’t you think? He asked her, in a
voice that wasn't mine. His voice held an accent that
I couldn’t decipher, but sounded musical.
She looked my away again and smiled shyly. "It is a
beautiful night. The snow made a portrait that is
quite stunning."
I warned him inside my head: "Don't do this, please?
I pleaded with him.
He ignored me, lashing out to me to keep silent.
“This is your fault, not mine.” He said, only for me to
"The name is Wes." He introduced himself with his
perfect smile.
"It’s a pleasure to meet you, Wes. My name is Lily."
She answered; feeling a bit relaxed for some reason.
She was angry after being stood up on a date she'd
gladly accepted from her friend who had set up for
her yesterday. "Thanks a lot Sandy." She had
thought to herself earlier. Now, pleased of this new
We gave her a charming smile as I said. "Lily, a
flower that blooms on a sunny day in spring."
She giggled, nodding her head. "My mother named
after a flower she loves."
"I like that." I said.
"Thank you." She didn't understand what was
coming over her. She felt comfort in our presence.
"You’re welcome," I grinned, knowing Wes’s plan was
working. "Come closer, sit next to me Lily." I
whispered out to her, Wes taking control over her
She felt a pull from him and tried stopping herself to
no avail. She couldn't control her body and her mind
felt like she was in a deep haze, hearing only my
voice, commanding her to come closer.
"Humph, join the club Lily." I said aloud in my head.
She slid to where I sat, closing the inches that
separated us. She looked into my dead cold eyes
that weren't the same any longer; his demon eyes
filled with fire entranced her.
We leaned forward, keeping our eyes on hers while I
pulled her into my arms, laying a simple kiss against
her pink painted lips.
I couldn't take it no more. I started shouting, trying
to step forward to stop what he was going to do, he
pushed a raging burn into my body that had me
collapsed in an indescribable agony, tears filled my
eyes and I begged him to stop. He won again.
Seeing that I could no longer fight him and gradually
gave in, I continued to kiss her as she kissed back,
dancing their tongues away in each other’s mouth. I
hated that I had to taste her along with him, tasting
nothing but cherry flavor that she must've had eaten
earlier. Our hand holding her the side of her face,
getting us heated up in arousal while I wept away,
not wanting this for shit!
His laughter escaped my lips, feeling and seeing all
that I was going through. The fucking enjoyment he
was getting, how nice of him.
"I'll never forgive you for this." I said through a
tearful fit of rage that settled in.
"Lighten up! She's so damn delicious. Enjoy her like
I am." He laughed out wickedly. “Don’t disappoint
your uncle.”
Taken aback when he said uncle, my body had gone
stiff. “Uncle? What do you mean by uncle? I asked,
“What? I didn’t say uncle.” He said with alarm.
“Wes, you aren’t fooling me, you said, ‘Don’t
disappoint your uncle.’ What is that suppose to
mean? I asked, breathless.
“Justin, will you shut the fuck up or I swear I will
have us go out in a murder spree! He yelled out in
seething anger.
I quieted down and noticed that Lily hasn’t flinched
from Wes’s yelling. She was still in a deep trance.
“Much better…now, back to our lesson.” He said in a
playful tone.
Her hands caressed all over my chest, digging her
nails in my skin since her hands were under my
shirt. Her moans singing out in the empty park,
where no one could hear. Everyone was at home,
living there lives in peace, unlike me who was being
in the middle of this charade he was completely
aflame with, and fevered in need he was invigorating
I'd tried to ignore it, the way he her touching me, I
couldn't help but, to enjoy the feel he was giving us
both. I felt my mouth change as jagged teeth began
protruding out. He’d made me grip the back of her
head, tightening her black curly hair between my
fingers as he forced me to pull her head to the side.
“Ready to have her life to share with us? He asked,
causing my voice to sound eager with lust.
“Do I have a choice? I asked him.
“No…you have none.” He whispered, slamming fangs
into her soft, long elegant neck. A rush of hot
steaming liquid splashed into my mouth. He pulled
and pulled making her blood wash over us,
slithering down my throat, in my belly. Both of our
groans could be heard as we savored her into us as
we both breathed heavily. We both gasped in a large
amount of air once our pleasure fulfilled, blood
dripping out of my mouth. Feeling our hearts
beating from fast to a slow pace, I felt ashamed of
myself completely. I kept myself in dazed state.
"Oh, don't tell me you didn't like it." He sang song,
I ignored him, not wanting to respond.
He laughed more at my reaction. "That’s why we are
both rejoicing her blood at the same time. You've
enjoyed it as much as I did." He pulled my body to
stand up, positioning the poor innocent girl to sit up.
Her body begun to get ice-cold, her dead glass eyes
staring into nothing. Her eyes will burn in my mind
for the rest of my life. Another innocent girl
“And this time Justin…the police will find evidence
under her fingernails.” He said the corners of my
mouth threat to curl.
I wasn’t myself yet, he kept my body. I didn't grasp
of getting back to my house. Everything blanked out
of my mind. Wes crowned himself, glorifying his evil
pride. He has served himself using me and ended
our adventure, not leaving, comfortably taking full
control of my body that was now his. We were both
sharing one body and he made sure to keep it that
I lay on my bedroom floor naked after a long cold
shower, listening to the news to find out that they
had found another victim like they've found many
before. They had figured out who might be the mass
murderer. Wes didn’t cover our traces because he
wanted me caught.
I felt chills through my body, tears pouring out
thinking of my life ending. Debra, Amanda, Mr.
Green and now Lily will get their justice thanks to
Wes. Soon, I was going to get arrested.
"Ssssshhhhh, don't worry, Justin. I'll comfort
you...we’ll always be together as one." He said,
hushing me from my crying.
I closed my eyes, I whispered. "Go to hell, Wes."
“Welcome to my dark world.” His laugh caused me to
cry more.
Chapter twenty
A woman’s muffled cry broke a spell over me, a
sound that became desperate and terrified. I held in
my breath to hear better…nothing. I’ve must had
been dreaming or left the TV on. I yawned and got
up from the floor I’d laid through the hours. My body
sore, I stretched out feeling the bones crack along
my spine. I checked the time and seen how late it
gotten. It was six o’clock in the evening. I rubbed my
eyes from sleep and swept my hair back, ruffling the
back. My mouth felt dry and tasted coppery.
I grunted from the pain in my back as I was dragging
my feet towards the bathroom when another muffled
cry was heard coming from the living room halted
me on the spot. I listened more closely and the
sound continued. I turned slowly away from the
bathroom to look out of my bedroom cautiously.
Nervously, I slowly edged out of the room, scanning
every corner in the hall. Seeing nothing out of the
ordinary, I crept quietly down the hall and stopped
where the wall kept the living room blocked. I held in
my breath again and the woman’s frantic voice
muffled louder.
I steadied myself and turn the corner to see my ex-
fiancé Elizabeth sitting in a chair, tied in rope from
ankles and wrists, duct tape covering her mouth. I
stared at Elizabeth fighting to loosen the ropes as
she gave horrifying tearful eyes when she noticed my
presence. Her chest heaved uncontrollably and she
began to get frantic. Her cries were louder behind
her covered mouth and she shook her head averting
her eyes.
I went over to her and kneeled. I reached up to
remove the tape and she pulled her head back,
sobbing heavier with her eyes shut. I reached again
and slowly peeled off the tape.
She chanted in ragged breaths. “Please, please
Justin, please don’t hurt me, please, please let me go
Justin, please, please…”
I smoothed her hair back to see her face fully, trying
to console her. “Liz, I’m not going to hurt you. I will
never hurt you. I promise you that sweetie. Who
brought you here and did this? I asked in a gentle
Her body trembled, a nightmare she can’t wake up
from. She whispers. “You did…you killed my fiancé
and kidnapped me. You killed my fiancé you sick
son of a bitch! She screamed hysterically.
I jumped up from her scream and took several steps
back, horrified. “No…Liz…” I shook my head, not
believing her.
She finally opens her eyes, red around the brim,
glaring in hatred. I froze seeing murder in her eyes.
“You are worthless. You’ve always been worthless.
You want to know why we broke up? It’s not because
I couldn’t have children with you? It’s because I was
cheating behind your back with Eric! She laughed
“Not true Liz…” I whispered, feeling my blood drain.
She giggled. “Oh…poor Justin.” She boo-hoo. “I
cheated on you for a year and that’s when I left for
good lived with Eric.” She hissed.
I averted my eyes from her hateful stare and hung
my head, depressed by this revelation. I fought
control over my emotions, daring myself not to cry.
I glanced up to see Wes leaning against the far wall.
“It’s a pity…isn’t it? He asked, putting a cigarette
between his lips.
Elizabeth jumped from the voice nearly next to her.
She turned her head and gasped seeing Wes smiling
at her. “Who…who are you? She asked sounding
frighten in a child-like voice.
Wes pointed his thumb up and an orange flame
appeared. He lit up his cigarette, puffing smoke as
the tip of his cigarette burned in amber ash. He took
a long drag and blew out a stream of white smoke in
the air. He licked his thumb extinguishing the flame.
“I thought you took over my body and planned on
keeping it.” I said; my voice barely audible.
Wes stepped closer to Elizabeth, sniffing her with his
eyes closed. “I love the smell of fear…”
Elizabeth and I don’t respond; we just stared at Wes.
“The smell of one’s fear brings sentimental emotions
that trigger a person’s mind in wanting a delicious
dessert to savor…” He smiles at her. “I would love to
taste you.” He said, licking the side of her face.
She whimpered, looking away from him. I got angry
and about to push him off her when he looked up
with demon eyes, stopping me from coming any near
further. My body paralyzed, I was able to move my
eyes and stare at him.
He kissed her forehead and straightens himself,
pulling a drag from his cigarette. He inhaled and
blew out the smoke making a puffy cloud. “My name
is Wes Azazel. I am the greatest uncle of Justin.”
She darts her eyes between Wes and my immobile
body. “How is that so? I’ve never met nor heard of
“Because he’d never heard about me. You see,” He
leaned down being up front in Elizabeth’s face. “I’m
his uncle from the early 1800’s and got murdered
until I came back to…somewhat a live person. Only
difference is that I am a demon. I’m here to take over
Justin’s body and live forever.”
“A demon? She asked, arching her perfect lined
He nodded and smiled pleasantly. “Yes, a demon is
what I am. Cool huh?
She just stares at him, tightening her lips as she
nods slowly, mortified. “What are you going to do to
Wes took that into consideration and then. “Kill you!
Especially what I’d heard you telling Justin. Woman,
are always whores. I HATE WHORES!! He spat in her
She squirmed in the chair and tears fell from her
eyes again. Witnessing her being talked down from
Wes didn’t settle right. Even though she’d belittled
me, I couldn’t bear to see her suffer. Wes must be
stopped. He produced a long butcher knife from
inside his jacket and taunted her with it.
She screamed. “Justin please help me!
‘Justin, please help me.’ Wes mimicked her. “That’s
when you know who Justin is but, when he needed
you, you pushed him aside like trash! He shook his
head in disgust. “You know, you should have been
appreciative that he loved you and still does! You’re
a fucking selfish cunt.” He seethed, plunging the
knife in the side of her stomach.
She screamed, eyes bulging from the stab. “Stop!
Stop please!
He laughed at her cries. “You know Justin; I did
read from your mind how much you love that serial
killer Jack the Ripper and maybe I could mutilate her
like his last victim Mary Jane Kelly! He grinned,
looking wild like a madman. He plunged the blade
again in her side and laughed every time she
screamed out.
I completely had enough of Wes and this was it. I
shut my eyes tight and concentrated on my muscles.
I dull out Elizabeth’s cry and Wes’s mechanical
laughter, commanding my body to break free and
move before Wes kills her. I fought to take charge
and felt immense power crawling from my toes up to
my legs. A power that wasn’t mine. Heat burst up to
my chest, that burned and I felt sweat dripping
down the side of my face. It pushed its way higher
and someone else seized my mind and body,
breaking Wes’s weight of power he had over me.
Wes cuts his laughter and pulled the knife out of
Elizabeth’s stomach. He carefully turned his head
and placed his eyes over to where I stood. His eyes
widen, mouth drops open in shock. “Razz! I...I…”He
Razz? Why Wes called me Razz? Who is Razz? And
what he was afraid of all of sudden?
“Razz…please…I was just joking around and
messing with Justin.” He stammered, dropping the
knife on the carpeted floor. “See brother? No more.
I’ll behave now.”
I took easy steps towards Wes as he cowered, his
face expressing mixed emotions of loathe and horror.
I stalked him across the room as he backed up. He
raised his hands up to defend himself. I wanted to
speak but whoever this Razz was, wasn’t allowing
I grabbed hold of Wes’s shoulders and hurled him
across the room with strength I’ve never had. Wes
crashed into my bookcase and crumbled to the floor.
Wes tried to crawl out the living room and I
launched at him, grabbing the collar of his shirt,
slamming him with my heavy fist, concussive blows.
Wes stares at me, blood staining his teeth. I
slammed Wes more with my fist, again and again.
Wes’s head rocking back on the wall with each blow.
With Wes knocked out, I let go of him and back up,
out of breath. Elizabeth’s soft cries turned me
around and went for her. I dropped to my knees,
untying the rope. Her clothes clotted with blood that
continued to flow. She was dying from the stab
wounds Wes inflicted. I had the last of the rope
untied Wes slowly gets to his feet and begins to limp
towards me.
“He’s mine Razz! He yelled and Wes shoved me hard.
I lost my footing and my head bashed on the edge of
the coffee table and I blacked out.
Chapter Twenty-one
I came to the sounds of feet trampling outside the
front door, sirens blaring in front of my house,
sending off a warning that I was in major trouble. A
strong demanding voice warned me to open. I
wouldn’t move, not even make the slightest sound.
As the man preceded his command and seeing no
change of the door opening, a loud thud hit the door,
cracking it right down the middle. The second thud
hit even harder, crashing the door off its hinges,
shattering the wood causing tiny splinters to shower
down on the floor. Officers barreled themselves
forward, rushed feet coming right to the living and
their guns drawn, pointed directly at me.
“Get down on your knees and put your hands up
where I could see them! A male officer shouted.
I raised my hands up carefully, showing I had
nothing on me, getting on my knees. Agonizing pain
on the side of my skull blurred my vision.
“Turn around facing the window! He’d continued.
“Place your hands behind your head and don’t move!
He ordered.
I obliged by doing as he asked, looking at the closed
curtain window, settling my hands behind my head.
I wanted to do something stupid to make the officers
to kill me on sight. What for anyway? It won’t do me
any good while Wes could still live on. I had to stop
him myself. I might as well play it easy.
“We need an ambulance. We have a female victim
here with multiple stab wounds! An officer yelled.
I felt the cold barrel of the gun against my temple, as
another officer clasped the cuffs around my wrist,
twisting my arm too firmly behind my back that
wasn’t necessary. He took my other arm with a hard
twist, cuffing me, hauling me violently to my feet.
Two male paramedics came into the room. One
paramedic rushed to open his bag of medical
equipment while the other checked Elizabeth’s
pulse. “She’s barely breathing.” He stated to an
They placed an oxygen masked over her mouth and
started working furiously, rhythmically pumping air
into her lungs. I prayed she make it and not die
because of Wes.
“Are you Justin Collins? The officer who was keeping
the gun on me asked.
“Yes, I am Justin…Collins.” I said with no emotions.
“You have the right to remain silent. Anything you
say or do can and will be used against you in a court
of law. You have the right to an attorney. Which I
doubt motherfucker.” He scornfully said, continuing
on my miranda. “If you cannot afford an attorney,
one will be appointed to you.”
The other officer that held my elbow snorted. “Do
you understand these rights as they have been read
to you, asshole? He asked, squeezing my elbow to
cause pain.
I smiled and rolled my eyes to look at him. “Yes…” I
said, winking at him.
“Get this sick piece of shit out of here…” The officer
commanded, lowering his weapon.
The officer shoved me forward, keeping his firm hold
on my arm. I didn’t resist arrest. I pleaded for
Elizabeth to make it. Seeing her laying on the
ground while paramedics worked to keep her alive, I
felt emotionally broken. I turned my head to glimpse
my house for the last time and I felt free. Red and
blue lights swirled rapidly from the police car. Snow
fluttered lightly, making the winds cold. He opened
the back seat of the car and pushed me inside,
swinging the door shut without saying another word.
I settled myself comfortably on the backseat, looking
through the grated metal fence that protected the
officers from criminals and watched the snow make
a bed of itself on the hood of the car.
Wes chuckled inside my head. “The colors of red and
blue makes it looks so beautiful on the snow. Like a
dance by true romance.” He said.
I didn’t reply and wouldn’t dare to give him the
satisfaction of one. I held my gaze on the snow and
lights, keeping a daze world I stuck myself in. I paid
no attention as the officer got in and drove off. Even
while I was being finger printed and filed in their
systems, they removed evidence from me; my daze is
where I wanted to stay. Jailed behind bars till my
awaiting court date that blurred by, getting a
sentencing of life imprisonment without parole due
to insanity. The autopsy revealed tons of evidence
from Lily and Debra’s fingers nails matching my
DNA. No mentions of Amanda, Mr. Green and my
boss Russell. Guess Wes hadn’t want them to find
there corpses. The judge locked me up in a mental
asylum where I sat in my quiet room wearing a
straight jacket.
White walls, a single twin bed, no windows, and
thankful for a toilet and a sink was all I had for a
room. No complains out of me, It given me enough
time alone to think what I could do to kill Wes and
get my life back. I’ll still be locked up forever. I just
wanted my body and my own state of mind, and not
share it with him.
I get baths when they feel like I deserve one. I eat
when they think I should eat, I even lost a few
pounds from starving. The orderlies decide my wellbeing. It’s against the law what they are doing to me,
and nothing could be done. I’m an insane murderer,
no justice for me.
My psychiatrist, Dr. Altman described me as a
schizophrenic social path that was a danger to
society and has the tendency to think I craved blood
which held no meaning. When I told him about Wes
and what he had done, the Dr said it was all my
imagination. Wes over heard the Dr’s words which
angered him. He made me grab the letter opener
from the Dr’s desk and slice the old man’s neck wide
open. That’s why I’m wearing my special white coat
to keep everyone safe and not do any more harm.
They assigned me to a new Dr who won’t see me
since she’s terrified. She’d prescribed me
medications after piles of medications. I’m forced to
take them three times a day by a nurse named
Samantha who grunted in disgust when she became
assigned to give me my meds. How she hated me a
lot. She would jab the needle in my arm of a shot to
cure my ‘schizophrenia’ I get once a month, along
with these multi-colored pills that she jams into my
mouth without any water to take. I had to use my
saliva to swallow pills down my throat. She said: “I
didn’t deserve water. Devils don’t need any.” She’s so
sweet. Riiiight.
Wes hardly speaks to me. He’s been quiet and barely
utters a word, leaving me alone. It feels nice being
alone and in peace. Rarely did I feel this happy. He
is still in me, isolating himself and acting as if I no
longer exist. The more the merrier my brother would
have said. Fuck Wes and the hell horse he rode on.
I thought about Razz and how he tried helping me to
stop Wes and save Elizabeth. Yes, Elizabeth is still
alive but, stuck in a coma. I’m glad she’d survived
Wes’s brutal attack. I do hope she gets well and
forgives me. Razz? What can I say? I felt connected
to him when he was inside me. It felt like I knew him
and he was someone to me. I asked Wes about Razz
in which Wes growled in seething hate. I guess I’ll
never know who Razz is.
My attention fastened at the white flat surface of the
wall, still strapped in my straight jacket, high from
the pills and shot that was given to me. The
medicine brought on an extreme trance. Echo
footsteps were heard from the hall, coming closer,
until it stopped right outside my locked door. An
orderly announced that I had a visitor. I’m not
allowed visitors.
When the slot slid open, I broke out of my trance. I
planted my feet on the floor and stood up as best I
could. Sighing, I dragged myself towards the door
and stopped before passing over the yellow line. I
couldn’t pass over that line unless I wanted
punishment. I didn’t want to suffer another cold
bath for an hour. I tiredly moved my eyes up, seeing
a pair of eyes that were fiery red, staring back at me.
His eyes burned right through my soul and Wes
finally woke. Frighten gasps as he shivered in fear,
seeing who the person was behind the door.
“I don’t know you.” I said my voice sluggish from the
heavy dose in my system. “You must have the wrong
“I have the right person my…Justin.” The man said
with a voice that sounded hoarse and faded.
“What do you want? I asked feeling lost.
“I’m someone…very close to you.” His voice sent
shivers down my spine.
I crossed over the yellow line, closing the space
between us, bringing my face up-close to the slot,
our eyes met as I asked. “Who are you?
The corners of his eyes crinkled, probably smiling as
he whispered in a soft dry voice. “I am….Alastor.”
The lights went out and alarms screeched as the
lock unlatched and the door opened. I smiled.